mochachobonkai — Raquel and Violet (Commission)

Published: 2017-07-29 17:00:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 59219; Favourites: 390; Downloads: 0
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Description Finally done with this piece! This is a commission requested by  His OC, Raquel, is indeed one hell of a unique character (The one with three breasts and legs)! I hope you guys enjoy multi limbs just as you enjoy amputees!  

If you like my works and would like to see more, please visit and support my Patreon ! See WIP's, animations, comics, sketches and NSFW, mostly Patreon exclusive. 

This has been a fun project for me and a challenging one. Enjoy the back story below written by    


It was late on Wednesday morning when Violet finally let herself get out of bed.  Since she had started working at the cafe a few weeks ago, her body had grown used to waking up early.  This was her "weekend Wednesday" however, her one day off each week, and she wanted to sleep in.  To her frustration, her body clock had betrayed her and still woken at 6am. Then 7am, and several more times until Violet gave in and just lay in bed reading.  Eventually she sat up and stretched her back arms out to each side and her front arms skyward, ready for a day of sewing and laundry, until her date in the evening. 

After a blissfully relaxed shower and breakfast, Violet looked through her homemade clothing patterns for today's addition to her work wardrobe. The cafe had a 'uniform' of sorts, a green t-shirt, and Violet needed another for her collection. She had learned to sew her own clothes to accommodate her four arms and breasts, since otherwise all she would wear would be tank tops like the oversized one she had on now. She still had a lot to learn,  but she had already used her skills to make some clothing for some of the other grateful girls she had met in the city. 

Violet was holding today's chosen t-shirt pattern flat on some some green fabric with two hands, using her other pair to pin it in place, when her cell phone rang.  An actual call, not a text, which was unusual at this time of day.  She put down the pins and got up to find the phone.  The number it displayed for the "unknown caller" was not one that she recognized.



Violet was a bit surprised... only a couple of people called her that, and this didn't sound like Charlie.  She hesitated while she tried to recognize the voice.

"Violet?  Hello?" said the female voice.

"Yes?  Who is this?"

"It's Raquel!"

"Ohmygod Raquel!" Violet cried, clapping her hands together in excitement.  "Ohmygod!  I haven't heard from you in ages!"

"Oh thank god, I thought I had the wrong number.  Again." said Raquel.  "How's life in the big city?"

"It's great!  Wait, how did you know?"

"Oh, I know things," laughed Raquel.  "I'm in town for a couple more days.  Why don't we get together and I can tell the epic tale of how I tracked you down?"

"Oh absolutely!"  Violet hadn't seen Raquel since high school, when they went off to different colleges, over 5 years ago now.  She had been thinking about her a lot lately, so there was no way she was going to pass this opportunity up.  "I have a thing tonight, so how about lunch?"

"A 'thing'?  Like a date thing or some other thing?"

"I'll tell you some epic tales of my own when we're together."

Raquel laughed. "Deal.  Well I'm working for a few more hours... how about coffee at 3?  I found a good place near here, and it's a nice day to be outside, even in this city.  I'll send you the address."

"All right!  I will see you at 3!"

"I gotta get back to work.  Love you!" said Raquel, and she hung up.

Violet couldn't believe it.  After being the only special girl she knew of for years, she'd now met several, including her girlfriend, in the past few weeks, and now to top it all off, this welcome blast from the past.  Her phone buzzed and the address popped onto the screen.  It was in the middle of the city, which meant Violet had a public transport adventure ahead of her. She rushed off to get her weekly laundry done before she had to go.


A few minutes after 3 o'clock, Violet was waiting near the door to the cafe the Raquel had suggested.  Now that she worked in a cafe herself, Violet almost felt like a traitor being here, even though her work was across town.  She turned and looked the other way down the street... still no sign of Raquel.  She was attracting more than a few glances standing there, but that was her fault since she had decided not to try to hide her body this time.  She was still wearing a light jacket over her back arms, but this wasn't a full 'jacket of hiding'.  If she stayed out until her date with Charlie later in the evening, she'd want to stay warm somehow, especially wearing this dress.  And besides, when Raquel showed up, there was no point in trying to appear normal anyway, so why start now?

Violet stepped through the door to look around, and to get a better look at their menu, when she heard "Vee!" in the distance.  She stepped back out again and looked down the road to find Raquel walking toward her, with her unmistakable bouncy step as she walked on her three legs, alternating the two outer legs and the one in the middle.  She smiled and waved, and Violet waved both right hands in response.  Raquel's gait changed as she excitedly broke into a jog, the faster middle-left-right rhythm bringing back memories of watching her on the track in high school.  A lot of heads turned to look as she practically slammed into Violet, who wrapped her four arms around Raquel and held her tight.  Violet could tell she wasn't the only one feeling emotional as Raquel pressed against her body, her head held tight against Violet's neck, Raquel's three breasts smooshed around Violet's upper pair.  After a moment, they separated.

"I guess I missed you more than I thought," said Raquel, still holding Violet's front hands.

"Likewise," Violet smiled, wiping a small tear away with her back-left hand.  "How are you?  What are you doing here?"

"Why don't you grab that table and I'll get us some coffees first, " said Raquel, collecting herself a bit.

"And a -"

"- cookie." Raquel finished, grinning.  She pivoted on her middle foot and made her way to the counter.

Violet watched her go and caught Raquel's brief glance back, before walking over to the small outdoor table.  She slipped her jacket off and draped it over the back of the chair with her right hands, and sat down.  While she waited she looked around and made eye contact with each person that was still looking at her, until they looked away, and smiled smugly to herself.  Her confidence had definitely returned, and just in time.

Raquel returned with the coffees.  "One chocolate chip cookie, as requested," she said as she flourished the cookie.  Violet held out two hands in a bowl to receive the cookie, and made an elaborate bow with a third hand.  "Some things never change," said Raquel.

"What?  Cookies are awesome.  And they go great with coffee," reasoned Violet.  "Also, they're good for you."

"Oh for sure.  They're practically a vegetable, they're so healthy," Raquel laughed.  She sat down on the chair and crossed her middle and right legs.  She was still hanging off the sides of the seat a bit, but she was used to not fitting in chairs.  She picked up her coffee and took a tiny sip.  "Ow! Crap.  Burned my tongue.  It's good though, but I'll wait until I can enjoy it."

Violet was watching Raquel's face, surrounded by her familiar long blonde hair, looking for differences since High School.  "So, what-"

"So how-" Raquel stopped as their words collided.  They laughed and Violet said,  "After you."

Raquel started again.  "How's the glamorous world of computer programming?  I assume that's why you're in the city?"

Violet smiled, a little sadly.  The two of them had been so out of touch that Raquel didn't even know.  "No, not at all.  I did a year at college but... it's just not what I want to do with my life.  So I quit to try to figure it out."

"Did you?"

"No," Violet smiled, shrugging.  "Back home I worked in a fabric store, now I have a job in a cafe.  They're mostly just income."

"You're still drawing though, right?"  Raquel remembered Violet's drawings, and how many people asked her if she was that good because of her extra hands (which had nothing to do with it).  Raquel had tried to encourage Violet to pursue art as a career but Violet said that wasn't viable.

"I am, sometimes.  These days my spare time is spent sewing because I need more clothes, and spending time with Charlie."

"So -you- made that cute dress?" Raquel asked.  "It's really... wait, Charlie?  Who..." she said dramatically, "is Charlie?  Is he cute?"

"She," Violet corrected "is ridiculously cute."

"Oh my god!  You have a girlfriend?" Raquel was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.  "Why didn't you lead off with that?  'How are you?'  'I'm great, I have a girlfriend.'"

"Oh shut up,"

"I mean, come ON!  This is huge!"

Violet raised her back-right hand to cover her face, slightly embarrassed, as she held her coffee with her front hands.  But she quietly replied "Yeah, it's pretty cool."

"Well.  How am I going to top that?" said Raquel, sitting back and re-crossing her legs, this time left leg over the middle.  "Let me see... oh wait.  I know.  I'm married!" she smiled.

"Seriously?  What the hell, girl?  You're all mad at me?"

Raquel laughed and held up a six-fingered hand, flashing the engagement ring and wedding band in the sunlight.  "Seriously!  Sadly he couldn't come on this trip since it's for work.  I met Elliot at college when I was over in California.  Well, I didn't meet him on campus.  We met... anyway that's not important... he-"

"No, that sounds suspicious.  Where did you meet?"

"It was... I... " Raquel took a deep breath. "I was making some... films... to make money.  He was on set one day and we hit it off right away, especially when the first time I saw him he was naked.  Anyway-"

"Wait... naked?  ...oh..." Violet realized what sort of films she meant, and smiled. "Somehow I'm not surprised."


"I would pay to see that." Violet said, waving her left hands vaguely at Raquel's chest and legs.

Raquel blushed a little.  She wasn't proud of what she'd done, but it was still a bit of a thrill, even thinking about it now.  Besides she would never have met Elliot otherwise.  "-You- didn't have to pay, remember?  ANYway... he's kinda like me.  Physically, that is, only without the middle leg.  Wider hips and..." she hesitated, and Violet raised an eyebrow.  Raquel held out her left fist and uncurled her index finger to point at the floor, followed by her middle and ring fingers.

"Two?  No... three??" Violet whispered, and Raquel nodded.  "Oh wow!  No wonder you're happy!"

Raquel laughed with Violet.  "It's not just that.  He loves me for who I am and we just... get each other, you know?  He feels like a soul-mate."  Suddenly Raquel missed him badly, and wished he was here to meet the high school friend she'd been telling him about for years.  She grinned mischievously "Being fully satisfied during sex is just a bonus," she added quietly.

"Well, congratulations," said Violet, smiling.  She was so happy that her friend had found someone great for her.  Violet now knew how good that feeling was, both physically and emotionally.  "So you actually settled down after all."

"Well..." Raquel shrugged, "we're open.  He knows what I like and what I need, and sometimes I need... more."  Raquel had been lucky in more ways than one, and while Elliot was amazing and he was definitely hers, they both had some flexibility in their relationship.  Raquel had been hoping to take advantage of that flexibility with Violet on this trip, but now wasn't sure that would happen.  "So if you've found any cool clubs I could check out tonight..."

Violet barely suppressed an eye roll.  Her friend really hadn't changed much at all.  "I don't, but I know someone who might," she grinned.  "So... work?  Why are you in town, anyway?"

"I ended up getting a degree in actuarial studies and now I'm working for a major firm. We got called in for an automotive case here, so I'm just in town for a little while. I could be back again now and then, though, depending on how it goes. I'm supposed to be going over some numbers back at the hotel, but it can wait until the morning."

"Are you sure you can take the time off?" Violet asked. 

"For you? Always." Raquel smiled. "You're much more important." 

Violet grinned.  "How did you find me anyway?"

"More importantly, why didn't -you- find -me- sooner?" Raquel countered. 

Violet rested her hands in her lap.  "Well I didn't have your address after you moved, and between college and how often your folks moved I didn't think I could find you anyway. But I did try to call... and the number was out of service."  Violet remembered how devastated she felt being unable to reach her closest friend. "And emails just never got answered."

Raquel looked down. "Sorry... My email got hacked and now I don't like using my real name on email addresses. And my phone... dropped it and ended up with a new number after the move. I lost all my contacts when it died, and my folks never made connections." Raquel sighed. "You could have found me on Facebook you know."

"I don't do that stuff," said Violet. "Until I moved here, I could just go and talk to anyone I was friends with. Except you. Besides, it looks like a time waster." 

Raquel put her hand up to her left cleavage in mock righteousness. "'Ooh, look at me, I don't waste time on social media. But I post pictures of myself in online art galleries.'" 

Violet looked up, raising her back hands to cover her own cleavages reflexively. "You saw them?"

"Yeah.  And you still look amazing." Raquel replied, smiling softly. She remembered the first time the two of them had shown off their bodies to each other, soon after they had met in high school. At Violet's place, the shades drawn and door locked, Violet had stood in front if her and removed her tank top and bras, and Raquel had been stunned by her unusual body. Raquel had followed suit, and the two had admired and explored their differences - the first time neither of them had felt shame in front of someone else.  Raquel remembered the feeling of all those hands... she blinked to clear her thoughts and continued. "It's kinda how I found you, actually." 

"What?" said Violet, also somewhat distracted as she gazed at Raquel's legs. 

"Well, I couldn't find you on Facebook or Twitter, so every now and again I Google you, thinking you'd have to show up sometime," Raquel explained. "I tried so hard to find you to invite you to the wedding.  I'm so sorry you missed it.  Well anyway, a couple of months ago, I think I was searching the usual combinations of ‘four' and ‘arms' and ‘boobs' and ‘Violet', and photos of you showed up. I didn't know you were such an exhibitionist!" she said, waving a hand in front of her chest.

"I got a bit more self-confidence, until I moved here. I'm getting better again."

"Apparently you got a -lot- more confident! I'm not complaining, mind. So anyway, there's no contact info so I called around and eventually found one of our old teachers, who gave me a friend's number, who got me in touch with your parents... and they said you'd moved. But they gave me your number and since I knew I'd be coming here, I thought I'd surprise you."

"I'm so glad you did! I wish you'd called sooner."

"Where's the fun in that?" Raquel teased. 

"Dammit I missed you!"  Violet reached over with her front-left hand and held Raquel's right on the table, gazing into her eyes.  She gave Raquel's hand a squeeze, and let go before it got awkward, returning to her coffee and cookie. "I needed you. That's partly why I moved here."

"To find me?"

"Not quite.  To find another kindred spirit.  Kindred body?"  She held up four hands, then pointed at Raquel's legs again "You know, like the way we were.  Well in my own online searches, I found that there's a guy in this city who has a photography studio, and most of his models are unique in some way, like us."  She recalled the thrill of first finding his gallery.  "Feet for hands... penises... and another girl with four arms!  Seeing her pictures, and the other photos, was what encouraged me to put my own photos online.  But I really missed having someone like me that I can talk to, who understands this, and makes me bolder and helps me get outside.  So I decided to move, to try meet them."

"That's pretty bold right there," said Raquel, trying to take in the news that there could be a community of special people out there.  She'd met others over the years, but never more then one or two in one place.

"Maybe, but it's actually worked out pretty well... after the first month anyway.  I've had a photo session with him now, and I've met a few of the women, including my amazing girlfriend."

Raquel's eyes were wide.  "That's so cool!   A group of other people like us?"

"Well, not like you, or me.  But different like us.  Ah, you know what I mean."

"Do you think I could meet some?" Raquel asked.  She totally understood Violet's desire for kindred spirits.  That's why finding Elliot had been so incredible.  But she had also missed the camaraderie of talking with Violet.  Having a support network would be amazing.  Not to mention, in the back of her mind, the remote possibility of seeing one of them in an intimate situation.  Suddenly curious, she wanted to meet Violet's girlfriend very badly.

Violet picked her phone up off the table with her back-right hand and started tapping away with two others.  "I was going to meet Charlie at a bar later that's friendly towards us freaks.  Let me see if I can round up anyone else."

"That sounds perfect.  Freaks forever!" laughed Raquel.

Violet put her back-left hand on Raquel's again and squeezed her six fingers tight. "Freaks forever."
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Comments: 22

FlyBird6199 [2018-04-26 12:10:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mochachobonkai In reply to FlyBird6199 [2018-10-12 15:44:53 +0000 UTC]

Thank you FlyBird. Have a look at my latest work ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

amploving [2017-09-18 13:15:31 +0000 UTC]

Three legs

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mochachobonkai In reply to amploving [2017-09-18 15:59:45 +0000 UTC]

yup! Truly an interesting character. Not mine, though. Just drew it for a friend for commission

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JS418 [2017-09-04 21:17:59 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for a very nice picture and story! I'd enjoy reading more about these two ladies and their friends. I like extra limbs and other additions quite a bit.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

love4arms In reply to JS418 [2017-09-05 06:51:31 +0000 UTC]

Hi! I have a lot of other stories with these ladies and others in the Stories folder in my gallery, as well as some pictures in the main gallery.  I hope you enjoy them.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mochachobonkai In reply to love4arms [2017-09-09 17:33:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for sharing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HayateHayashi94 [2017-08-04 17:05:30 +0000 UTC]

The girl on the right reminds me of Hitomi from Dead or Alive. But nonetheless great work! I really love multiple limbs!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DemonicSkeleton [2017-07-30 13:29:52 +0000 UTC]

Looks cool, but... ¿Why is one three-legged and the other three-armed? I'm confused lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

love4arms In reply to DemonicSkeleton [2017-07-30 18:41:31 +0000 UTC]

Because they were born that way... Raquel with three legs and Violet with four arms. The story in the description may help explain.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DemonicSkeleton In reply to love4arms [2017-07-30 19:56:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I didn't even know there are descriptions! I'm new here. Thanks for the reply!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Harukodo2 [2017-07-30 01:17:15 +0000 UTC]

I love the textures you used in this one

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mochachobonkai In reply to Harukodo2 [2017-07-30 02:20:03 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Yours is coming up next ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

love4arms [2017-07-29 20:04:14 +0000 UTC]

It's a truly stunning piece. You found some great natural poses for their unusual anatomies, and your lighting and shading work, especially on their skin, is out of this world!  I keep coming back to their gorgeous faces!  Thank you for making our characters both look so beautiful.  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mochachobonkai In reply to love4arms [2017-07-31 02:07:06 +0000 UTC]

awwwww Thank you very much! I am still working on making realistic skin tones and texture and Im glad you liked how I colored this piece. Thank you for sharing your character, Violet. Had fun painting them both!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

somethingelse77 [2017-07-29 19:48:31 +0000 UTC]

this is incredible and well worth the wait

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mochachobonkai In reply to somethingelse77 [2017-07-29 22:58:25 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you very much! This project has been worthwhile and fun. It's a break from my non limb characters. I'm glad you enjoy and support my work. Thank you for this fun project.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MoreThanNone [2017-07-29 17:46:17 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful style, well done!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mochachobonkai In reply to MoreThanNone [2017-07-30 02:18:36 +0000 UTC]

Awww thanks!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LoneStranger [2017-07-29 17:36:29 +0000 UTC]

Hopefully you'll forgive for enjoying multi-limb more than amputees.

Wonderful work on this picture by the way.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mochachobonkai In reply to LoneStranger [2017-07-29 22:55:40 +0000 UTC]

Hihih, thanks! I do get quite a number of requests for multi limbed. They are indeed on the opposite end of the spectrum in that they are more able and independent than amputees. Hence there's so activities you can try and possibilities are virtually endless. It's not a surprise you lots enjoy it. I'm glad you liked my art work

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LoneStranger In reply to mochachobonkai [2017-08-07 02:18:56 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0