MiyuxTheNobody — Demyx/Reader - No Air by-nc-nd

#adorable #bored #boredom #cute #fanfiction #kh #love #lovestory #nobody #number9 #oneshot #romance #romantic #short #sitar #thenobodies #zexion #demyx #noair #jordinsparks #kingdomhearts #kingdomhearts2 #literature #organization #organization13 #organizationxiii
Published: 2014-12-08 17:03:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 5721; Favourites: 63; Downloads: 0
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Demyx/Reader One-Shot - No Air

Turning another page of a lengthy romance novel resting in your hands. You scanned your (e/c) eyes across the words, where it read of two lovers basking in the bright flittering sunlight of a vast field of colorful wildflowers. They were together and alone, holding onto each other and sitting on a blanket as they whispered sweet nothings to one another. Then they would kiss, hold hands, and stare into each other's eyes with pure raw emotion, one unfamiliar one called love.

Narrowing your eyes, you softly sigh and place your hand where your heart was… or used to be. You had to even remind yourself you had nothing but an empty void left there. You were half the person you used to be, if not just a hollow husk that could just function day to day. Glancing down in sadness at the hard-cover book on your lap and with your hand still placed on your heart. You made a slight squeeze before letting go and putting it back to your side.

This has become a pitiful routine of yours. Quietly you would hide away from Zexion in his library by yourself and read tales of love and romance. You could after all only read about it. Feeling it like you longed for... would never happen. Being a Nobody of Organization XIII, you were only a pawn to get back what you lost. Kingdom Hearts was your only grand hope to fill back up the hollowness from within. Memories were all you had left, memories of what it was like to feel emotions. Those memories were even lacking but from what you could still recollect. Feelings were your fondest memory and you wanted nothing more than to love. It's that one emotion even as a Somebody you did not ever get to experience.

You tried to image who you would be in love with, if such a thing were still possible. The first face to materialize into your mind was that silly sitar musician. You could so clearly picture his dirty blonde mullet and his big bright aquamarine eyes that lit up and most deceivingly feigned the most variety of positive emotions than any other Nobody here. Some thought Demyx was a coward or a dimwit, but you saw through that. In your opinion, he was the bravest to show flawed emotion even though he knew deep down it was all for show. He wasn't like the others, he didn't just assume that even pretending your feelings, was pointless or weak. He tried to still enjoy his nonexistence, no matter what the others say or the reality of the situation. He was an inspiration to you and for that you respected him more than any other.

You softly smile at the passing thought of Demyx, who you wished you could love. The two of you were so close as it was, it seemed unfair you both couldn't be more. Could you…? No… It wouldn't be right, it would all be make believe, wouldn't it?

Of course it would… Sighing again, you lose concentration on your novel and were about to close it.

"Brooding away by yourself again. Are you (Y/n)? I should very well make a romance aisle just for you alone." Zexion spoke as he walked over with his lexicon under his arm. You turn your gaze up from your book and look up at Zexion blankly.

"I just favor this genre is all, Number Six. Nothing more." You replied blandly to him. He nodded briefly and placed his free hand to his chin as he stared at you with doubtful blue eyes.

"I don't believe this is true. You take an extraordinary unusual interest with this genre alone. I've never even seen you read anything else. What draws you to it?"

You lightly frown at him at his tone of voice that sounded like he was accusing you of something. You shrug your shoulders, saving your page, and then close your book. "No reason. It is just something I do in my free-time when I'm not on missions."

"There must be a reason," he replied and put his hand back down as he walked closer over towards you. Still standing and resting his hand down on the arm rest of the grey love seat you were sitting at. He glanced down at you from the side of his visible eye. "No one spends so much time doing something in their free time, unless they are interested in it. Do you take a special interest in love, (Y/n)?"

You stare him on blankly, though part of you was looking annoyed at his prying. "Perhaps, I do. What is so wrong with it? It's… intriguing."

Zexion nodded his head and smiled faintly at you, "Nothing is wrong with it. It is just surprising for a being of no feelings to take such interest in something like love, which we cannot experience."

"People do read fiction that can't really happen to them, Zexion. It is all strictly for entertainment. Nothing else." You defend yourself and hope that Zexion will stop talking to you. He must be bored to be bothering you, he usually seems perfectly content sitting on the other side of the library and reading his own literature. Of course of all days, he seems to be in a talkative mood, you are in the library. All you wanted was to be alone and immersed inside the story, pretending to be the lady that falls in love with the man of her dreams.

"This might be true but if I know you correctly, (Y/n). You're reading this because you want to know what love is and how it feels, merely by reading about it."

Looking away from his eyes, you stare at a random wall and frown sadly in longing, "Truthfully, I just wonder what it is like. We all deceive each other with our false feeling anyways. I would just like to fool myself once in awhile to make believe I could be in love. If such a thing were possible for me."

"So why love and not another feeling? Surely, there is a good reason for that too." Zexion added while shifting his lexicon under his arm in a more comfortable position. Your eyes look back at him as you take your book and set it to the side of the love seat's cushion.

"I've never felt love. Not even as a Somebody or at least I don't ever remember being in love."

"Many don't, yet I suspect you did not just randomly start reading about love just because you never felt it. Why would it be important to you? Has something triggered your desire for it?"

You narrowed your eyes at his obvious inclination and shake your head while finally standing up from your place on the seat. Taking the book from the love seat, you begin walking back in the direction you found it, while Zexion follows closely behind. You put the book back in-between the other books it was once next too and then turn fully to Zexion.


"Why do you care?" You decide to attempt to ignore his previous question.

"I do because it should be concerning that you think you want to be in love. As a Nobody that shouldn't even be a passing thought. We have much more to concern ourselves with then something like love that could be considered a weakness by some. It is also quite impossible for us."

"Is it? Really? How do you know, anyways? If I had the aptness to be in a romantic relationship with another, would it still not be considered love?"

"You wouldn't truly feel it for the other. You're only deceiving yourself with what you think you want."

"And it is what I want." You exclaim rather bluntly while trying not to think about Demyx, who kept somehow entering your mind randomly throughout the day. It was somewhat annoying but you couldn't stop doing it. You even wished more than anything he was not on a mission at the moment, so you could be with him and not sulking around with Zexion.

"With who?" Zexion countered which made you tense up. You blink and begin fidgeting uncomfortably.

"It's none of your business." You scoff and try walking away from Zexion to leave the library, since he was beginning to really get on your nerves.

"I could take a guess." Zexion said loud enough for you to hear as you had brushed past him and tried escaping quickly. You pause at the end of the aisle of books and then glance at him from over your shoulder. Zexion is staring at you with a smirk on his face, as if he knew exactly who you have been constantly thinking and even dreaming of for the past couple weeks now.

"You seem so sure of yourself. You should keep your assumption to yourself, Number Six."

"You act in denial but I know you want someone to know other than yourself to know about what you desire more than anything else… When you leave here, all you will do it mope pitifully around the castle until Demyx returns. Then you will return to being yourself and much less depressing to deal with."

Your eyes widen and your tension doesn't ease in the least but worsens. Sharply turning on your heel, you stare at Zexion who is still gazing at you from where you had left him in the middle of the book aisle. "You don't know anything."

"Do I look like a fool to you, (Y/n?). It is not simple to put things past me, as I do pay attention to the smaller details unlike some others. Though it does not take much brain-power to see you wish to be in love with Number Nine."

You gulp and appear nervous but don't in anyway feel it, as it is just your body' natural reaction to his accusation. You shake your head and step away as he walks closer. "We are only close friends. Don't accuse me of something like that! You only know what you observe…. Demyx would never like me that anyways."

Zexion sighed and shook his head as if you said something stupid to him. He turned away from you but kept speaking.

"I cannot force you into what I believe is true. All I can inform you is to not assume that Demyx doesn't want to feel the same way you do. I talk to Demyx more than you think, (Y/n). He always brings you up in our conversations and speaks very fondly of you. I don't hear Demyx talk about anything as affectionally as he brings up you. I trust you won't believe me but I do think it is worth informing you of. You should speak to Demyx yourself of the matter. Who knows what will happen. Maybe, something will come out of it or maybe not. It's up to you if you truly desire it." Zexion explained, then glanced over his shoulder at you with an emotionless expression but his blue cerulean eyes had a sympathetic and kind gleam to them.

"Good luck to you, (Y/n)." Zexion finished saying and turned his head back and began walking the opposite ways down the aisle of books, before disappearing into another section of the library and out of view your line of sight.

You were left standing there with a look of apprehension from his words to you. It was true, you couldn't say what Demyx really wanted to feel for you. You just always assumed he considered you his best friend that he was closest too in the Organization. It never crossed your mind he could have the same desire as yourself. Demyx always spoke affectionately towards you and seemed to be excited or enlightened when you would show up or be in his presence. He would even come over and hug you occasionally, he never did that with any of the members. Did that mean anything? Or was it just because you were close friends?

You grimaced in confusion at your own abrupt array of thoughts that poured in and flooded your mind. All of them were questions to yourself that you couldn't even answer with the slightest of knowledge. Maybe, Zexion was right, maybe you really should have a serious conversation with your closest best friend, the Melodious Nocturne. Sighing you begin to head your ways out of the library and sulk around the castle. Just like Zexion had predicted you would end up doing.

Hours past, you were practicing fighting with your (power of choice) in the training room. You attack and completely obliterate a couple dummies you were using for practice. Breathing heavily, you sighed as you have been doing for what felt like every couple seconds. You were actually considering to wonder if Nobodies could really feel boredom, because it sure seemed that way. Everyone was either out on a mission or being antisocial and hiding in their rooms doing their own thing. You didn't want to hang around Zexion anymore for today, because all he did was make Demyx the only thought running through your mind the entire part of the day. You growled under your breath and used your power viciously on a new set of dummies, that all almost shattered into specks of nothing at the impact. Fighting seemed to be the only productive way to get out your pent up troublesome thoughts that made you think you were viciously angry or frustrated.

Breaking some more dummies, you were pleasantly surprised when something shot at one of your targets. You saw the dummy fall over and was completely drenched with water. Your (e/c) eyes widen and you quickly turn back to see a giant grin of the one and only, Demyx.

"This is seriously the only time you will find me willingly in this room."Demyx brought up goofily and chuckled as he stared over you with the brightest and most excited of smiles from seeing you.

"Demyx! I thought you would never get back! Where were you?"

"Ugh, Saix send me on a recon mission at Agrabah. I really don't like it there. It's so dang HOT and I always get sand in my boots! Also, there's hardly any water to use around me so I always have to summon my own, which is annoying! And for some reason the people smell weird there.." He complained in a whiny voice, which only made a big smile tug at your lips and a laugh escape from hearing his usual attitude when it came to doing anything that was mission or working associated.

"Well, I'm sorry you had such a horrible time. I haven't been much better. Doing nothing with no one around is pretty lonesome."

"Aw! Well now I'm here to cheer you up, (Y/n)! I really missed you when I was gone! I couldn't stop thinking about you and getting back to hang out!" Demyx exclaimed and then sped over and embraced you in a tight hug. You involuntarily blushed at his words and closeness and he sure didn't let go right away. He lingered much longer than friends should hug for without it becoming awkward. Yet for some reason, it wasn't awkward. It seemed just right… You couldn't help but enjoy the warmness of his hug, especially since it was him hugging you.

Squeezing once, Demyx finally let go and had a plainly seen blush tinted across his cheeks. Grinning his trademark goofy grin, he stepped away from you and then glanced over at the dummies you were fighting. "You uh sure put a beating on those training dummies." He said, trying to bring up anything just so he could talk to you.

You also glanced at them briefly and smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of your neck, "Like I said, I'm having a really bad day. I-I mean! Not anymore, now that you're here and… yeah." You trailed off and darted your (e/c) eyes away from his own bright bluish green ones. You thought back to what Zexion said and now it started repeating in your head over and over again like a repetitive chorus of a song. It was obnoxious to say the least.

Demyx seemed to sense the sudden awkwardness settle in. Rocking back and forth on the backs of his heels, he made a 'humming' noise and spoke up, "I uh can't help but sense something is wrong, (Y/n). Are you sure you just had a bad day because you were bored?" Demyx inquired and you could only sigh. He was clearly picking up on the fact you were needing to speak to him.

"Demyx… Could we just uhm. Talk somewhere private where no one could walk in on us? I really need to talk to you about something and I don't feel comfortable talking about it to anyone else. I-is that okay?" You ask and avoid his eyes momentarily. You heard nothing but silence for a moment and then finally look up to see him softly smiling at you but this time with concern.

"Of course, (Y/n). You can tell me anything! I'm always here to listen or help ya' if you need it!" Demyx replied with a warm close eyed smile. You smiled back but more nervously.

"Okay… My room or your room?"

"Uh, either way works!" Demyx shrugged indecisively and you shrugged back and just decided to go to his room, you really liked his room anyways.

Summoning a portal with the snap of your fingers, you gesture for him to follow and he does, strolling right beside you as you two enter through. Stepping out on the other side, you two are now in his room that's decorated with all the kinds of things Demyx loves, notably many music related objects and ocean themed things scattered the room. "Awh, my sweet ol' room! I would take a cat nap after the mission but I'd rather hang with you. So what's up? Is it serious?" Demyx asks casually until the end where he sounds a bit more concerned if it actually were serious.

"Well, I don't know if I would call it serious." You say and step over to his bed, sitting down on it. Your hands now becoming the most interesting thing in the world. You stare at them and try to think of a way to start this conversation. Demyx plops down on the bed next to you and looks at you curiously.

"You don't have to be shy about it, (Y/n)! What is it?" He leans in closer, which makes you tense up even more.

"Demyx…" You speak his name quietly. He tilts his head and looks confused.

"What is it, (Y/n)?"

You stop fumbling and staring at your hands, you sigh and finally just begin to speak, "What do you think of love?" If you could feel right now, you would be dying of embarrassment from your strange question. Demyx stared blankly at you and then put a hand to his chin thoughtfully as he thought about what you just asked him.

"Love?" He repeated and then shrugged with a slight blush dusting his cheeks, "I donna' know really." He put his hand down and then just peered at you, your eyes finally meeting his own.

"You don't have any opinion on it?"

"Well… Er, I-I don't know. I mean, I guess I've thought about it before but…" He struggled painfully to try to think of a way to answer. He seemed really out of his comfort zone on this one.

"You have?" You question with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. You turn yourself on the bed to face him better and look nothing but curious.

He shrugged awkwardly, "Yeah sometimes… I guess we can't feel it though, being as we're Nobodies and all that."He glumly states which makes you somewhat disappointed.

"You don't believe that a Nobody can fall in love? Have you ever even… I don't know… Thought yourself interested in someone?" You question and lean in towards him in anticipation. You two were very close together but Demyx or you made no notion of moving away from each other. Demyx tensed up and seemed to blush way more than before. He fidgeted on his spot on the bed and for once wasn't staring at you with adoring eyes. Rather he was glancing around his room, looking at all his things for a brief couple of seconds just to advert his eyes from you.

"I uh.. Like I said, I don't know, (Y/n). I wish we could if we can't and well uhhh-… I suppose, I might sorta like this one girl."

You had horrible memories of jealousy overwhelm you at the mention of a girl. You hoped more than anything that he was talking about you, but the way he phrased it made you highly doubt. "A girl, huh? Who is she?"

Demyx looked like he was panicking for a second and quickly he answered, "No one important! I-I mean she is important! But not important to know, no, no! I mean well she is! b-but uhhm-"

"Whoa, Demyx calm down!" You say in surprise and grab on to his shoulder lightly, he swiftly turns his head to look at your hand. If it were even possible he was blushing even harder. He faked a laugh nervously but didn't brush your hand away as he was getting nice tingly sensations from your touch. Sensations he wanted much more of.

"I-I'm s-sorry…" He muttered shakily as you take back your hand. You both were now looking each other in the eyes and it felt like time just suddenly decided to stop. Demyx fell entranced by your beautiful bright (e/c) eyes that he loved so much. You too couldn't help but fall for his own sparkling blue green eyes that always shone full of life, even if he was a Nobody, they seemed to almost reflect real emotion.

"What does she look like?" You ask after quietly a few seconds after.

Demyx keeps blushing but doesn't steer his eyes away from your own as he answers, "Well… She has these gorgeous bright (e/c) eyes that sparkle, especially when she smiles! And she has this amazingly beautiful (h/l) (h/c) soft hair and she is the sweetest and most intelligent girl.. Just all together she's just SO-…"Loudly sighing off dreamily, he spills off on another tangent on how just plain wonderful this girl is. You begin to blush as you realize just how similar this girl sounds to you. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize he really was talking about you!

"Demyx…" You interrupt his far off dreamy eyed rant. You wave your hand in front of his face and giggle as he blinks and comes back into reality.

"Oh, sorry… I sorta get like that when I see her.. Uh- I MEAN talk about her." Demyx tries to save himself but it really wasn't working out for him so well. You blush brighter and see that you are going to have to ask the hard question.

"Do you like me, Demyx?" You ask, it being a little easier to do since you couldn't actually feel the embarrassment of the question.

Demyx tenses up like a statue and even trembles slightly as he gulps in nervousness. "I uh… Of course, I like you!" He says like it's not big deal but also tries to shrug off the actual significance of what he was just asked by you.

You look at him and rolls your eyes, "That's not what I meant, Dem." You scoot over just a bit, so the two of your bodies are touching. He glances down at the closeness. Once again a tingly sensation rises in him and all he can do is gulp and anxiously look up into your (e/c) eyes.

"Y-you mean like?" He sputters and blushes furiously but he couldn't find it in himself to tear his eyes away from yours. You were about just as nervous as him as you stare into his bright eyes that twinkled in the light in just the right angles. Slowly you lower your gaze from his and looked down at both of your touching bodies. Your hair laid in front of your face as you mutter barely above a whisper.


"Oh! … Well." Demyx freezes and his face holds nothing but anxiety. Apprehensively, he begins fumbling with his hands on his lap. He seemed like he forgot how to speak. You stare at him awaiting an answer but seeing as he was shying away, you wondered if you just ruined your friendship by making things awkward. You sigh and turn your head away from him.

"It's okay, Demyx. I'm sorry I asked, it was a foolish question."

Demyx shoots his gaze back at you as you begin to stand up from your spot on his bed. Demyx gasps as you were beginning to walk away, quickly he grabs onto your hand from behind and doesn't let you go any further. "W-wait!" Demyx shouted and looked embarrassed when you look back at him with wide eyes at his sudden action. Demyx slumps his shoulders down and looks at you worriedly.

"(Y/n) …. I want to tell you something but you have to promise not to laugh or hit me." Demyx said seriously even though his comment was a bit on the goofy side. Wanting to just leave right there and now, Demyx only leads you back down onto the bedside, while he instead stands up. Looking down at you, he seemed lost for words. "I-I don't really know how to begin to say this. But uh- You know that girl I was just talking about? That really beautiful, funny, intelligent, and basically out of my league girl?"

You nod with a quizzical expression as he intakes a sharp breath of air and then finally just says it, "Well, that girl is you, (Y/n) … P-please, don't hate me!"

"Demyx!" You shouted loudly and stood up from your spot on the bed. Seeing you abruptly stand up so quickly, he shrinks back and thinks you're about to pummel him to a pulp, but the assault on him never comes. You stand there almost teary eyed, "Why would you say that!?"

"I-I-I'm sorry, (Y/n)! I know your deserving of someone so much better than me, and I know we're Nobodies and we shouldn't feel anything! But I can't help but think or feel or whatever! That I want you to like me back the same way I like you! I can't help it, I'm so sorry, (Y/n)!" Demyx desperately pleaded with you as you stood there and watched him frozen in silence. Shaking your head, at him, you look at him like he is completely out of his mind. Demyx seeing your seemingly negative reaction, he could only look like a puppy that was just kicked with sharp cleats over and over again. "… I'm sorry…" He mumbles and looks down dejectedly.

"Demyx! You have it all wrong! Let me talk for a second, jeez! I don't hate you! It couldn't be any further from the truth!" You tell him in exasperation. Grabbing onto both of his arms you stare up at him pleadingly. "I like you, Demyx! I care about you! I don't care what Xemnas and all of them say. It might be pointless or whatever but I still like you! I like you way more than I should! I'm not going to hit you either. Though, I will if you keep insisting that I would ever 'hate' you!" You rattle off on a speech and even slightly shake him as you talk. He didn't notice though as his eyes were focused on nothing in the world other than you and your words. His mouth fell agape and he seemed to be confused.

"You do like me? Like like me?"

"That is so grade-school but yes Demyx. I love you- I mean!"

Demyx suddenly grins and all of a sudden reaches out with his hands that slipped away from yours and grabbed around your waist. Lifting you up off of your feet, he bringing you in for a lung crushing hug. Nuzzling his face into your hair, he squeezed so tightly you were gasping for air.



"L-Let g-g-go!"

"Let what?" Demyx murmured in pure bliss, he was too occupied with breathing in the wonderful fragrance of your (h/l) (h/c) hair. You basically dangled from Demyx's arms choking up for air, until you finally couldn't take it.

"I CAN'T BREATHE!" You let out the last of your remaining oxygen to holler at him.

Realizing what he was doing, he panics and lets go of you instantly, "O-oh! I'm so sorry, (Y/n)!" He sputters begins backing away just enough to make sure you were unharmed. Breathing heavily to catch your breath, you look at Demyx with a glare. He clenched his teeth together and shrunk back again as he worried over you, that he might of harmed you by accident.

"Stop apologizing, you big goofball! You suddenly start laughing and further confuse Demyx at your random sporadic array of 'emotions' that you were revealing to him.

Titling his head to the side, he finally began laughing alongside you. The two of you for some reason when starting to laugh, neither of you could stop your giggling fest. Laughing so hard, the sides of your stomach hurt and you were doubling over and holding onto your knees. Demyx was also holding onto his stomach and laughing with his head pulled back in laughter. You both laughed until the giggling feeling finally dulled down.

Looking at each other you both smiled widely. "Does this mean you'll be mine, (Y/n)?"

You blushed and smiled more sweetly at him and were unmistakably falling for the cute desperation that filled his eyes. You finally nodded vigorously and Demyx was about to hug you again but this time you halted him with your hand. He stared at you in confusion and was shocked when you grabbed onto the front of his cloak and brought him to your eye level. Pressing a firm but gentle kiss onto his lips. He was first startled but finally began lapsing and drawling you close to him in a normal comfortable embrace. The two of you continued to kiss until you were out of breath. You were about to pull back but Demyx kept you held in close. You glared him again and pushed him off.

"Stop depriving me of oxygen!"

Demyx stared at you with wide eyes and a blush, before smirking and snickering at you, "Drowning in me, (Y/n)?"

"More like suffocating."

"Wow, this sounds like this could be a really epic song." Demyx mused dreamily and you chuckled with a warm blush dusting your cheeks.

"Then let's write a song together!" You brought up and he gasped and nodded excitedly.

"YEAH! It'll be my first actual love song! Just and only for you!" Demyx chirped and summoned out his sitar and gestured you to sit next to him on the bed. Both sitting down, you watched Demyx strum his sitar once. Leaning your head onto his shoulder, you sighed in contentment.

"Let's start from the beginning then."

"The very best place to start!" Demyx turned his head and kissed the top of your forehead with a cute grin appearing on his face. You blushed and smiled that this was actually happening to the two of you. It didn't matter what all the other Nobodies said. Here you were together and you and him swore you felt a warmness building inside each of you. An actual feeling that not even a lack of heart could hold back.

With another strum of his sitar, Demyx began singing a line he had made up.

"Tell me how, how am I supposed to breathe with no air~?"

"That's already a song, Demyx…"

"I know, I'm just teasing!"

You rolled your eyes and playfully shoved him and both began bursting out in laughter. Soon both legitimately began making a song that was made specially for each other. A love song that poured out feelings you both hoped you and him would one day could feel genuinely once more.

(Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Just a short little Demyx one-shot I put together when I was bored and in a Demyx kinda mood. XD ... The title was inspired from the song "No Air "by Jordin Sparks.)

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Comments: 13

CattyBlakc [2018-04-07 20:29:08 +0000 UTC]

Demyx es demasiado genial! Lo amo demasiado! Es tan tierno y dulce~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KawaiiPaopu [2017-10-22 22:11:17 +0000 UTC]

Hey! this was written on my thirteenth birthday! At the time I had a pretty major crush on Demyx! >///<   

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MiraChan145 [2016-05-26 20:27:16 +0000 UTC]

Also, I love Zexion playing matchmaker.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiyuxTheNobody In reply to MiraChan145 [2016-05-28 03:40:34 +0000 UTC]

Haha, personally this isn't one of my favorite one-shots but it was just something I wrote on a whim in my free time when Demyx was glued to my brain.

I bet Zexion is a better matchmaker then he lets on. I bet he has all this knowledge from it by all his own romantic literature that he reads and doesn't go around admitting that he does. Huh, I might make that a personal head-canon of mine that Zexion loves reading the romance genre simply just because of how funny that is to me. lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiraChan145 In reply to MiyuxTheNobody [2016-05-28 03:42:18 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh yess!!! Hahaha. Covertly reading it and freaking out if someone gets close while he's doing so. I can definitely see him as being a talented matchmaker, if he cared enough to put forth the effort. Actually, that might make him better at it, because he won't go overboard and make it awkward.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MiraChan145 [2016-05-26 19:35:02 +0000 UTC]

Hahahahaha!!!! Awwwwwwww!!!!!! Demyx, you're just too cute!!!!!! <3

I love the Nobodies. I'm exceptionally fond of, well, most of them. But I've always loved Demyx in particular. He's my personality match haha lazy and cheerful and musically inclined

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiyuxTheNobody In reply to MiraChan145 [2016-05-28 03:47:08 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely love the Nobodies too! Er -… If that wasn't already obvious from my username alone… lol 

Demyx and Xigbar are my favorites but... - In all truthfulness, I love every single one of them in their own way. Demyx's laid-back, music loving, total sweetheart, and overall just lovable personality is what draws me to him so much. Xigbar on the other hand is also laid-back and I just really love his "cool old dude" personality that he has. I always thought Demyx and Xigbar would be good buds…  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MiraChan145 In reply to MiyuxTheNobody [2016-05-28 04:46:54 +0000 UTC]

They've always been my favourites in the series. Lol. I mean, I love other characters, too, but...I've just always loved them hahaha.

Yeah, I love most of them. I'm not as familiar with the ones I don't find physically attractive xD haha....I'm shallow when it comes to characters. Although, I've never really thought of Xigbar that way, yet I just love his personality so much that I don't care hahaha. Well, and I can't say that he's UNattractive. I've always been very conflicted about it hahaha. It's the fact that he looks older that throws me off--it's the hair. Apparently, though, the grey streaks might be because he has a fragment of Xehanort's heart. As Braig he doesn't look so old. So my internal conflict may be coming to a resolution xD

I have OCs for all the characters I find attractive. I don't have one for Xigbar...but I've spent a lot of time waffling back and forth on that. Like Snape--I waffled a lot when I was younger because he looked too old (because Alan Rickman was older) but I loved his character. But he's actually only in his 30s.

But yeah, I'd say Demyx and Xigbar have the best personalities. Like, they'd be really fun to have as friends. Axel would, too, and of course Roxas is adorable, but I think I'd be closer to the other two because they're so chill. From a writing perspective...well, they all have interesting personalities, so they're all fun to write xD

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KitHeartAnime [2015-05-09 04:24:36 +0000 UTC]

I laughed hard at Demyx when he started singing the song XDDDD

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mokaevans-yamimoka [2015-02-05 00:12:50 +0000 UTC]

That was great demyx is one of my favorite nobodies. While I've never been physically attracted to him, I am attracted to his character. Kinda like izaya I'm not physically attracted to him either nor is he the kind of person I'd date, but I'm attracted to his sick twisted love for humans. That's why I've written so many izaya x reader. By the way how geeky is it that I have made a nobody name based off my real name just for stories like this?

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MiyuxTheNobody In reply to mokaevans-yamimoka [2015-02-05 03:02:09 +0000 UTC]

I agree, Demyx is great! He's personally my favorite out of the Nobodies. Right next to Xigbar. 

I know what you mean by not being physically attracted to character's appearance but being attracted to their personality. I have quite a few characters I feel that way towards, actually. Oh and Izaya is an interesting one! I love how he's always pissing Shizuo off, its amusing. Also, don't feel geeky about the nobody name. You are certainly not the only one lol. I've done it too. Heck, my username is based off my nobody OC I use when I read KH reader stories and whatnot. We're all geeks here, friend. XD

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ButterflyXMoonlight [2014-12-31 12:42:26 +0000 UTC]

"Short" you said XD This wasn't short at all but compared to a full length series I guess it is. I really loved this! A lot of writers for KH fanfiction forget that they can only REMEMBER to feel or how something feels so you kinda gotta go around with that. It's totally okay to remember feelings and imagine how it would be! Like if they didn't feel it as a Somebody, then feeling it as a Nobody must be even better, yeah? Anyways, great job! Not mary sue, not OOC, and you stuck to a plot. Nice.

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MiyuxTheNobody In reply to ButterflyXMoonlight [2014-12-31 18:02:40 +0000 UTC]

Well, it looked shorter when I wrote it out or well its short compared to my standards idk xD.
I'm super glad you liked it! I try to keep them 'remembering' they're feelings as a Somebody that pass over to them as a Nobody. They can't feel it but they still vividly remember it and enjoy the memory of it. I thought that would be a good way of describing it. As for Mary-sue I'm glad to hear it didn't come across that way. I try not to Mary-sue my 'reader' too much. As for the OOC that's a big 'no-no' in my book. If their out of character why bother to read? At least that's how I feel about OOCness. Anyway, enough rambling thanks for reading!!! <3   

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