MichaelGamesShow — 4 year anniversary of Kings of the Cons

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Description Is it even obvious that I consider King of the Cons to be the worst special of the loud house I don’t think there will ever be another special. That’s even worse than this piece of shit. There is literally nothing good about this episode. Every single character is fucking awful. It has one of the worst character derailments I have ever seen. And it destroys Lincoln's character and makes him one of the worst characters on the show in my opinion. As he makes some really questionable decisions of this episode and makes him and Clyde not interested in a Savvy anymore and they’re a good reasons, also people had asked me before what my least favorite episode of The Loud House and well here it is it is this episode why oh God this is going to be a pretty long review and I’m going to scream so much and lose a bunch of brain cells. Let’s just get this over with so I can just move on with my life. Wish me luck, everyone. Clyde rush to the loud house after being let in, he goes to Lincoln’s room where he tells them they’re having a ace savvy convention for kings of the Cons contests were the best people costumes will win a roll of the upcoming ace savvy movie Lincoln and Clyde are huge a Sabi sands, and they really want to be part of the movie and they need to win but they realize they can’t do it alone because there’s probably gonna be a bunch of other people that are trying to get it too, and just going simple may not work after some thinking the to discover their homemade issues of a savvy future in the full deck, which includes Lincoln sisters so they called a sibling meeting and ask the sisters if they’re interested to come to the convention with them as the full deck but the sisters refused because they literally do not give a shit about a savvy and I can’t blame them I would refuse as well Lincoln and Clyde decides to do a smart move by telling the girls that if they win the contest, they will be in a role of the new a savvy movie and that got the girls convinced since they all want to be Hollywood movie stars, and they agree only because of the movie and I would’ve done the exact same thing as Lola always says I always want to be a Hollywood movie star after they learn a little bit about a selfie the girls suits up and here is their costumes

The High Card played by Lori
The 11th of Hearts played by Leni
The Night Club played by Luna
The Joker played by Luan
The Strong Suit played by Lynn
The 8 of Spades played by Lucy
The Royal Flush played by Lana
The Queen of Diamonds played by Lola
The Card Counter play by Lisa
The Deuce played by Lily
Ace Savvy played by Lincoln
One-eyed Jack played by Clyde

They’re off to the convention center the moment at the Louds and Clyde. Lotta discovers there’s a kitty and Lincoln and Clyde tell her that that’s the mean as bad as kitty in the ace, savvy universe, and of course, Lana being an anime person has to pet it yeah, I know Lana I wouldn’t pet it if I were you Enter Lincoln tells them to look at people wearing orange vests as there are the judges for the contest after finding the judges, they show themself their poses then Clyde accidentally use his poker chip, and of course, does not make the judge very happy Lincoln and Clyde decided in order to win. They need to impress the judges further the 2 to boys guess how much the green poker chips cost in a jar, but Lisa beats them which is $7,652 the judges are very impressed with Lisa then Lincoln and Clyde tries to hit the hammer to get the bar to the top but of course, since they’re very weak, they can’t even do it then Lynn hits the hammer and she hit it so hard that the bell literally flies out. Holy crap. That’s a very impressive. Then the judges give the girls a selfie because they’re so impressed with them doesn’t look good for Lincoln and Clyde, doesn’t it? Lincoln and Clyde hide behind cardboard cutouts of a savvy and one-eyed jack. They overheard that the judges are thinking about using the full deck to be part of the new a Savy movie which is great news. Unfortunately, they said that they’re not impressed with a savvy, and when I check which is Lincoln and Clyde and to be honest, I can’t blame them because they literally did nothing interesting at all. So ha ha on you Lincoln and Clyde. Lincoln and Clyde are hurt by these words. Lincoln and Clyde decide to tried everything to impress the judges to put them in the film. They try to throw baseballs at the car shark instead of using baseballs like normal people do Clyde uses his poker chip shooter thing to try to hit the target and of course it doesn’t work. Damn, Clyde really sucks. Then they try to throw a few objects and they still couldn’t hit the target. Holy crap Clyde. Then Lincoln decides to throw a fucking plant in cracks the water and it floods everywhere. God dammit Lincoln. You are a fucking idiot. Then Lincoln and Clyde decide to go into a monster truck called the Highroller. OK cool Lincoln and Clyde. Don’t touch any buttons then like a touch a button that burns off gas and literally burns the judges and the corn dogs Lincoln you fucking idiot then Clyde touches another button and this time the monster truck goes up into the air and down and then they keep touching buttons over and over again like seriously guys. This is exactly why you don’t touch fucking buttons especially in a convention center you fucking morons what is going on through your fucking brains away maybe because you don’t have fucking brains Lincoln says that the judges hate them now. Oh, no shit Lincoln and they’re not the only person that hates you. I do as well. You’re a terrible character now. So Lincoln and Clyde decide to do something else to impress the judges and this part of this episode literally broke. I was so pissed off that I literally clean this the worst loud house episode of all time and we’re halfway through this special Well, they’re hiding at the photo booth. Lincoln and Clyde decided to solve a crime OK so they’re playing like a savvy and one-eyed jack like normal OK but they also decide to do something really stupid Lincoln and Clyde decide they will kidnap the kitty and put the cat somewhere and then get the judges attention and then they’re going to solve the crime them self, so basically, Lincoln and Clyde are committing a crime to solve a crime WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK Lincoln do you realize that this is kidnapping and it is 1,000,000% illegal and what you’re doing is basically you and Clyde risking getting kicked out of the convention and if you were older, there will be even more consequences and you’re just doing that only because to get the churches attention so you a car can be in the fucking a savage movie. This will not get you into the movie. This is possibly the worst decision that Lincoln Albert Loud has ever made. I said that Lincoln was stupid before but this episode basically proves my point that Lincoln, Albert Loud is not the same character he used to be. He’s no longer the kind care brother that we all know in love from the first three seasons know this Lincoln Loud is a horrible person who literally cares no one but himself and I’m still surprised people actually still like this character modern-day, Lincoln, Albert, loud is the most overrated character of the whole show attacked Lincoln in general, is an overweight, a character even the first 3 seasons and I didn’t say that Lincoln’s character has been going downhill in season three starting with antique off, but this special basically proves that Lincoln loud is no longer the same character and he just gotten worse as the show went on, although he has gotten a little better in season 7 they found out where the kitty was hanging out and they tried a few times they tried to go directly Adam, but of course, the cat beats them up then they try to trick the cat into some food and it worked. They actually commit a crime a fucking crime. And they put the kitty in a closet. Then Lincoln and Clyde are eating some corn dogs and they’re very proud of themselves and they don’t feel bad for what they’re doing and they even have an evil laugh yeah, that shows that Lincoln and Clyde are bad guys in this episode when they came back to check on the cat the cat somehow escapes. Oh that’s not good and it’s all your fault Lincoln and Clyde. You should be ashamed of yourselves both of you, so they need to get the cat back before the judges find a cat. At first, they try to lure the cat back into the cage because according to Clyde cats apparently like popcorn I never seen a cat that actually does like popcorn but whatever. And just when the cats about to go in the cage and Clyde was about to close the cage, Clyde accidentally hit his music box for a savvy. Clyde, you’re a fucking idiot. You should’ve silenced your radio thing then you would’ve got the problem solved very quickly. Then the cat tries to hit Lincoln and Clyde by using hairballs. Ok, next they got some supplies. It is Ace in one-eyed jack drones, Ace, and one-eyed jack pillow, and one old made jumbo pencil also Clyde had to spend all of his souvenir money to buy these things. Clyde, created a drone with feathers, and he says. The cats will attack anything feathers, which is actually not true. There are some cats they’re not even interested in feathers, and they don’t even attack it. So Clyde flies the drone and the cat somehow went off in the ceiling and attacks the drone and then he finds Lincoln and Clyde. Then Lincoln froze two dice blocks on strings at the cat and of course, that literally does nothing because it’s literally made out of plush and it’s soft. Then the cat use Cabinet. And stink up Lincoln and Clyde. Disgusting but I kind of deserve it. Then Lincoln and Clyde found some hairballs and tracked him down to a stage and he’s upstairs. They found the cat and Clyde uses his poker chipper shooter thing again and tried to attack it multiple times but unfortunately, he only has 4 more left. Then the cat attacks them go kitty go you’ve got this show these boys who’s boss and Lincoln and Clyde ran away and get chased by the cat unfortunately for them they got cornered and the cat traps, Lincoln, and Clyde by using sticky hairballs they tried to call for help but no one can hear them since they’re so far away then discuss Lincoln an idea. He tells Clyde to take off his mask by using his mouth and throw it at the light not too far from there they’re sending Lincoln sisters, a single that they need help. The sisters are taking selfies with someone and they discover on the phone that Lincoln has a single he needs help. The sisters decide they need to go help their brother. Then the sister sis side to ride the monster truck in the convention OK I’m pretty iffy if that’s them breaking the rules but I guess I can also give them a pass because they’re doing it for emergencies but still what the hell did Clyde confess to Lincoln, that he went to dairyland with Rusty without him only because Lincoln was grounded. Of course, he was because apparently grounding people is really useful, especially nowadays. Then the cat was literally about to attack Lincoln and Clyde but then the sisters came to the rescue. The full deck is here to save the day. Hooray. Lisa is the first want to attack by throwing a mask toy thing at the cat, and it knocked it down. Then Lana attacks but she doesn’t do it instead she just wants to give the cat a hug but then the cat attacks her Lola says no one attacks Lana but her and throws her crown at the cat. Hell yes, Lola you are the best. Then the cat lands on Leni and she freaks out come on kitty attacks her Luan saves Leni while also saving Lincoln and Clyde then the cat is about to attack Lincoln and Clyde yet again, by doing cat litter all over them, but Lily ends of saving the day with her own shit and actually hits the cat enough to where they safely put them in the cage they did it. They saved the day well the sister some more did then the judges heard what was going on and they demanded to know what happened and they think that the boys found the cat and they save the day they’re heroes. Lincoln and Clyde are not heroes. They committed the whole thing in the first place. And the judges officially announces the winners of King of the Cons and the winner is a savvy and one-eyed jack. Wait hold on stop. Seriously judges are you fucking kidding me you let Lincoln and Clyde be in the role of the movie so basically you forgot that Lincoln sisters did more impressive stuff than Lincoln and Clyde actually did and by saving the day by stopping the cat back think that’s good enough for them no do not let them into the movie. They don’t deserve it. They need to tell you guys the truth. Which makes the sisters feel bad that they’re not going to be into the movie then Lincoln actually decides to confess and tells everyone the truth and he made the right choice. I don’t care what anyone says about that Lincoln did not deserve to be in the movie. Lincoln and Clyde confess that they actually kidnapped a cat which means they basically did a crime to solve a crime and they don’t really deserve to be in the movie. The judges and the sisters are shocked and upset at Lincoln and Clyde and the judge says they’re not going to allow them into the movie good riddance they don’t deserve it. And the judges give the loud sisters the role of the movie, and they actually deserve it. Sometime later, the judges are very upset with the boys, and they actually call them thieves by stealing the cat, which they technically did and committed a crime but they somehow still managed to get the role for the movie after all and that is Kitties. Personal litter box scoopers. Oh hell yes, this is what they deserve. Ha ha ha So King of the Cons how is this episode? Fucking awful this is the worst episode ever. Every single character is awful. Terrible story terrible writing Lincoln is probably the biggest fucking idiot of the whole show everything just pisses me off about this episode you know what I find so stupid about this episode of why everyone hates this episode so much it’s the fandom they all say that Lincoln and Clyde did absolutely nothing wrong here and its entire thing was all the sisters fault, and the judges as well are you fucking kidding me guys? are you guys seriously not realize what Lincoln and Clyde has done is illegal kidnapping touching the monster truck and technically animal cruelty and you guys think that they did absolutely nothing wrong seriously guys Like I said before Lincoln, Albert, loud isn’t always innocent in this episode is one of those perfect examples Lincoln and Clyde commit crimes to solve a fucking crime the sisters were being selfish. They ruined Lincoln and Clyde’s chance to be in a movie. Yeah, bullshit guys no they didn’t. And besides, did the sisters really do anything in this episode completely honest the only thing I can really fault them for is technically stealing the monster truck, but even then I guess they also give a pass as well and they’re not a fan of a savvy, which I can’t believe him because like I said, I’m not a huge fan of a savvy either and I’m on their side and you know what screw it I’m just gonna say that the loud sisters were the best part of this episode hold on that doesn’t mean I don’t think they’re likable either. Oh God no they were pretty unlikable as well. But compared to the sisters, Lincoln and Clyde, and those judges. The sisters were easily the best characters of the episode and judges, which for some reason people say they’re stupid for not picking Lincoln and Clyde to be in the movie and instead picking the sisters they were actually doing what was best for the film and let’s be honest Lincoln and Clyde have not been oppressive at all and assistant happen more impressive even though they’re not a savage fan, so yeah if I was a judges, I would’ve taken the sisters over Lincoln and Clyde any day also, I heard some people said that this is actually sexist towards Lincoln and Clyde. Are you fucking kidding me guys? Do you guys seriously do not understand what sexist means. Apparently not because people have never heard this word before seriously go back to school and actually learn what that means. This is not sexist. Wanna see an actual sexist episode go watch season 1 One of the Boys that’s actual sexist also people claimed this to be a Lincoln torture episode seriously guys this is like a torture episode are you fucking kidding me this is not like a torture and it’s not even close like I said, go back to school and actually learn what torture means Also people said that Lincoln and Clyde got robbed because the judges picked the sisters over Lincoln and Clyde and they should’ve tell the truth. They deserve to be a movie because Lincoln is a God and everything good must happen to him. I don’t care what anyone says about this. Lincoln and Clyde deserve to have shitty roles. In fact, if I’m completely honest, they don’t even deserve to be in the movie because what they have done is technically Theis. This is how Lincoln and Clyde's punishment should’ve been. Lincoln and Clyde gets kicked out at the convention permanently banned from all a savvy conventions and never to be shown the movie ever I don’t want to hear a fucking word how Lincoln and Clyde got robbed because they didn’t. They deserve to be punished for what they did because that’s what they do for being fucking thieves and committing crimes. That’s fair punishment to me. No wonder why Lincoln and Clyde are not into a savvy anymore. This also brings to my next problem with the fandom is that for some reason people want a Savvy to come back because they feel like this episode basically abandon a Savvy and they deserve to be redeemed. I hate to see you guys, but a Savy is never coming back ever again and thank God seriously do you guys not realize that most of these episodes from a savvy are not even good no episode that was actually good is deal me out and speak of deal me out apparently do me out has aged very poorly because this episode basically killed off a savvy in deal me out Lincoln and Clyde said that they will never leave a savvy ever so a lot of people are also really upset about that and this is also the last time that Sammie Crowley and Whitney Wetta has ever written together, and they are the creators of a savvy Whitney is still with the show to this day, but Sammie left after this episode I’m assuming because contract ran out and she doesn’t want to renew it and wants to focus on other things and that’s another major reason why a savvy is never coming back and it’s a damn shame that they wrote a shitty episode, because these 2 were the writers that wrote my personal favorite last episode of all time season, 1 Toad and Taira in fact, the first a savvy episode was Sleuth or consequences. And even though I personally find that to be mediocre, a lot of people hate that episode and this episode, which is the very last episode, they wrote together with also terrible. And people say that a grave, mistake was the start of the shows downfall. Well they’re wrong. It not it is king of the Cons this episode starts the true downfall of the loud house And it’s a damn shame, because before King of the Cons came out season four looks like it had a promising start to become a good season, but after king of the Kongs came out season four went downhill, and it just gotten worse as it went on like I said, it’s a damn shame because season 3 the previous season second half was not that great it was really forgettable, and I thought it was going to redeem itself but nope it was a fluke although there are a few episodes from the second half of season 4 that I like most of them are pretty bad Wanna know how I would’ve done king of the cons This is how you do it, Lincoln and Clyde. Are going to a ace savvy convention. And they knew they need some help so they go to Lincoln’s autistic brother, Michael and his sisters and tells them they really want to win this contests and really wants to help but literally nobody gives a shit even Lola. But then Lincoln tells them that Lincoln and Clyde are going to be actors in a savvy, movie if they win and we laugh in Lincoln’s face and remind him, the only time he’s ever been part of acting was his animatronics in a couple amusement park attractions like Michael, Andrew Murangi’s America sings Lincoln tells everyone that you get all of them the part in the movie and although we didn’t care about it, we were in to help Lincoln. The full deck is ready to roll, and they found the judges and need to impress them, of course and the same usual stuff happens thinking of the Kongs in my version than it does in the actual episode. Lincoln and Clyde tried so hard to get the judge to pick them, but it doesn’t work and the judges are more convince on his sisters and Michael after a while they’ve been trying to figure out why they’re not being chosen, but then they announce that the kitty has escaped from his cage, which is a great opportunity for Lincoln and Clyde to be heroes and they try to catch the cat but every single time it sells so pretty much the same stuff happens in the actual episode the kitty traps, Lincoln and Clyde and of course they needed help from Michael and the sisters and Michael and the sisters came to save the day and they managed to get the cat back to the cage and Lincoln and Clyde heroes with the help of Michael and his sisters and the judges were so impressed that they decided to include all of them in the new a savvy movie so everyone is happy. What do you guys think of that? It’s a much better version and a better reason why Lincoln and Clyde actually earned the spot on the role with the sisters and their autistic brother Michael it may not be the most original, but it’s definitely way better than the actual special. So I finally done with this episode my brain cells are all gone. My head is literally about to explode and I’m literally so mad at the fandom because apparently, they’re stupid and blind because they can’t see the obvious problem that this whole thing was Lincoln and Clyde‘s fault and they have no one to blame but themselves seriously they made their own problems and the fandom still blames Lincoln sisters, and the judges this is so frustrating I just can’t GRRRRRR I cannot believe that people actually defended Lincoln and Clyde on this special when it was clearly 100% their fault and they have no one to blame them to self. They committed their own problems. King of the Cons is the worst piece of shit I have ever seen on the show there is no other episode on the show that is worse than this episode. I’ll be amazed if they do a special that’s even worse than this Hell, I rather watch no such luck I’d rather watch, brawl, and the family i’d rather watch The Green house hell I even rather watch the taunting hour over this special any day also, this special came out the exact same day as the very first episode of the Casagrande‘s show, aired, and after watching this episode, I was not in the mood to watch the Casagrande‘s. In fact, this episode actually made me quit the show for a couple of months and I didn’t see a single loud house episode again until a few months later when Schooled was getting ready to premiere and schooled is definitely a bad special, but I can at least sit through that special without screaming at the top of my lungs this special I just can’t even watch at all. It’s horrible. I recommend no one to ever watch this episode. And if you do good luck because you will lose a bunch of brain cells this is the worst last episode I have ever seen this episode does serves a big fat. F I never wanna see the special ever again.

Final score 0/10
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