MiaMaha — MLP - A Helping Hand

#mlpoc #monochromedashielle #eventidetwister #mylittlepony #mlpnextgen
Published: 2019-01-22 06:21:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 8909; Favourites: 168; Downloads: 9
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Description ((Back to the anthro we go. Reminder that all events even in this anthro style are canon to their actual pony selves!))

-Playing with some stray grass blades in her lap, Eventide awkwardly glances between her best friend, Heather Tart, and two unrecognizable fillies from another class as they sit together in a circle during recess. She quietly listens in as they heartily chat away about different things, from class to hobbies to the latest trends. 

As much as she wants to add in her own input, a wave of nervousness swallows her words when she notices how deep in conversation the three already are. She finds herself feeling self-conscious, far too aware of the two strangers she had never spoken to before. Eventide had noticed that her friend had been befriending the fillies for the past two weeks. She only wished Heather could have warned her before having them meet up with them during their half-hour break outside.-

Filly 1: *raises eyebrow and smiles* You’re really quiet, Eventide.

Eventide Twister: *perks up a bit at the sudden acknowledgment. But before she can respond, she hears Heather laugh beside her before giving the top of Eventide’s head a light pat*

Heather Tart: Pft, she’s always like that.

Filly 2: (?) *glances at Eventide* Well, what about you? What kind of music do you like?

Eventide: (!) *finds herself smiling excitedly at the subject* Oh! Ireallylikesongswithpiano! Or really nice guitar! My mom knows how to play guitar and she’s been trying to teach me but now she might schedule piano lessons for- 

Heather: *quickly interjects, wincing as she quietly hisses* Slow down, Eve.

-Eventide halts completely, glancing at Heather to find her friend eyeing her with a frown. She can’t help but stare, bewildered and taken aback. Never before had Heather ever corrected her. Turning back to the other two fillies, she realizes they’re glancing at each other before looking back at her without a word. Feeling a pang of guilt, Eve looks away-

Eventide: Sorry…

Filly 1: It’s okay- ooh! *both she and the other filly notice another group of kids - presumably their friends - on the other side of the playground. One of the colts waves them over* Sorry, we gotta go guys!

Filly 2: *stands up with the other filly, and waves at them as they move away* See ya Heather! Bye Eventide!

Heather: *grins and waves enthusiastically* Bye guys!!

-Eventide smiles shyly and waves as well. Admittedly, she feels relieved that they’re alone once more. She looks up at Heather as the filly giggles happily and stands. When Heather holds out her hand, Eve happily gratefully takes it, pulling herself up-

Heather: *blissfully swings her and Eventide’s hands together* SEE, I told you! Aren’t they the coolest?? They’re, like, the smartest girls in our grade and- 

-Heather yelps as she turns and ends up tripping over a stray root. Eventide tries to pull her back by her hand and is ready to steady her, but Heather manages to balance herself-

Eventide: Areyouokay??

Heather: Uuugh, I’m fine…*continues to tug Eventide along by her hand* I didn’t see it, that’s all…

Eventide: *frowns, moving to match her friend’s pace* Shouldn't you wear your glasses? Why’d you take them off?

Heather: *pouts* They make me look lamer than I already am…

Eventide: (!) Hey! You’renotlame!

Heather: *scoffs, eyelids drooping* Maybe. But being a part of a family of hicks is. *groans and slaps a hand over her eyes, sliding it down* I’m telling you, Eve, I can’t WAIT until the day I can live it up in Canterlot and get away from this stupid farm life. It’s so embarrassing…

-As Heather frowns, looking rather distant as they walk (forcing Eve to keep an extra eye on the ground), Eventide finds herself...worrying about her friend. Time and time again, the lavender filly has vented about how she felt about her family; what it was like to feel like a nobody in such a large, expansive family tree like her own, unable to stand out amongst her many cousins. How she desperately wanted to be more than just a farm hand like her parents and most of her family. 
Not enjoying the sight of her friend in one of her negative moods, Eve can’t help but try to offer positivity-

Eventide: You can be an Apple AND be cool! Look at Applebloom and Applejack! One day you’ll be real big like them, and-

Heather: Hmph...Applejack’s really annoying and just forces me to do farm work when I don’t want to...it doesn’t matter if she’s friends with the princess, she’s like, the lamest out of all of Princess Twilight’s friends. And Applebloom might be kind of popular, but she’s still just some farmer with her weird accent and dirty clothes and whatever. I doubt anyone takes her as seriously as her other friends.

Eventide: *looks at the ground nervously. She doesn’t agree with those statements, recalling how kind both mares were towards her, but doesn’t want to accidentally worsen her friend’s fragile mood* Oh…

Heather: *sighs dreamily, cupping her freckled face with her free hand* But it’ll be different for me! No one will ever see me as just another Apple! *holds out her hand in front of her, as if she could already see the future* One day, everyone will be seeing Heather Tart walking with Canterlot’s greatest socialites and nobles!! I’ll be going to fancy parties and talking to all of the famous ponies, and even the princesses!

Eventide: *smiles, squeezing the filly’s hand. This is the side of her best friend that she admires and loves seeing; the one that cherishes her dreams* You’ll totally get there! You’re really good at talking to ponies!

Heather: *grins, clearly priding in that comment* It IS my talent~ 
*gestures with her head towards the group of kids in the distance that were no doubt a blob of color in her eyes* Which is AWESOME, cause I read that knowing how to make social connections is important if you want to make it to the top~!  *meeting Eventide’s eyes, her own magenta orbs glitter with ambition* And if I’m going to get to Canterlot’s high society one day, I need to start early.

Eventide: *smiles sheepishly* That’ssocool...I wish I had a big dream like you. I like doing a lot of things, but I still don’t really know what I want to do…

-Eventide glances down at her cutie mark displayed on her shoulder; a colorful twister with out-of-place music notes dotting the design. How that aspect connects to her talent is beyond her. 
No matter what she did, looking at it still felt weird. To think flying fast enough to catch Ms. Pinkie Pie's stray, flying cake at her own birthday party the previous year was all it took for her to gain her mark (it was a shame that the pretty dress her mother had bought her for the occasion managed to get torn on twigs in the process) . Flying fast was nice, but what was she supposed to do with that talent? Everypony kept recommending the Wonderbolts, but the thought just...didn’t click with her.-

Heather: *chuckles and shrugs* Well, whatever you end up doing, learning to stop being so socially awkward could help.

Eventide: *winces, feeling a bit of discomfort in the comment. The strange smile Heather flashes her only worsens the feeling, as if the filly found some amusement in her own remark* Idotry...

Heather: Psh, well try a little harder!

Eventide: *lowers her gaze, uncertain how to respond*

Heather: *hums obliviously, swinging their hands again as they follow the back wall of Friendship Elementary and head towards the side of the building where the entrances to the outdoor bathrooms were* Anyway! You’ll go inside the bathroom with me, right?? It’s all creepy and quiet in this corner-

-Heather quiets when the two of them hear some voices from around the corner of the building. While at first Eventide assumes some other kids were either leaving or entering the bathrooms themselves, the two fillies slow to a halt when they begin to make out voices-

???: Please give it back!

???2: Whoops! Missed it again!

???: Stop throwing it like that!

???3: HAH, come on, this way!

-Eventide exchanges wary glances with Heather before the two of them quickly tiptoe to the corner together, peering around it-

-She immediately sees an older filly and an older colt throwing a blue notebook to one another. Between them, a shorter pegasus with dark hair and light streaks turns from one kid to the other, their rounded, stressed green gaze following the notebook-

‘Bullies...even Princess Twilight’s school has them.'

Heather: *cringes, whispering* Yikes...nevermind, let’s go.

Eventide: (!) *whispers* Shouldn’twehelpthem?

Heather: *pulls her head back in disbelief, whispering harshly* Wha- no! They’ll just go after us like that kid! *tugs at her hand* Come on!

-Brows narrowing back, Eve can’t bring herself to budge from her spot. Hearing the kid’s pleas, watching how increasingly upset they’re becoming, Eventide feels a great deal of worry, as well as anger, as she watches the scene-

‘What would mom do…’

…-Biting her lip, Eventide soon finds her body moving from their hiding place, ignoring Heather hissing her name. With clenched fists at her sides, she manages to find her voice-

Eventide: Hey!

-All three kids turn their heads towards the voice, only to find Eventide standing there, wide-eyed and shaking like a leaf-

Colt: Psh… *raises an eyebrow and rests his hands, one still holding the notebook, onto his hips* What? What do you wa- 

???: *realizing the colt is distracted, they dart for the notebook and attempt to grab it back*

Colt: (!) Ha, no way-! *yanks the notebook back. However, the harsh movement and tugging causes the notebook to tear, leaving a cover and numerous ripped and crumpled pages in his hand*

???: *gasps, staring in horror and distress at the mess*

Filly: Well geez, way to overreact kid.

Colt: *laughs* Whoops! Hey, you’re the one who pulled first-!


-The three ponies, including Eventide, turn towards the direction of the loud voice, only to find no one there. The sound of quick retreating footsteps around the corner can be heard, causing the two older kids to exchange worried glances-

Filly: W-wait, we were just playing!

Colt: *throws the papers in his hand to the ground and begins running, completely ignoring Eventide as he passes her and quickly rounds the corner with his friend in tow* Yeah stop, it was an accident!!

-While she feels some worry for her friend, Eventide hears soft rustling and turns, seeing the remaining pegasus on their knees to pick up the scattered ripped papers. Taking in their disheartened expression, Eve moves to pick up the closest paper to her and moves to kneel by the kid. Holding out the paper, she smiles sadly- 

Eventide: Here.

???: (!) *surprise flashes across their face. Another second passes before they carefully take the paper from her, their voice soft* Thank you…

Eventide: They were real jerks…areyouokay?
*notices how the kid’s mouth presses into a tight line, their green gaze downcast and only deepening her worry. Yet they nod* W-whathappened? How come you were over here alone with em...?

???: *sighs, gathering the papers into their lap* ...I saw this dragonfly and...really wanted to draw it. It flew over here so I followed it. But I ran into them instead...

Eventide: *puzzled* Draw-?

-Eve cuts herself off as she picks up a ripped paper she noticed laying behind the kid, her expression full of wonder as she gives it a good look.  A half-finished drawing of a pegasus with bug-like - dragonfly-like- wings stares back at her. 

Eventide: Holymoly...thisissopretty!

???: *peers at the drawing in her hand. But their expression quickly twists into dismay* No…

Eventide: *looks up* W-what’swrong?

???: *balls up their fists in their lap, miserably staring at the ripped paper* I drew that for my friend...h-he said he liked dragonflies the last time I saw him, and he’s been really sad lately so I just-
*bites down on their lip and lowers their gaze, tears pricking at the corner of their eyes, their voice coming out hoarser* Now it’s ruined.

Eventide: *ears flatten, watching the kid wipe at their eyes with a fist. Newfound determination bubbles up within her and she shoves a hand into one of her vest pockets* Holdon!

???: (?) *glances up at her in confusion* 

Eventide: *whips out a small roll of clear tape* Therewego!

???: *blinks* ...you...carry tape with you?

Eventide: My dad tells me you can never go wrong with tape. *places a hand on their shoulder, smiling gently* It’llbeokay! Watch!
*lays the drawing down and lines up the ripped edges before carefully fixing the rip with tape on both sides. Feels the kid quietly watching* Aaand there! Itstilllooksamazing! And even if you don’t give this one to your friend, maybe it can help you if you want to redraw it?

???: …*slowly exhales* Yeah, that’s...that’s a good idea. *takes their drawing back. Meeting Eventide’s blue gaze, they finally offer her a soft, sincere smile* Thank you…

Eventide: *grins cheerily* Mhm! Hey um, what’syourname?

???: Oh...my name’s Monochrome. But it’s kind of long, so um...you can call me Mo, or Momo-

Eventide: (!!) *claps her hands together, eyes sparkling* ‘Momo’issocute! Okay! Um, my name’s Eventide Twister! YoucancallmeEve! It’s nice to meet you!

Monochrome: *blushes* That's a really pretty name. Um.... *nervously shuffles the papers in their lap* Nice to meet you too...

Eventide: How come I’ve never seen you before??

Monochrome: Oh. Well, I’m in 5th grade.

Eventide: (!) Whoa, you’re two years older!

Monochrome: Yeah. And I usually draw during recess. *shifts their eyes away* I’m...not really good at talking to ponies.

Eventide: Aw, that’s okay…*glances down and sheepishly rubs the back of her hand* I’mthesame…

Monochrome: *stares at her curiously* Really…?

Eventide: Mhm. I get real nervous talking to anyone I don’t know. But it kinda helps to have a friend with me-

-Both Eventide and Mo glance up upon hearing the ringing of the school bell. Standing up, Eve offers Monochrome a hand, one they stare at for a moment before gently taking, pulling themself up-

Monochrome: Well...thanks again, Eventide. *smiles softly* Bye then... *begins walking away, the remnants of their drawings and notebook clutched against their chest*

Eventide: (!) I’llseeyouaround! *when Mo turns to give her a puzzled look, as if surprised by those words, she continues with a bright beam* I wanna see more of your drawings next time! Maybe we can doodle together!

-Something about that lights up Monochrome’s eyes, and they eagerly nod and smile back. As they begin to rush off and round the corner, Eventide notices them suddenly jerk back, as if almost running into something. Ducking their head, Mo murmurs a quick apology before walking around whatever is around the corner. To Eventide’s relief and delight, Heather walks into view, though she eyes Monochrome with a strange look as they retreat.-

Eventide: Heather!! *runs towards her*

Heather (!): *opens her arms and catches Eventide as she throws her own arms around her. She snickers* Well geez, missed me much?

Eventide: *pulls back to clasp Heather's hands between her own* I’msogladyou’reokay. Did those bullies catch up with you?

Heather: PFT, catch up? I hid behind the first door I saw! *smirks and pulls her hands back to cross her arms in satisfaction* They were dumb enough to go running around for somepony they never even saw!

Eventide: Huh…? You...didn’t tell a teacher?

Heather: *scoffs* No way...! I’m no snitch, Eve! I already told you they’d start picking on us if we messed with them! If that kid wants to report it, they can speak up for themself.

Eventide: *face twists in confusion, her ears flattening* A-areyousure...?

Heather: 'Course I am. Speaking of, I saw you were making friends with the loner??

Eventide: ‘Loner’…?

Heather: Yeah, that kid. The one who just sits in a corner all quiet and writes stuff in their notebook.

Eventide: Oh! Theirname’sMonochrome, andtheyactuallydraw! They’re really good!

Heather: Eeeh sure…

Eventide: And they’re really nice! You should meet them!

Heather: *laughs uncomfortably, glancing off to the side while rubbing her arm* Yeah, not really the kind of friend I should make, Eve. *raises an eyebrow, that strange amused smile on her muzzle again* But I guess you being friends with them kind of makes sense?

Eventide: (...??) *hesitantly smiles back, not quite understanding* Huh?

Heather: (!) *takes Eventide’s hand and begins leading her again* C’mon! We’re gonna be late! Don’t want to miss choir, right~?

Eventide: *perks up again at the mention of one of her favorite classes* Ah, right!

-Following a step behind her friend to their lined up class, she worries about Monochrome, just catching a glimpse of their dark tail as they disappear into the school with their class. New prickles of guilt hits her when she spots the two bullies following the older classes into the building-

‘Is it...really okay to just say nothing?’




I wanted to do a second illustration for this with Eve and Heather, but I kind of really just want to get this uploaded for some reason. Maybe I'll update it with said illustration later.

Presenting the day Eventide and Monochrome met as kids, kill me softly.

I just want to give a fair warning to the people who will inevitably ship ChromeTwister that I too am fond of this relationship and if different ships can be canon in different AUs, this one is absolutely a thing in some AU of Destinyverse. But in this main canon timeline, it isn't the end-game relationship in mind for either of them. Doesm't mean you can't enjoy their ship of course!! Have fun with different pairings in Destinyverse! Just keep it in mind and um, don't have ship wars? That's all I ask.
We'll get to enjoy more Monochrome and Eventide in the next part~ But it'll be skipping three years, so if you want a reminder of what their general friendship was like, check out Mo's little speech in "Admirer ".

Destinyverse Archives


 Eventide Twister   Monochrome 
Heather Tart

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Comments: 30

Songal [2019-01-30 20:45:32 +0000 UTC]

What a beautiful way for their friendship to bud ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to Songal [2019-02-03 04:59:01 +0000 UTC]

Heck yes, what soft kiddoes 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Songal In reply to MiaMaha [2019-02-03 05:07:39 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Katlover2219 [2019-01-26 00:36:22 +0000 UTC]

Momo and Eve are super cute best buds material right there  but oh man ~hums~  that Heather is giving me warnings flags  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to Katlover2219 [2019-01-30 11:15:17 +0000 UTC]

Aren't they?? They're too pure. *nervously sweats*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Katlover2219 In reply to MiaMaha [2019-02-01 23:33:22 +0000 UTC]

~narrows eyes suspiciously~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fire-Link [2019-01-25 14:49:18 +0000 UTC]

Great work. How's things going?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to Fire-Link [2019-01-30 11:15:39 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Things are going decently! Just getting through each day 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fire-Link In reply to MiaMaha [2019-01-30 14:21:08 +0000 UTC]

That's good

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

julianwilbury [2019-01-24 01:19:23 +0000 UTC]

Considering my own ridiculously rocky history with grade school social drama (weee potentially diagnosed PTSD!) I don't think I'm going to survive Eventide's storyline.

When I was in first grade I used to get report cards that said "talks too much in class" but by the time I graduated high school most students were shocked to hear me ever speak so... yeah.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to julianwilbury [2019-01-30 11:20:01 +0000 UTC]

Ohgoshdude <:c Stuff like that (you know, on how you talk or how much you talk) really hits you hard...;; 
Hopefully Eve's story won't be too rough. <: 3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tehwatcher [2019-01-23 07:49:55 +0000 UTC]

1st you really making us emtoional you know

2nd i relly wish all them happiness TwT

3rd and you sure make me nevrous when you post XD

4th awesome work

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to tehwatcher [2019-01-30 11:12:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

art-and-a-half [2019-01-23 01:11:48 +0000 UTC]


I feel like she’d be easily influenced... and then take it out on others

great writing, I love how Eventide opened up more to Monochrome ^^ but reverted back a little when talking with Heather, it shows an interesting dynamic between the two, Great job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to art-and-a-half [2019-01-30 11:18:30 +0000 UTC]

Possibly. <: 3

Thank you!! Eventide's friendship with Monochrome and and her friendship with Heather are quite different as you'll see. u o u Eheh, overall thank you! c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

art-and-a-half In reply to MiaMaha [2019-02-01 07:00:17 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CozyKomala [2019-01-23 00:03:29 +0000 UTC]

Heather gives me a bad vibe... I don't expect this friendship to last. Good on Eve though, most other kids wouldn't put themselves between a bully and their victim.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to CozyKomala [2019-01-30 11:12:02 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, luckily Eventide has a great mom like Sunset to look up to~ 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CozyKomala In reply to MiaMaha [2019-01-30 14:55:02 +0000 UTC]

Yeah! I love Sunset.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Royal-Snowflake [2019-01-23 00:01:43 +0000 UTC]

Awwwww Momo and Eve are so CUTE!!  Amazing work MiaMaha!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to Royal-Snowflake [2019-01-30 11:10:55 +0000 UTC]

Thanks~! They quite a duo, heh!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TowarzyszX [2019-01-22 22:11:26 +0000 UTC]

Me, clutching my chest, crying: Hgnhhhg... oh god... of fuck, it's she...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to TowarzyszX [2019-01-30 11:06:38 +0000 UTC]

This is all I could ask for in a reaction to Eventide, oh my g o s h

Me: *throws around pictures of her like dollar bills*
Enjoy your weekly dose of Eve u w u

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheDarkPhoenixQueen [2019-01-22 22:08:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh my God, this is so cute!!!! >w<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to TheDarkPhoenixQueen [2019-01-30 11:10:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~~~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Azure-Art-Wave [2019-01-22 11:14:46 +0000 UTC]

*nervously laughs at sight of that "ship wars" message being totally addressed to me



I feel like she must be totally related to Eve's childhood trauma of her voice, but that is something to learn about in the future


I TOTALLY want to know but I feel like if you just were to come and "hey wanna her about it" the drama would be completely ruined

So I'm supposed to just wait



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to Azure-Art-Wave [2019-01-22 12:36:39 +0000 UTC]

WH NO- I was actually always planning to include that message, I'm all too aware that these chapters would fuel their ship and wanted to break it to people early
Time will tell!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SilentArtist137 [2019-01-22 07:26:17 +0000 UTC]

AAAaah I was suspicious of Heather from the start, because you normally build up new characters and such and the lack of information on her seemed fishy, but somanyredflagsaregoingupallatoncenowjesus

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiaMaha In reply to SilentArtist137 [2019-01-30 11:10:30 +0000 UTC]

>:0 Curses, someone caught on- //bricked down

NAH, that's great honestly! I was wondering if anyone would pick up anything from the first dump alone. 
Yeeaaah 👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Reading4halfmylife [2019-01-22 07:18:03 +0000 UTC]


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