member9 — Sleepy Kitties - Part 1-4

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Description A render for  's  Sleepy Kitties - Part 1The Carter Security Guard never even knows what hits her. She’s a looker, but then most of these guards are. They’re hired more for their beauty than their brains or physical prowess. You would think that would be a problem, but here in Lakeside City there are plenty of employers who don’t mind a bevy of beautiful yet incompetent young women guarding their stuff. Apparently old McCreary is one of them.That’s right. I used to work as a security guard myself here at the Lakeside City Museum. It’s been a long time since I’ve been here. I never thought I’d be breaking back in. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that I know the place like the back of my hand. When I used to work here it was just me and two other guards. Then Cat Girrl broke in and stole a statue. Apparently after that little wake-up call McCreary figured it was time to update security. Now there’s a bunch of Carters guarding the place. And yeah, they may not be the brightest babes on the planet, but they are organized and serious about their jobs. It also doesn’t hurt that their uniforms are quite revealing. Almost slutty, really. Not that I’m complaining. High-heeled black boots, a black mini-skirt and a top that leaves the midriff bare…now that’s what I call a proper guard uniform. Too bad Carter Security only hires female guards. I’d love to get a gig working alongside lookers like this. Instead, I have to settle for knocking a few of these beauties out. Starting with this one.I opt for a nerve pinch. It’s quick and almost entirely silent if it’s done right. The last bit’s the tricky part. I’ve been practicing my hand-to-hand combat lately, ever since I started my…relationship with Cat Girrl. If you’re thinking that sounds kind of kinky, believe me, you have no idea. I used to think a nerve pinch was a made up thing. Like that Vulcan thing Spock used to do on TV. The woman sighs and then collapses into your arms like a rag doll. Easy as pie. Real life is a little harder. But like I said, I’ve been honing my skills lately and doing a lot of research, including reading some old martial arts books. There’s a lot of stuff about chi and chakras that I don’t really understand, but apparently there really is a spot at the base of the neck that induces sleep if you can pinch it just right. I’ve been practicing on a dummy I have at home. It’s hard to do on a moving target. Pretty much impossible, actually. It’s difficult enough to do on a mannequin. If a person is standing still, and I mean perfectly still, I figure I have about a three in four chance of getting a nerve pinch off correctly. Well, maybe more like two in three. But decent. Fortunately for me, this guard is standing still. She’s bored, standing straight with her hands clasped behind her back, her eyes on everything except me. I get it. I used to be a security guard myself. I still do a lot of freelance work to pay the bills, though with my added expertise I’ve added to my list of skills and employers. I do more “off the books” jobs now than I used to. The truth is that security work is dull. Nothing ever happens. At least usually nothing does. It’s all too easy to get into routines, to let your guard down and stop taking things seriously.Just like this honey is doing now. She’s a little on the short side, just a bit over five feet or so, but she makes up for it with a full bust and well-rounded hips. She has tan skin and straight, shoulder-length black hair. Her eyes are on the hall in front of her.They won’t be for much longer.,I sneak up behind her. Yeah, you heard me, I actually sneak. Like a proper thief. Maybe even a ninja. Like I said, I’ve been practicing, and I’ve been honing my skills. I’m trimmer and meaner now than I was that fateful night I first met Cat Girrl, grabbed her from behind and chloroformed her, and then…Okay, you probably have questions. The short story is this. Cat Girrl and I have a relationship. I think. It’s a little confusing. She likes to play hard to get. I mean, really hard to get. I’ve managed to get my hands on her just twice, and both times she left me wanting even more. Both times she made it abundantly clear that she wants me to come after her. That’s apparently how we work. Or don’t work. I’m not quite sure. So if you’re thinking I’m some kind of horny pervert with a chloroform rag…well, you’re not wrong. But like I said, Cat Girrl seems to like it. Don’t ask me why. I’m no psychologist or anything. My best guess is that she secretly likes to be captured and made helpless and dominated. Might sound sick to you, but I love it.Of course, a normal couple just uses handcuffs and whipped cream and calls it a day. Not Cat Girrl. When I said she plays hard to get, I wasn’t kidding. She changes where she lives each time I find her. She doesn’t call, doesn’t text, doesn’t even leave me any clues or helpful hints. And the last time I even got close to her she left me with three deep scratches on my arm. I still have the scars to show for it. I have to track her down. Hunt her. It’s practically a full time job. But the two times I have actually managed to catch her, it’s definitely been worth it. So worth it, in fact, that I haven’t even really tried having another relationship. Every other woman just seems so boring after Cat Girrl. It’s not just that she’s incredibly sexy, even though she is. It’s that she is so mysterious, so alluring, so dangerous. When I catch her, I know I’ve earned it. And I know I’ll have to earn it again the next time we meet. You probably don’t understand any of this. That’s okay. I don’t really understand it either. But all of this is the reason why I’m in the Lakeside Museum right now, at two in the morning, about to nerve pinch a cute little guard and send her off to sleep. Still don’t understand? Well what if I told you that the Lakeside City Museum is currently hosting the world-famous Cat’s Eye Emerald?Ah yes. Now you’re getting it.Something like that is what Cat Girrl lives for. It’s right up her alley. For her not to steal it would go against her nature. It’s practically screaming for her to take it. And tonight’s the last night it’s on exhibit. It’s being shipped out in the morning.I’ve been watching the museum for the last two weeks, staking out the place and looking for any sign of my catsuited-beauty to make an appearance. So far, nothing. Tonight’s the last night. She’s going to make a play for the emerald. I know she will. And when she does, I’m going to nab her.At least, that’s the plan. First, there’s these hapless Carter guards to take care of. They all need to be safely asleep and tucked away for the night before my girl arrives. I don’t want anything interrupting us. The short, busty guard doesn’t even hear me coming. Not that she’s paying much attention. Her eyes are roaming the hall in front of her, but she never thinks to actually look behind her. And my footsteps don’t alarm her. I’ve practiced moving stealthily, and my shoes don’t even make the slightest squeak. My whole outfit is practical. I have on a leather jacket with lots of convenient pockets, a small slung bag for all my goodies, and a black ski mask to hide my identity just in case any of these guards gets a good look at me before I put them under.The sweetie in front of me won’t, of course. She’ll wake up in the morning with no idea of what even happened to her. I sidle up behind the busty girl, and give her the nerve pinch.It’s textbook. All that practice on dummies and mannequins has finally paid off. The girl stiffens, her eyes going wide for a moment. But just a moment. She doesn’t make a sound as her eyes go dull and blank and her body relaxes backwards.I’m already there to cushion her fall. I let her warm, limp form slide back against me. My arms slip under her armpits, and I pull her around the corner.She’s already out well before her heeled boots are dragged through the doorway. She’ll wake up with a bit of a headache, perhaps, but she’ll never remember what hit her. That nerve pinch technique is pure gold. The whole takedown was quiet and fast, just the way I like it. I pull the unconscious girl towards the supply closet, where she’ll be spending the rest of the night. On the way, I do a bit of groping.Don’t judge me. It’s been…well, a long time since I’ve had a girl in my arms, conscious or otherwise. And this one is so delightfully limp and helpless, and so curvaceous and appealing that I don’t even have to think before my hands are fondling her sweet young breasts. There’s just something about having the warm soft shape of an unconscious woman in my arms that drives me crazy with desire. It’s the knowledge that I could do anything to her, and there’s nothing she can do about it. She can’t fight me, won’t remember anything when she wakes up, and is so peaceful and sweetly vulnerable in her senseless state. Honestly I think a woman is never more beautiful then when she is fast asleep, her face slack and her breathing gentle and unhurried.There we go. It has been a long time, because I’m already getting erect, and this is just the first knockout of the evening. If everything goes well it will end with me taking Cat Girrl home for the night. I carry the brunette to the closet. I admit, it’s hard to put her down. It’s been so long for me, and I’m already getting carried away. She just feels too good to stop fondling. My hands are slipping under her top with ease, and I’ve half a mind to push a hand under that mini skirt and go fishing between her thighs. She’s still totally out. But the night’s still young, and I have more to do. I lug the girl against the back of the closet. She slides down onto her rump, her legs folded in front of her and her back against the closet wall. Her head tilts to one side, her mouth partly open as she sleeps. I move quickly. I’ve practiced this enough that I can get things done in just a few seconds. Duct tape out of the bag. Unzip her boots and pull them off, then toss them to one side. Cross her ankles and tape them together. Lean her unresisting body forward, pull her arms behind her back and tape her wrists together. Lean her back against the wall again. Squeeze her breasts to make sure they’re undamaged. Slap a piece of duct tape over the girl’s mouth, and I’m finished.Not exactly a full bondage job or anything, but this should still hold her for at least a while. And hopefully I won’t need very long. I get up to go, but I admit my gaze lingers on the full-bosomed girl for a long moment. Bound and unconscious, huddled in the back of the closet like this, she looks so tempting. I have a sudden desire to ditch my plans, shut the closet door behind me, and see what mischief I can get up to with that warm, curvaceous body of hers. But no. Cat Girrl is my goal. Yeah, we have a complex relationship, and I like to think a pretty open one by necessity, but she’s still the real prize of the night. I head back to the main hall. A glance around the corner reveals a second guard. She’s a little taller than the first guard, with broad shoulders, a narrow waist and thick, medium-length brown hair. She stands over the spot where the first guard was, scratching the side of her head with one hand while the second is propped up jauntily on her hip. She is looking down at the floor.I follow her gaze. She’s looking at the first guard’s fallen cap. It lies on the ground by the doorway. Undoubtedly with the nerve pinch and the drag afterward it had just tumbled off. To be honest I never even noticed. I was more focused on the girl’s lovely breasts and sleek legs. The way I figure it I have about five seconds before this brunette here figures out that a cap without a guard isn’t good and sounds the alarm. ,I move forward towards her swiftly and silently. My hand reaches into my bag for my stun gun. I’m not much of an electric KO kind of guy, so when I do need to use it I need it to be fast and effective. I’ve juiced up this stun gun to make sure that it has enough punch to knockout an elephant. It uses so much power, in fact, that I usually only get one or two shots from it before the battery is fried. Oh well. I only need it to work once. The brunette is just starting to turn around as I get up behind her. I think she sees me out of the corner of her eye, because her hand reaches for her belt. It doesn’t matter. It’s already too late for her. I jam the stun gun into the back of her slender neck. It’s the best way to deliver the shock to her whole nervous system at once. And boy does it ever. The brunette straightens, her arms and legs going stiff. She spasms as the current buzzes through her body. I can see her muscles contracting.Mercifully, it only lasts a few seconds before her body collapses back into my arms like a rag doll. It doesn’t really matter for her. The first pulse of electricity scrambled her brain. This poor beauty isn’t thinking anything at all right now. It’s a bit like hitting control alt delete on a computer. I lift the girl in my arms. She’s limp and unresisting, though her eyes are still glazed and partly open. I don’t need to worry about it. Her mind is a total blank right now. She may not be actually unconscious, but she’s definitely incapacitated. She’s drooling a bit too. The effects of stun guns aren’t pretty, even thought she definitely is. I carry her to the closet and lay her down next to my first sleeping beauty. Then I repeat the same process. Boots off, duct tape on ankles and wrists, then duct tape over her mouth. By the time I’m finishing up the first guard is starting to come round. She moans, her eyes struggling to open. The duct tape over her mouth muffles her groans.It’s alright. I prepared for this. A nerve pinch doesn’t last long. Neither does a stun gun, for that matter. I fish around in my bag, and come out with two syringes.They’re both filled with my own special concoction, a sedative that will be guaranteed to keep both these girls out until morning. It also has the added benefit or erasing short-term memories, so when they finally do come round they won’t remember anything that happened tonight. I jab a syringe into each girl’s supple thigh. The first guard’s eyes cross and then roll shut with a defeated sigh. She never even had a chance to wake up. The second guard’s blank eyes finally slip closed. Her head slumps back against the closet wall, and starts to snore softly. I give both my sleeping beauties a kiss on the their foreheads, then run my hands lovingly over their shapely bodies. Then, with a slightly disappointed sigh I rise to my feet.By my count, there’s still one more guard to take care of....
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MirrorKhaos [2021-06-26 11:34:42 +0000 UTC]

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member9 In reply to MirrorKhaos [2021-06-26 12:30:38 +0000 UTC]

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gytalf2000 [2021-06-26 10:42:00 +0000 UTC]

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member9 In reply to gytalf2000 [2021-06-26 12:30:58 +0000 UTC]

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gytalf2000 In reply to member9 [2021-06-26 14:01:56 +0000 UTC]

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scarecrow98 [2021-06-26 02:46:53 +0000 UTC]

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member9 In reply to scarecrow98 [2021-06-26 02:49:11 +0000 UTC]

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scarecrow98 In reply to member9 [2021-06-26 02:50:38 +0000 UTC]

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