MemosNiceSide — Photo shoot

Published: 2020-09-16 18:50:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 3985; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 3
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Has been some time that I posted something. Events bring out the best in me ^^ This pic has quite the story. Buuuut since Faris walk in there as the man he is and not as the tokota, it does not count as hp or for the prompt. If you wanna read it anyway - There is a bit of alcohol use and strong language. Nothing too major, but not for the faint of heart


References used: BirdsistersStock (Japheth), Lakela (Faris)


After everything that happened in the last few days, Faris only wants to get out. It seems since the little „incident“ with Arik everyone is … strange. A mixture of depressed, nostalgic or is exploring with rage all the time. And on other days it is the other end of the spectrum. Everyone is hyper giddy and happy. Faris can only imagine that it is a certain pregnant god that can not hold his own magic contained as the reason for this emotional roller-coaster. And it grinds his nerves to the extreme.

Not the first time in this week alone he more or less hides from the other men in the house in the box of his favorite Tokota. He just can't stand their presence at the moment. Not when he is confused and overwhelmed with his own problems. “I am happy you are still normal, Rajik.” Faris mutters and pets his trusty graying tundra Tokota over the head. As response he gets a soft hum and a waggle of a tail. Jisaya II sits quite happily in the lap of her handler and hums as well, while Faris runs his fingers over her belly. It is rare that the brown Toki is so relaxed but since his other Tokotas – mainly his two Dires and his Akota – are not in her sight she has no need to proof her strength and can relax. Not that she would actually need to proof anything in the first place.

Faris closes his eyes and keeps petting Rajik and Jisaya when he hears steps coming near. Just by the weight of the steps he already knows who is standing at the hip high door of the Tokota box, leaning in to look at him. He can feel the critical look on him without even seeing it really. When he hears an unhappy sigh and hum his thought is confirmed. “I guess you want to tell me something.” Faris remarks and opens one eye to look up to the newcomer. And indeed it is Draven standing at the door, his legs crossed on the edge of the fence. Instead of talking the werewolf reaches out and holds up a piece of paper in front of Faris' face. The younger man squints to read the bold black letters before him. “Find out what is behind the mountains.” He reads out loud before falling silent and reading the rest. But at the end of the flyer before him he can't help but snicker. “Awoo!” He imitates the call of the Pack Leader which feels kind of ironic. It sounds like the cry of a wolf which he finds rather funny since three members of their household are werewolves. “I can't participate. I need to stay with Archimedes because... oh, you know why. So.. how about you?” He wants to know and Faris rolls his head to the side to think about it. “I will never – EVER – go back to Mount Tartok. I HATE this place!” He snares as an answer and Rajik lifts his head giving out an agreeing growl and bark. After two failed expeditions on that mountain they would be fine to never even hear its name again.

Draven looks at him a little longer, then he nods. “I guess then it will be Japheth. I thought an excuse to get out a little and actually see the world would be interesting for you. But I guess you want to stay with us and help preparing for the new baby.” The Nord turns around and walks away, only stopping once to give Faris a chance to react. But the younger man just snorts and stays silent. He is not Draven's errant boy. He will not jump because the big bad wolf said so.

Not so long after that encounter more steps walk towards the box Faris is sitting in. Those steps are light. Could be Japheth, Archimedes, Sascha or Luca. So Faris opens his eye immediately this time to see who visits him. It does not surprise him when his eye meets those of Japheth. “Hey, Emo. Moping in your box cuddling with your teddy bears?” The punk teases him and Faris just lifts his hand to show his friend his middle finger. “Go away. I am not interested.” Faris barks but Japheth just swings himself over the gate and sits down next to him in the hay. Immediately Jisaya turns on Faris lap to reach with her head on the other mans legs to get even more belly rubs. Japheth obliges with a soft smile and pets the Toki playfully. Then he gives Rajik a short touch on the nose before looking up to Faris. “Why not? You must be as sick of everything here as I am. We could take Rajik and Jack and be on our way to dangerous adventures.”

Faris gives out a low hum while thinking, then he shakes his head. “I am not taking Rajik with me to Mount Tartok or into the city. I am done putting his life on the line for a bit of adventure.” Japheth nods understanding and looks up to the ceiling. After a while, he looks back to Faris. “And if just the two of us go to the city? You know. Doing city stuff just as we did back in Sheratan. Drinking, clubbing, being irresponsible. We haven't had a night out since we came here four years ago.”

Faris eyes Japheth and cocks his head. “You miss the night life?” He wants to know and Japheth shrugs. “You don't?” He counters and the taller man chuckles before giving out a soft sigh. “I didn't think I would actually miss drinking on a park bench, singing inappropriate songs and getting into a fist fight about something stupid. God, I actually miss your dad.” The smaller punk snorts and shakes his head. “Don't bring my old man into this. We don't need him to have fun. Come on, Faris. Just you and me. We show these wolf cuddlers how we do things in the big city.” Faris chuckles and nods. “Fine. You got me. But I don't bring any Tokotas with us. We take the car.” Japheth nods agreeing. For what they have planed they can't bring their Tokotas. They would get into trouble and neither of them want their Tokotas involved in that or it would get ugly. “Can you even drive after all these years?” Japheth mocks his friend and Faris snickers. “It is like driving a bicycle. You do not forget that.”

So Faris and Japheth give Draven a short report of their plan and telling him, that they would take the car for it. The tall leader of the house darts them with concerned eyes. “Don't drive home when you drink. Go get a room in the city and drive back next morning. Understood?” The two younger men nod then Faris catches the car-keys from Draven. “And don't get into too much trouble. No brawling, understood?” The two men roll their eyes. “Yes, dad.” They moan in unison then they go fetch the car.

It is a long silent drive to Coastal Tyonek. They both feel strange not sitting on a Tokotas back for the ride. It gives them a strange feeling of nostalgia. When they arrive and parked the car both look around. Coastal Tyonek is indeed a city. But just from the feeling it could be a town. It is pristine, colorful and clean. For a moment the two young men have a culture shock. “This is nothing like Sheratan.” Japheth reminisces and Faris nods in agreement. “This is pretty... too pretty.” He mumbles a bit disappointed. Their last city they called their home was huge, pretty at some parts but mostly it was a busy, non-forgiving street hell. And they loved it for it. “Well. Since their aren't any bars open in this fine city yet, lets go to the docks. No matter where you go, seamen need their rum to warm their old crusty hearts at all hours.”

Faris nods again. And after a bit of walking around at the docks, watching people load and unload ships with all kind of goods from spices, to wood and of cause fish, they find a little tavern a bit off the cost. There are a few Tokotas, horses and other critters in a stable next to it, no doubt that bar must be open.

A few hours later, Faris and Japheth are quite drunk and know more stories about the sea and its unforgiving love towards adventurous travelers than ever before. Sailors really are the best drinking buddies. There was especially one seaman with just one remaining arm and eye that told them fantastic stories about how he lost the rest of his limps and got them replaced with mechanical Tokota legs by a crazy doctor. Even his Tokota – a brown beast of a barbary with two prosthetic legs and nearly as many scars as Faris himself has – has this rusty toughness that only man of the sea have. “Gosh, that guy... that must be the life. Just the sea, your Tokota and you. Hey. Did he remind you of someone?” Faris slurs while they stagger over the docks as if the tides actually rocked them. “Yeeeeaaah. Now that you say it. He looks an awful lot like Henry. Pfff... just imagine. The fine stuck-up prig as a sailor, drinking with a bunch of no-ones until he passes out. That would be fun to see.” He chuckles uncontrollably and Faris puts his arm around the younger man to keep him up straight. Or maybe he needs something to hold onto to not topple over himself. “Yeah. No.” He dismisses the imagination and waves it off like a fly.

The two young men walk to Nanooks Rest and fall onto a bench giggling. “The day is still young. It is not even dark yet. What do you want to do next?” Japheth asks and Faris puts up his index finger as if he wants to say something. Instead he gives out a long burp. “Classy.” Japheth comments and claps into his head, nodding in approval. Faris makes a little fake bow and grins widely. “There is a lot more where that came from. But to answer your question... I have absolutely NO idea. Just throwing some rocks at some birds? Or some lanterns?” Japheth turns on the bench to put his feet up and leans against the broader man's shoulder. “Pah. Vandalism. How about a proper crime? Let's steal a car or loot a store.” The younger suggests and Faris chuckles. He puts a hand on Japheth's head and caresses his forehead to carefully pull away his bangs to look into his eyes. “Do you even know how to hot-wire a car, shorty?” He mocks his friend gently and Japheth lifts a brow grinning. “Faster than you ever could, fatty.” Faris leans down and gives Japheth a soft kiss before leaning back. “Actually. I could just sit here and enjoy the moment.” Faris mutters before wiping his hand over his face. “By Morpheus... I get old.” He moans and Japheth chuckles. “Oh yeah. I can even see gray hair on you, old man. And so many wrinkles.” Faris gives him a soft hit on the forehead. “At least I don't have a baby face like you.” He counters and both burst into laughter.

“Naaaw, how cute. Two idiots being all lovey dovey. I am so happy I could puke.” Faris and Japheth turn their heads towards the unfamiliar voice. The younger of the two peaks a brow and looks at the newcomer. “Who the fuck is that? He looks like my dad if his hair would have been overtaken by moss.” Japheth snarls with a grin and Faris cocks his head. “Now that you say it. He really does look like Dash. Down to these shark teeth.” Faris reminisces and the green haired man snorts. “What?” He just asks before shaking his head. “I am Zane. And I have beaten your boyfriend two times in a hunting contest, because his little doggy didn't know which bird to hunt.” Zane introduces himself and Japheth looks up to Faris. “You know this guy?” He wants to know and Faris growls softly. “Know is a strong word. Rajik bit a tail feather out of his stupid bird brain stryx.” He explains and Japheth nods understanding. “Pah. My bird could eat your little pup in a bite. What are you even doing here? It is not even noon and you two are drunk as a sailor. Pathetic.”

Japheth sits up and Faris cracks his knuckles. “Japheth. I have the feeling I am not that old anymore. How about we beat that shit eating grin off his face?” He suggests and Japheth grins as well. “That sound like a wonderful plan. Just like at home.” Zane steps back holding up his hands. “Hey, no need to get physical. I wouldn't touch any of you dog lovers with a ten foot pol. How about we settle this like real man?” He instead suggests and Faris frowns. “What do you mean, bird brain?” Japheth springs to his feet, immediately regretting the sudden movement and taking another step towards Zane just to keep his balance. The two punks are exactly the same height and their noses nearly touch when Japheth rams his index finger into Zane's chest. Faris watches the two and in a wild moment he can't shake the feeling that these two look practically identical. Besides the different hair styles and the expressions in their body language. But for some reason Zane reminds him much more of Dash, from the narcissistic nature to the wide grin and the bed room eyes, while Japheth has much more of his mother. Is that guy before him an incubus?

Zane pushes away Japheth's hand and looks towards Faris. “You might have heard of the event that started a few days ago. Let's make it a little contest. Me and my bird against you and your little lap dogs. Who ever explores more wins.” Now it is on Faris to jump up and he pulls back Japheth before grabbing Zane's hand tightly. “Deal. I will end you and your stupid bird.” Zane pulls back his hand and nods. “Good. Then go and get yourself registered. The registration ends today and you need to make a photo of you and your little puppers today. So shoo.” He makes a soft motion with his hand and Faris turns on his heels and grabs Japheth's hand to pull him with him.

They walk out of the park and towards the city center. Faris has read that the registration center for the event must be nearby and they need to register now! Japheth tries to make him walk slower but the other man is so angry and determined that he does not listen. “FARIS!” Finally Japheth's yell gets to the man and Faris turns his head. “WHAT?” He barks back and Japheth rolls his eyes. “We don't have our Tokotas here.” He reminds his friend and the taller man freezes. “Shit!” That would be a problem. Zane said the registration ends today. And there is no way they could drive home and ride back here in time. “I guess we will have to give up and...” Before Japheth can even finish his sentence Faris pulls him into a dark side corner and deep into an empty alley. “We will NOT lose to this shit eating, shit for brains, narcissistic bastard!” Faris roars and he lets go of Japheth and walks a few steps before turning around. “I will be your Tokota. We will beat him and show him what a true Pack Leader is made of.” Faris proclaims. The younger man looks bewildered then he lifts a brow. “Wait. You suggest turning into a Tokota, register as such for the event just to beat that Zane guy?” He wants to know and Faris nods. “Pretty much.” Japheth hums softly. “Shouldn't I be your Tokota then? You want to beat Zane.” The taller man chuckles and steps closer, pulling in Japheth into a tight hug. The younger man flushes surprised seeing Faris tender smile. “Japheth, my dear. As much as I would appreciate that but you are not able to hold any form that long. And to be frank, you can not carry me.” Immediately Japheth's fluster turns into annoyance. “True but Faris. This is fraud! We could get into trouble.” He reminds his friend and Faris peaks his brow amused. “That from the guy who suggested to steal a car or rob a shop just ten minutes ago.” Then he leans down and pulls him tighter. “Don't you want to ride me, Japheth?” He aspirates into his ear and Japheth feels his heart jump a beat. “Yes. That sounds like a wonderful plan. Just give me a moment to get hold of a whip and I will ride you into the sunset.” He whispers dream-fully and Faris pulls away from him, taking a few steps back. “Good. Then this is settled.” He proclaims and Japheth blinks irritated. For a moment he had forgotten this was about Faris turning into a Tokota. “Yes! Yes. Just.. do your thing and we... go to the.. registration center or something.” Japheth blabbers awkwardly and shoos Faris off.

Thanks to the dark alley no one can see it when thick smoke envelops Faris and in just seconds instead of the broad tall man stands a giant brown beast of a Tokota dire. With a long dark brown mane and thick chocolate brown fur. His body is riddled with scars just like Faris' naturally is. And even his piercings are still in place. What Japheth irritates are the black markings crawling over the sides of the Tokota. They look like ghostly shadows, intricate and random at the same time. “Shadow marks?” Japheth asks irritated and Faris turns his now giant head to the side to look at the strange black marks. He didn't even intended to make these. But then he just snorts and shrugs as good as a Tokota can do. Thankfully, Faris was wise enough to put reign and a saddle onto himself so people would think of him as a wild Tokota. Because by god, he looks like one. “Good. Soooo. Let's go.” With that Japheth takes the reign hanging from Faris snout and leading him to the building where he thinks the registration center should be. It is marked with the same flyers Penny brought them in the morning and even if the sun is already starting to set there are a lot of people with their Tokotas standing around. Most of them already have registered and are just chatting, imagining the trip they will have. Others are still standing in line. Japheth reluctantly pulls Faris towards the line and nervously bites the nail of his thumb. He does not like the idea of what they are planing to do. It is stupid. On the other side, what is the worst that could happen.

After nearly two hours Japheth gets shaken by someone and he shoots awake. “Awake! I am awake!” He spouts out surprised before looking around. They are inside of the building, in a huge room with lights and a big white wall that he thinks might be the “photo booth” for the handlers with their Tokotas. And as it seems they actually are the next in line. How the heck did he get here? He wonders. As if someone actually heard his thought a man that looks a million years old smiles a toothless grin. “You have quite the smart Tokota, young man. You fell asleep in line and he carried you carefully whenever the line thinned.” Japheth rubs his eyes to get the sleep out and tries to wrap around what the man just said. “My Tokota? I don't have a Tokota with me.” He mutters before he gets smacked with a tail in the face. Japheth turns around and looks up to the frowning face of a giant brown dire Tokota. The old man chuckles again and pats Japheth on the shoulder. “Your friend doesn't like it when you forget him.” Japheth is still puzzled until he sees the large scar and piercing at the Dire's snout. “Oh yes. Faris. My Tokota. How could I forget?” He laughs awkwardly. Gosh, his head hurts. He might have drunk over his thirst more than just one beer. Faris pushes Japheth forward and the young man nearly topples over if his Tokota didn't catch him at his collar. “Hey. Stop that.” Japheth pushes away the snout of Faris before walking over to the white wall. “Okay. Okay. Now. Registration photo. Come here Faris. Stand... here. Or sit down?” The punk turns to the photographer and the guy steps behind his camera. It looks unreal to see such an old man with such new tech. “Now deary. You stand on the mark and your Tokota sits next to you.”

Japheth tries his best to pretend he would lead Faris onto his mark. “I really don't think that is a good idea anymore.” Japheth whispers but gets just a snort in response. Faris nudges his nose against Japheth's neck before lying down and putting his front leg over each other gracefully. The punk looks at that irritated. If the photographer already looks unreal, this takes the cake. Japheth just plops down onto Faris' back, putting his hand into the others mane to keep himself steady. His stomach doesn't feel that well and he still feels a bit tipsy. How can Faris be so calm when he drank just as much as he himself did? Didn't Draven once told him that the children of Morpheus don't handle alcohol well since they do not have a liver to process it right? Or maybe it is just Archimedes.

“Hey boy. Don't look so gloomy. Lighten up and smile for the camera.” The photographer asks him to do and Japheth's head shoots up. “Oh, yes. Right.... Cheese!” He forces himself to smile before letting it fall again. This day is exhausting. He really isn't used to drinking anymore. “Well.. it will do.” The old man mutters and shortly after he hands out a photo of the two. And then a thick bundle of papers. “Please fill these out and give them to the person in the next room. These are needed to register yourself and your Tokota to the exploration. Have fun and good luck.” He shoos them out of the studio as fast as possible since there are more handlers with their Tokotas to photograph.

After Japheth filled out all formulas they two walk back out and into the dark alley where Faris did transform earlier. Just a second later the Tokota disappears and Faris stands back in his human form. “That was easier than expected.” Japheth turns around and looks at him. “This isn't a contest. It doesn't really matter if you are a real Tokota or not. Let's just find a hotel to stay for the night. I am tired.” He explains and lifts his arms until his shoulder gives out an audible cracking noise. “Dreamers... such babies.” Faris mutters and looks up in the sky. The moon has already risen. They must have been in that registration building for ages. “Come on. I guess on the docks we will find a room that we can actually afford.” With that Faris and Japheth walk back to the shore, ending in the same tavern they started their day in, coming full circle for the night.

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