member9 — Marget Concept Art

Published: 2022-04-04 03:37:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 7336; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 35
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Description A render for 's  Slumber Party - Part 1
“Well, that just leaves the crown, I suppose.” Oswin sat back against the wall of the old abandoned barn, the hood of his cloak raised over his face. “And a pretty thing it is, too.”“It’s hard to believe that a goblin warlord had something as valuable as that in his possession,” said Bethel wonderingly. The party bard, she was a pretty half-elf with a round face, trusting brown eyes, a button nose and short brown hair. She sat against a large hay bale, her eyes fastened on the gleaming circlet in the midst of the group. “No doubt the fiend took it off some rich nobleman,” Oswin said with a smirk. He couldn’t help giving Bethel an appreciative glance. The half-elf wore a tight tunic that revealed her ample bosom quite nicely, and the leather pants she wore did nothing to hide her figure either.“This looks more like the crown of a king than a nobleman,” Wulfa said with certainty. Tall and powerfully built, the northern barbarian had sun-burnt skin, long braided red hair and green eyes. She sat near the door of the barn, her two-handed axe close at hand. Her clothing was simple and sparse, a leather loincloth, strapped sandals and a leather top that barely contained her large breasts, with an armored pauldron for her left shoulder. “It looks to be worth a small fortune.”The assembled adventuring party leaned in a little closer at that. It had been a hard few days of fighting goblins and giant spiders, but the loot and reward had been well worth it. What coins and jewels had been taken from the goblins’ cave had already been divided fairly among them, but the crown still lay in their midst, problematic and tantalizing. Now, making camp in this old abandoned barn, there was finally a chance to determine its fate. “We could sell it in town,” Senia said practically. A strikingly attractive elf warrior, she had a narrow face with copper hair, amber eyes, and golden skin. She wore tight leather pants that accentuated her toned and tapered legs, and a leather corset that left her flat stomach, shoulders and arms bare. Her longsword and dagger both leaned against the wall beside her, unbuckled but ready to be snatched at a moment’s notice. “Divide the money between us.”“It might be hard to find a buyer,” Oswin reasoned, his eyes wandering over Senia’s pleasing outline. “I say it’s best to determine who among us gets it now.”“Spoken like a true rogue,” Marget sniffed imperiously. The party’s paladin, she glared at Oswin with bright brown eyes that showed her obvious distrust of his profession. Her long auburn hair was pulled back into a practical ponytail. Like Senia her longsword and heavy crossbow were laid to one side now that camp had been made. She was almost beautiful, except for the constant frown and severe look that never seemed to leave her face. She wore half-plate armor on her legs and arms, even here in camp, but a metal corset covering her bust left her toned stomach and upper chest bare. “I suppose you’ll be wanting the crown for yourself, of course. Did you plan for us to play dice for it?”Oswin chuckled darkly. “No, no, Marget. Nothing so crass. I doubt anyone would trust me not to cheat anyway.”Bethel turned her innocent eyes on the rogue. “I’m sure you wouldn’t, Oswin.”Marget snorted and shook her head.“No,” Oswin continued in a casual voice, “I have no interest in the crown myself. I leave it to you six to determine who gets it.”Zivka, the tiefling warlock who sat in the corner, raised a skeptical eyebrow. “You have no interest in a treasure this princely? Why the change of heart, Oswin?”Oswin glanced over at the female tiefling with a smile. She wore no armor at all, and her clothing was scant at best; a silken top that barely covered her round breasts, and a belt around her lush hips with a silken cloth that fell down between her legs. Her skin, of which much was on display, was mauve in color, her long flowing hair a darker purple. Horns protruded from her forehead and a spear-shaped tail whipped behind her.“I have my bag of holding,” Oswin said serenely. He tapped the innocuous looking sack beside him. “I found it when we were looting the mushroom caverns yesterday, remember? It may look small but it has enough extradimensional space inside to store…” he paused, as if searching for a suitable example, “well, everything here, including all your clothing and armor.”Arryn, the voluptuous sorceress with long golden hair and flashing blue eyes, laughed merrily. “I have no doubt you’d enjoy that, Oswin.”Oswin smiled but gave no reply. He gave the sorceress a longing look from under his shadowed hood, admiring her hourglass figure and pert breasts. Like Zivka, Arryn wore little in the way of clothing. A simple silken white and gold chemise left her long legs bare and only just covered her perfectly formed breasts. Aside from some golden bracelets, earrings, and rings, she had only a long staff and simple sandals to complete her attire. “Well then, Oswin’s out,” Zivka purred. “How do we decide who gets it?”“We could draw straws,” Bethel added brightly.“How about arm-wrestling?” Wulfa said with a smirk, her eyes on Senia. The elf warrior didn’t return the glance, but instead tossed another piece of firewood onto the blaze that provided ample light and heat to the drafty barn they were in. “Tell me, Wulfa,” Oswin asked, his voice guileless, “how do the people of your tribe settle such matters?”The barbarian laughed heartily. “Simple. We drink until only one is left standing. It is a time-honored tradition.”Bethel wrinkled her cute little nose. “That sounds like a…unique tradition.”Senia gave Wulfa a polite smile. “I’m sure for the northerner barbarians that is a fine method. But as an elf I would have an unfair advantage over you all.”Wulfa’s face hardened. “You think you could beat me in a drinking competition, Senia?”Senia gave a half shrug of her slender shoulders. “I just don’t think it would be a fair competition, that’s all.”“Well, well,” Arryn chimed in from the other side of the campfire. “Things are certainly getting spicy now, aren’t they? I have to admit I’m genuinely curious.”Wulfa glanced over at Arryn with disdain. “You would not last against me at all, little girl.”Arryn’s face flushed. “I can hold my own at the table, Wulfa. Just as much as you, I’d bet.”“Well,” Senia said evenly, “since we have no liquor and we’re nowhere close to a tavern, it’s a pointless argument.”Oswin cleared his throat, and all eyes turned towards him. He reached inside the bag of holding and pulled out a large, dusty bottle with a dragon etched into the glass on the side. “I found this,” he said innocently, “in the bag yesterday. If I don’t miss my guess it looks to be fire liquor, and a lot of it.”Wulfa smiled. “Well, Senia, it looks like we have a way to settle out bet after all.”Senia gave a little frown, her eyes on the bottle. “No glasses, though…”“I have those too,” Oswin said quickly. He pulled out several small shot glasses from the bag, each etched with the symbol of a dragon as well. “It looks like this bag’s last owner liked to drink.”“Oh this could be fun,” Bethel said breathlessly. “I’ve never been in a drinking competition before.”“Do tell,” Zivka said with a roll of her eyes. “Well count me in,” Arryn said curtly, her eyes on Wulfa, “apparently not everyone here thinks I can drink with the best of them.”Wulfa gave a loud guffaw. “It is decided then. We drink until there is only one left standing, and then they may claim the crown.”“I’ll pour,” said Oswin eagerly, setting the glasses out on the floor and uncorking the bottle. “And I’ll be the referee. No cheating now. Everyone has to drink together.”“You scoundrel,” Bethel giggled, “you just want to see us all get drunk, don’t you?”“Guilty as charged,” Oswin said with a sly smile. Wulfa shook her head. “I will not get drunk. It takes two kegs of beer before I even begin to feel woozy.”Marget rose. “Count me out,” she said stiffly. “I’ll not partake in debauchery for the sake of a mere trinket. If you need me I’ll be outside, keeping watch.”“Oh come on, Marget,” Arryn said teasingly, “you don’t even want to taste it? Not even one little shot?”Marget gave a cold smile and grabbed her canteen off the floor. “I’ll stick to my water, thank you very much. At least one of us should be sober enough to stand guard.” She turned and headed out the barn doors.“Alright,” Oswin said eagerly. “Here’s a glass for each of you. Don’t spill now. Everyone drink at once.”The women all took a shot glass filled with the amber liquor. “May the best woman win,” Senia said with a smile at Wulfa.“I intend to,” Wulfa said.As one, all the women sitting around the campfire downed their glasses. Bethel began spluttering and coughing immediately, her face turning red.Arryn made a face, her eyes wide and her cheeks flushing. “Wow. That’s…got a kick.”Senia raised her eyebrows, examining the empty shot glass in her hand. “I’ll say. It’s barely a drink. More like raw alcohol.”Wulfa set her glass down with a grin. “What’s wrong, Senia? Not like the fine elven wine you’re accustomed to?”Senia glared at Wulfa. “I didn’t say that, I—”“I like it,” Zivka said smoothly, her tail lashing back and forth. “It burns the throat.”“And the stomach,” Bethel said between coughs. She gave her head a slow shake. “I’m…fine. I’m good.”Wulfa gave the half-elf a knowing smile. “You are in over your head, little girl.”“We’ll see,” Bethel said fiercely, her heart-shaped face still reddened. “I might just surprise you yet.”Oswin had already collected the used glasses and was refilling them. “Who’s ready for round two?”Bethel’s pretty face blanched. “Already? I…I’m in.”“We’re all in,” Wulfa said, the corner of her mouth twisting up into a taunting smile. “Remember, to the victor go the spoils.”Arryn brushed back her long golden hair and picked up her shot glass again, careful not to spill the amber liquid. “Sometime tells me we’re all going to regret this tomorrow.”“Not me,” Wulfa said, lifting her own glass. “On three. One…two…”The other women grabbed their shot glasses and raised them.“Three!” Wulfa downed her shot.One by one, the other women followed her example. “Ugh,” Senia said, putting her glass down. “It’s definitely not elven wine.”“It’s not that bad,” Arryn said in a musing tone. “The first shot burned, but once you get used to it it’s not awful.”Zivka gave a wide smile. “It looks like someone’s already feeling it.”They all turned towards Bethel.The pretty half-elf was smiling, her face flushed and her eyes glazed. She straightened up, blinking rapidly. “What? Whassh is it?”Wulfa gave her head a shake. “For a bard, you cannot hold your liquor.”Bethel’s face turned to a pout. “Yessh I can. I’m fine. Jusssh fine.” Her head bobbed slightly, and she stared around at the girls. “You guysh…are so great, you know?”Senia rolled her eyes. “That was only two shots and she’s already sloshed.”“No Imm not,” Bethel protested. “I’m fine. Jushh fine.” She blinked rapidly.“Again,” Wulfa said, grabbing the refilled glasses from Oswin and passing them out to the girls. “We drink until one remains.”“Don’t we take breaks in between?” Arryn asked, taking the refilled shot glass with a hesitant look. “Drink some water or eat something?”“That is not how a drinking game works,” Wulfa said severely.“Well you would know, wouldn’t you?” Senia said snarkily. She snatched her own glass away from Wulfa. “This whole thing is such a stupid idea.”“It was Wulfa’s idea,” Zivka said airily. “And you didn’t exactly say no, Senia.”“I feel really warm,” Bethel said, blinking more slowly. “Is anyone elshh really…warm?”“Shhh,” Arryn said, patting Bethel on the arm and handing her a refilled shot glass. “Just drink your shot and then go to sleep, Bethel.”Wulfa raised her glass. “Drink!”Heads were thrown back and glasses drained.“Oh…wow,” Arryn said, her eyes widening. “I…okay, that one hit…hit me, I think.”Wulfa gave head a shake and gave a satisfying growl. “It burns good. Like a proper northern drink.”“Whoa.” Zivka put a hand on the ground beside her to steady herself. “I’m…a little dizzy here.”Senia rubbed her face. “This…is so stupid. Whose idea…was this?”“Uh-oh,” Arryn giggled, her face pink. “I think…I think Bethel issh…issh a liddle…” she pointed with a wavering finger at the half-elf.Bethel swayed unsteadily, her eyes distant and half-closed. She sighed softly, looking around the circle of women.“I got her,” Oswin said quickly. He moved in beside her, wrapping his arms around her to support her. “Hey there, Beth. You doing okay?”Bethel melted back against the rogue, her head nestled against his shoulder. She stared up at him with heavy, blinking eyes. “Hey…Oss…Osshhwinn…Imm jusshh…jusshhh…”Oswin smiled. “Of course you are, Beth. Just relax now. I’ve got you.”Wulfa shook her head with an angry snort. “The half-elf is such a light-weight it’s pathetic.”“Hey,” Arryn said angrily, “it’s not…not her…fault.” She tried to turn to look at Bethel a little too quickly and almost lost her balance for a moment. She shook her head and blinked her eyes. “Thissh…is powerrrfull…stuff…”“Looks like Arryn’s almost gone too,” Senia said with a lazy smile. “The sorceress and the bard both on their way out.”“I lovvve…youuu…sooo…mussshh…” Bethel sighed up at Oswin. She snuggled her head into his chest with a sigh, closing her eyes.“I’ll pour the next round,” Wulfa said curtly. She sloshed the amber liquid into the glasses, then glanced up at Bethel. “Is the bard in or out?”Bethel lifted her head with a genuine effort, her eyes barely open. “Imm…innn…” she protested, her words thick and slurred.“I think she’s had enough,” Zivka said with a touch of worry in her eyes.“If she’s in she’s in,” Wulfa said, handing out the drinks. “Oswin, make sure Bethel does not spill hers.”Oswin took the proffered glass. “If you say so. You ready, hon?”Bethel giggled. “Yourrr…soooo…hannn…hannsommm…”“Drink!” Wulfa ordered.The girls downed the glasses once more.Oswin lifted the shot glass to Bethel’s mouth, who obediently downed the liquid.Wulfa put down her shot glass and glanced over at Bethel.The half-elf bard was singing something softly that no one could make out, leaning entirely against Oswin now. Her eyes seemed to be drifting further and further shut, and she had a happy smile on her pretty face.Senia shook her head, her own face flushed. “Beth…Bethel’s out. For sure.”Arryn blinked, her head bobbing. “Whaaa…? Whoossh…ouuut?”“Sooo…shhleeepppyy…” Bethel moaned. She closed her eyes all the way with a sigh, then began snoring softly.Wulfa gave a sneering grin. “The first to fall. We continue. Oswin, put the girl down. And keep your hands off her.”Oswin raised his gloved hands to show they were taking no advantage of the passed-out bard. Ever so gently, he lowered the girl down against the hay bale.Bethel smacked her lips in her sleep, settling into a comfortable position. Within seconds she was snoring softly again, dead to the world.Oswin moved back to his spot. He collected the glasses and refilled them again.“Bethel’s soo…sooo sillly,” Zivka giggled. “She really cannn’t…cann’t…” Her forehead scrunched with thought. “Wait, whaaat…whaat waz I saying…?”Senia put a hand to her head, stretching her face. “This stuff…really packs…a punch.”Arryn stared around her with a dreamy smile and a blank look on her face. “Thisshhh…isshh…sooo…funnn…” she slurred.Wulfa picked up a shot glass and smiled at Senia. “You ready to admit defeat, elf?”Senia’s face hardened. She took her hand away from her head and grabbed a shot glass as well. “In your dreams, barbarian.”Wulfa handed out the last two shot glasses, then raised her own with glittering eyes. “Drink!”The four remaining women downed their glasses.
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MirrorKhaos [2022-04-16 17:08:07 +0000 UTC]

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member9 In reply to MirrorKhaos [2022-04-23 14:36:09 +0000 UTC]

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scarecrow98 [2022-04-04 06:36:46 +0000 UTC]

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member9 In reply to scarecrow98 [2022-04-04 12:17:03 +0000 UTC]

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scarecrow98 In reply to member9 [2022-04-04 17:15:51 +0000 UTC]

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