First (left) - owned by goblinfruitss
Second(right) - owned by Ischell81
SB: USD 22$ (paypal)
Min. Increase: 2$
AB: USD 42$
AB2: USD 52$ (I'll draw your OC on this base wearing this outfit like this Outfit Adopt 52 YCH version
You can ask to change the colors or minor details of the outfit to suit your character better!)
Auction end: 2 days (48 hours) after the highest bid (unless you AB the outfit)
Bid on BIDS HERE comment
Please reply to the last bid
You can pay points, 100 = 1$
Adoption rules
If the buyer does not respond within two days (48 hours) after the auction ends - the outfit will go to the lesser bidder or the auction will start again.
You can split payment into part or ask for a hold but warn me beforehands (while bidding preferably or in a note right after winning the auction at extreme.)