MewLynny — Kingdom Hearts OC: Reany

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[EDIT: 2/15/2019 I played KH3 and found myself diving back into the Kingdom Heart's fandom again. To my utter horror, I found my old OC and was appalled at my inability in the past to give detail to this character and avoid her having any Mary Sue traits. I went in and fixed her up, primarily elaborating on specific traits or taking out any self-insert cliches. I'm am now OK with Reany's existence. I may redo her design when I finish playing KH3!]

Soo.... I got back into KH! So, I decided to make myself an OC! Let me know what you think!

Introduction of Character

Name: Reany (Ree-Knee)

Age: 15 (KH2) 

Gender: Female

Nickname(s): Rea (Ree-ya)

Alias(es): Guardian of the Moon (self-proclaimed)

Birth Date: July 20th

Occupation: Fighter/Guardian

Affiliation(s): Guardians of Light


About the Character


Outwardly, Reany can be seen as your typical tomboy. She is a very energetic, athletic, focused, controlled, loyal, and affectionate. However, this is more of an image and serves as a mask to gain more relationships. Reany's true personality still consists of some of the aforementioned traits (i.e. loyal, energetic) but is more defined by her being reserved, awkward, abrasive, ambitious, pessimistic, shy, and timid.

Fear(s): Rejection and loneliness. She fears people forgetting her and never forming any meaningful bonds.

Likes: card games, fighting, painting, eating, teasing, corny jokes, the Heartless, and stargazing

Dislikes: scorpions, isolation, secrets, losing

Habit(s): Chewing her hair. It serves as a anxious tic when she has difficulty maintaining her confident persona.

Flaw(s): Very apathetic, she finds it hard to be emotionally invested in certain situations, fearing her attachment can lead to negativity if that attachment is ever discontinued by her or others. A slight inferiority complex, she feels that her presence as a whole isn't important in anyone's life. Socially awkward, while she can appear warm and welcoming, her natural inability to communicate in a normal fashion can cause embarrassment and general awkwardness. Clingy, since she does not initially have any meaningful friendships, she tends to attach herself to anyone who gives her a shred of attention or affection.

Talent(s): Swordsmanship, after proclaiming herself to be the Guardian of the Moon, she began training in fencing and has found herself to be a competent sword fighter. Painting, while incapable of drawing anything concrete, she enjoys making abstract paintings. Topography, Reany has exceptional photographic memory, as such, she can construct detailed maps of any location she has spent minimal time in. 


The Character’s Relationship With Others

Reputation (Quick Character Bio):

A Twilight Town resident with a warm disposition and energetic personality. She has been helping Sora and the others travel an altered Twilight Town and discover hidden locations. It seems that she is not well received by everyone in the town as some of her hometown's inhabitants see her as a mysterious girl of questionable origin and motives...

Love Interest(s):

Riku. Reany has always been attached to Riku as he has always made an effort to keep her involved in the group (initially, to keep her navigation skills). As they spend more time together during the journey, Reany is becoming more infatuated with him and tries (in her own gawky way) to appeal to him. Riku has picked up on her interest in him, but has yet to decipher whether her feels the same way. 




Selphie (has not met her, but considers her a friend based on all the stories Sora has told Reany)


Seifer (Not mutual, Seifer considers her a sparing partner at best)

Fuu (Not mutual, Reany looks up to her and admires her)

Freun (A rogue heartless she adopted [captured] during the events of KHII)



Kairi (Not mutual, Kairi considers her a friend while Reany views her as a rival)


Organization XIII


Sora: They meet when Mickey instructs the gang to check out Twilight Town, which has had an abnormal amount of heartless and physical changes. Reany agrees to guide and house him and his friends. Initially, Sora befriends her due to pity after hearing some citizens of Twilight Town gossiping about her being the cause of the strange circumstances. After going through so much, they form a genuine bond and become good friends. Reany treats Sora like her little brother, despite being the same age.

Riku: The two meet the same way she meets Sora. During the adventure, Riku does his best to keep Reany in a good mood so that she can be a good navigator and Reany becomes fascinated with Riku's experience with darkness and his adventures. After the events of Twilight Town, Riku is the first to help her process what has occurred and offers her the opportunity to travel with him, Sora, and Kairi while they prepare for the Mark of Mastery. It is after all this that Reany develops romantic feelings for Riku, it is unknown how Riku feels.

Selphie: During their exploration of Twilight Town, Sora tells Reany about his home, Destiny Island, and describes some of his friends there. One such friend is Selphie who Reany believes is the ideal female friend to contrast perfectly with her personality. She considers Selphie a friend and believes the two have a girly-girl and tomboy dynamic. Reany is so invested in this dynamic that she envisions several shenanigans (most that are common in real world sitcoms) they could get involved in that would make them better friends, which seems strange to Sora and Riku.

Roxas: She considers Roxas to be her first official friend in Twilight Town. Roxas was the first to speak with her when she randomly appeared in the town and she thinks fondly of the time she bought him ice cream. Roxas, apparently being the only one, does remember her as he joins himself with Sora and considers her a friend. Reany was heartbroken when she couldn't find him in the town anymore.

Kairi: Sees Kairi as her complete opposite, a confident and beautiful girl who doesn't even have to try to get friends. Reany chooses to define their dynamic as typical rivals who will "battle eternally to better themselves." (Could you tell that Reany is incredibly eccentric?) From that moment on, Reany expresses a childlike dislike of Kairi, mostly pranking her, mocking her lack of physical prowess, and quoting fictional lines to assert their rivalry. Kairi does not appear to reciprocate the feelings of rivalry, viewing her as a childish little sister. Kairi responds to most of Reany's actions with kindness and general ambivalence, which confuses Reany and has her deem Kairi as "too bright"(referencing her purity).

Arxyne:  (NOTE: this plot is obviously fan-made and happens between KH2 and DDD, it has no true tie-in with the story) Arxyne is a nobody's shadow, a malformed and incomplete nobody born from someone who has not lost their heart physically, but metaphorically. Born from Reany's intense feelings of self-pity and loneliness, Arxyne is ultimately the reason behind Twilight Town receiving a high amount of heartless and changes to it's terrain. Reany's hatred is obvious, opposed to the idea of her existence being her fault. However after everything has reached it's cessation, Reany admits to pitying Arxyne for only being able to feel Reany's negativity and blames herself for Arxyne's suffering.


The Character’s Abilities


Weapon(s): Mondklinge, a sword enchanted with ether. The sword boosts the physical capabilities of the user and imbues users with "Clarity", a state of supreme focus which improves proficiency and precision. Reany has the weapon from the start of the story and uses it haphazardly, once using it to butter bread. Reany notes that the sword gives her confidence, which is attributed to the "Clarity" state. This confidence allows her to use her fake persona without risk (meaning she is able to keep up appearances better and not break character) but doesn't make up for much of her social inadequacy or disguise her real personality. Once Arxyne is defeated, the sword is at full power, giving Reany the ability to modify it with temporary magic arts items.

(On a scale of 1 - 10; 1 being terrible and 10 being the best)


Agility: 9/10

Weapon Handling: 8/10

Hand-to-Hand Combat: 10/10

Elemental Control: 6/10

Defense: 4/10

Offense: 8/10

People Skills: 2/10


The Character’s Familial/Biographical Information


Birthplace: Twilight Town


Chi Capbell (Mother)

Finlay Capbell(Father)

Freun (Pet)


Story (Rather a synopsis of how she gets involved in the main KH protagonists)

Reany is an average inhabitant of Twilight Town, appearing randomly during the beginning of KH2. Despite living there for quite a while, no inhabitant seems to remember her causing her to reintroduces herself multiple times. Strangely, it is when Twilight Town begins changing that people seem to remember her. She meets Sora and the gang after they are sent to investigate the strange changes going on in the world. She agrees to help them find out information and instantly attaches herself to the group. As the team investigates, they find a strange portal, hidden within the clock tower. It leads to a strange labyrinth, crawling with heartless, that has no exit. The labyrinth has 6 puzzles to be solved in order to open a silver gate. Each puzzle offers an upgrade to the team's weapons which can open the gate.  Once a puzzle is solved, a guardian appears to battle. Each guardian being a member of Organization XIII, however, something is amiss. The roster is missing Roxas and Axel, the members lack knowledge of prior encounters, and each member's personality is severely exaggerated (i.e. Demyx is incredibly dimwitted, Larxene is militant). As they defeat each member, the group takes note of these strange differences and finds evidence that they are not battling resurrected members of Organization XIII, rather they are fighting puppets. Donald identifies the dark magic leaving their bodies, theorizing this is what gives them sentience, and Riku discovers they are being controlled physically by hairlike strings. They finally reach the top of the labyrinth where the truth is revealed. Arxyne, Reany's nobody who was created from Reany's negative emotions about her loneliness, awoke in the clock tower and found herself unable to leave the tower as she lacked physical strength and the knowledge of how to unlock the gate. Born with the ability of omnipercipience, Arxyne was able to observe many worlds without leaving the tower, most interested in the heartless and different nobodies. Noticing the stray heartless who found hearts evolve to nobodies, Arxyne believed that she was unable to leave the tower because she was incomplete and created a plan to find her somebody. If successful, she believed she could be complete and finally leave the tower. Arxyne attempts to persuade Reany to reunite with her and allow her to leave by appealing to their mutual feelings of loneliness and abnormality. Reany, worried that the others would realize the girl they had known as of now was a fake persona, refuses and makes an attempt to destroy Arxyne. Arxyne becomes enraged and disarms Reany. Arxyne, detecting the power and potential of Mondklinge, proclaims that she she was wrong to need someone as pathetic as Reany and believes Mondklinge is all she needs. She uses Mondklinge to give her the physical capabilities to fight. The battles ensue and the team comes out victorious. Reany takes back Mondklinge, which absorbs Arxyne's spirit making Reany complete again. After this, the group returns to Twilight Town, finding it has returned to it's normal state and the clock tower disappears. Reany makes a big speech, showing her real personality and thank them for not only their help with this mission, but for befriending her. She apologizes for deceiving them and offers to distance herself if they don't like the real her. Kairi assures Reany that nobody will give up on their friendship with her and they are glad they met her. The group concludes the day with a quick casual exploration of Twilight Town before Donald decides it's time to report back to Mickey with Riku agreeing that they need to prepare for the Mark of Mastery. Reany bids them farewell, clearly somber about losing new friends again. Sora asks if she was willing to join them and Reany questions whether she would be a bother. Riku quickly states that she couldn't participate in the test but could travel to Destiny Island with them as they need to return there first. Reany accepts and monologues about this being her chance to be the Guardian of the Moon, a warrior she read about in a comic who protects worlds that have fallen into the darkness from being consumed again. The group chooses to ignore this and welcomes her, she has been tagging along ever since.

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