MikeSpikester11 — Bemular vs. Orga
#godzilla #kaiju #toho #ultraman #godzillagojira #godzillakaiju #godzillamonster #kaijugodzilla #kaijumonster
Published: 2017-04-24 21:52:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 6125; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 0
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Description There was only silence.

The depths of space, despite seeming peaceful, quiet and beautiful with the occasional soaring meteorite or asteroid passing through was teemed with many dangers throughout the universe. Among these was about to make its presence known.

That silence was about to end.

Nearby an unknown planet. The wind had died completley, and the air was still, there was only silence, as in five or ten minutes before a vicious thundersquall struck, the sky had suddenly turned an ominous gray color. The smell of a thick aroma filled the air, like overcharged car batteries. Something was coming. It grew steadily. It had no tone. It simply was a tuneless, soulless sound. It grew. And grew. It was coming out of the sky. The vibration took a voice- a rumbling roar that built to a shattering crescendo of sound. The clouds in the west lit with a bloom of red fire. It traced its way widening from an artery to a stream to a river of ominous color; and then, as a burning, falling object broke through the cloud cover, then the wind came. It was hot and searing, smokey and suffocating. The thing in the sky was gigantic, a flaming blue match-head that was nearly too bright to look at. Arcs of electricity bolted from it, blue bullwhips that flashed out from it and left thunder in its wake. Despite its appearance, it was not a spaceship, although it might have came through space to get here. Whatever was coming down had come from a place much further away than another star or another galaxy,

Then it hit the ground. There was an explosion then- a roar of sound followed by a rolling concussion. There was another explosion followed by a pillar of smoke rising into the sky.

Arising from the newly formed crater below, a reptile like creature the source of the crash showed itself. Known by civilizations alike for its infamous reputation, the space convict known as Bemular took a look around his surrounding with a wicked smile. Everything on this pitiful planet would be wiped out in a matter of hours by his hands.

But one creature begged to differ.

A loud roar suddenly caught the reptiles attention as he turned to see the culprit of the sound. The very sight his own eyes gazed on what he could decribe as the most hideous creature to stumble upon just from its appearance alone. Never had he met such as ugly creature. Its face almost seemed dinosaur like but that's where the resemblance stopped as its rows of sharp teeth sticking out of its mouth and rest of the body disfigured anything from the mighty reptiles that used to flourish earth. Everything else though was different. Grayish flesh along with ridges and wrinkles covered its body, it had massive hands and claws that were curled touching the ground hunched over on its large back as if the creature was knuckle walking like a Gorilla, and had a useless thin tail at the end of its body but its most signature feature was the massive gaping hole on its right shoulder what supposedly looked like a deformity but there was apparently more to it then just that meets the eye can see.

The monster was named Orga who had been drawn to the sound of the crash and he was not very welcome to this very intruder that stepped forth onto his species home planet sensing something very disturbing about this creature. Orga couldn't figure out what it was but something about Bemular made him feel uneasy and that was enough in his eyes to slay this creature or send it fleeing. Also being in the lower class of his kind, he figured if he should succeed in doing this, he would be ranked higher by among his kin for saving them from Bemular's wrath.

Both monsters let out a challenging cry.

Bemular advanced on Orga with a swipe of his claws only for the gray alien to jump back and smacked Bemular across the face with his massive hand forcing Bemular to step back. Orga sent another swipe only for the psychotic reptile to bite down onto it. The deformed alien howled out trying to shake his hand free but Bemular kept firm as blood drew out; With a mighty heave, Bemular pulled his head back and tore out an chunk of Orga's flesh from his hand spilling massive gallons of blood to the ground below.

Bemular spat out the chunk of flesh, disgusted by the taste and was about to attack again but soon stopped as something caught attention to his amazement, the wound he gave Orga began to repair its damage as new flesh budged out covering over it. Bemular was too stunned to respond to this leaving Orga with an opening to attack. The hunched alien slammed his bulk against Bemular breaking the reptile convict out of his daydreaming, to his luck he managed to anchor his feet in time before Orga could push him down to his back. He scraped his claws across Orga's body but whatever damage he did to the alien would be replaced with new flesh. Regadless of that. This did not deter Bemular. He'd kill every creature he stumbles upon, he figured Orga was no different from the rest of the creatures that gave him a struggle.

Orga's upper body strength soon gave him the upper edge as he placed Bemular into a bear hug squeezing with all his might, the millennium deformity began to put pressure into the alien reptile.

Bemular knew he was in deep trouble. If he didn't act quick right know, his foe would crush his insides. He could feel some of his bones cracking underneath and some organs rupcturing as blood flowed out and sweeped down his mouth. He decided to unleash his ultimate weapon.

Orga felt like he was nearing victory and just as he thought he was gaining the upper hand. He felt blue flames wash over his face scorching his flesh. Orga roared out in agony as he was forced to drop Bemular and backed away patting away the flames that caught onto his flesh. His sight was temporary blinded but came back moments after due to his physiology same with the scent of burnt flesh that faded away at the same time.

Bemular gasped for breath and he tried to regain himself. Instantly he reared himself back up only to see Orga roaring out in rage as he charged him. Not wanting to get himself caught up, hot flames began to build up from within his maw again before spewing out his flames once more. The flames did there job once more. The pain and force halting Orga as they pushed him back. More chunks of his flesh came flying off from the pressure. Bemular continued to shower his flames over Orga's body glancing it all over his body.

Orga would not go down that easily.

Suddenly the deformed alien broke from the psycho reptile's beam and with a swipe of his massive claws, sweeped them under Bemular's feet forcing him to crash to his side. Orga lifted his foot up and brought it down smashing it to his side shattering a few of the reptile's ribs. Bemular roared out as he tried to fire his signature weapon again but didn't have the chance as Orga slid his large hands under him and threw him fifty feet into the air. Bemular screeched out as came crashing back down to the earth in front of Orga.

Bemular weakly tried to get up but Orga once again didn't give him that chance as grasped him and lifted him high into the air before smashing him to the ground, then again before heaving back and tossing him at a nearby mountain.

Bemular landed face first into the mountain, dazed from the impact. He could hear his foes footsteps nearing. Suddenly a thought came to Bemular's mind. Looking up he waited for his foe to near when once he came close, the reptile fired his beam but rather then Orga, he aimed for the mountain. The flames firepower allowed a small portion of the mountain side to combust into a fireball as large boulders came rolling down. In an instant, Bemular rolled out of harm's way as Orga stopped and looked up with no time to get out of the way as they rained over his body. The deformed alien felt the boulders pulverized to pieces upon every impact to his body while a few bounced off. Soon larger boulders fell upon Orga pummeling him to the ground, some covering his body.

Bemular lips curled with glee. He had his foe at his mercy. As Bemular approached. Orga suddenly sprung knocking the boulders on his body off of him. Not having expecting this. Bemular jumped back in suprise just as Orga pulled back one of his massive arms like a baseball bat and sent it soaring at Bemular. The alien convict screeched out as the boulder slammed into his body shattering to hundreds of pieces, some of the sharp pieces embedding itself into his flesh causing blood to ooze out. Before he had time to react, he felt another slamming into him as he backed away. The next boulder he saw flying at him, he was prepared for this time as he unleashed his blue flames which exploded the boulder into a fireball. Bemular shrieked out to Orga this was now personal. Suddenly he saw Orga just standing there. He didn't know what to make of it but felt it gave him the chance to attack back.

With no time wasted. Bemular advanced on Orga.

Which Orga wanted him to do.

Kneeing down to his feet. The supposed deformity on his right shoulder began to build up yellow-orange particles that began to grow bigger every passing second, once the hole was filled. The next thing that happen was a beam of powerful energy blasting out of it similar to that of some cannon.

Bemular stopped himself at a halt upon the very sight he just experienced. Before he could evade. The shoulder cannon beam struck him full-on senting him hurdling back. Bemular screeched in pain as an empty path was left in the process.

Once the beam had ceased to continue. Orga looked on to see Bemular on the ground trying to recover. To Orga's surprise, the reptile made a quick recovery as he soon was on his feet. Surprised that for such a frail looking creature and how thin it was actually appeared to be very durable.

Never the less. Orga would proceed in defeating this foe as he advanced on him. As Bemular pulled himself up. He felt the powerful blow from one of Orga's massive hands plow on his back. Roaring out being forced back down, the hunched alien continue to attack him. Bemular tried to escape but couldn't and when all options were out. The alien reptile spewed his blue flames that washed over Orga's feet. Feeling the burns from Bemular's flames, Orga howled being forced to step back. Now out of his foes clutches. Bemular stood up and continued to fire his flames .

Orga wouldn't have any of that again though.

Shielding himself raising his massive arms in defense, while the flames still burnt him all over, his regenerative properties were taking care of that easily even as pieces of flesh from his hands kept blowing off and regrowing. Orga slowly approached Bemular and once within reach swept one of his hands down at Bemular's feet but at the last minute, the reptile was quick to jump back while ceasing his flames.

Suddenly in a berserk of rage. Bemular charged swiping his claws at Orga forcing the alien into surprise as he forced himself to step back as the reptile alien gashed his claws across the deformed aliens body, wherever he struck, would leave deep cuts and gashes all over which would soon go away however but Bemular would not stop.

Raising one of his clawed hands, the reptile punctured his claws into Orga's flesh on his head drawing blood. Orga howled out trying in vain to dislodge the reptile by pushing him but he wouldn't have it. Suddenly the psycho alien withdrawed one of his clawed fingers and then pierced it through Orga's left eye blinding him there earning another painful roar of agony, a combination of blood and liquid sweeping down.

Bemular smiled out evilly hoping to continue his foes suffering, deciding to gouge his finger deeper into Orga's eye socket he kept doing while grasping his other hand against Orga's side to keep him hold.

If only Bemular's finger was out of his eye socket would it regenerate, the alien continued to try escaping Bemular's clutches but somehow the reptiles aggression had gotten the better of him. Despite this though, Orga wasn't going down without giving Bemular hell. Suddenly the reptile alien screeched out in pain when Orga used his weight to his advantage slamming his body against Bemular forcing the reptile to back away. Orga's missing eye instantly grew back as Bemular's finger was finally out of his socket. Orga watched as Bemular quickly recovered who then instantly began to build up energy within his maw, noticing this, Orga was prepared as the psychopathic reptile shot out his signature beam again, reacting instantly, the deformed alien brought up his hands shielding himself from the flames that brushed against his hands, even though painful as before, Orga managed to tank in the pain.

The millennium alien continued to keep his hands held up until Bemular ceased his attack, soon with giving his foe a chance to act. Orga latched out one of his massive arms grasping Bemular by the neck before lifting him off of his feet into the air and began to place pressure down on it. The reptilian alien violently struggled dangling his feet and moving every part of his body to squirm free but it was no use, his arms were too small to reach his foe, he tried to built up more energy into his maw to use his beam again but the millennian aliens grasp had his windpipe shut closed making it hard to do.

Realizing there was no other way, Bemular did what was probably his best chance of escaping Orga's clutches.

As Orga continued to squeeze the ever lasting life from his foe, something unexpected had caught Orga off-guard he didn't think would happen, blue energy began to form around Bemular and before the deformed alien knew it, the blue energy formed into that of a ball surprising Orga as he was forced to let go roaring in surprised. He watched as Bemular floated into the air in his blue sphere looking down at Orga with a demented smirk on his face. Orga roared out to Bemular to come back down and fight, as if his answer was given, in a blur, Bemular quickly floated down behind the millennian alien before deactivating his blue sphere that surrounded him. The moment Orga had turned around to face his foe, Bemular acted quickly latching out his small arms grabbing Orga's mouth. Throughout the fight he realized that whatever damaged he done to Orga, the alien would regenerate but then came to the conclusion what if it was possible to kill him from the inside, that's where an idea came to him. Bemular pried open Orga's mouth forcing it as wide as he could, Orga attempted to break free but the psycho alien didn't give him that option by placing more strength behind his muscles and positioned his foe by leaning him back. Then without warning, Bemular exhaled his blue flames as they blasted down into Orga's gullet. The deformed alien began to spasm and convolt in agony as the beam rained down inside his body trying in vain to roar in the most unimaginable pain he's ever experienced. Orga continued to struggle immensely until they began to weaken and slow down, after a few moments, Orga's struggling came to a stop as his body went completely limp.

Seeing that his foe had came to a stop. Bemular discontinued using his beam before letting go of Orga's body that fell to the ground with a thud. Looking down, Bemular watched as Orga's prone form just laid there, steam sizzling out from his mouth. He waited a few moments to see if his foe would stir up, after what felt like an eternity to the reptilian alien, Bemular was sure his foe was good as dead and was proven right about killing him from the inside, with Orga now out of the way, Bemular could finally proceed on with his killing spree. Turning his body, Bemular went his way in search of the life on this planet now that the battle was finally over.

At least that's what he had thought.

Orga's body just laid in the exact spot where it had collapsed, suddenly what was at first a few twitches, soon began with stirring and then suddenly one of Orga's eyes shot open! What Bemular thought was the impossible had happened! Orga's insides had regenerated and already the deformed alien had recovered from the whole ordeal as he let out a ear-piercing roar before charging forth at Bemular.

Bemular stopped himself at a halt at what he thought couldn't be happening and wished wasn't true! he turned around to look only to see Orga's form smashing right into him. The impact from his foes body stunned Bemular completely but even then he was put into shock when Orga drove his large claws into the alien reptiles mid section puncturing them into his where his chest and stomach laid, blood burst out from Bemular as the psycho alien tried to muster a roar of agony but all that came from his mouth was a gargling gurgle as blood poured down from his mouth; With a everything he had in him, Orga pulled his arms back as he tore open Bemular where he had his hands, more blood shooting out from his body spraying all over Orga which didn't seem to phase the deformed alien one bit. Pulling his hands out, Orga saw as Bemular fell on his back and to his surprise was still alive despite the massive non-recovering wound the alien reptile had. Blood continued to pump out from his massive wound and pour down from his mouth as Bemular looked on at Orga with hate in his eyes trying to deny death's door that was slowly taking him to the other side. Orga didn't even thought of giving him that option as he then ended the psychopathic aliens life by wrapping his massive hands around his head and crushing it like a smashed watermelon. Galleons of blood, skull fragments and brain matter splattered all over the surroundings.

Letting go, Orga allowed Bemular's bloodified corpse to the ground flopping on its side. It was a well hard-earned victory but the millennian deformity had done it, he had vanquished this unknown and mysterious foe. Once his kin found out about this, maybe his wish will indeed come true and that he'll be finally ranked much higher then before by having protected his planet. First thing was first though, right now he would finally get his rest.

Orga began to walk off into the horizon to meet up with his kind, most looking forward to revealing to them what he had accomplished.

Winner: Orga
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Comments: 4

TogeraGeon [2022-01-23 03:25:05 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ThaAnonymousPerson [2017-09-04 01:12:55 +0000 UTC]

Hello, Dinosaur Michael! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MoarCrossovers [2017-05-03 14:30:01 +0000 UTC]

This match didn't have Bemular win, therefore it is terrible

I kid, I kid.  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MikeSpikester11 In reply to MoarCrossovers [2017-05-03 20:45:09 +0000 UTC]

Ha, ha! Thanks man, funny as ever even outside the forum.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0