MerisuTheArtSheep — Misato In Depth Reference Sheet 2024

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Published: 2024-03-16 16:21:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 3713; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 2
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I streamlined her outfit some more. So got rid of the transparent sleeves [as much as I liked them, this is probably for the better.] I also lowered her crop top & now I emphasized that cyan piece can detach [which it always could do but I didn't show it very well]. Basically, I made the outfit more like an actual outfit. And something I draw more quickly and easier for my manga series. I also showed off more hair styles and angels. I took elements from all of the profile sheets I made before and put them into this. A bit crowded but I think it really does show everything that is important about her design. So now this is the definitive design. Ya like? I also added a few more colors to this sheet cause why not. The other one was to bland. 

Name- Misato Yushoku [Born as Mei Sakurai]

Nicknames- Missy [by Alzbeta Bartolomej]

Alias-Live Color, and Kuro Neko, Fan Lú Māo

Job- Radio shock jock  Host of Яe▼0lu✙!0n in CØL☣️r.

Lab Number-007

Etymology- The name Misato means "beauty" (mi) and "village" (sato). Her last name comes from 愉色 meaning "Fun Colors" [hopefully. I'm by no means an expert so, correct me [nicely] if I'm wrong] Alternate spelling is 遊色] Her birth name Mei (美) is Chinese for beautiful. Whereas her birth surname Sakurai (櫻井) literally is "well of the cherry blossom". 


Age-18 [in the year 2038]

Height-166cm [roughly around 5"5]    

Weight-48 kg. (106 lbs.)

Chest Size-80cm.

Blood Type-N/A

Date of Birth-July 17th 2020

Family-Alzbeta Bartolomej  [adopted mother] Thomas Sakurai [father] 

Greek Zodiac-Cancer

Chinese Zodiac-Year of the Rat


Flower- hydrangea


Personality-Despite Misato's loud appearance she is relatively quiet and to herself: having a reputation by some as the alternative goth-ish girl in private or settings where she feels comfortable in. However, she can/does put on an out-going hyper energetic persona. Acting out as Live Color although she has noted that as fun as it is at times, she claims its “quite exhausting" At times she can even be aloof and quite self-serving, hardened because of her lifestyle and past. When she does talk it is usually a snide remark in a sarcastic or at the bare least dry joking tone. She can easily be annoyed which leads to her to getting bord of a person or even losing her temper quite fast with people. Which sometimes gets her in trouble although she is quick at reading the situation so she can back off when she realizes she pushes too hard. She is noted for being a good judge of character, being rather quick on her feet. And although failing quite poorly at academic smarts she is quite clever in other areas. And is a fast learner in many of other areas.

She is quite self-reliant, and her priority is almost always her own preservation which leads to her to being quite selfish and untrusting. Which makes others think that she cares very little of other people's needs. She can however, be caring at times especially towards those who are deeply suffering but admits she does not know how to act. Saying that deep down she can gather up enough compassion and empathy for 3 people at a time. However, that said she prefers to be a loner.

It is also seen that she uses her hobby of drawing as one of a major coping method. But despite this she truly does have a deep passion for art, coping method aside.

One of Misato’s most quirky and odd traits would be her pretending her cat Sumi can talk. Though she fully acknowledges he cannot speak, there are times she gets rather invested in her pretend conversations with him. When she does pretend Sumi is talking, his imaginary voice often acts as her conscience; giving her advice on what to do and pushing her to do what is right when her self-serving nature would normally stop her otherwise.

Voice Mannerism: Despite Misato’s quiet personality her voice is tends to be naturally loud and kind of deep.  Her voice is noted to be very raspy, sharp, and even a bit unpleasant sounding at times (especially when she is angry or laughs). She speaks with usually one of three tones; content, sarcasm, or indifference. But she can be very quick and boisterous when playing Live Color. She often goes back and forth speaking Japanese, Chinese, and random words in French.  

Appearance-Misato is a young adult of average height, a slim yet fit figure and pale skin. Her hair is cut very choppy and is nearly entirely jet black, however due to her powers her bangs are bright colored in the pattern of magenta, cyan and yellow with two longer strands that frame both sides of her face and are bright cyan in color. She usually lets it hangs down but there are times she ties it in a high ponytail or pigtails. Her eyes are also heterochromatic with the right being magenta and the left being yellow. Also, her pupils in both eyes are a bright cyan in the center.

She also has markings on her eyes that resemble eyeshadow and are cyan, magenta, and yellow in color. These marks are caused by her powers and sometimes change shape with her emotion, getting spiked when angry and getting droopy when sad. She can however make them disappear when desired but she actively must do this and if not, the marks will remain visible. Her powers also effect nails. Both traits give the appears she wears makeup when she is quite opposed to makeup.

For clothing she what she usually wears varies quite a bit but usually most them all have black being the most dominate color within the outfit. The outfit she wears when she is Kuro Neko, consist of a sleeveless turtleneck that is black on top, and a transparent bright cyan piece on the bottom with a magenta trim. Also on the shirt’s chest is a biohazard symbol in the CMYK color scheme. Black shorts with a thick belt in the same color scheme, magenta garder belts, black thigh-high stockings and black tennis shoes. And finally, she wears a jacket that was given to her by Alzbeta which is black, with sheer sleeves, a magenta, cyan and yellow V pattern on the chest, and a cyan hoodie with black cat ears.

The one thing she always wears is silver ring choker necklace that has a yellow gem in it.

Likes-Digital Art, drawing, guns, swords, video Games, violin, cat-eared hoodies, listening to music [Specifically, electric dance, dubstep, rap, lo-fi, symphonic metal, and folk-rock], roller-skating, dancing, cats, sushi, seafood [especially shark, salmon, and fatty tuna], Udon, Soba, Somen, Lo mein, American Chinese food, and zelňačka

Dislikes-Silence, modern art, other artist, people claiming digital art is not real art, dogs, most types of cheese, potatoes, maple, dresses, and perfume

Skills/Powers/Talents-Intellect wise, as stated, Misato is not overly intelligent being quite average to even poor in some areas. It is stated she especially sucks at English, biology, chemistry, and advance math. She is a very skilled artist though and is especially good at digital art, and drawing. She also is skilled in spray paint  art as well. It is believed she can play the violin but it is later revealed she fakes this talent. Although she does know a bit as she used to take lessons when she was younger.

Because of her life and personality, she is very good at reading situations, judging people's character/intent, thinking quick on her feet, and thinking more than 1 step ahead in a situation. In physical strength she really is not quite much of a threat only being capable of lifting her own body weight and is hardly able to pack a punch that do any damage. She however is quite agile and fast, making her good for quick get aways.

As far as weapons go, she can swing a sword around good but pretty much only when it is made from her blood powers as a real metal sword is a bit too heavy for her to swing with the strength required for doing any real damage. But with the sword [which take the shape as katana] she makes out of her blood; it is much lighter but still can-do damage as it is coated with her blood’s toxin which can be lethal. However, what she is best at is shooting as it is what she trains the most in and is what she most found of using in actual combat as they make up for what she lacks in physical strength. So, because of this, she studies quite often with different types of firearms.

Life Blood Ink- Also known as Life Blood is her superpower and what she is most known for. Her body transforms her own blood so she can manipulate it freely with her mind; having the ability to control its shape, hardness, to even its own color. And so, when she draws her blood (primarily via cutting herself}, and it is exposed to air it expands first and then can be controlled freely with her own mind (even when not connected to her own body) to then be manipulated and molded into any object/shape she desires. Only requiring simple hand jesters to help direct the creation/movements.

Objects she can create are quite varied examples being: balls, spikes, spears, whip, rope, knife, bullets, and her favorite katana which she calls Chizakura. Since she can also manipulate the pigment of her blood these objects can appear any color she desires. On default though they will be comprised of the colors: cyan, magenta, yellow and black. As those are the base colors of her powers. To point where her blood appears black with a slight colorful sheen to it. One of the greatest things she can make are humanoid or animal shaped creatures, she refers to as “Ink Puppets.” These ink puppets are not alive in any shape or form and only move when she controls them. They are not capable of any speech but they can project her own voice through them; acting like a speaker. Whenever she is done using the object(s), she created she can call them back into her own body.

The bigger, denser and/or more detailed the object is then, the more blood it takes. So, if it requires too much, she could suffer from blood loss. Also, if she is unable or neglects to call her blood back into her body, she runs the risk of suffering from a critical loss of blood and will require an immediate transfusion. Since her power is in her body [more specifically her heart] and not her actual blood, she can take any normal person's blood (regardless of the blood type) as a transfusion. And then that blood will then have the same abilities and properties as her own once it circulates fully through her heart.  But even if she does not get to the critical point, her powers take quite a bit out of her when used to much, which made her be viewed as a failure. To rectify the risk of blood lost, she can call the object back and absorb it back into her body.  If the blood is not absorbed back into her body within 30 minutes it loses all of the effects her body gave it, and will revert to being normal blood thus drying up within 50 seconds. Also, the creation can only be as far as 10 meters away from her or else it will result in the same thing happening. She can however choose to keep it connected body via a cord of blood which will keep the creation attached to her. This will increase the length of time it can be outside of her body. And only by 15 more minutes. However, when connected by a cord it can go only as far as 8 meters away.

Because of all these limitations she usually creates one thing at a time, and keeps it out for no more than 30 minutes. She also sticks to small simple objects that require less blood. And if she does create an object that requires very much blood, she usually keeps it connected to her, or at least very close by as to not risk losing it. Which would cause the forementioned problems if she did. Although from time to time she does make more larger creations such as her ink puppets however when making though she has to make them more simplistic and less dense. The largest thing she has been noted to make is a teddy-bear like cat [which she calls Bloody Neko] that is 3 meters in height [to legs to the tip of the ears] and 1.5 meters in width [from the widest part which is the center belly]

The biggest drawback is also her blood’s final trump card. And that her abilities have made all the blood in her body toxic.  When this toxin touches a non-living object, it will simply just cause a slight acidic like burn which just leaves a slight stain. If it touches a living object (such as an animal or human) it again will only leave a slight burn which does not take long to heal. However, if her blood gets into the body of a living being then it could cause paralysis. The degree to how severe the paralysis is depended on how much blood gets into said living object. If it is not very much then the paralysis will wear off however if it is too much it could be permanent or at worst even cause death.

Because of this quality all her creations are poisonous. Like her blood it does not do anything at all really if it simply touches besides leaving a slight stain. And even then, it must touch it hard to do even that. But if the creation cuts or pierces something living, it will call said living thing to be paralyzed or even die depending on how much blood she used on the creation or how much blood she desires to go inside said persons.

Weapon and Equipment: Chizakura Katana [血桜 刀] Various Array of different types of firearms, Cat’s Claws blood bullets and Bloody-Neko

Chizakura: Misato’s favorite weapon to use is a katana made from her blood which she calls Chizakura. Which is the primary weapon she creates with her blood as she says quote “I find it to be fun.” Like all her blood creations, it is poisonous. If the blade simply touches a person, it will not do anything but if it cuts/pierces them it will paralyze. And if Misato puts enough blood in the sword, it can even kill them with a single cut.  

Guns: Her second weapon to use is various type of guns, however despite it being her second she is scene using them much more due to it being easier. As one; she does not use her powers to make it. And two; it keeps her from having to get close to an opponent which is quite good for her since she nowhere possesses speed, strength and energy required to take down an average full-grown man. However, when she is out or choices not to use normal ammunition for her gun sometimes, she will make bullets out of her blood to load into it. And like everything else when pierces a human it can cause paralysis or even death if she makes the bullets dense even if she shoots at a non-lethal area.

Cat Claws: Her third weapon is known as Cat Claws is a pair of gloves that have razor sharp knife tips that are on the end the fingers. Though they can be used to cut through thick glass she also primarily uses them to cut and slash other people and herself as to draw blood. 

Bloody Neko: And her final weapon is Bloody Neko which is a three-meter ink puppet in the shape of a giant stuffed cat. Because of its size it is not very dense nor detailed as to make it denser/more detailed would take too much blood. She can manipulate it to fight for her when she is unable or does not feel like it. She sometimes makes it smaller though and if she does, she will make it denser. It often acts as her muscle.


Misato’s powers and concept were inspired loosely off Brushogun from the cartoon film Teen Titan’s Trouble in Tokyo. Which is also why her color scheme is based on the CMYK color model.

 Whereas Misato’s personality and cat-esthetic was inspired loosely Selene Kyle from Fox’s tv show “Gotham”, Neku Sakuraba and Asuka Langley Soryu.

Her design and personality were somewhat unintentionally inspired sub-consciencely off Kyoka Jiro from My Hero Academia.

Her first name is taken from Misato Katsuragi a character from Neon Genesis Evangelion. It is implied [by me] that she watched Neon Genesis Evangelion with Alzbeta, and she liked Misato as she believed she was fun. 

Misato, Revolution in Full Color, it's logo and all characters to mentioned belong to me @MerisuTheArtSheep

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darthmanga [2024-03-19 06:02:10 +0000 UTC]

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