MisterDragon86 — SlIM3
#absorption #slimegirl #slimevore #slimeinflation #absorptionvore
Published: 2020-01-12 20:19:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 10270; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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You were a scientist who helped conduct lab tests on different types of creatures. Recently you had discovered a strange Slime creature. It had light purple skin and sky blue eyes. You could tell it was a female because of it's breasts and wide hips. You and a partner had been assigned to do research and get more information about her.

You and your partner walk to her testing cell to try and preform tests on her. You two tried to do the tests on her but she never cooperated. "Subject SlIM3 #39009, test number seven," he said writing on his clipboard as you two approach her testing cell. He puts on a protective glove and grabs a pellet from his pocket. He then opens a small door on the side of the cell and holds out his hand for her to take the pellet. She just backs away from his hand and just stares at the pellet "Come on, just take the pellet," he said. She still doesn't do anything. "This is hopeless. She'll never cooperate," he said taking off the glove. "I'm going to run some tests on the other subjects," he said leaving the room.

You were about to leave as well until you looked back to the creature. She tilted her head at you and put a hand on the glass. Her eyes track your hand as you slowly reach for the glove. Once you put it on, you grab the pellet and offer it to her. Just like the other times, she just stares at it. "Come on, it's alright," you said. She just continues to stare at the pellet. You put down the pellet and just hold out your hand. She slowly walks over and kneels down once she gets to your hand. You slowly place your hand on her head and start rubbing it gently. Even with the glove on, you could feel her slimy but soft skin a little. She made a sound you could only assume was purring. "See. I won't hurt you," you said continuing to rub her head. Then you grab the pellet and hold it out for her. "Please take the pellet," you ask her. 

She hesitated a little before taking the pellet. She put it into her mouth (or at least the place her mouth would be) and swallowed. Afterwards, you both watch as her belly starts to bubble a little before puffing out. It stopped after awhile and just sloshed around "Are you alright?" You ask her. She nods her head and you write down what happened in a notepad.

"Great, it's not a lot but at least we got something now," you said closing the notepad. You turn to leave when you hear her make a noise that sounded like whimpering. "Don't worry. I'll be back tomorrow," you said. That seemed to have cheered her up a little. "I'll see you in the morning," you said before leaving the room.

You yawn and stretch as you wake up. You told your partner that you were able to get the Specimen to take the pellet. He should be in her room now. "Y/n, she's not cooperating again," he said as you enter the room. "Is something wrong Specimen?" You ask her. "Here just inject her with this and log the data," your partner said. He then gives you a syringe filled with liquids and then leaves the room. 

You put on your protective gloves and put your hand through the door on the side of her cell. She looked a little bit worried so you gently rub her head again. She starts purring "Ready?" You ask. She nods her head and you slowly inject her stomach with the needle. Once it was in, you push down on the plunger and the liquids fill her gut. It swells outward and stops when all the liquid has been injected. You take out the syringe and start writing in your notebook. Specimen pokes her bloated belly and watches it jiggle and slosh "Okay Specimen, I'll see you tomorrow again," you said. You rub her belly a bit before taking off the gloves and leaving the room. 

After a week of tests, you had gathered tons of research and info about Specimen. You two also started to grow a connection to each other. Right now you had just filled her gut with more liquids while your partner was writing down the results. "Put some more in her," he said. "Are you sure. I'm hesitant about filling her with more liquids, she looks like she's going to pop," you said. "Well it looks like she's liking this," he said. You look and see her hugging her massive gut. "Do you want more?" You ask her. She shakes her head yes "Okay but tell me if you've had enough," you said.

You open the door on the side of the cell and plug a tube into her gut then press a button. More liquids start rushing out from the tube and into her belly. It quickly started to grow and grow. While it continues to grow, you hear it make a creaking sound. The weight was too much and she falls onto her rump as her belly gets bigger. By the time she was finished, her stomach was almost as big as her cell "That's all the liquids we have Specimen," You said taking out the tube. Specimen rests on her back and continues to massage her belly. "Thanks for helping me get more info Y/n, you can relax now" he said before leaving.

"Are you okay Specimen?" You ask her. She shakes her head yes and purrs as her gut sloshes around. She holds her belly out towards you and gives you puppy eyes. You chuckle and start rubbing her belly. Her tummy soon started to go down until it was a large pudgy orb on her abdomen. "Well I think I should get going, I'll see you in the morning," you said. You take off the gloves and turn to leave until you feel something tug the back of your shirt. It was Specimen "What's wrong girl?" You ask her. She goes over to the small door in the side of the cell and starts to squeeze her body through it. "What are you doing?" You said as her upper body goes through the door. She then slides out her hips and legs. 

Once she's out, she walks over to you. Now that she was out of her cell, you could see how tall she was as she towered over you. She wraps her arms around you and hugs you to her stomach. Her skin was very soft and squishy and surprisingly not that sticky. You blush at her affection and return the hug "Thanks girl," you said. 

Then you feel your hand stick to her belly. It doesn't budge when you try to pull it away "Uhh...can you let go of my hand please?" You ask. She just keeps hugging you. You then feel your hand start to sink into her gut "H-hey…what are you doing?" You said. You push your foot on her belly to try and get free only for your foot to get stuck. You continue getting absorbed into her belly "Specimen please!" You plead. She doesn't do anything except watch as you get sucked into her stomach. Only your head and chest were sticking out of her stomach. Specimen grabs the top of your head and gently starts to push it into her stomach. You close your eyes as the rest of your head enters her stomach.

Specimen purrs and caresses her belly. You enter her stomach and get forced to curl up. It was pretty soft in her stomach and you didn't see any stomach acids. "Am I going to be okay in here?" You ask her. She rubs her belly to say you were going to be alright. You relax against the stomach walls "Please don't scare me like that again," you said. Specimen hugs and nuzzles her belly to say she was sorry. She rests against the wall and continues to massage and caress her belly.
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