>> Horse Totem <<
Event Title: Dom and up - Raptor Hunting
Import: First Mate - Hamish 54152
Nicknames: -
Activity Journal: Mizie's Activity Tracker
Relevant Bonuses:
- Bear Totem
Tribe Benefits: Spirits of the Aurora
Faction: KS
Defects: -
Item Application: -
Activity Code: n-First _Mate _- _Hamish_54152|p-raptor|dg|o-629|f-ks
Tokota's Career Tracker: Mizie's CEs
Tokotna Bank/Proof of Items: Mizie's Bank
Entry #: (3/12) KS + Rat Totem
Tokotna Profile: Mizie's Tokotna Profile
Tokotna Monthly Limits: Mizie's Monthly Limits
>> Horse Totem <<
Event Title: Dom and up - Raptor Hunting
Import: Candy 45847
Nicknames: -
Activity Journal: Mizie's Activity Tracker
Relevant Bonuses:
- Bear Totem
Tribe Benefits: Spirits of the Aurora
Faction: KS
Defects: -
Item Application: -
Activity Code: n-Candy_45847|p-raptor|dg|o-629|f-ks
Tokota's Career Tracker: Mizie's CEs
Tokotna Bank/Proof of Items: Mizie's Bank
Entry #: (4/12) KS + Rat Totem
Tokotna Profile: Mizie's Tokotna Profile
Tokotna Monthly Limits: Mizie's Monthly Limits