Mochillie — RSW | Cinderpool | MC

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   >>>   G E N E R A L  


name > Cinderpool
    prefix meaning > For her blue-grey pelt || suffix meaning > For her intelligence and her blue-grey pelt
    previous names > Cinderkit, Cinderpaw
nicknames > Cinder, Cindy, Cin, Cyn

clan > MarshClan
rank > Medicine Cat
    previous ranks > Kit, Med Cat Apprentice
mentor > Gorseleap (DECEASED) (NPC)
apprentices > TBA
roommates > TBA

age > 15+ Moons
gender > She-Cat
sex > Female
sexuality > Bisexual but against med cat code

   >>>   P H Y S I C A L
build > Average
fur description > Average
scars > N/A
height > 20 cm
weight > 7 lbs
voice > Wendy Corduroy
scent > Herbs and Berries

   >>>   P E R S O N A L I T Y
positive >
    >> Intelligent > She can find a solution to anything. She's smarter than the average cat but that's needed to be a medicine cat.
    >> Faithful > She's really faithful to both her clan and StarClan. She knows that both will be able to protect her even though she knows she can't defend herself.
    >> Kind > This is a trait she needs to have to be a medicine cat. She's very kind to cats who need her help. 

neutral >
    >> Follower > She usually doesn't lead or control cats, she's more of the follower. She more likes to obey rules then make them.
    >> Adaptable > If their clan needs to retreat to somewhere because of some circumstance, she can easily adapt. She can easily set up 'camp' and use what she has.
    >> Outgoing > She finds it easy to talk to cats, well she has to do it a lot because a ton of cats come in sick, injured etc. She also loves talking to cats, she can live by herself with no one else around her but not for too long.

negative >
    >> Fearful > She gets scared she's going to lose a cat really easily. Even if it seems like the cat's fine, she still keeps them in her den until she gets told by someone else to let them out.
    >> Easily Frightened > She gets scared really, really easily. Since she wasn't trained as a warrior she's not used to seeing cats fight or badgers, so if somehow something gets into camp, she curls up into a little ball and is really scared.
    >> Irritable > An addition to her getting scared really easily, she's can get irritated really easily. An example is if someone complains about how it hurts she says "Suck it up, princess,"
    >> Inactive > She barely works out. The only time she's active is when treating a patient or going to find some herbs, she's not naturally active. She's not really needed by her clan to be active, unlike the regular warrior.

likes >
    > Herbs
    > Berries
    > StarClan
    > Her Duties
    > Her Clan

    > Bugs
    > Twolegs
    > Crowfood
    > Claws against Rocks
    > Dogs

   >>>   F A M I L Y
parents >
    >> Cedartalon > A grey tom with gleaming green eyes, the color of cedar leaves.
    >> Frostheart > A light grey tabby she-cat with sparkling blue eyes.

siblings >
    >> Shallowlake > A light grey tom with dark grey speckles; green eyes.

   >>>   R O M A N T I C
    previous mates > xxx 
    romantic interests > romantic encounters / crushes / etc
    looking for > fling / long term / etc

likes in a potential mate >
    > trait 

dislikes in a potential mate >

interested in kits > yes / no
preferred family size > small / average / big

   >>>   S K I L L S

agility > stiff || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || agile > [ 5 / 10 ]
stealth > loud || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || quiet > [ 5 / 10 ]
fighting > unskilled || ★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 3 / 10 ]
hunting > unskilled || ★★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 4 / 10 ]
tactics > unskilled || ★★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 4 / 10 ]

speed > slow || ★★★★★★★✩✩✩ || fast > [ 7 / 10 ]
strength > weak || ★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ || strong > [ 3 / 10 ]
endurance > weak || ★★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩ || strong > [ 4 / 10 ]
climbing > unskilled || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 5 / 10 ]

sight > poor || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || great > [ 5 / 10 ]
scent > weak || ★★★★★★✩✩✩✩ || strong > [ 6 / 10 ]
hearing > poor || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || great > [ 5 / 10 ]
taste > weak || ★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩ || strong > [ 5 / 10 ]

den building > unskilled || ★★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 4 / 10 ]
battle tactics > unskilled || ★★✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 2 / 10 ]
hunting tactics > unskilled || ★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 3 / 10 ]
kitting > unskilled || ★★★★✩✩✩✩✩✩ || extremely skilled > [ 4 / 10 ]
herbal knowledge > unskilled || ★★★★★★★★★★ || extremely skilled > [ 10 / 10 ]

compassion > heartless || ★★★★★★★★★✩ || empathic > [ / 10 ]

   >>>   H I S T O R Y
kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
    When she was born, her father began to scold their mother for how 'ugly' their kits were, this obviously really hurt her mother. Due to this, they didn't let their kits know that they had a father. They didn't know that whenever their mother shot a hateful glance at Cedartalon, they just thought she hated them for some reason. But they didn't take it seriously, somehow Shallowkit got a milk sickness and ended up in the medicine den with Gorsetounge. She loved watching her heal her brother and mixing all of those herbs to help him. This sparked her interest to become a medicine cat. When Shallowkit came out of the medicine den they continued to do normal kit things like playing, listening to the elders stories ect. She told her mother that she wanted to become a medicine cat, at first, Frostheart was a bit disappointed but then grew to it, they asked and Gorsetounge happily accepted, she needed one anyway because she was becoming really old.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 15 moons ] >
    When it came to her apprenticeship, she was so excited, she listened to her mentor as much as possible so she could learn how to heal cats like how Gorsetounge healed Shallowpaw. Cinderpaw loved her first half-moon gathering, she loved seeing other medicine cats and interacting with others with the same interest. Once a lot of cats got chased into the deltas by EmberClan cats, she had to help out a lot of cats that nearly drowned, one of them being her brother, even though they hadn't seen each other a lot due to both of them being so busy, she was able to have some quality time with her brother. The death of Bumblestar and the battle against HailClan was shocking, she had to help out a lot of different cats that day, she spent that time thinking of what would have happened if she went to that battle? Only a bit later her mentor couldn't eat, she didn't know why but she thought it was some kind of vomiting sickness but it was different, it made it harder because it was so scarce in the clans that you could barely find a drop of food. Gorsetounge lay on a patch of moss, when she breathed her final breath.

medicine cat-ship [ 15 - present moons ] >
    xxx (TBR)

   >>>   L I N K S
roleplay tracker > link
heart chart > link
family tree > link

Application @/espeonsky
Written Application @/vicstars
Application Art @/me

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