Minicle — Alteimus Prime Part I

Published: 2006-12-25 13:28:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 202448; Favourites: 819; Downloads: 0
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[link] - Aerial Combat Mode

[link] - StarBomber Mode


With a new Live Action Transformers Movie and Cartoon just on the horizon, it seemed an appropriate time as any to do some Transformers Pixel Art to balance out all these Furries. Consisting of nearly Ten Weeks non stop labour just finishing in time for Christmas.

Essentially this is Concept Artwork for a Project I’ve been Brainstorming for some Years now, a Transformers Fanfic that I hope to get round to writing at some later time.

It first started out as an idea for a sort of Marvel Ultimate take on Transformers G1, but over time through over a hundred pages of random jotted ideas, has evolved into its own Series. The current working title is “Transtech Zero” in homage to the scrapped Line.

I’m still working on the details and plotline, but the basic setup is that the Series is set some 9000 years from the present time. An unspecific number of Refugee Autobots, along with Human Colonists are currently living alongside each other on some out of the way Planet Light Years from both Earth and Cybertron with little knowledge of how and why they got there. At the start most of the Colonists will be unaware of the Autobots (who with their ability to disguise themselves as relatively ordinary Vehicles) blend in amongst them and go about covertly with their own peaceful lives as they have done for Centuries.

The main storyline begins when one day a strange Vessel enters the Solar System (I haven’t decided a name for it yet). These are the remnants of the once great Decepticon Space Empire. A chain of events will be set in motion as the Autobots reveal themselves in order to fight back against these mysterious Invaders who resemble their own kind, but things just get worse from there. As we move on both Humans and Transformers will work alongside each other with some friction, as events move of the Planet and across the mostly unexplored Galaxy, leading to both races eventually discovering more of their history. I don’t want to give too much else away but I will reveal that the Series intends to involve some sort of final conclusion to the Ancient Civil War.

At present that is the current outline. My main goal was to create a kind of Transformers Series that we haven't really seen before. By taking it out of the usual settings of Earth and Cybertron.

Whilst it seemingly might suggest itself to be a continuation of the Gen-1 timeline. It's intended to be it's own seperate continuity, that has slight nods to other universes, mostly because I find trying to keep in check an often contradicting and long running continuity tends to bog down the Story and creative freedom, so it’s a pick ‘n mix affair with me for what and what isn’t in the Series. Basically it's a bit like Turn-A Gundam. There are currently no plans for any crossovers between any other Series (The main reason being that I have no reason to, plus most Crossovers tend to be a bit of a dodgy affair and generally might end up sitting badly with fans, who tend to be a rather conflicting bunch in themselves). Transtech Zero and its cast will have their own separate adventure, although there will be references to past events and certain past characters (not in the sense of Character X being closely related to G1 Bluestreak or often annoying fanfic clichés similar to that) that effect the Storyline. This mostly serves as a backstory and won’t be referred to often.

Transtech Zero will also explore some of the often overlooked themes of the Transformers universe, such as the relationship between Autobots and Humans, and Autobots and Decepticons. The often untapped potential in the different Series; something that I don’t think has been touched on much in either official or in the fandom. No, not in the Slash sense... This isn't a case of being all darker/edgier and emo. It's merely going a bit deeper into various ideas.

More Space based combat that I’ve always wanted to see more of will feature quite often, but there will also be plenty of different Planets with different environments and extraterrestrials. Also this series will heavily contain more Melee Combat and sword fighting with EPD-Weapons much like “Victory” and “Masterforce”, as opposed to just Missiles and Lasers that often never seem to hit their targets.

The Transformers themselves will be more radically advanced then in previous Series as opposed to their often more cartoonish humanlike faces and often mimicking of organic like habits that don’t often make much sense. They will have more robotic features much like where the Movie is going with its designs, mixed with more alien/cybernetic habits. Although not entirely, the familiar blocky like style will still remain, a marriage of both old and new ideas.
Based on a concept from the original cartoon the Transformers will be like walking penknives, containing hidden weaponry and intricate tools scattered over their body frames.
Autobots in design will tend to resemble Humans more due to living with them for such a long time, whilst the Deceptions will maintain a more alien like look.

On the subject of the Decepticons, in this Series they’ve been jacked up into a more formidable opponent, as opposed to the usual setup of a group of incompetents who always end up loosing. They will have their share of victories, and unlike a lot of Transformers Series will drastically outnumber the Autobots.
The Decepticons will have a more Militaristic like Hierarchy as a sort of throwback to their Generation 1 Cartoon origins, and be expert combat operatives and skilled fighters. However I intend to give them their own fair amount of development and a slightly tragic side. No, I don’t intend that in the Raksha sense of them being victims of propaganda and all that bollocks.
In this Universe both Autobots and Decepticons were once the same race before the Quintessons came along and mucked about with their programming to make them more effective to their specific designations. This harkens back to my exploration of the relationship between the two sides that are basically fighting a War that was started by their ancestors millions of Years ago that has seemingly lost its point over time, and somewhere someone will be pulling the strings to make sure this remains the case. Who that is will remain a secret for now...

Anyway if you’re still with us I’d best move onto details about this fellow, Alteimus Prime.

TECHSPEC QUOTE: The path that leads to War is paved by the bodies of the Dead.

Even most non Transfans will know that a Prime tends to be the Main Leader for the Autobots Forces in most Series. As much as it’s a Cliché for there to be a Somethingus Prime style Fancharacter, I’ve tried to make him into something different and hopefully interesting. As essentially Alteimus will not start of as Leader, and not become Leader for sometime (There will be another Prime before him who shall be revealed at a later date). Alteimus will come online within the actual Series under a different identity so we will follow his Character evolution over time as he experiences being thrown into a War, culminating in him eventually receiving the mantle from the previous Prime. So it won’t be in the Hot Rod case of new character comes out of nowhere and uses the Matrix to become Somethingus Prime. Receiving the Matrix also doesn’t automatically mean tossing Alteimus into the leadership position; but explaining that means giving more of the Storyline away so I must refrain for now.

Now the Matrix in question, has a reputation in the Fandom somewhere along the lines of “That F*cking annoying Deux Ex Machina that I wish would die because it’s a shity paper thin excuse for a Plot Device that only n00bs think iz kool.”
Although the reason other then the norm “Where is a Prime without his Matrix? Answer: Lost!” (Christmas Cracker Joke, hardy-har-har...) is that it is included is because I intend to delve into the Back-story of it, and not just use it as a solution to the current problems at hand. The Matrix will become a sort of Character in itself, displaying a sort of intelligence that reacts to various things and communicates with Prime similar to a Sibling-Parental Relationship.

If you’ve noticed Alteimus’s sight resemblance, then this was mostly due to the fact that originally he was going to be this periods Optimus. But as the idea evolved more I wanted to create a separate character and so modified the design halfway through to create an original Character.

Mostly the creation now of Alteimus is to basically set the Design Style and also showcase some of the various Technologies of the series (As I’ve mentioned the Transformers will be far more advanced then previous due to being set so far in the Future) and will sport much more extraordinary abilities then their Predecessors.
An added new ability, the Insignia on a Transformer can project a Holographic Visual Communications Screen, as well as generate various Terrain Maps and Schematics.
Transformers of this Era will also have the ability to have blinking Optics that help provide more expression, these work on a Shutter Based System much like a Camera. One other ability is that Transformers can turn their Optic Lights on and off, allowing them to use a Morse Code style of signaling.
The neck and hands are covered in a soft rubberish material, the finger tips of each hand are installed with various Touch and Heat Sensors allowing more delicate grasping.
The various glowing blue parts you see are pipes transferring Energon throughout the Transformer’s body like Blood Veins.

On to weaponry. Alteimus wields a rather large two handed saber formed out of his Vehicle Mode’s Nosecone (I’ve taken to nicknaming it “Caledfwlch”). When fully charged up the Saber produces enough power to cleave an object measuring roughly a Mile in Diameter in two. Built in Rocket Ports also allow it to function as an extra Booster in Space.
I’ve tried to avoid making the weapons to Lightsaberish, creating a kind of weapon that is half Bladed Sword, and half Energy Blade to make it more variable in combat. An Aegis Field is stored within the Shield to absorb Heavy Blaster Fire and other EPD-Weapons. Projectors within the palm of both hands form smaller disk shaped Aegis Fields.
As an extra precaution, all Transformers External Armour is covered in a thin Energy Field that can absorb several hits from a Laser; however the Field can only take so many hits before it collapses into a recharging period, leaving the Transformer exposed to a possibly fatal blow. The Field normally remains down, raising only when a Transformer is in Fighting Mode, meaning a sudden surprise attack can be potentially life threatening.
In Aerial Combat Mode, the two Airfoil Strike Veins can be detached to act as Duel Sabers or joined together at the hilt; Alteimus holds this out horizontally in front of him in order to execute a strafe attack on any ground based Unit.
The Energon Discharge Knuckle is created via a buildup of excess energy by clenching the fist tightly, the moment the fist impacts with an object that charged energy is unleashed with armour shattering effects.
A hidden Missile Rack protects the central torso and is useful for an unexpected counterattack, portable Ion Motors can be used to knock out various Electrical Systems.
Transformers will have various other weapons that can paralyze, stun or even molecularly disassemble entire Atomic Structures.

At this point I’m guessing those not fully interested in this have pissed off. But for those of you who have chosen to trudge on, we’ll move onto the various Technology and Terminology for Transtech Zero.

DRIVE CORE: Basically these are what separate Transformers from other Machines; an ancient highly advanced internal mechanism that produces the emotions and free will of all Transformers. Unlike various other parts of a Transformer’s Structure, the Drive Core is one of the few things that is irreplaceable, if damaged severely the Transformer that it inhabits will essentially die, so steps have been taken to keep it well protected from external attacks. Drive Cores are also among one of the biggest mysteries of the Transformers race, as they are far more complex and advanced then anything else in Transformer Science, as Carbon Dating shows them to have existed a countless number of Years before Life evolved on Cybertron. Tests have shown that all Drive Cores contain the same familiar fragments of data that suggest they may have all once originated from the same source, among some of the theories that have been suggested by Scientists is that Drive Cores were once a Sentient Race that existed before even the Universe, although this has met with considerable criticism.
(Note: Drive Cores are essentially the names for Laser Cores/Sparks of this period, however without all that overly goofy mystic stuff)
One interesting aspect of the Drive Core is that it seemingly requires a compatible Processing Module *A Transformers Brain essentially* in order to keep it stable.
The Processing Module is connected through its Auxiliary Port within a Transformers Chest directly into the Drive Core, from where a stem cable transports data back and forth between the two. Through this process the Drive Core seemingly forms the beginnings of a Transformers basic personality, this is then stored within the Processing Module where it develops this personality through feeding it various databanks of information from external sources that it so desires, eventually leading to the choice of what position and area in society that Transformer would best consider itself.
Due to their complexity Drive Cores are rarely ever replicated (With some rather tragic side effects) but are in fact recycled through various Generations. This is mostly because whilst the highly more advanced Drive Core is able to continuously function for a so far limitless lifespan, the Processing Module eventually begins to degrade over time. Whilst this can be seemingly fixed by complex cerebral maintance, it runs the risk of damaging or the fragile personality of a Transformer.
Deceptions still utilize a similar kind of system, preferring to wipe a module completely when it shows signs of deteriorating and start again from scratch with a fresh new personality. The downside to this system however was that it constantly robbed the Decepticons of previously gained combat knowledge and experience. Also some Decepticons were known to complain about a glitch caused by the wiping process that drastically affected their targeting ability.
Eventually however, designated War-Archivists created an immense Database and backup storage units that would supply wiped units with all the combat data they required, although this did not entirely solve the experience problem and thus a vigorous training program was devised by veteran Field-Commanders in order to quickly get them back up to top fighting status.
Autobots on the other hand developed a rather different system. Originally inspired from monitoring various organic lifeforms on explored worlds, Scientists noted that the lifeforms tended to display various growth stages throughout their life cycles. This system was adapted into the Autobot’s own culture and thus a life cycle of their own was born. Where younger Autobots often displayed a more fun loving and reckless personality, whilst older Autobots tended to display a more wise and cultured (and sometimes eccentric) level of thought.
This system was further expanded upon after coming into contact with the Earthen Human Lifeform, where various educational, service and retirement stages where incorporated into the Life-Cycle-Program.
The Life-Cycle-Program designated the average Transformers life expectancy, which can be anywhere from twelve to twenty four million years in standard Astroverse time, this is mostly dependant on how well a Transformer is maintained. The oldest known Autobot had a recorded lifespan of twenty nine million years.
Towards the end of the Life-Cycle-Program the Autobot is given the choice of whether or not it wishes to eventually expire in peaceful retirement, or allow their Drive Core to be transferred into a new body and thus allow a whole new Transformer to be born.
Without this transfusion, and without a compatible Processing Module, the Drive Core eventually deteriorates over a short while until the Energy Nexus is drained, leaving what is known as a Blank.
It has been noted sometimes, remnants of the original Donor’s personality are occasionally noticeable in the receivers own.

Considered among one of the greatest breakthroughs in Cybertronian Science, IFCs were intended to eventually replace the standard Power Sources of all Transformers. The development of the IFC-Reactor has had a rather interesting back-story, set over a very long period of time.
Originally the first known beginnings of the Project were started by Decepticons during the Generation 1 Era midway through the Civil War. Keen to develop a means to overpower their enemy effectively and efficiently, the current overseer of the Decepticon controlled portion of Cybertron had research into a new and more powerful internal Power Source at the cost of less Energon input secretly commissioned. After sometime a Prototype of the new Power Source was finely developed by a Team of Scientists deep underground. It was immediately commissioned into active field service, despite the fact that it hadn’t fully completed testing stages. But various high ranking Decepticons impatient to be rid of their Autobot annoyance demanded for a live demonstration, and so one expendable Warrior was selected to be installed with the new Power Source.
Unfortunately this led to eventual disaster, as while the Decepticon gained an unbelievable power output at the cost of half the originally required input, it was seemingly too much of a shock to his systems that were not prepared for it, and the Transformer went on an unstoppable psychotic rampage across Cybertron. The eventual fate of the Decepticon was never fully confirmed (though it most likely wasn’t pretty), but the Prototype was lost indefinitely in the process.
This event meant however, that the project was no longer a secret as the Autobots now alerted to this put efforts into obtaining the Technology. Eventually a successful raid on the original Research Facility led to acquirement of the Blueprints. Seeing the potential that it would bring in solving the current Energon crisis, Autobot Scientists themselves worked hard to develop their own version, although various changes made to the original decreased the power output but in doing so insured more stability.
Not keen to loose such a precious technology, the Decepticons organized their own raid, and managed to steal the plans for the Autobot’s Prototype. From here things got rather amusing from a perspective, as both sides continuously raided and counter raided each others Research Centres throughout the course of the Civil War, adding their own tweaks to the design in the process. And though a rather ironic partnership, the eventual IFC began to take shape.
It was not till towards the end of the Generation 2 Era where the Project having gone through various halts and restarts due to certain events was finely being perfected, with both sides now possessing their own version. The Decepticons IFC-Reactor provided more power output, whilst the Autobots had more functions which allowed them to be adjusted, preventing them from radically overheating in battle whilst wasting less energy.
Despite their impressive performance, the Reactors were still potentially dangerous; a direct hit on the housing of one would cause a Chain Reaction that would atomize both the Transformer and over two Square Miles around it. Decepticons have seemingly reported to have exploited this though various Kamikaze assaults.
The first Autobot IFC-Reactor finally saw service during the new Golden Age of Cybertron where they were first tested successfully on much larger Transformers. At this point Protoforming had also been discovered, and so newer Transformers that were equipped from birth with the IFCs adjusted to them much better then those upgraded with one.
Sadly IFCs seemingly appeared a little to late, as a new conflict between Autobot’s and Decepticons began not long after, meaning not all Transformers managed to equip themselves with one in time, leading to several one sided massacres.
Refugee Transformers commissioned with guarding the Protoforms took copies of the Blueprints along with various other experimental technologies, before deleting them from the Central Computer Vaults to prevent them from falling into enemy hands during the great storming of Cybertron.
After the Pax Cybertronia, development into further advancing war technology was forbidden. The IFCs faded into obscurity as the seemingly now united Cybertron regressed into a more peaceful culture.
For Transformers unaware of the changes back home, further development into IFCs continued. The next challenge faced by Autobot Scientists was that even one IFC was a strain on a Transformer’s structure. It is believed however, that recent advancements have led to the creation of stronger Protoforms that may actually be able to house two IFCs within them...

Tiny, replicating, microscopic Droids that function similar to Blood Cells, in that they repair external and internal damage to a Transformer. Nanobios are equipped with tiny Beam Cutters that can be used in either repair functions, or to eliminate various Metal Eating Microbes that may threaten the Transformer. Nanobios require an external energy source from their Host in order to maintain themselves and their numbers. Lack of this requirement leads to a drop in efficiency that decreases to the point where they even cease to function.
Nanobios willingly sacrifice their own body materials to repair a wound in a Transformer’s Exo-Structure. The greater the damage, the longer time it takes for the stock of Nanobios to replenish their numbers through atomic level division.
Several Spy Reports tell of one weapon that is known to have been invented by Decepticon Researchers, which utilizes modified Nanobios that when fired in a shell at a Target and makes contact with a specific Energy Signature, are programmed to override that Targets own Nanobios and disassemble it in a slow and painful manner. However this shocking weapon fortunately backfired in the experimental stages when field testing revealed that surrounding Energy Signatures from other nearby Transformers confused the modified Nanobios which resulted in them exploding within the Launcher upon the trigger being pulled. The weapon has proven only effective on single Targets; various attempts by Autobot Police to track down Blueprints of this weapon have proven so far unsuccessful.

A Copperish like Ore that can also be similarly replicated through a variety of other compounds is capable of being refined into a Special Metal, its Formula being a closely guarded secret known only to the most trustworthy of high ranking Transformers on both sides, originally Cytanite was a Quintesson invention.
The Metal that is formed is exceedingly tough but very flexible, as well as non magnetic. This Metal is sometimes used in the construction of buildings, but mostly it is used in the development of Transformer parts and External Armour. A much tougher and less flexible Formula of the Metal is used in the manufacture of Blade Based Weapons.
Generation 4 Transformers are known to have developed a more stronger version of the Metal known as Cytanite-Alpha.
The largest known Cytanite Ore Mine was discovered on Cybertron’s second closest Moon.

A method of shifting objects briefly into a small Subspace Compartment for secure storage that was first developed during the Generation 1 Era. Originally created almost by accident when several Cybertronians were studying into creating small Artificial Black Holes in order to dispose of Factory Waste. The project was soon abandoned, but several successful experiments with creating small Pocket Dimensions in Space were developed into the SPS System. This special device allowed objects ranging from the size of a Microscrew to a heavy duty Barrage Cannon to be transported via a Laser Targeting System. A special personalized Signal allows these items to be selected and recalled back into the user’s hands. All Transformers currently possess one of these devices, and have been most beneficial in the storage of spare parts and cumbersome weaponry. Cases have shown that it has been possible to hack another Transformers SPS Code, which consists of no less then Four Thousand Digits, and remove its contents without the Owner’s knowledge. Failsafe Systems have since been created to detect such tampering and alert the Transformer to this. Larger objects require several portable SPS Systems to be in conjunction with one another in both sending and retrieving. Several Microns who volunteered for Subspace storage testing vanished completely never to be seen again, suspicions suggest that the more complex machinery of a Transformer caused some unexplainable reaction in whatever area of Subspace it was transported too; this has yet to be confirmed. Despite this a few Transformers have already managed to develop a means to momentarily travel through Sublightspace *A halfway point between Subspace and Regularspace* by a personalized internal Teleportation System, allowing them to travel brief distances via Line of Sight Targeting. As of yet there have been no attempts to test how an Organic substance fares in Subspace.
Some War Criminals were known to have been punished by being sealed within Subspace without any retrieval Codes, indeed few Horror Stories tell of mysterious otherworldly noises being heard from within the lowest parts of Cybertron. Although this has not stopped research into transporting much larger objects. Various rumours speculate that a gigantic SPS System capable of transporting entire Planets exists hidden somewhere.
To prevent any possible means of escape various Jammers have been invented to block SPS Signals and are often found installed within Prison Cells and various Capital Buildings. Some Decepticon Leaders had a reputation of secretly placing miniature voice activated Jammers inside spare parts, in the event of any subordinate with devious thoughts in mind from pulling out any potentially nasty surprises.

Aegis Fields work similar to EPD-Weapons, the main difference being that they are mostly invisible until an object collides with it at a high speed. Aegis Fields come in various sizes, the largest ones being used aboard Starships and in important structures.
Whilst useful against various projectiles and Asteroid Fields, they are incapable of protecting against slow moving and stationary objects such as Astro Mines, though these are normally dealt with swiftly by Automated Gun Turrets.
Some crews of Ships equipped with powerful Aegis Fields have been known to rig makeshift Battering Rams out of them in use against other Vessels.
By the Generation 3 Era two special types of Aegis Field were created that could either absorb or reflect EPD-Weapon fire. One weapon however, the Ion Concussion Shell, could penetrate an Aegis Field’s barrier and open a small hole in it briefly.
Aegis Fields will eventually go down from absorbing too many hits or through the Main Generator being destroyed, an option allows them to stay up for longer but this risks them overloading and causing them to burn out completely.
When hit an Aegis Field will usually send out a blue ripple like a raindrop hitting water, momentarily revealing a large section of the barrier, Ship based Fields require an incredible amount of energy to remain fully functional and so are mostly reserved for Ship to Ship battles.
Several larger vessels equipped with gigantic Quantum Furnaces have been known to have up to six Aegis Field Generators installed and kept constantly activated.
Smaller, cruder Aegis Fields were first seen sometime during the height of the Civil War during the Generation 1 Era when Soldiers on the battlefield needed means to protect themselves when exposed in the open, over time these have developed into much more serviceable and stronger personalized Defense Shields by the end of Generation 2.

A useful method of Cloaking used commonly in Espionage and in hit and run missions. Another creation from the Civil War, these devices projected a barrier that rendered anything under it almost completely invisible, not by camouflage but in a simple electronic trick, which sent out signals confusing enemy Sensors leading them to believe that there was nothing there at a glance. Although this was not entirely effective as optical focusing improved and this effect being used to detect whether someone was using a SFC. So efforts to create a superior form of Cloaking started. The next version of a SFC utilized a mixture of light bending from a specialized applyable liquid, and Chameleon Nanotics which altered a Transformers Armour into more faint colour schemes.
By Generation 2 Ships were being installed with much larger SFCs that worked similar to Aegis Fields in projecting a barrier that blocked out all light, however this had to be lowered in order to raise the Aegis Field to avoid overloading.

Space Bridges are as their name suggests, bridges across Space. Expanding on Short Range Teleportation Technology the first fully working Space Bridge was constructed by Decepticons during the Civil War in order to transport large Energon Stockpiles from one area of Cybertron to another. This first version however often suffered various breakdowns demanding constant maintenance, which became infuriating to the point that it was decommissioned and a smaller one was built to replace it, although it remained Stationary at the Main Decepticon Headquarters whilst a series of posts set up to form a ring around whatever required transporting was used more beneficially in the field.
At some point later on towards the end of the Generation 1 Era, the first off world Space Bridge was successfully tested (albeit with a few small hiccups.). Linked to the stationary Space Bridge on Cybertron it utilized an extended Sublightspace Teleportation System to transport both Energon and Transformers across vast Light Years of Space in mere seconds.
Whilst this technology is often closely associated with Decepticons, an Autobot version eventually did appear during the Generation 2 Era utilizing similar Sublightspace Technology, but was mostly used for traversing across Alien Planets quickly.
During the series of Campaigns towards the end of Generation 3, Decepticons were reported to have developed a smaller portable hoop shaped vertical Space bridge, which could be quickly assembled for a limited use by a small number of Units.

A mysterious substance of collected energy particles that is found on almost every Planet in the known Universe. There are at present over a thousand categorized types of Energon, each with their own unique properties. Whilst normally found in crystallite forms deep underground, Energon has been discovered in other forms, Fossil Fuels such as Oil contain Micro Energon Particles within them. Energon Particles have also been found in many active Volcanoes, Solar Radiation from the Sun also produces a high level of Energon Particles *It is thought that a Sun’s Nucleus was formed from a high mass of highly compressed Energon Asteroids being ignited when coming into contact with pockets of certain Space Gasses* which can be absorbed through Solar Batteries.
When mining for Raw Energon specialist workers take tremendous care to avoid anything which might ignite the unstable mass, these specialist workers eventually earned the nickname of Omnicons. Raw Energon when ignited through even a stray laser blast can set off huge Chain Reactions across vast deposits of Energon, one such mining accident led to an entire Planet self destructing from a network of subterranean Energon Crystals.
Once Energon has been refined through adding special dissolvent chemicals, the liquidized state is rendered safe for transportation. Special transparent Cube shaped Containment Cases can be used to store modest amounts of refined Energon, however if the Cube is breached, the Energon leaks out and disperses into the Atmosphere. Originally Energon was once stored in Pyramid shaped Containment Cases; although this was design was eventually abandoned due to them not stacking well, and thus it was the Square and not the Wheel that became the life changing invention on Cybertron.
Throughout history various Scientists have attempted for to create a self replenishing source of Energon, but each Experiment was met with failure as the Energon failed to maintain a stable form and disintegrated almost immediately. From what was left of the Archives of the Generation 0 Era, a seemingly extinct form of Energon was said to have grown naturally like a Plant.
Whilst Energon is all but useless to other Races unable to harness its power correctly, the entire Transformer Race literally revolves around its existence. Apart from a form of energy replenishment, different forms of Refined Energon are used in both the Construction of various Structures and Art. Energon has even found its way into Medical Functions, the liquid state when mixed with Nanotics speeds up the replication process allowing faster repairs to a Transformer dipped into a Vat of it.
Much like Mushrooms there are some various types of Energon that are for all purposes completely unusable, and are even fatally poisonous. These types of Energon are created from certain reactions to Alien Chemicals, the most deadly of these being a lime green coloured form of Energon rarely seen but when consumed create a rapid deterioration of Internal Systems, ultimately eating away at the Transformer from the inside. However some Decepticons are reported to have somehow converted these deadly killers into actual useable Energon, with some rather unusual side effects.

A term categorizing all Laser Projectile Launchers. An EPD-Weapon functions by utilizing the Negative Energon Particles that are left when Energon is processed by a Transformers Internal Power System *comparable to Carbon Dioxide in a Human body*.
This waste can be either expelled through vents harmlessly back into the Atmosphere where they are broken down and consumed by various Microbes, or reprocessed and mixed with Electron Particles to create Power Packs for Energy Weapons, these can be charged and recharged on a Transformer or on Weapon Racks. The blast from a standard charged EPD-Weapon is strong enough to put a hole through a 5 Metre thick Titanium Wall, the larger a Power Pack the more powerful blast that can be charged.
Special Reactors aboard Ships constantly recycle and reenergize these particles, sending them in an endless cycle to Defense Cannons, Aegis Fields, Computers and Engines.
EPD-Explosives and Landmines also provide devastating Weaponry.
Whilst other sources of Power have emerged over the Eons, EPD is still the most commonly used.

During the Generation 3 Era, a new and successful form of creating a Transformer was finely mastered by the Autobots. Protoforms start of existence as lifeless Liquid Cytanite storred within special Stasis Pods. A Drive Core donated by a Transformer is placed within this Pod along with several Million Nanotics in suspended animation. Onboard Computers are uploaded with various Data about nearly everything that is currently known about the Universe with any extra information considered necessary to what its functions would be, which will be transferred into and categorized within the unborn Transformer’s Processing Banks. This process can take quite a while leading to dozens of Protoforms being storred in Warehouses for several Decades. When a Protoform is ready the Nanobios are revitalized, and begin shaping and constructing the Transformer based on Data sent by the Pod’s Computers or through external input. Once the Transformer is fully formed, it is activated and released from the Pod with full intelligence and can adapt almost instantly to any situation it faces within seconds of its birth.
Unlike most technology of that time, it has managed to stay in service right through the Generation 3.1 Era, where they were mostly used in adapting to terrain for exploration of new and uncharted Planets.
Decepticons currently posses no means of Protoforming, relying on more primitive programmable Drones to increase their numbers.

Mostly a brief run down of the history and back-story of the Transtech Universe, mostly G1 inspired with hints of other series thrown in. I always think it’s best to plan out your Universe before actually starting a Story.

The Term for the Beginnings of the Transformer Race, much of this period of History has been lost due to the decimation of Data Archives by Quintessons. Although various scraps pieced together have suggested that Ancient Cybetronians might have lived in various tribes, and that Cybertron may have once been at least partially Organic.

The Term for the Age of the great Transformer Renaissance, the first Golden Age which began after the Quintessons were overthrown and chased of Cybertron. It is also this period that the Great Civil War began when a Small group of Cybertronians calling themselves Decepticons appeared and began stealing from Energon Storage Facilities. A group of Guardians soon arose to oppose them who over time became known as Autobots. The War went through several periods of brief peace but again and again conflicts arose. During this time the art of Transforming which increased performance in combat and espionage emerged. After Millions of years of fighting turned the once Cybernetic Utopia, into a hellish barren Scrapyard, and draining it almost entirely of its resources. Faced with no choice, a small unit of Autobots were selected and dispatched to leave Cybertron in order to seek out much needed supplies, but this did not go unnoticed by the Decepticons who at present occupied nearly two thirds of the Planet. Contact with the group was lost for some time and eventually almost forgotten, as the War on Cybertron dragged on. Later the group returned successfully having formed an Alliance with the Main Race of the Planet Earth for help in obtaining resources; it was considered the main turning point in the War.

When this Period began is uncertain, most believe it to be when Autobot Forces retook Cybertron from Decepticons and drove them off in a similar repeat of historical events. At the time most considered it to be the end of the Great Civil War; however it turned out to be just the beginning. Various Transformer Warlords and offshoots of the race that fled the War on Cybertron returned and a new and more chaotic series of conflicts began. Much of the details were left unrecorded and thus much of it is left uncertain and open to speculation. It was around this time that a third race of smaller Transformers was discovered, known as “Microns” or “Minicons” as they were often mispronounced.
Various minor groups of Decepticons briefly popped up now and again, mostly on Earth and occasionally other Planets seeking personal power gain, but these were dealt with quickly.

Considered the Second Golden Age of the Transformers society, Cybertron was rebuilt and the Decepticon Forces had all but disappeared from the Universe, and thus many years of peace and scientific advancements were achieved between the various united races. But then on one unspecific day, out of nowhere an unholy large Decepticon Armada emerged and attacked without any warning, taking Autobot forces by surprise. In the insuring Chaos, a high amount of casualties arose as a counter offensive was hastily formed.
During this point various Human and Transformer refugees left Cybertron along with stored experimental Protoforms that were being targeted, and fled to the far corners of the Universe where they have remained since without any further contact. Various reports suggest that Cybertron may have been destroyed during the conflict.
After another long series of Campaigns the Decepticons were once again defeated and fled never to be seen again, although various POWs and several groups chose to remain and form a Peace Treaty with the Autobots, which was accepted and became known as the Pax Cybertronia. However this move caused conflict with the other United Races and a high level of mistrust began to rise.

After the conflict, the entire unity between various Alien Races collapsed due to Autobots decision to make peace with the Decepticons; this led to many long and heated debates. Eventually it was decided by members within the Central Hub of the Alliance based in the Paradius System, that with the main threat of Decepticons now seemingly ended contact would now be ceased between them, and so the Alliance was disbanded and each race went their separate ways. The seemingly united race of both Autobots and Decepticons worked to either rebuild or build a new Home Planet for themselves. Efforts to contact the refugees seemed futile and pointless as at this point Energon had become scarce and so began what was known as the Great Downsizing process to conserve Energy, and through various studies into Bio-Organic Bonding two new minor races known as “Maximals” and “Predacons” emerged. Sadly this process robbed the Transformers of much of their other advancements and generally weakened their Exo-Structures considerably, and so the once Great Civilization regressed to a more primitive and modest age. Although several conflicts again rose, much of this remains unrecorded.

As the main race of Transformers went into a technological decline, one of the various groups that had fled the major conflict settled on a Planet rich with energy and so were able to continue their scientific advancements, whilst waiting for the signal from Cybertron to return home. After a long period off complete Communications silence, the refugees feared the worst had happened. The Autobots knowing that the Decepticons may come looking for them, decided on maintaining a low profile, and made arrangements with the current Generation of Humans that had accompanied them, before going underground. And thus over time the countless future generations of Humans seemingly forgot all about the Autobots living secretly amongst them, keeping a fringe relationship with only the highest ranks of the Government since then.
As for the remaining rogue Decepticons, they too have maintained a low profile. Having suffered their most damaging defeat yet, split fleets retreated deep into Space. Without either a Leader or adequate Energon supplies, the once Universally feared Decepticon Empire seemed destined to fade into Space Dust. Then one day, a lone figure appeared before them...

Thank you for bearing with us.
Phew... This must be a record for the most amount of dialogue in a description yet.
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Comments: 163

Gloravor [2022-08-27 20:06:25 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MDTartist83 [2022-05-04 20:28:40 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SolGravionMegazord [2021-08-22 21:21:17 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

J-Knight2008 [2020-07-12 00:07:38 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Basement-Aviator [2020-05-31 03:20:51 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

patrickevandro28 [2020-01-15 02:01:03 +0000 UTC]

maker wing saber transformers the movie

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SayToyBoat3TimesFast [2019-08-13 13:02:39 +0000 UTC]

Wow, very complex and cool.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WOLFBLADE111 [2016-07-05 03:01:39 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MrOsuegbu [2016-06-01 05:24:03 +0000 UTC]

Cool! m.youtube.com/channel/UCf74yJv…

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HaNKmillenium [2016-02-26 21:09:18 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

megamaster135 [2016-02-14 15:46:10 +0000 UTC]

Exactly what kind of vehicle is he? a rocket?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Minicle In reply to megamaster135 [2016-02-15 10:21:34 +0000 UTC]

A sort of solar barge.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

megamaster135 In reply to Minicle [2016-02-15 16:09:55 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JD20mg [2015-12-31 04:53:11 +0000 UTC]

Wow!  that's a masterful bitmap!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

superman676 [2015-04-23 20:43:01 +0000 UTC]

HOLY SHIT THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lady-Bluestreak [2014-08-09 13:14:47 +0000 UTC]

He reminds me of if Brave Maximus from Robots in Disguise were a Prime.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

twinknight [2014-07-31 20:08:45 +0000 UTC]

everything going on (just a little to much) still cool

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Minicle In reply to twinknight [2014-08-01 17:46:51 +0000 UTC]

Would you care to elaborate?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

twinknight In reply to Minicle [2014-08-01 18:08:48 +0000 UTC]

there is just so much much how acn i say this but its just too much stuff on optimus 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Minicle In reply to twinknight [2014-08-02 17:59:28 +0000 UTC]

That's not optimus though.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

twinknight In reply to Minicle [2014-08-02 18:24:39 +0000 UTC]

Sorry then I re read the name stilll a lot of stuff doe

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Minicle In reply to twinknight [2014-08-02 20:01:28 +0000 UTC]

What does a female Deer have to do with all this?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

twinknight In reply to Minicle [2014-08-02 20:35:21 +0000 UTC]

Nothin but a typo

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MorituriMax [2013-12-03 23:43:02 +0000 UTC]

Heh, don't shoot me, for some reason this made me think, "Alzheimer Prime: Usually found wandering aimlessly through uncharted systems, looking for a parking lot in FLorida."

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HuntingX [2013-06-03 15:02:41 +0000 UTC]

The great power of MS Paint!
I will never use anything other than MS Paint.

This has inspired me, thank you for such a beatiful work of art... made in MS Paint.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

definefear [2013-05-27 03:23:56 +0000 UTC]

you know, for an mspaint piece this one is PRETTY RAD!! lol sorry. liked it instantly. how long did you paint this ? years ? lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Minicle In reply to definefear [2013-05-27 12:35:28 +0000 UTC]

Six months I think it was.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

definefear In reply to Minicle [2013-06-17 14:24:35 +0000 UTC]

woaahh ! really rad details man. respect.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

YagamiJase1800 [2012-12-22 04:42:04 +0000 UTC]

A little over the top for me

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Minicle In reply to YagamiJase1800 [2012-12-22 15:35:30 +0000 UTC]

Short back and sides for me.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

YagamiJase1800 In reply to Minicle [2012-12-22 15:36:14 +0000 UTC]


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Minicle In reply to YagamiJase1800 [2012-12-22 16:42:11 +0000 UTC]

Ah, the ancient Egyptian God of infinity.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

YagamiJase1800 In reply to Minicle [2012-12-22 22:15:58 +0000 UTC]

I don't know what you're talking about

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Minicle In reply to YagamiJase1800 [2012-12-23 12:32:23 +0000 UTC]

That makes two and a half of us.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Crafter08 [2012-10-22 15:54:27 +0000 UTC]

Damn that's incredible.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

rxlthunder [2012-08-23 03:47:54 +0000 UTC]

This is awesome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RegularShow2398 [2012-08-14 07:40:54 +0000 UTC]

This. Is. Just. Awesome.

But that Energon intake cord is creepy, especially when it comes from the mouth.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Minicle In reply to RegularShow2398 [2012-08-14 17:55:04 +0000 UTC]

There are far more creepy places it could come from.

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RegularShow2398 In reply to Minicle [2012-08-14 22:10:45 +0000 UTC]

Like the crotch?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Minicle In reply to RegularShow2398 [2012-08-15 20:03:13 +0000 UTC]

I was thinking the back of the elbow myself, but whatever floats your boat.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JMK-Prime [2012-07-13 16:53:11 +0000 UTC]

I am drooling

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Minicle In reply to JMK-Prime [2012-07-13 18:07:50 +0000 UTC]

Pleased to meet you.

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JMK-Prime In reply to Minicle [2012-07-31 06:47:11 +0000 UTC]

No way. Don't push your luck

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Minicle In reply to JMK-Prime [2012-07-31 18:35:44 +0000 UTC]

I'll pull it then.

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JMK-Prime In reply to Minicle [2012-10-14 05:57:10 +0000 UTC]

Do it man DO it

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Minicle In reply to JMK-Prime [2012-10-14 10:38:03 +0000 UTC]

I can't. There's nothing left below the waist.

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JMK-Prime In reply to Minicle [2012-10-14 16:58:38 +0000 UTC]

Ok lad. See yas

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Minicle In reply to JMK-Prime [2012-10-14 18:14:43 +0000 UTC]

I see yas too. And it gives me no pleasure.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JMK-Prime In reply to Minicle [2012-10-15 16:22:30 +0000 UTC]

Ok TF bro

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Minicle In reply to JMK-Prime [2012-10-16 10:01:00 +0000 UTC]

Hold on, I'll just get the code book out...

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