Milkb0ne — Melted ice (Pokemon related story)

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Description Melted Ice

Location. Saffron City High School at 2:45pm April 10th 2005. Like every day Crash sat alone at the corner of the school and the park just looking down at a photo he carried with him all of the time. The next date is very significant to him as you will now learn in this story.

I sigh loudly on the verge of tears looking at this photo in my hand. The photo is of me and my Glaceon when she was just a year old and when I was only five. Every day I sat here on this bench beside my school just hoping and praying the day I lost her was a dream and that she would be waiting at home for me.

"You're still looking at it huh?" I was startled for a second until I noticed my friend behind me. "Yeah. It's a habit I can't help it." My friend was just your typical tall blue husky. Always wanted to get things going. "I know it hurts, Crash, but it's been almost five years since it's happened. Don't you think it's time to get moving on?" Part of me was angry when he said stuff like this but I learned to live with it after a while.

"Cobalt. I know you have my back and the best intentions for me but this….. I just can't leave it. Ever." He sat there rubbing my back making sure I won't lose it right there in public eyes. "What even happened that day anyway?" I try so hard not to cry as I was going to tell him what happened but I went with it as tears ran down my face.

"She ran off on her own that day as I took her out just to have some fun in the park right across the street here. I was distracted for a second when my parents called me over and all of a sudden you could hear this car just slam on it's breaks with it's tires screeching on the road. I went to check it out and she was just lying there on the ground not moving an inch. I didn't want to believe what I saw but she was hit by that car and that image has been stuck in my head forever." I tried so hard not to start crying in front of my best friend saying this but I lost it right there. "I'm sorry man. I had no idea."

"Hey what's that little punk crying about this time?" That was Gold. He was a Lombax and figured he could do whatever he wanted because he was stronger than everybody. "Gold just go away, he's hurt" Gold then approached me and ripped the photo right from my hand. "You shut up and mind your own business baby blue. What do we have here?" I became infuriated when he took the photo, I can't imagine what he was thinking doing that. "So when did this wimp have an ice cube as a pet?" He was quickly building the fire inside of me as Cobalt tried to keep everything calm. "Uhh….Gold I think it's in your best interest to give that back to him. "Or else what?" Gold said as he shoved Cobalt back. "Well it's nothing I can do It's…." I cut Cobalt off and I lunged at Gold grabbing the picture back and just swinging left and rights at him. One good shot smacked him right in the eye as he stumbled away I realized what I had done. "uhh….Crash we need to run and now would be a good time." I looked to Cobalt. "You're right!" Both me and Cobalt panicked away and as we were running we could feel Gold catching up to us as he recovered. "You two punks are going to DIE for that one!"

The bright side is, we knew Gold couldn't swim for such a big athlete. The bad news is we dove into the lake in the middle of the park trying to escape him. About twenty minutes later we reach the other side of the lake climbing out of it soaked. "So where are we now?" Cobalt asked me as we were both gasping for breath after that swim. "We're just outside of Lavender Town"

"Isn't that where…" I cut him off there. "Say no more. Yes she was buried in the tower here." Luckily I didn't live too far away from here either, it was just a quick cut through the woods back home. "As long as were here why not visit the tow…..that place?" I didn't really want to tell Cobalt I was going to visit there anyway so knowing he's horrified of everything I tried to scare him away from there. "You mean you haven't heard?" He sat there confused. "What do mean?"

"That place is majorly haunted." He chuckled lightly. "Dude ghosts aren't real" I shook my head lightly in return. "You don't know the half of it. Every one  has heard the laughs of children walking around in that place and nobody lives in there at all. Only person in Lavender has kids and he's an only child." Cobalt continued shifting his eyes acting like I was lying to him but to be honest, I wasn't. "You know what. I'll go there myself to prove it to you. Huskies have always been more brave than Foxes anyway."

Oh was he wrong. We went to the tower and waited around to hear if anything was inside. "See? I told you. Nothing here." I pushed him by the shoulder. "You haven't even gone inside yet." He came up with more excuses. "Hey I'm waiting on you to follow me!"

"Fine we'll both go in. I'm not going to Christie's floor though." He nodded and we both started walking inside. Inside the lobby there were a few grave stones, dust and dirt everywhere, spider and cob webs all over the walls and some of the graves.

"Man it looks like nobody has been here in years" I looked right at him. "Cobalt, they stopped burying Pokemon here a long time ago. Christie was one of the last ones too." He sparked an idea. "Then that would mean she's on the top floor right?" I looked right at him. "What are you thinking?" Cobalt laughed and dashed up the stairs quickly to the next few floors. "Cobalt!" I screamed as I chased after him. "I told you I wouldn't visit her….." I caught up to him just before her floor as he was staring right into a light coming from the top floor as if he was spacing out. "Dude are you ok?" I looked towards that light as well and saw shadows along the wall. "What was that?" All of a sudden we heard footsteps in the room and the laughs of the children that were claimed from earlier. "Cobalt, remember when you told me to run earlier?

"Y-y-y-yes…." I grabbed him by the arm. "Now would be the perfect time to do that!" Both me and Cobalt panicked all the way back outside the tower and we kept running all the way outside of town. We ran a total of three more miles all the way back to my home in Saffron. "Okay. Just WHAT in the world was that?" Gasping for breath I told him slowly. "I told you that place was haunted. We didn't need to be there!"

We both managed to calm down after a few minutes. Cobalt grabbed me by both shoulders and talked right to my face "Alright. That's enough of an experience for today. Crash, please think about this. Christie is watching you from above now, she wants you to be happy. Please if you can try to move on, it'll be hard but you can do it." I sat there thinking of it calmly and trying not to break down again. I knew I was going back to the tower tonight though. I had to visit Christie's grave and leave this photo I've carried for so long. "Alright I'll try."

"Alright. I'm going home now, try and stay calm please?" I nodded as I pulled away from him. "I'll try" He walked away as I went into my house and flopped on my bed. I pulled the photo out again and continued to stare at it, thinking of me and my Glaceon. "I need to give her this tonight"…..

Location. Lavender Town. 1:35am April 11th. At the base floor of the Pokemon Tower.

I gulp loudly to myself before grabbing my flash light from my backpack. "Well, Christie. Here I come." I turn my flash light on and slowly walk my way inside the building. I try to keep as quiet as possible as I walk around the graves not trying to disturb anything. My heart pounds every second as I walk my way up the first couple of floors. I know my Glaceon is on the sixth floor though. As I reached the fourth floor I could start to hear the laughs. I sigh loudly trying to gain the courage to walk the rest of the way up. "I'm not here to hurt anything." I said in case there may be something listening to me. "I just want to leave something here in memory of a loved one." I heard a loud crick in the floor behind me. I point my flash light and find nothing.

"I will not be sad when I get to leave here" I continue walking and trip on the floor. I smack face first on the ground. The laughs from the voices are now pointed at me. I recover and aim my flash light over a shadow that just escapes the light. "Hello!?" I get freaked out more by the second. I finally make it to the bottom of the stairs to the sixth floor and of course that light is still there. I pull out the photo and look at it once more before I head up this stair case. "This is for you Christie." I said it out loud as if she could hear me.

I slowly make my way up the stairs to this series of smaller rooms to my left and right down the entire hall way. I enter the third door on the left side and shine my flash light on her grave. I kneel down at it wipe the dust away on the face of the grave. "I still love you." I pull the photo out of my pocket one more time and lay it down at the face of the stone. I started crying lightly.

All of a sudden I hear foot steps coming up behind me again. I gasp loudly and start breathing heavy when I turn around and see a shadow outside the door. I stumble back and hear the child's laugh one more time. I cover my eyes because I don't want to see what it is as it walks it's way up to me.

I put my hand out to try and block it without looking at it. "I'm sorry!" I yelled toward it. When I finally opened my eyes to see what it was, it was nuzzling against my hand "W-w-wha…?" I sat there confused for a second. It got closer and then I noticed the halo over it's head. It was her. It was the spirit of my Glaceon.

"Christie?" I asked it just out of pure assumption she could understand me. She got closer to me and licked me on the side of the cheek like she used to when I was a much younger kid. She looked down at the photo of me and her from when I was that young as well. She used her paw and started drawing around the photo in the dust on the floor. I know she missed me as well because she drew a heart around our picture. I began to cry even harder when I saw what she did. She got closer and nuzzled against me in my arms as I held onto her. "I missed you too" She looked up at me once more and licked me again before walking away. She started to fade away into the light. "Wait!..." I didn't want her to go so quickly but she did. She was gone once again but this time I at least got to give my proper good bye.

The next morning I woke up thinking It was all a dream. I quickly got out of bed and ripped open my backpack to try and find the picture but it was gone. "What happened last night?" I quickly packed everything back up and went into school, late as usual. I see Cobalt down the hall but he's dealing with Gold again.

"Listen punk, after what you and Crash pulled yesterday you better have the greatest apology ever or you'll finally get to know what it's like to be a book in a locker" He had Cobalt by the collar of his shirt so I stepped in. "Gold, let him go." He turned towards me. "Oh so you finally decide to show up. You think I'm just going to let it go after you hit me for no reason?" I didn't turn down from him. "You think I was going to let you insult me and my best friend even though she's gone?" He stood up over me. "I couldn't care less for your friend even if she was here. Now are you ready for your beating or what?" I still wouldn't back down from him because after what I went through last night I can take it from a muscle head. "Do your worst"

Gold cocked his arm back for a punch as I kneel down to protect myself but somehow a locker door flies wide open and smacks him in the face and he hits the ground. "huh?" I looked down and he was out cold at my feet. "Crash? What did you just do?" I looked up at Cobalt. "I have no idea, I didn't do that." I stood back up and walked with him. "Things have been weird recently. Come with me I have a long story to tell you." I said to Cobalt as we walked away.

One more time back at the lockers the children's laugh could be heard but even I knew it was her helping me out this time in return for everything we've done for each other over the years. I will always miss her but will never forget the one encounter I had with her that night.

The end.
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