After a month and a half of hard work, I finally finished a custom order for a crocheted corn snake named "Ham." I don't usually do replicas of pets because it is very difficult, but I took a chance on this one to see if I could pull it off. It was so hard and I struggled a lot with it, but I stuck with it and I am so proud of the result. It is one of my favorite creations by far.
Most of it is my own made-up pattern, but I did use a base pattern that I very loosely (and I mean LOOSELY) followed to get the basic shape. The spots and designs were improvised based on photos of Ham. I painstakingly crocheted each of the 157 rows one by one. Even something as large as 50 rows is usually nothing. I can fly through that many in two days, maybe three, but this time 50 rows took me two weeks. That was the most frustrating part because it felt like I was moving at a snail's pace. There were so many color changes and I frogged so much of it every other day that I didn't think I'd ever get it done. The closer I got to the end, however, the easier it became. Once he started to take shape, I couldn't wait to finish him. I love how he looks when he hugs his little ham. It is the cutest, and most difficult thing I think I've ever made.
There are photos of the real 'Ham' on my Ravelry page, along with some extra poses Corn Snake "Ham"