Molfar-Spirit — The drive

Published: 2021-04-08 23:39:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 10813; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 0
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"Hunting Trial

All hunting dog breeds are allowed. Your dog needs to show its breeds appropiate hunting behaviour: Retrieving, pointing, scenting, etc. Use prey that is commonly hunted with your dog's breed.

Junior (Dogs older than 9 months, and younger than 24 months.)

Beginner (Dogs older than 24 months that have never entered a hunting trial before.)

Open (Dogs older than 24 months that have entered a hunting trial before.)

Winner (Dogs older than 24 months, that won 1st place in Open on a previous trial.)"

-The image furtherly could be used as a description to your rp or related to your character stuff.
-It won't be allowed to re-upload the image without my permission, without the link given back, without the credit and my signature included. 

Baskerville hounds present:
- Raki -www.deviantart.com/lighteningf… lighteningfox  
- Spectre - www.deviantart.com/molfar-spir…

- Mia -www.deviantart.com/deathstarke… anonymoushybridwolf

- Kronos -www.deviantart.com/flussblauke…  FlussblauKennels

- Maiden -www.deviantart.com/rebellevalo… RebelleValor

Story RPed between the participants:

The day looked promising and Deimos loaded a heavy bag into the back of the car and also a smaller one, which contained Raki's protective vest and a bottle of water which he would give him after the hunt. He had also packed any vital first aid supplies in case anything went wrong on the hunt. He let out a sigh breathing in the cool mid October air the chill starting to descend on what was otherwise a warm summer. Seasons seemed to change quite quickly and the seasons with it but it was not too bad nothing an average Autumnal jacket couldn't fight. He had packed a lighter orange vest to make him stand out so no other shooters in the area would attack. He loaded up Raki in the dog box and shut him in fussing him softly, the dog whining and seeming unable to settle at first knowing far well what was going on. He laughed and shook his head smiling at the young energetic keen Baskerville:
-Ah, you love the hunt as much as me don't you Raki? the thrill of the chase, the excitement.-He ruffled his cropped ears with a smile and patted his side, before closing the dog box and seeing the taller man arrive, he smiled slightly.- All set? have you got everything that needed?- He smiled at Raki and pulled out a stick of jerky and handed it to the dog, hearing him happily munch it up before turning to the taller man once more.-Looks like a good day for it that for sure.
Paul let out a huff:
-Deimos, almost.- he said a bit irritated,- Told you, please wait. But, nah!- he glanced up at the first man, while was dealing with the vest of black as a coal blue-eyed huge Baskerville Spectre,- Stay.- he muttered to the dog as he could see the first dog was thrilled and as well was infecting the other male too,- You better... here.- he handed to him the car keys,- Turn it on, not me.- he grumbled, glancing at him with some kind of glare.
The morning was a total rush. The moose hunting is not a pretty light and easy-going activity. It's a serious chase that requires the use of all the skills that the dog may have. In any moment can happen something unexpectable and dangerous. Hence was a big worry and fuss about this all. The dogs were conditioned before and trained hard, developing the endurance. But that was a great fun for the dogs themselves as such breed as Baskervilles need the extra training to throw away all the energy they accumulate. That's why all the aviaries have the wooden dog-powered treadmills that let the dog run it when it wants.
Anyway, now the huge muscled Baskerville, the biggest representative of his breed, looking scary and dark, now was whining like a pup, shifting from one paw to another, as if begging his handler Paul to finally fasten those damn buckles on his protective red vest.
Deimos cocked his head and looked at his slightly reddened features he let out a sigh and then smirked slightly:
-Careful Paul you might blow a gasket, we don't want you to explode before we get there.- He ran a hand through his hair and grinned before putting his hand in his inside pocket with a smile.-Here take a cigarette will help you calm down those nerves of yours and help you chill.- He handed him the lit cigarette and then went about making sure he had brought everything satisfied with his inventory he grinned and shut the bag. He then caught the keys and went to the driving seat sitting in it then and turning the key hearing her growl into life. He smiled and patted the dash.- Yeah, you're a great car, can see why you're Paul's pride and joy. He pulled out his phone and put it in the dock strains of traditional Greek music semed to vent the air which he sung along to with perfect tune and pitch, loving everything and feeling great, his heart was already singing to the thrill of the chase and seeing Raki in action.
Paul shook his head and rubbed his neck, putting out the cigarette and blowing out the smoke to the other from the dog side with a sigh. Spectre looked at him and rotated hi head a bit to the side, looking at him:
-Am I going to regret that we take him for the hunt?- he asked, looking at the dog, who turned the head to another side, watching Paul,- Ja, and I don't understand how we are going to cope.- he said, taking a drag and getting up; Spectre looked at him up attentively, even closed his mouth, raising one paw,- At least you're ready.- he muttered and looked down at the dog, who even more attentively watched him; Paul smiled a bit and looked at him watch,- Verflixt!- he then patted his side and Spectre dove there, heeling by his side when Paul jogged to the car,- Deimos, we are already late!- he growled, opening the hood and letting the dog in the cage, then himself hoping in the seat by the driver's side,- Quick, quick, quick!
Deimos looked at him and shook his head as he pulled the car out of the drive and started to make the car go faster he turned up the Greek music a little louder and then looked at Paul:
-And why was that? You knew you were meant to be up early to get packed, I was up like the lark and had Raki out by 6am was fully packed and waiting to put everything in Amy, man, is it just me or do you take more time to get ready than a woman?- he raised and eyebrow and shook his head with a snort tapping his hands on the steering wheel and enjoying the music. Yes, it looked to be a fine day and he himself was in good spirits he had not been in this kind of mood for a long while. He looked at him then and let out a sigh before turning his attention back to the road.-Are you sure you have everything? haven't forgot anything.- He asked when they had been driving for half an hour.- I've packed everything but the kitchen sink, I always have a list when I'm getting ready for a big outting like today.
Paul looked at him with the measuring look:
-Of course, I didn't forget. You are here after all.- he snorted,- Better we'd forget you.- he grumbled,- And I will tell you why we are late. Because somebody was really late to sleep yesterday and today was barely woken up.- he glanced at him,- And in the morning all the breakfast had to be cooked by me, plus the car check, plus the calls back to the people, who have to arrive.- he glanced at him again,- And I'm already not speaking about...- he looked at the radio and turned the sound down, so it was sounding faintly,- How do you listen to this at all.- he huffed,- And I'm already not speaking about the stalls questions that had to appear exactly today.- he muttered, shaking the head,- Gut thing at least the dogs will be happy eventually.
Deimos shook his head and snorted then looking at him with a smirk and a light laugh as he nudged him before turning the radio up a little bit more:
-I can't help it that your sister is so gorgeous and well, I have good libido can I? we can't all be frigid.- He laughed slightly and then shook his head.-This music is our culture, it is like a part of my homeland when I am not at home, everything is packed, great, what is the problem I see none.-He smiled and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and sang a bit.- As far as I am concerned everything is rosy, could not be be better. What is more fun than a hunt and seeing our dogs work eh? cheer up and stop being a grumpy guts.- He grinned slightly before taking a cigarette and lit up and beginning to smoke it. He grinned around the cigarette.- Everything is so-o-o, great even the weather is with us, the scent will be thick in our hounds nostrils.
Paul tilted the head to the side, looking at him:
-Oh so, my sister was with a gag yesterday? Because I something didn't hear you. Usually it's a bit louder when you're both at it.- he muttered and then opened the window, grabbing his cigarette and stubbing his his hand quickly, dusting off the ash and dropping the cigarette in the special bag here in the car,- We have the dogs in the back, they don't need to smell this all.- h grumbled again and turned off the radio,- I want to remind you that it's my car. If you want to fulfil yourself with own culture, please do then in the headphones.
Deimos looked at him then and snorted shaking his head and laughing slightly before letting out a long drawn out huff:
-Because we were keeping quieter than usual, we did it three times so stop, your belly aching you're only jealous.- He shook his head and snorted looking at him.- I don't know what's eating you but today you have been a right grump, what's up Jasmin giving you a hard time again?- He bit his lip and went silent for a while as the radio was turned off pretty pissed off but not going to bite. He let out a long drawn out sigh and shook his head.-Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything? anything at all, it's not too late to turn back you know but any further and it will be.
Paul rolled his eyes and let out a long huff:
-You give me the hard time.- he muttered,- Moreover, you do it always. Fot sure.- he looked to the side, finally closing the window, reclining the head back.
Deimos looked at him and snorted slightly letting out a sigh and yawning slightly before taking out a piece of jerky and chewing on it swallowing it and then holding it in his hand while he drove:
-You can't use that as an excuse you were in a bad mood from the start before I asked you some things, I only care that you have all the right equipment yours and the dogs safety is paramount to me.
Paul flexed his jaw:
-Deimos, don't make me finally bite you.- he muttered, then rubbing the face,- Let's quicker get to the hotel.- he grumbled again and glanced back at the dogs, then checked the messages.
Deimos looked at him and snorted shaking his head and then cocking his head slightly then laughing:
-Trust me I can bite harder, lets just say I have had lots of practice, with a previous lover of mine, ha those were crazy days............Never knew someone with such strange tastes.- he laughed slightly and then drummed his fingers on the dash again.- I'm going as fast as I can there is a speed limit to adhere to, if we get caught by the police well we will be even more delayed.
Paul looked at him:
-Ah, well, if you mean this biting and swallowing, then, ja, I'm not the concurrent here for, no practice at all.- he raised an eyebrow at him and then looked at the phone,- Oh, great, somebody is already on the place.

Lex was abruptly awakened by the droning sound of her alarm clock. She blinked, attempting to collect her thoughts and wondering why her alarm had gone off so early, why she couldn't hear the distant but all-to-close sound of the dogs barking in the kennels, and why this most certainly didn't look like the horrible mess that was her bedroom. Coming to her senses, she quickly tried to scramble out of her bed and hurry to get ready, but became tangled up in the bedsheets in the process and gracefully fell onto the ground with a loud thunk. Kronos, who had been sitting idly by in his kennel, rushed out the open door and came to check out the scene:
-Hey, buddy. Don't mind me, I did this on purpose.- Lex said wistfully, propping herself up on Kronos's muscular shoulders and sitting on her bed.
Today is the big day, she thought to herself I don't know if I'm ready, but Kronos looks like he is.
She fully understood the difficulties of hunting a moose, sure, but none of that compared to the behemoth hardship that was social interaction. Lex didn't know these people and was not confident in her abilities to talk to them without making a complete fool of herself. She has never been good at social interaction due to her struggles with autism and anxiety.
As she got ready that morning, her head was full of thoughts ricocheting off the edges of her skull. She went through the motions: grooming Kronos, attempting to decently prepare herself for the day, and packing their bags for the event. She grabbed Kronos's bright orange hunting vest, which had a few bloodstains from some unlucky boar, and headed out the door. Kronos walked in a nice heel with her to the car and jumped up into his crate when told. He seemed pretty antsy today, perhaps at the sight of the vest. Lex was hoping he would do okay, as the closest thing he had ever hunted were Sika dear in the forests of Japan. But she had confidence in him.
-Alright buddy, let's go!- She said, finally driving to the hotel.

Deimos looked at him and laughed then as he mentioned the swallowing:
-I have never done that, but I reckon we both know someone who has, I pretty much took the lead in most of my endeavours, my partner preferred it that way, got more satisfaction.- He shrugged and huffed slightly.-Well if you hadn't been a big girls blouse and got ready quicker we would have been the first to arrive.- He sighed and cursed then shaking his head slightly letting out a snort.- On your head be it.- he put the pedal to the metal and closed the distance luckily there were no police and he rubbed his face slightly before pulling up into the parking lot and turning the Amarok at such an angle it almost did a doughnut before he parked it perfectly. He grinned as the smoke and dust cleared.-There satisfied?- He let out a sigh and killed the engine.-Come on then lets get unpacked.
Paul snorted:
-Well, don't tell if you don't want.- he chuckled and then left the car, taking the keys,- Hurry up, Deimos.- he muttered low and went out the car, taking the keys and opening the cage, freeing Spectre, who bounded out the cage, shaking himself off and looking around attentively.
Deimos sighed and shook his head with a slight smirk he was rich telling him to hurry up.. He went into the back of his car and pulled out his orange hunting vest and cap putting them on, before going to the back of the car and putting Raki protective orange vest and collar then lifting him out of the back of the car and clipping on a lead.. Going to the back once more picking up his gun and shouldering the heavy backpack he had brought:
-Well that me sorted, he cocked his head slightly frowning and then smirking once more.-Are you absolutely sure you brought everything? and if so lets go and meet the others.

Cloe woke up to the sun Rays beating down on her face. She had already been on the long flight out to the Ukraine and crashed at a hotel near the airport. Maiden laid in bed next to her and gave one of those whiny yawns when the human stirred awake. The Scottish woman patted her dogs head and groggily got up to pack the few things she had left out for them to be comfortable the night they flew in. Maiden, her lovely lilac sable, irish XXL bully, was certainly trained and had even earned both a CD3 and A moose hunt champion title. This hunt would be smooth and quite easy for her dog. Maiden could bring down the moose on her own, but generally she did take either her sister, Aurelia, or her stud, Vapor, on moose hunts. This would be Maiden's first run with dogs she never met. Cloe finished gathering her things, grabbed her keys and walked Maiden out to the lobby where she checked out and walked out the door.

The drive to the designated stables hotel went smoothly for Cloe and Maiden. The two females enjoyed the trip, the scenery, and each other's company. When she pulled into the parking lot, she could see the other would be people and dogs that they were to hunt with. Cloe had never seen a baskerville before and the dogs just looked strange to her. They were certainly long nosed like a borzoi, but she had never seen those dogs up close and personal either.  Cloe clambered out of her truck and allowed Maiden out to free roam. The pretty bully stayed close to Cloe, but it was apparent that she wanted to meet the other dogs. Cloe was just thankful that Maiden was not in heat for this hunt. Things could go badly if she were.

Both males walked in the hotel and went right to the reception. Paul smiled at the female in the red jacket standing there at the table.
-Good morning, mister Jägermann.- she smiled sweetly.
-Good morning, Sara.- Paul replied with the soft voice,- Erm...- he waved off to Deimos as if told him not to bother him for now,- Any news? Did they deal with the kitchen?
Sara hummed a bit and nodded:
-Yes, the chef just overslept some, that's why was all the fuss.
-Overslept.- Paul repeated, playing with the cheekbones and closed his eyes in a deep calming inhale for a moment, then he glanced at Deimos, frowned some,- Look...- he wanted to say something more but paused and then looked to the side as immediately he became very attentive, patting him on the arm,- Look at that female with the bully, how do you think, is that our company?- he glanced at Deimos.
Deimos gathered Raki and walked away with a snort he could not be bothered he yawned lightly and fussed Raki, before buying a coffee from a nearby vendor, letting out a huff,  and drinking some of it. He pulled a piece of jerky from his pocket and gave it to the dog who made short work of it he patted his side. Then looked around the reception and leant against the counter looking in the direction and then eyeing the female and her dog:
-Yup, looks like it, well we were planning on meeting them anyway so sounds about right, by the description we got.-He fussed his dog again and then shouldered his pack,- Guess we ought to make ourselves known before they walk off.- He smiled and inclined his head in their direction before waving a hand in case he had got it wrong. If it was who they were wanting to talk to they would understand.

Cloe entered the hotel with Maiden loyally following at her side. The woman had brought a few things into the hotel with her and left a good amount of gear in her truck. She wanted her truck to be ready to go the second it was time to leave for the hunt. For the moment, Maiden was wearing her white and rose flower collar. Her hunting vest was left in the truck. She did grab her tracking collars and batteries to charge up before they went out for the hunt. She brought an over night pack with clothes and other essentials. Her hunting pack with snacks, waters, treats, emergency supplies and kitsch, was all packed in her truck and ready to go as well. The moment she entered she knew right away that these two were a part of their hunting pack. The baskervilles were hard to miss.

Paul nodded and then took a metal muzzle and put it on Spectre, who was already alerted looking towards the other dog. The dog was tense but wasn't giving the signs of aggression. Still Paul wanted to be sure everyone is going to be safe.
He checked the vest on the dog once more and patted his side:
-Heel.- he muttered to him and Spectre dove under his arm, looking up at him, seeing to be even more massive with this muzzle,- Good boy.- Paul said that to him in German and looked at Deimos,- Come.- they both soon approached Cloe and Paul straigtened himself,- Hallo, you must be Cloe?- he said with the soft confident voice,- My name is Paul, we've had the text conversation only, I'm afraid.- he smiled lightly.
Deimos looked down at Raki and smiled scratching his short, cropped ears before heading in that direction sipping his coffee as he followed closely now seemingly just observing as there was not much to say but when he closed the gap he smiled at Cloe and held out his hand:
-I'm Deimos Leventis, you're here for the hunt right?-he smiled slightly waiting for the lady to introduce herself.-Seems a good day for a hunt, the winds seem right too which will help us.-He patted Raki and then admired the bull dog with a smile.- Nice dog, looks a strong one bet a good hunter.- he meant it too when he saw all the muscle and the huge head she was quite the bitch that was for sure.- Good boy Raki,- he fussed the dog and he looked up at his master and then back at the bully bitch his stubby tail wagging and a small whine leaving him.- Raki here, has an eye for the ladies.-be laughed and shook his head.- Not fussy about breed, he's friendly with most just as long as they are not aggressive.
-Maiden isn't aggressive at all. She used to working with other dogs during hunts. She even has a title for hunting moose. Typically, though.- Cloe shrugged,- She hunts with just one other dog when it comes to moose. This will be a first for her to be around, so many dogs during a big game hunt.- she patted her female who sat down next to her with an excited prance. Cloe sighed in with the receptionist and looked wearily as the two other dogs.- I've never seen a baskerville in person. They're faces are... distinctive.- she said with a giggle.
Paul nodded, glancing at Deimos:
-Oh, ja... ha. They are. Long, big, strong, intelligent, long muzzle.- he sighed,- Like me.- he joked and rushed to it it with a smile,- Joking.- he muttered,- Very nice to meet you, Cloe. You've got quite a... machine.- he chuckled a bit, looking at the dog, while Spectre paid the extra interest to the female but still kept himself glued to the leg on the owner,- While we wait for the peopel, if you like, we could let our dogs lie and get some coffee. It's on house.- he smiled at her, seeping with his voice soft, and then added,- Oh, excuse me, where wre my manners. How was your trip? I hope, without any problems?- he added in.
-No troubles.- Cloe responded with her thick Scottish accent,- The flight was a bit bumpy, but we managed. - she gave her dog the signal to go relax. The lilac sable bully huffed in agreement and went to go find herself a spot to relax in. She hardly paid the two baskervilles any attention and was trying to play koi:
-Yes, Maiden is certainly quite the dog.- She walked over to the coffee setting in the lobby and started to make herself a hot cup. She used milk and sugar rather than flavored cream to soften the coffee's bitterness.- It's a pleasure to be meeting and doing business with you, Paul, and Deimos. I look forward to the hunt.- She took a sip of her coffee and relaxed in a seat near Maiden.
Paul nodded, turning to the guy at the bar stand:
-Olex, two coffees please.- he muttered and the man started making it, then putting the cups there; Paul nodded and passed one to Deimos, then looking at her,- Nice.- he smiled,- Then, we will wait for the others and may get a trip.- he looked at Deimos,- How many people we're having in general?- he hummed.
Anon parked his black with gold race striped dodge ram for the large building the meet up between the owners of the dogs will be. Mia barked at anon out of annoyance, cause she wants to take down some mouse.

-Just wait a bit more mia.- Anon said giving her a side look. Mia groaned in annoyance and lied back down in the back of the truck.

Anon walked into the building being impressed by howarge and well decorated it is. Him being the mafias sun he is used to large mansions and isn't impressed fast.
When he walked in he saw a group on people talking to each other. He assumed those are the other handelers that will join the hunt.
He heared a unknown person say "how many people are we having in general?". Anon casually walked by and said:
-5.- He sat a bit away other the group and waited for a response.
Spectre jolted upright, looking at the new dog that appeared here.
Paul looked at him:
-Down.- he growled in German and then looked to the side at the newcomer and raised the head a bit,- Oh, you must be, Anon, right?- he looked down at the dog,- Place.- gluing him to the place there as walked up and held the hand to up,- I'm Paul. Nice to meet you.
Cloe didn't flinch at the sudden arrival and slipped at her coffee, giving the illusion of lady-likeness:
-What a pleasure for you to join us, Anon.- She replied to the newcomer leisurely.
Cloe was seemingly comfortable around the masculine company.
Deimos still had his vendor coffee so drank that nodding at Olex with a smile as he looked at the others letting out a sigh and thinking as he listened to the conversation:
-Good to meet you all too, yeah I don’t think there is one of us who does not like to hunt, the thrill the excitement and of course the meat after it is great. Also nothing better than the companionship it brings, the getting in touch with that primal instinct that lays latent in all of us.- He shrugged with a smile and fussed Raki who had now sat down at his side and who yawned loudly and panted just wanting to get on with it all. Deimos was about to reply again when the newcomer came in and he cocked his head slightly,-Yes, believe we are probably all accounted for now so we can get acquainted...... hmmm, no guess one missing sorry Raki you’ll have to wait.- He patted the dog and smiled.-Then we can hit the mountains? Good land for moose there with the forest plains but will no doubt have to watch for other game, like bears.
-Bears will make the hunt more interesting and fun.- Cloe chuckled while drinking her cup.- And a nice fresh liver after the hunt is quite satisfying.- A smug look appeared on her face as she thought about her ancestral heritage and hunting traditions.- I'm sure our remaining member will arrive soon enough.
Anon looked at the rather large dog then to the owner that greated him:
-Yas I am, nice to meat you to. he said while shaking Paul's hand. After Paul and Anon shaked hands he heared a female voice speak up. She looked rather calm and didnt react when he arrived.- The pleasure is mine.-.he did a small wave in the direction Cleo was sitting.- I agree nothing better then being in a Forrest surrounded by only the sounds of nature and of course the brawling dogs.- Anon smirked. He likes hunting. Just the thrill of it and the team work between canine and human
Paul smiled, even raising the head proudly a bit:
-Well, I see there gathered the people, who are going to indeed enjoy the hunt.- he said with a smudge smirk and was seen as his eyes glistened with the pure gameness.
Spectre let out a sigh and laid his long head on his paws. The muzzle felt weird and he had to shift the head a bit to put it in the right position.
After greeting all the people anon order hot choco and enjoyed it mean while listening to the conversation beside him. Every now and then glancing over at Paul's rather large dog that he didnt really knew what breed it was. He got some guesses but wasnt sure. Rather then asking about the dog he just kept to himself.
Lex frantically parked her car in the parking lot outside the hotel and stumbled clumsily out the car door. Kronos excitedly began doing some sort of tip-toe dance until Lex released him from the car-safe kennel in the back of her small car. The thing was jammed in there so tight she wondered how she'd ever get it out. Kronos wasn't exactly a small dog, after all.
She leashed the happy bully and decided to muzzle him. Kronos was as friendly as could be and loved the company of other canines as much as the next dog, but Lex knew it was just common courtesy to put it on him. Kronos jumped out of the kennel and Lex commanded him to a nice, tight heel. Together, they walked into the building, Lex sweating buckets the whole way. She knew she was late due to some bad traffic, so she thanked the gods that she wouldn't have to do too much talking.
She walked to where everybody was standing and greeted them all very briefly before staring at her shoes, and then Kronos, and then her shoes, and then Kronos and falling silent.
-H..hope the hunt's g...good.
Kronos jumped up and licked her face and was swiftly reprimanded, but Lex couldn't say she didn't appreciate the effort. She patted the dog and briefly looked at the others before staring back down at her shoes.
When the muck of hot choco was almost empty he heared a rather hard noise from someone almost running into the building. He gave it a side glance and saw it was a girl with a pretty large blue tri color bully.
She spoke up rather shaky then confident. He noticed that she was rather awkward around the group. Casually drinking the last slurp of his hot choco as he puts down the mug.
Anon is a person that doesnt say much either at first and mainly just in general but when he says it is most of the time a chocky/tease comeback, cames out random but has a good point or he just talks about regular stuff. This is mainly only with closer friends. He doesnt start a conversation but will react to words that is spoken to him.
-I assume bad traffic?- Anon said playing with his empty mug not looking at where the noise came from.
Paul cocked the head, looking back towards the faint voice and smiled a bit:
-Oh, you're must be Lex?- he looked down at the dog and grinned a bit,- Hey there, buddy.- he muttered and then made a welcoming gesture towards the whole crowd,- Nice to meet you, Lex. Welcome to our team. My name is Paul and this is Spectre.- he said, looking down at the dog, who tensely looked towards the new male and then showed with the hand towards Deimos,- That's  Deimos and Raki.- he looked on,- Cloe and Maiden,- then looking on,- Anon and Mia.- he inhaled,- And we are all gathered.- he said with a smile, looking at the other people.
Deimos drank his coffee looking over at everyone then cocking his head before smiling slightly:
-Nice to see you have finally arrived now maybe we can go and bag that moose, before it decides to go somewhere where we can’t reach it.- He looked at everyone gathered there, two silent types, he mulled it over clearly out of their safety zone and thrown well into the deep end. Ah well no doubt their dogs working would bring them out of their shells. He sipped his coffee and looked over everyone’s dogs, crazy how they all seemed to be bull breeds were they of the same kennel perhaps? He thought on asking and then thought better of it as it was not really all that relative. He looked down as Raki bumped his hand with his long nose and wormed it to his hand seeking a fuss. Deimos laughed and stroked the large brindled male.  Patting his sides and seeing the impatient look in the large hounds eye.- Should maybe go now right Paul? Now that the group is here Raki kind of getting impatient he’s shaking slightly with excitement we don’t want to lose our chance.
Anon raised his hand when Paul introduced him a Mia. When putting it down he slowly stud up and Mia looked up asking for permission to leave her down stay.
Anon cocked his head and Mia began to walk in front not bothering the other dogs. He was about to walk to the direction mai was going when deimos spoke up.
After the question deimos asked Paul, Anon cocked his head to look at Paul and waited for a awnser. Meanwhile Mia is e coloring the ground a bit.
Paul nodded, stirring a bit:
-Ja, sure.- he looked at everyone,- No worries, there is a big boot, all the dogs will be fine with each other.- he paused a bit,- I mean, nobody fought still, we all have the muzzled for them, plus I have the special cage-separators in the car, so they were... didn't take much of another's place.- he cleared the throat,- Ladies first. We have one car, your cars will be save here. Our security works the way too well.- he smiled, making a gesture with his hand to the side.
Everyone sat in the car. Paul this time was behind the wheel, Deimos sat from the right side of the driver and the girls with Anon in the backseat. Thankfully, the car was big enough and it was pretty comfortable.
But, anyway, the trip took around an hour. People sat mostly silent, replying to the casual questions about the kennels and the dog, while Paul tried to make a bit easy the tense atmosphere.
Behind the window were fling breathtaking views of reddened with autumn Carpathians with its high evergreen mountains and wide fields where sometimes could be seen horses and and sheep in the pastures. The weather was more than fine: sunny and no clouds at all. The day was just too perfect for the hunting.
Listening to people, Paul though on what he could forget, something was bothering him. The rifles were in the bag... the vest was here as well, other supplies... what else?
He shook the head and frowned a bit.
The licence for hunting was there as well, so what was it?
He guessed he will find this out on the place.
Finally, the car was parked safely, crossing forest road first. The forest gave the fresh spell of pine and sounding of the local nature, that was singing all around with the merry noises. Soon and the dogs were let outside, shaking themselves and starting to sniff around.
Deimos fussed Raki and made sure his vest and collar were secure and not to tight only then did he recheck his own supplies and nodded before patting and fussing Raki letting him explore a bit but calling him back when he was almost out of sight. He looked over at everyone and smiled pulling his orange hunting cap further down over his eyes because of the sun:
-Alright everyone, it’s time to get ready put the protective gear on the dogs and the vests on yourselves. Make sure you and the dogs are protected, as an angry moose can do a lot of damage. Plus if any official sees you without the right equipment you might get a fine and trust me no one wants a fine.
Paul three times in a row checked his bag and then went around the car, looking everywhere, before he just stood, closing his eyes with the hard long huff, with his shoulders dropped and the head tilted to the side.
Deimos did the final checks finding the large first aid kit was there in case any dog or human needed it. He smiled satisfied that he had thought of something. He then looked at Paul and cocked his head slightly when he saw his depressive and somewhat confused look:
-What’s wrong Paul? did you forget something? Or is it something else?- He noticed his friend’s body language and could see he was vexed he noticed he even started to work his jaw a bit which was typical Paul when something vexed him.
Paul let out a long huff, looking at him, hating himself and feeling really annoyed:
-Kill me, I forgot my own protective gear.- he looked at the dog,- I've taken everything for him and forgot my own!- he said in frustration, flipping the tongue, wondering how stupid he was, realising that he was letting other people done as they were waiting for him.
Deimos looked at him abs shook his head before leaning against a tree crossing his arms and then a light smirk crossed his face:
-Didn’t I ask you several times on the journey if you had forgotten anything? Sometimes I don’t know where your head is. Really recommend making a list and ticking everything off. - He shrugged seeing his crestfallen expression,- Don’t worry you’ve let no one down because I have come to your rescue. The hunting trip will continue and you will still be a part of it I always carry a spare as you never know what might happen. It’s in the bag help yourself.
Paul grumbled under the breath:
-Because we had to wake even earlier.- he muttered and then let out a sigh, then looking at him,- You have a spare?- he asked, raising one eyebrow at him.
Deimos nodded and smiled slightly pulling out an orange heavy duty vest and a cap:
-Mmhmm, sure always carry one shirt too if needed this all should fit you ok so don’t worry.
Paul even winced as if in pain, seeing how dirty and dusty it was and looked at Deimos, taking it in the hand with some disgust, seeing also some blood on and sighing at it:
-I've had wet napkins somewhere...- he muttered with a shake of the head, diving back in the car.
Deimos shook his head and rubbed his face slightly when he saw the look, he nodded slightly:
-It's fine been washed just somewhat old, better than nothing or otherwise we would have had to go back or we would have had to leave you behind and I don't think you would have wanted that as if the officer caught us without we'd be in trouble. Have you also got the license just making sure don't want to be found hunting wild game without one the fines and the hunting ban which come with it is no good at all.
Paul looked at him with the hard look:
-I did. You think I'm stupid at all?- he almost yelled at him and then frowned, shaking the head,- Sorry, just tense. It's not a joke, it's hunting. I'm of course sure that our dogs will be the winners but I still worry, you know.- he said, glancing at everyone.
Deimos looked at him and raised an eyebrow leaning against the tree once more and let out a long drawn out sigh:
-Dogs will be fine, good strong hunters, and you know that good hunting stock run in Raki and Spectres blood so don't worry as for these bullies....well what can I say I would not want to be a moose.We have the swift assassins and they have the charging powerhouses, should be an easy hunt,
When Anon stepped out of the car he got Mia out of the back and put some extra gear on her and his own hunting gear.
Pretty fast he saw a fuss happening between deimos and Paul. He just watched with entertainment not wanting to get in between them. It wasnt a fight or anything just a starting argument he thought but didn't pay attention afterwards and walked over to a tree so he could lean against it with Mia by his side.
When Anon heared Deimos words he was looking at Mia. She didnt had that great of a hunting pedigree. Really only protection and condition sports. But the good drive she shown he definitely know she would be good in the fields to.
Paul stuck the tongue a bit, putting on himself the vest and let out a sigh:
-Alright...- he muttered.
His dog Spectre was already bouncing around the females, nudging them to play. Seemed like his mood was great.
Mia was a bit taking back at the larger male bouncing around, but fast she was set on ease. She looked up at anon to ask if its okeyy to play. Anon nodded and give her a heads up.

Mia stormed of with spectre both getting the zoomies. They ran like crazy around the other people.
Paul looked back at the dogs, that were making rounds around the car. Spectre jumped on Mia and playfully hit her down, growling at her and gently gnawing on the muzzle, hen dropping himself down and on the back, stretching the long head to her neck, biting on it light and sniffing then:
-Hey, you both, don't waste totally all your energy.- he growled in the joke and Spectre sniffed again,- Bless you.
Raki stood there shivering slightly and quivering all his body full of nervous energy but he remained in place he would save it for the hunt but still his head followed the other dogs as they ran and he then yawned looking at Deimos as if asking when they would start the hunt. He laughed and fussed his dog with a grin:
-When others are ready, soon be patient.- He patted his dog side with a grin.
Anon smiled at the sight of mia and spectre playing. Eventhough Spectre is way larger then Mia she still got him good sometimes. She took the opportunity to target his back legs. He fell down a couple of time due to this. It looked rather funny.
Mia took his back leg in her mouth and started to bite slightly on it. Like she is calmly eating a bone. She had this crazy funny look in her face when trying to take Spectre down. Anon laught slightly at her face and her effort to try and put him down again.
Cloe and Maiden slipped out from the crowd and stood at the edge of the forest. Cloe quickly placed on the protective vest and the orange covering on top. She finished the ensemble with a protective color that held her tracker. Maiden was ready to go and already waiting for Cloe to give the signal to start finding her quarry. Cloe looked back at the group behind her and sighed watching the other dogs play together. Maiden paid them no attention and kept her eyes on the forest with an excitable body language. She wanted to go and catch her prey. Her breeding certainly had high prey drive. In fact, her brother was already a hunting champion. Maiden wasn't too far behind her brother. Her concern was beating her brother in this competition. Blue was hunting boar and they were hunting moose, so Maiden had a good chance to win in this competition. Cloe dressed herself in her hunting attire with an orange vest of her own to keep herself safe from other gun men. She had her pack with snacks, drinks, survival gear, emergency supply, and even packed her gorgeous set of hunting knives. She knew how to skin, quarter, and gut moose out. Something she had planned for for this hunt.
Lex fastened the hunting vest onto Kronos's body and the protective and tracking collars over his neck. Bright red and trying her best to ignore the banter without looking too awkward, she crouched down and hid her face in the rigid orange material now sitting upon the dog's body.
-You can do this buddy. I know you can.
She dressed herself in her visibility gear. Kronos laid on the ground, staring up at her and then at the woods every now and again. He wanted nothing more than to feel the heat of the chase. It was what he lived for.
Lex released the bully from his down stay and allowed him to go greet the other dogs. He was ecstatic, as he missed the kennel dogs back home so much Lex swore he whined for them at night. The dog zipped towards the other dogs as fast as lightning and managed to accidentally barrel into one of them. Lex couldn't help but let out a laugh. She was happy to see him having fun before the stress of the hunt.
Watching the marry run of all the dogs, Paul couldn't help but smiling:
-Quite a pack we've got.- he looked back at the people,- I'm glad everyone's getting on well here.- he muttered, watching Spectre was nudging all the dogs and playing softly with them, even managed to get on well with all the males in here,- Everyone is ready?- he looked at the people around.
Deimos nodded as Raki perked his cropped ears and vented his voice pulling on the lead as he did so, he smiled and looked in Paul direction:
-Yes indeed, and well I guess we should let them go, seems Raki already picked up something, he's definitely alert and keen, see how he whines? and bays? there's something out there alright.- He unleashed him held up his hand and then looked at Paul and the others holding his dog back by the collar, the hound whining like crazy wanting to be released and shivering with the anticipation. He yelped and bayed but Deimos told him to be quiet as he knew that if he kept up the noise the dog would no doubt startle any prey which is what was going to happen Raki immediately going silent and sitting down but quivering on high alert.
Mia was still being crazy with spectre. Now kronos joined in to:
-Yah they are.- Anon smirked at Paul's comment seeing the dogs still being crazy.
Then the hunt was being called on and the dogs where reased into the wild. As soon as they took off everyone started to head there derection.
Maiden, still waiting for her cue to run off, sniffed at the air and continued telling Cloe with her body language of what she wanted. Cloe shook her head at her dog and was thankful that she was being quiet and not loud like the other hounds. Maiden knew what she was doing as this was not her first moose hunt. Cloe gave her bully the hand signal to sit down and wait. Maiden obliged and did as she was asked to.
Startled by the sudden commotion, Lex lifted her head up and looked warily around. Confused, as this was her first moose hunt, she turned to Paul and tentatively spoke.
-W-what's the p...plan?- she asked, stumbling over her words and avoiding eye contact.
As much as she didn't want to seem awkward, she was uncomfortable in these types of situations and didn't know how to handle herself. She glanced back up at Paul and then back at her hands, which were beginning to flap at her sides as she tried to regulate herself and get her head in the game.
Paul looked at her with a humm and nodded:
-Well.- he cleared his throat,- Getting a drone up in the sky, it will scan the surface and will show us where is the nearest animal. Will check if that's an adult male and can go right there.- he smiled at her,- No worries, everyone will be safe. The dogs will get him down quickly.- once he said this, he looked at his dog, who was shaking as well and at another Baskerville, who was spreading the thrill; Paul cocked the head,- Everyone is ready?
Anon looked at Paul seeing he pulled out a drone. The years anon has hunted with his dogs and or friends he never used drones. He always did like a classic old hunt. Knives, guns, bows and dogs.
So seeing the drone got him kinda curious. Anon walked over to Paul:
-Nice drone.- Anon pointed out and looked at it toghter with Paul,- Also I'm ready so let the hunt begin.- Anon smirked.
Upon seeing everyone gather by Paul, Cloe left the edge of the treeline to walk closer and hear the conversation being held. Maiden still remained at the treeline and continued fussing over wanting to run after the animal she had scented upon arriving to the area. Cloe did manage to get her dog relax and listen to her, so she trusted her bully enough to walk away from her and walk towards Paul. Seeing the drone, she rolled her eyes.
She, herself, had never used one for hunts. She had a tracker for Maiden's collar and that was all. Typically how she would do these hunts was release the dogs, wait a little while, and then start following the tracker. You give the dogs time to find the animal and get it cornered, but her bullies were titled in catch, not bay. Usually by the time Cloe caught up to her dogs, they had already grabbed on to the animal. In some instances, the animal was deceased, in others Cloe had to deliver the killing blow.
Glancing back at her excited bully, who still really badly wanted to run after whatever she smelled, Cloe replied:
-I don't think your dron is necessary. The dogs have already caught a scent in the woods. Bringing out a drone will only slow them down.- turning back to face the men she continued,- We should let the dogs go and catch up with them when we hear them barking. I'm sure they can find a bull on their own.
Paul looked at her and snorted  then chuckling slowly and leniently:
-Women.- he glanced at Deimos,- Always trying to find the reason how to make the life harder.- he winked then to Cloe and then added,- Drone is a modern technology. It's silent also.- he muttered in the calm voice,- Of course  the dogs feel the moose, but the drone is meant to shown the precise location and the sizes of the moose. Will let us know to what we should be ready. Makes us safer.- he then chuckled and shrugged,- Well, if you want then we may also use sticks and try to hunt the moose down only with them. Ah, ja, and I believe when people still used sticks, dogs were wolves untamed. So... I'm afraid, if you want the old classical, long hunt,- he featured in the soft voice,- then you should grab a stick and leave your dog here.- he smirked and then let the drone in the air.
Cloe snorted at the man's retorts:
-We hunted with sticks all right, but they were flung from hand carved bows. We didn't tame the wolves, we invited them to join us as equals.- she made sure to use her thick accent for the comment and teased the man.
Paul nodded, looking up in the sky, dealing with the drone:
-Well, go for it.- he muttered in the reply, finishing the senseless conversation.
Soon the location was shown on the map in the phone that was in Deimos's hands and the people could precisely know where the animal was. The camera shown a large gorgeous healthy bull that was near the location of some clearance, there was and a small lake as well.
As soon as the people reached the place, the dogs were let out in the free chase. Paul cocked the rifle in case there will be an untenable and unexpected situation that would require shooting.
The moose only in a minute realised that a pack that had in five dogs was approaching him so quick. He immediately rose his head and suddenly threw himself in the waste run on the way sent the head to the side, trying to throw off at least on dog. But the dogs were smarter, quicker and lighter, they were flying by his side like hawks.
Obviously, leading two Baskervilles, who were made for run and now were irritating the moose with the bites, slowing him down and letting the massive bullies snap onto him time to time, of course more harsh than the herding dogs do.
Spectre knew his work. He kept himself racing by the side of the bull by his left shoulder and was slowing down time to time as the animal would turn to him his massive head, trying to harm him. But he was endured and quick, he knew well where to stop and when to catch up with the moose to snap him and save the other dog in the team hunt.
The culmination of the moment reached it's peak when sudenly Spectre made a lunge and grabbed onto the mouse's neck, strangling the moose with the strong jaws and hunging on him.
Raki pulled backwards on the shoulder of the moose and growled as he helped to bring the beast down, with an almighty bellow the bull moose was brought down and Raki found himself proud and happy that it was so he wagged his tail the end of the hunt was pretty much great and it made his blood sing the brindled Baskerville could not be happier. He enjoyed the thrill of the chase the moose was big and strong and now it was at its end he knew his master would be pleased and that he had done everything he was taught to do. He kept the pressure up pulling backwards until the moose went down. He had Done what was expected of him and now the moose was almost theirs.
Together with the other dogs Mia helped to get the moose down. At first she want to hang on his ears to slow him down like she does with the boars she hunts but quickly released it wasnt a success. Instead of doing that she snapped at his lower and higher legs to slow him down.
When Raki took the last grip on the moose it fell on the ground still breathing. Most dog still kept there hold since the moose could still run or hurt them with his massive antlers.

Speaking of a antlers when Anon arrived he saw Mia shuwing on one of them like a crazy dog. Anon almost wanted to facepalm at the crazy dog but couldn't help but laugh a little.
Cloe turned to her dog and gave her the signal to go before following the rest of the group into the forest.
Maiden charged off into the trees and tracked down the moose along with the other dogs. She paid them no attention and just continued on her way. Reaching the massive animal, she used her body and strength to attack. She would occassional bump the moose to go in a direction or would nip at the bull. Towards the end she lunged for his legs to trip him over and towards Spectre for the killing lunge.
Cloe watched as the dogs attacked, smiling menacingly. They were doing their job and she would now do hers. With the moose down and done, she began to make the first cuts. Preserving the fur and head for taxidermy. She gutted the bull and even took a bite of his liver for victory. Once the gutting was done, she quartered it out and packed it evenly in packs for the team to hike back to the trucks.
After the successful hunt and everything packed up everybody walked back to the cars. Anon throw Mia a piece of the moose his antlers to chew on. She happily catched it and walked proudly with it in her mouth.
While Cloe dealt with the carcass, Paul just wrinkled his nose, thinking that will be better to just leave it up to her if the female was not afraid of infections, and decided not to attach himself to the new senseless argument.
Meanwhile, other people checked on their dogs, so they were not injured or harmed. The dogs were fine, getting only a few scratches and nothing too bad that was soon cleaned out with the remedies from the aid kit.
The dirtiest work was done and now the huge antlers will be hung in the wall of Zgarda Stalls as a reminder of the hunt that happened here with five multinational dogs included.

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Comments: 11

Molfar-Spirit [2021-04-08 23:39:48 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RebelleValor In reply to Molfar-Spirit [2021-04-14 07:30:17 +0000 UTC]

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Molfar-Spirit In reply to RebelleValor [2021-04-14 07:31:19 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

RebelleValor In reply to Molfar-Spirit [2021-04-14 07:32:36 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Molfar-Spirit In reply to RebelleValor [2021-04-15 22:53:05 +0000 UTC]

Congrats, you won! Please note me for the details (:

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Molfar-Spirit [2021-04-08 23:39:31 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

anonymoushybridwolf In reply to Molfar-Spirit [2021-04-09 09:59:11 +0000 UTC]

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Molfar-Spirit In reply to anonymoushybridwolf [2021-04-11 07:10:26 +0000 UTC]

Congrats, you're the winner!

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Molfar-Spirit [2021-04-08 23:39:22 +0000 UTC]

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FlussblauKennels In reply to Molfar-Spirit [2021-04-13 15:40:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Molfar-Spirit In reply to FlussblauKennels [2021-04-14 15:47:42 +0000 UTC]

Congrats, you won (:
Please, DM me for the details

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