misi-chan — Perfect human beings and me by-nc-nd

Published: 2011-06-18 17:31:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 7559; Favourites: 152; Downloads: 53
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So that's me surrounded by perfect human beings last weekend at RisingCon Barcelona. I'M STILL LIVING IN THAT WEEKEND AND NOW REAL LIFE SUCKS SO MUCH BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT HERE ANYMORE. Good job on sucking my brain, SPN. No, really. I'm a zombie now and I need to eat some Mr.Collins. He owes me. He did something to my ovaries. They exploded, poor babies.
Just look at them and forget about me, damn it xD
And just in case you are not into SPN:
Photo #1 Misha Collins with his best creeper face, I'm-fangasming-face me, Sebastian Roché with his trademark smile.
Photo #2 Mark Sheppard being a little apart, Seb Roché with trademark smile and amazing biceps, squeezed me, Matt Cohen yelling - he was - and being considerate to my height xD Angel behind me.
Photo #3 Seb Roché and his trademark smile, so high on hormones me, Misha Collins just putting his neck all over my face and making me want to lick it Twilight style. Also, sexy stubble.

So this is going to be a pretty long wall of text because basically I'm summarizing how the Con was - particularly my personal experiences with the guys. And you know how's my English. Feel free to leave without reading, but don't ask me about the Con. Everything is below :3

In short, it was AWESOME. It was my first con and I was really nervous and excited and I felt like if I was twelve. I met some girls the day before, Claudia, Noemí and Diana, and we went together and our seats were near so that was awesome. They adopted me for the weekend and I couldn't be more grateful C:

SO. It started late on Saturday and honestly I was a little pissed because of that, but then the guys came in. I fangirled, but in a civilized way. I swear. I'm still scared at some fangirls I saw there *shivers*

I'm going to link the whole convention, I think the vidder was the girl sitting just before me : D

Opening: [link]
Misha's Saturday panel part 01: [link]
Misha's Saturday panel part 02: [link]

He was a bit serious for what I've expected, but 1) I think he was tired from the travel and 2) half of the audience didn't understand English. Believe me or not, I got almost everything they said. Some things I didn't get because I was too busy laughing : D
This Con taught me a lesson: do not be afraid of asking the guys your interesting questions. Really. If there's a next time I'm going to be super annoying and ask them about everything that crosses my mind. IMO, alot of people made them waste their time by asking stupid questions. But, oh well. Just my opinion.

Sebastian's Saturday panel part 01: [link]
Sebastian's Saturday panel part 02: [link]
Sebastian's Saturday panel part 03: [link]
Sebastian's Saturday panel part 04: [link]
Sebastian's Saturday panel part 05: [link]

You can hear me in part 02, I think, asking Seb if Balthy could be tricking Castiel. Don't judge my English, it was the first time I spoke in English since highschool. My "English skills" are "rusty". Also, know that the staff girls wanted me to ask him about it too. I love how he pronounces my name
He's AWESOME. Really. I knew before but after this first panel, whoa. I totally fell in love with him.
THEN Matt Cohen had his panel, but the girl didn't record it. But I'm sure you can find it on YouTube. Basically, he was amazing, funny and charming. The guy is pure gold, not only he's SO handsome (easily the most handsome man I've ever met - well, I still prefer Misha), but he also is so sweet. Y U SO ADORBS, MATT. And God, he's TALL. Like, really tall - you can guess from the picture. I'm really small, also. I wonder how would I look near to Jared xD

Then when Matt finished there were some photo ops, but I didn't have mine until Sunday, so I just went with Diana and Noemí and had lunch with them in Plaza Cataluña. Later we came back to the hotel to enjoy another Misha panel, but then... we were announced that Mark Sheppard was going to join Misha *insert fangasm face plz*

Misha & Mark Saturday part 01: [link]
Misha & Mark Saturday part 02: [link]
Misha & Mark Saturday part 03: [link]
Misha & Mark Saturday part 04: [link]

Last question on part 04. You know who asked it? Yes, me. "Mark, we love you, but..." xD I felt so bad after that because I REALLY love him. His character is one of the best in the show, and personally my favorite bad guy. It helps that he's based on another Crowley <3 You can notice how my voice was dying. It was because I WAS dying, I needed water xD I was there for the entire hour and I was getting more and more nervous and for God's sake, there was Misha looking at me FYI, I'm a VERY shy person and I hate to have the spotlight. So when my sexy idol looks at me, I can't help myself but epically fail at life. Yup, that's me.
Thank you for your answer, Misha. You made me hold on believing in Dean (and it's been hard for me to do so since the finale), I just hope you're right. Also, I loved the spoilerface you gave to me, it was the cutest thing ever. My knees are still shaking.

Then there were autographs, but I didn't want to wait an endless queue so I left the hotel (see? Lazy ass me. Joking, there were more autographs planned for the next day and I suspected it would be better on Sunday. IT WAS), and I went to met She's one of my closest friends and I didn't see her a lot this year because she went to Barcelona. We bought dinner from a Syrian restaurant and fangasmed over it at home. Then we went to bed together. And I could barely sleep because I hate sharing bed and I missed my own dear bed. Also I was super excited about the next day *________*

AND THEN SUNDAY CAME. And it was one of the most exciting and perfect days EVER <3333

I met Diana and Noemí at the hotel and we went straight for a Misha & Seb panel. I thought it was going to be epic, and it was. It was funny that before the con many people wasn't very excited about Sebastian and I was crazy about him, and he proved me right!

Misha & Seb Sunday part 01: [link]
Misha & Seb Sunday part 02: [link]
Misha & Seb Sunday part 03: [link]

I'm still laughing my ass off THE KING AND THE QUEEN. OH SEB Y U SO ADORBS & NAUGHTY I want to steal them so badly and take them home and just tell them: DO THINGS.
For me this was the best panel, the one which made me laugh the most : D

Then started the biggest panel, with Misha, Sebastian, Mark Sheppard and Mark Pellegrino. I was expecting more from Pellegrino : / he's a handsome, tall fellow, but... gah, I don't know. He was pretty boring IMO. Maybe he was just tired. Oh well. I came for Misha after all, so I don't care.

Misha, Seb & Marks Sunday part 01: [link]
Misha, Seb & Marks Sunday part 02: [link]
Misha, Seb & Marks Sunday part 03: [link]

And then it was my time for autographs as I suspected the queue was much shorter than the previous day so I entered the room and OMG GUYS THERE WAS MISHA THERE.
Sorry, but I was so excited xD So while I was waiting in the short queue I was looking at him, ovaries exploding, and I thought he really was handsome. It was NOT my fangirlism judging, it was reality, pure as it comes. I know some people may think he's quite the normal type, but for me he was so akjnakfbauifbaiufaf. Then it was my turn and he looked at me with his truly beautiful eyes (I want to make earrings with his eyes and lick them fyi) and asked me a very kind 'Hi, how are you? '. I told him I was fine and that I wanted to thank him for his magic knot (if you don't know what's that about [link] ) , and he replied all serious that he was happy to be of help. He started signing my photo while I told him the magic knot changed my life (lol) and then, THEN he looked at me again before ending signing and suddenly I see that HIS HAND IS RISING AND IT COMES STRAIGHT TO ME. AND I'M LIKE OMFG WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO I'M GONNA DIE. AND THEN HE KINDLY TUGS MY BRAID WITH A CURIOUS LOOK ON HIS PRETTY ANGELFACE AND PLAYS WITH IT ALL CONCENTRATED AND THEN HE STATES: I LIKE IT. AND I'M LIKE OH I'M GLAD YOU LIKE IT MISHA *BRAIN MELTS, OVARIES EXPLODE AGAIN, I'LL NEVER WASH MY HAIR AGAIN* Then he ends signing my photo and gives it to me and I say 'thank you Misha *smile*' and he smiles back at me and everything is perfect and nothing hurts.

Then I had autographs from Seb, Matt and Mark Shepard and they were AWESOME, but I was still fangasming so hard at Misha xD I told Seb I wanted him back on the show and he told me to write to the writers (...), then he correctly wrote my name after asking me if it had a 'tonic accent'. SRSLY SEBASTIAN. STOP BEING SO CUTE, IT HURTS. Matt Cohen. He's so handsome and pretty and perfect and charming that being near him HURTS SO BAD. You've read what I said about Misha's eyes? I want another pair of earrings with Matt's eyes. They're GEMSTONES. I could stare at them forever. I envy his wife, who btw was there just behind him. She's so smaaaall and adorbs <3 Mark Sheppard is a very charming man. I apologized for asking Misha the last question the previous day and said that I really really loved him. His answer: Of course you love me, that's because I'm the best.
After that I was all melting and professing love because, you know. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

When the autograph time finished, another Matt panel started. Someone should, I don't know, CLONE THAT PERFECT HUMAN BEING or something. He did a big effort to make us laugh and participate and I was really depressed because I wanted to ask him something but I didn't know what. Because honestly, he's only been in two SPN episodes and that's all I know of him : /
But I enjoyed it a lot <3 once again the girl before me didn't record his panel, but I'm sure there's somewhere on YouTube : ) I loved when he said he basically eats chocolate xD

So. Between his panel and Misha's there was really nothing much to do so we just did nothing around there, consumed by lust xD then the time came and we went to see that perfect human again. Seriously I could be watching him forever and I would never get tired.

Misha Sunday panel part 01: [link]
Misha Sunday panel part 02: [link]
Misha Sunday panel part 03: [link]
Misha Sunday panel part 04: [link]

I want private yoga classes with Misha PLZ *-*
Srsly. I can't type anything coherent. My sanity went away with Misha. So I must see him again and asking him to return it to me.

So Misha's panel ended and Mark Sheppard came, but I had to miss it, because it was the time for my photo op with Misha and Sebastian. Because you know. ANGEL SANDWICH YESPLZ.
But have Mark's panel anyway:

Mark's Sundal panel part 01: [link]
Mark's Sunday panel part 02: [link]

So I went to the room and after waiting a bit I entered it. There were some staff girls, the photographer, Seb and Misha. They gently took my hand and guided me to the center of the room, asking me what pose I wanted. I said the common hug, and they put their arms around me and I was like OMFG I HATE HUGS BUT I COULD BE HERE FOREVER. THEN. Misha says stop please. And he starts to take off his hoodie because it was very hot in there. So Sebastian and I stop and look at him and he turns back and stares at everyone in the room and asks: Would you mind if I take off my shirt? And I was like OMFG again. AND THEN HE STARES AT ME AND WALKS TO ME AND ASKS: DO YOU MIND IF I TAKE OFF MY SHIRT? AND I'M LIKE OMFG MISHA COLLINS WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME I CAN'T I DON'T EVEN. WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO ANSWER YOU PERFECT HUMAN BEING. YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME I DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH I CAN'T REACT I'M SHOCKED LOOK AT MY BRAIN MELTING AGAIN. THE MESS YOU MADE WITH MY OVARIES MAN. So I THINK I answered: WOW, I don't mind. Like, I was very shocked xD So he said: Yes, well I'm not going to do it. Then he turned his perfect back again and shown it to Sebastian and me, and he was ALL wet. Then we took the photo, and when we finished, he spoke to me again: How did you enjoyed my sweaty back?
I told him I liked it xDDDDD Then I said 'thank you very much' to both of them and exited the room in awe, just in time to see how Mark Sheppard's panel ended.

I still had another photo op pending, but it was like half an hour later, so Diana, Noemí and I snuck into the BloodyNightCon. We entered the room and there were Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley from the Vampire Diaries. I don't watch the show and I'm pretty sure I never will, but well, there they were. I left the room about ten minutes later because I was excited about my photo op (and because the Vampire Diaries guys weren't so funny xD IMO at least), and went to the queue.

Then I started looking at the people who was having their photos before me and all they looked scared. They were all: the guys are doing as they want D:
So I was pretty scared when I reached the room xD Then a staff member came to me and told me that my previous photo was a bad one because my eyes were closed, so we had to repeat it when the group photos were done. I thought: I'm not going to complain about touching Misha and Seb again OK *-* but also was a bit tired and didn't want to stay in queue again. Whatever. I got into the room and Seb took my hand and looked at me all princely and gentlemanly. Seriously, that naughty man has the most kind eyes ever. He looks at you and you can see he finds everything so funny and you can tell he really cares about his fans and he wants you to be comfortable. I would marry you Seb if you weren't against marriage xD So Misha asked me what I wanted, and I went for a group hug. I really don't mind being hugged by them, and that's awkward because misi So we took the photo and I thanked them and mentally prepared myself for another queue. AND THEN. The photographer girl (sweet girl, I love you) takes my hand and tells me about the photo I have to repeat, and tells me to STAY THERE WITH THEM UNTIL THEY'RE DONE. SO SHE GUIDES ME TO A CHAIR PLACED LIKE 1'5 FROM THEM AND TELLS ME TO SIT THERE AND I SIT AND I REMAIN THERE FOR ABOUT 20 MINUTES STARING AT THEM AND LOOKING HOW THEY TAKE PROM PICS AND ARE JUST AWESOME AND I'M LIKE I DON'T BELIEVE HOW LUCKY I AM OMFG IMMA GONNA DIE AND ALSO SEBASTIAN YOU HAVE SOME KIND OF FETISH OVER YOUR OWN ASS.
So. They finish their photos with the fans and take some more with the staff members, and then the photographer takes my hand again and guides me to the center of the room and tells Misha and Seb we have to take our photo again. So Seb somes to me and puts an arm around my shoulders, but then a staff girl starts crying. IDK, she was like super sensitive. WOMAN, you're much oldr than me and you're CRYING? Poor guys. But then they all hugged her and I was so jealous. Then Seb and I shared a look and he smiled to me like saying I REALLY CARE ABOUT YOU AND I CAN SEE HOW NERVOUS YOU ARE BUT DON'T WORRY. No, really. He's awesomeeeee. But I was very jealous of that girl. Damn, next time I should try to cry too, just in case xD
And then I finally took my photo with Misha and Seb. They were both WET with sweat like you could bath in it xD But did I care? NO. Why not? Because that awesome human being that Misha Collins is put an arm around my shoulders and suddenly his neck was SO CLOSE to my mouth that my mind went all VampireDiaries-esque, and I don't know what he was doing but one of his legs was just nehind mine and I couldn't move. And I really didn't pay attention to Sebastian because OMFG MISHA. YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME, MAN. I SWEAR I don't usually go all horny over people. Just the opposite. But there, in that moment, my mind went all berserker and lustful and I really really wanted to lick his neck. But of course I didn't
In shock, I thanked them again VERY MUCH and I had to go to the closing ceremony:


Are you still alive? If the answer is yes, then you're a brave soul and I shall thank you for reading it all xD
But really, it was awesome, and I know I had much more luck than other fans and I thank Mr.Collins for the awesome situations he'd put me in xD

Annnnd I think that's all. I want to go to a Con again. My hormones will kill me but screw them.
I'm really tired of typing. I hope my awful English doesn't hurt you so bad c:
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Comments: 61

misi-chan In reply to ??? [2016-01-31 18:24:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
I had such a good time and they were all so nice ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

spikeme [2015-12-16 03:50:08 +0000 UTC]

I'm creating a Mosaic for Matt Cohen to give to him as part of a project Book we will be giving him at an Australian Convention. I'm using pictures of Matt with fans and taken by fans. I would love to include your work of Matt. If you would like to be a part of this let me know. I won’t use anything without permission.


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

misi-chan In reply to spikeme [2015-12-22 15:11:43 +0000 UTC]

I have no problem with you using my pics, but know that I didn't take them! The organization did

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Amiookamiwolf [2013-08-17 04:02:46 +0000 UTC]

Ooh! You're in the Mabari

Omg you are so lucky to have met them! Misha even better to see in person -w- So awesome X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

misi-chan In reply to Amiookamiwolf [2013-08-17 09:56:26 +0000 UTC]

Aha, I am!

And yes, I'm super lucky! Misha is definitely better in person, very handsome and gentle and tall : D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Amiookamiwolf In reply to misi-chan [2013-08-17 09:58:19 +0000 UTC]

Nerrrrrr *Fan-girls*

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vampdemon13 [2013-01-30 16:36:17 +0000 UTC]


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misi-chan In reply to vampdemon13 [2013-01-30 16:44:31 +0000 UTC]

Indeed 8D

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vampdemon13 In reply to misi-chan [2013-01-31 01:10:25 +0000 UTC]


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Sofietewieter [2012-08-25 13:05:03 +0000 UTC]

Oh. My. God. I am SO jealous right now!!!!! xD Everyone's so pretty on the pics! You could very well be a cast-member yourself! (And Misha is just sooo cute!!! :3)

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misi-chan In reply to Sofietewieter [2012-09-01 21:20:52 +0000 UTC]


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Sofietewieter In reply to misi-chan [2012-09-04 19:04:40 +0000 UTC]

I just subscribed to your channel on YouTube, I couldn't resist :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

misi-chan In reply to Sofietewieter [2012-09-04 19:07:32 +0000 UTC]

Mm? What couldn't you resist? I don't upload things to my youtube channel o.O

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Sofietewieter In reply to misi-chan [2012-09-04 19:19:25 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I meant that I couldn't resist subscribing to the channel of the person who uploaded all the videos of the panels, I just got it a bit mixed up and thought you were the one who had filmed the panels ^^' Sorry, my bad ^^'

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misi-chan In reply to Sofietewieter [2012-09-04 20:03:59 +0000 UTC]

Ahaha, okay, don't worry! I didn't remember I had linked all those videos. They're amazing

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Sofietewieter In reply to misi-chan [2012-09-04 20:33:50 +0000 UTC]

They are! Thanks a lot for posting them ^^

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Sofietewieter In reply to Sofietewieter [2012-09-04 19:06:23 +0000 UTC]

... And now I just read the sentence "I think the vidder was the girl sitting just before me" again, so let me rephrase what I said: I just subscribed to the girl's channel because I couldn't resist all the SPN-videos x)

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Terrara-antaria [2012-07-29 20:13:33 +0000 UTC]

that is amazing! You are so lucky. I live in Russia and most of the time stuck studying, so I never have enough time to go to any Cons. But this is so amazing, I grinned like a loon though the whole thing.

Angel sandwich!

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iiMaddHatz [2012-05-05 16:10:23 +0000 UTC]

I love how Misha and Sebastian are in all of the pictures lol so envious!

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misi-chan In reply to iiMaddHatz [2012-05-05 20:25:21 +0000 UTC]

I wanted angel sandwich
It was so worth it

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TheAmazingElizabeth [2012-02-20 21:46:08 +0000 UTC]


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misi-chan In reply to TheAmazingElizabeth [2012-02-26 15:23:38 +0000 UTC]


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TheAmazingElizabeth In reply to misi-chan [2012-03-08 02:36:02 +0000 UTC]

Well, it's definitely not because I'm consumed with jealousy. Of course not...

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Heercums-N-Oxymoron [2011-10-31 07:50:51 +0000 UTC]


I'm torn between squeeing, bawling my eyes out due to how unfair life is, burning with envy/hatred, and giving you a bear hug for being one lucky fangirl!!

Balthazar, Castiel and Crowley kick ass!!

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silverjewelkitten [2011-09-01 04:10:19 +0000 UTC]

I'm so jealous, like you have no idea. You even got to meet Sebastian, and Mark too! They seem so cool and I want to go to one of these cons so bad, but I'm such a cheapo *cryface*

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Shiymi [2011-08-04 15:06:24 +0000 UTC]

WHY? Why I have to live in a backwater country as Finland??

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itachinarutolover148 [2011-08-03 04:28:19 +0000 UTC]

"Awful English"? That was pretty impressive considering that some people cant spell to save their lives, lol! But your so lucky to have gone to a 'Con AND to have taken pictures with the cast! So cool!

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Ruina-chan [2011-08-01 08:06:02 +0000 UTC]


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christelle5483 [2011-07-07 12:11:26 +0000 UTC]

aww it's so good to see those pics... very good !

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CandidCandy [2011-06-24 14:17:05 +0000 UTC]

WOW! It sounds like you had the absolute best time of your life!!!!! I sincerely hope you get to go to another con again!!!!

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Namira-Shadowstar [2011-06-23 01:31:27 +0000 UTC]

NO FAIR!!!.....I'm SO jealous!

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Frikar [2011-06-20 20:03:36 +0000 UTC]

Words can't describe the jealousy

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Silieth [2011-06-20 18:07:12 +0000 UTC]

I will comment further later.
When I finally stop thinking about robbing a bank to fly to Birmingham...

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MusicJunkie4892 [2011-06-20 18:06:04 +0000 UTC]

LUCKY DUCK!!!! OH what I'd give to be hugged by Seb and Misha!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! my brain just exploded........ X.X

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Kaeleen [2011-06-20 12:59:10 +0000 UTC]

omg you lucky lucky girl
you TOUCHED Misha Collins this is awesome.

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kawano-katsuhito [2011-06-20 07:42:50 +0000 UTC]

'¡Ya se ve que lo pasaste de miedo, bien feliz que sales en las fotos! ^_^

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LadyKappa [2011-06-20 00:18:34 +0000 UTC]

What an incredible experience
Also, you kinda look familiar o.O Idk why.

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metzi2007 [2011-06-19 21:28:39 +0000 UTC]

OMFG i want to write a song about you it calls LUCKYYYL LUCKKYY GIIIIRL YOU AAARREEE!!..*singing*
just died while reading..they all know what they do to us fans...it´s a fetish..i bet!!
it´s a `come on seb we make some fans horny thing'
I´ve never been on a con but i will next year!
Hope they don´t kill me with totally insanity..
"How did you enjoyed my sweaty back?"... >__< if it´s yours misha i would lick it dry...
Hell i´m a pervert!

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nightwica [2011-06-19 20:43:57 +0000 UTC]

WOW! Sounds like you had an amazing time! XD
and omg Misha is so beautiful and pretty and just perfection! I would have fainted I recon
and I love his slender body! shame he didnt actually take his shirt off I think the fangirls (and seb) would have needed alot of water and a lay down after that! x

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Marilynde [2011-06-19 20:08:55 +0000 UTC]

I'm so happy for you!!
And you really look pretty

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robigohan [2011-06-19 13:52:36 +0000 UTC]

haha verry nice me jealous^^

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Lawliet7375 [2011-06-19 13:39:16 +0000 UTC]

Madre mia, que guay y cuantas cosas pasaron y que suerte XDDDD
Y que feliz se te ve en las fotos JAJAJAJA

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LP4eva [2011-06-19 11:41:53 +0000 UTC]

love the 2nd pic! It's awesome

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blackbirdrose [2011-06-19 11:05:26 +0000 UTC]

You look like you're at an awards show with that backdrop! Like your all famous and posing for the papparazzi! I love these photos!! The middle one is to die for! And its amazing that you got to hang out and watch them take pics - that would be so cool! Congratz on the great pics!! And from the vids and pics this looks like one of the best conventions they've done in a while! Except maybe JIBcon in Rome.

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Hikaru-Hitachiin [2011-06-19 07:24:27 +0000 UTC]

I love Misha's creeper face! Did he say he was going to do that?! XD You're super lucky!

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Mizaoki [2011-06-19 03:29:01 +0000 UTC]

Sounds like you had an amazing time!! The pictures are fantabulous!!

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Shinobi-Kuroda [2011-06-19 02:38:52 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness what an amazing story!! I'm massively jealous but I'm glad you had such an awesome time-- you look so happy in the pictures!! Everything you said enforced my opinions of them-- they really are so fantastic, augh! Now I reeeaally want to meet them. I've never been to a con though, maybe someday I'll get the chance. These photos are grand and I can tell you had a pretty flippin' fabulous time, so. Good for you.

Also, your English is actually quite good, so no need to apologize, bb.

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CheshireGrinn [2011-06-18 22:31:52 +0000 UTC]

I love you but I hate you.

So lucky!

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Crida [2011-06-18 21:26:01 +0000 UTC]

Aaaw you lucky girl!
I'm still alive after reading ^^ And it was worth it cause I'm totally fangasming with you, it sounds so awesome, it was really fun reading what happened to you. Just again YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!!!! I'm so jealous (his neck on your face OMFG that usually only happens in my dreams!!! ) but I'm also very happy for you. And how kind they are to you and smiling and all that stuff, I really didn't think that they are like this with fans, because they have just like hundreds of them each con day! And each of them wants to be hugged and touched and wants to see their beautiful smiles.... It must be really hard to be so friendly funny and awesome to everyone and that shows just HOW REALLY GREAT those people are!!! Besides their acting abilities ^^

So, I'm maybe repeating myself, I don't know xD but again: it was really fun reading it, thank you for sharing, your story made me smile and laugh and my ovaries to explode too xD (and nearly pee my panties cause I really need to go to the toilet but just couldn't stop reading ^^)

I really wished I could go to a con too....they have been in germany in may, but I found out too late and couldn't have paid it anyway..... But maybe there will be one someday, and then I'll know and get together my coins and share my own story ^^

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llWickedll [2011-06-18 19:27:40 +0000 UTC]


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