monstermaster13 — Velventine Mist.

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Description Into the Velvet Spotlight
Admins of the online-verse are pretty much a mixed bag, you get kind ones sometimes but other times you get douchebags that use ‘I don’t care’ as an answer for everything, and Irvin was one such type of admin, he was a schlubby looking guy who posed as a Japanese woman, but he was actually a demon who claimed to identify as a Japanese woman just because he possessed the body of a Japanese superheroine, he didn’t seem to have a caring bone in his body and if he did, it was likely a non-existent bone.  He came across as being the ultimate dickhead behavior-wise, and clearly he didn’t care if he hurt anyone’s feelings, since the group he admined was one known for being abusive to begin with. Nathan had been brought up by them for no reason other than commenting on a video by someone known as MasterRatLord, a user who was a former edgelord troll wannabe who specialized in memes nobody cared about.  Melanie Sanders, his dear friend caught wind of this and using dark magic, became her alter-ego Mistress Mel. Mistress Mel was a powerful dark magic user who used her powers to punish villains in the DA-Verse for being horrible people, and she decided to do something about it.  She manifested into Irvin’s apartment, which looked more like it was a home for disfigured mutants than a real home.  ‘Listen you…’  ‘Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?’
‘I am Mistress Mel.’  She responded, she was decked  out in a black vampiress-like outfit mirroring the character Angela Franklin from Night Of The Demons, she looked over at Irwin with disdain. ‘So are you some kind of furry fetisist’s OC or something?’ ‘Wrong, I am Nathan’s best friend and you hurt his feelings.’  ‘Who?’ ‘Nathan, my friend.’ ‘I don’t care.’ ‘That’s all you can say isn’t it? This whole thing is just going to be you saying I don’t care on loop isn’t it? You’re one of those stubborn jackasses who never seems to learn.’

‘Look I don’t give a damn about who you are or what you want from us.’

‘I want you to leave Nathan alone. You shamed him for simplifying commenting on Ratlord’s videos. Ratlord has never been funny, his style of humor is simply ripping off Howard Stern, he’s not even entertainment.’  ‘I don’t care.’ ‘Yeah yeah I don’t care, that’s what you always say, it’s all you can say because you think it’s your answer for everything.’

“No I don’t.”

‘Oh yes, you do. Nathan asked for your help and did you help him? Nope, you insulted him, accused him of being a woman even though he clearly identifies as male and it’s none of your business, told him to go write more werejohncandy stories and said you don’t care when you clearly do. I don’t care isn’t the answer to every question. Clearly you do care if you went so far as to allow your members to mention him.’  ‘Well it wasn’t me.’  ‘I suppose it was one of your nameless cowardly minions.’  ‘I mean it, it wasn’t me.’  ‘Look, I like playing with people as much as the next gal does but don’t you play stupid with me. That doesn’t work on me, besides...I DON’T like the idiotic type.’

“An idiot? Me?”

‘You better believe it. The whole anti-Nathan thing is old news, you know what happens when you try to bring back something that has been dead since ages ago, don’t you?’ ‘Uhhh...no.’ ‘THIS…’  the koala-girl used some dark magic to summon some undead beings, these were ghoulish versions of forum-verse members that had attempted to stalk one singular target even though said targets had forgotten about them. ‘Are those...zombies?’  ‘Well it sure ain’t The Walking Dead, buddy.’  ‘What happened?’  ‘Basically when someone from the Daloli-verse spends way too much stalking a target/victim who has forgotten about them for years, they are doomed to become a forum ghoul, those episodes are recorded in the virtual graveyard, and the same will happen to your friends too.’

“No it won’t…”

‘Really now? Well take a look on the left.’  Irwin swerved and looked around, as he did, he saw his friends being pulled down and transported into the forum-verse’s graveyard, all traces of them from the daloli-verse were removed instantly, as if they were never there to begin with and they slowly turned into rotten ghoulish versions of themselves.  ‘My friends, change them back, please.’  ‘No can do, they belong to the grave now and you’re going to join them if you don’t clean your act up.’  ‘Oh really now?’ ‘But  since I like toying with guys like you I am going to test how much you don’t care.’ The first thing Mistress Mel did with her magic was turn Irwin’s jacket into a sentient snake-like creature which wrapped around him…he attempted to act like he didn’t care but then his favorite seat sprouted monstrous looking teeth and sprung to life, attacking him in the process.  He squirmed as the chair next to the seat also turned into a monster straight out of Halloween Town and attacked him. ‘Now tell me, how much do you not care?’ ‘I...don’t care…’ ‘Oh, let’s see how much you don’t care about THIS!.  Using her magic she tapped his computer with one of her fingers, causing black ooze to drip out of it, this black ooze was every single piece of data on every single victim he had ever gone after, the ooze dripped out of the computer and onto the floor as if the computer was rejecting it.

“Noooo,  I take it back, I do care.”

“Oh but I thought you didn’t.’  

“I take what I said back.”

‘See? You obviously do care, you care about keeping up the lie you have of an existence. You appear in the form of the Japanese heroine Dragonica despite knowing little to nothing about her apart from the fact she’s Japanese and she’s a shapeshifting princess.’ ‘Okay so I don’t know anything about Dragonica, but I do know she turns into a sexy dragon-lady form, so she’s a were-dragon.’  ‘She isn’t a were-dragon, she’s a yokai.’  ‘Okay I got that wrong too.’ ‘Admit it, everything you do and say is wrong.’

“Okay I admit it, i’m sorry I hurt Nathan.”

“You better be. And also misgendering him too, bad admin, bad.”

“I really am sorry.”

‘But to make sure that you learn your lesson…’ She clicked her fingers as more black ooze dripped from the computer, the computer purging out all of the personal data that it possessed that belonged to Irwin, no longer needing those horrible and corrupt pieces of data, the computer’s memory erased Irwin’s password and other personal data which spilled out on the ground.’But my data…’ ‘Oh you won’t be needing all that data anymore, you’re not going to be annoying Irwin for much longer.’ ‘What do you mean by that?’

“You’ll see…”

The koala-girl used her dark magic to transport the two of them to a much different room, it was a room that resembled the red room from Twin Peaks,  right down to having the same chairs that were in that room. ‘Where are we? Am I dreaming?’ ‘This is no dream, sweetie pie. This is the room where I begin my special healing sessions. In order for you to continue I need to improve you in general.’  ‘Improve me?’  ‘Oh yes.  Welcome to the red room.’ ‘What exactly is this room?’  ‘Do you have to ask? Oh boy, this is gonna take a while…’  ‘It is THE place to go if you like David Lynch.’  ‘It’s a supernatural room in the black lodge, with a doorman/barricade named The Giant, velvet ropes, velvet carpets, psychedelic visions, doppelgangers, and it’s divine, darling.’ Mel turned around and chuckled, seeing who spoke that sentence...that someone being of course the spirit of Glenn Shadix, Glenn was sitting on the chair that was next to the one she sat on.  

“We’ve got a guest tonight.”

“Can’t say that I am impressed by the look of this guy, edgelord chic isn’t a good look and never will be a thing.”

“You’re right Glenn but don’t worry, i’m going to fix him.”

A swirling patch of blue mist circled around Irwin, which made him cough as Mel chanted and placed a spell on him, he began to break down in tears, regretting everything he had said about Nathan, he realized it was all his fault and he was a terrible excuse for an admin, a bad-min, that’s what he was.   That’s when Mel’s spell took effect on him, as he felt a tingling sensation creep down his arms which slimmed, lost some of those failed attempts at tattoos and also lost imperfections in general including the hairs that were on them. Those tattoos were awful anyway, he had them done by an artist who wasn’t very good and they looked like knock-offs of the characters he asked to have done on them instead of the real deal, but he  didn’t know that when he got them.
His hands slowly shrank as his fingernails lengthened, his t-shirt with Pepe the frog on the front slowly extending and turning into the top half of a gown which became lacy and blackened, while his shorts extended and became the lower half of the gown while the remaining part became a pair of tights, his chest and torso slimmed as a pair of round formations known as breasts developed on the former.  His skin had now fully cleared up.  His own thoughts were shifting along with a few of his memories, as if his regular personality and memories were being rejected,  he didn’t even recall wearing a Pepe shirt, if he even did wear a shirt like that that is..’now why I wear that? Pepe’s overused as a meme already. Why would I support a meme that is associated with a fascist movement?’,  his legs lengthened as his hips flared out, while his feet shrunk and his privates retracted.  ‘Oh well I guess it’s a good thing you ‘don’t care’, right?’ Mel taunted him. ‘This isn’t fair, you have taken my man-hood now I cannot jack off to all the camera-hogging she-beasts with giant mommy knockers.’  ‘Lighten up, this is all part of improving you. Your form as it was before meeting me was disgusting, i’m helping you,  making you better and you’ll feel better too.’   ‘I guess you’re right.’ ‘Besides, that forum-verse realm you’re on with your allies is just an excuse for you to post lewd images of females from the DA-Verse and the like. I’ve seen it, all you guys do is lust over these people in an unhealthy way.’  The more the koala-girl spoke, the more Irwin began to realize that the group he was apart was just a bunch of perverts deep down. They couldn’t keep their privates in their pants.  Half of their gallerias consisted of rather risque photos of these women, as if they were sexually objectifying them solely because of their assets.  ‘You’re right, that’s why I think it’s good that black ooze dripped down, representing all of those photos that were now dissolving into ashes never to be seen again.

He examined himself as his back arched and his shoulders shrunk, his neckline lengthened while his hair lengthened, turning from brownish-redish to jet black. His eyebrows thinned as his eyes widened, blue eye-makeup applied itself around them as his cheekbones sharpened and his features softened and contorted into a much more feminine and beautiful set, he recognized the face he possessed...that was the face of Isabella Rossellini. His lips plumped up as his jawline softened, his voice rose up several octaves and became higher, and sultry..as he no longer identified as who he normally was, but as the character Rossellini played in Blue Velvet, which was to say he identified as Dorothy Vallens. ‘Wow was I ever foolish to act the way I did, i’m sorry for offending Nathan like that and for treating him like a freak even though he did nothing wrong.’  ‘Very good, I think you’re all done.’  His voice became an identical copy of her voice as he or ‘she’ looked around and saw Mel. ‘Thank you, mistress.’ ‘No problem.’

“I must say that you’ve done an excellent job of fixing him.”

‘Thanks Glenn. I spent a lot of time working on the perfect spell to improve him and I think i’ve outdone myself again.’  ‘You certainly have. She looks divine. Of course you know me, I love me some David Lynch.’  ‘I know you do. That’s why I knew you’d like it.’  ‘It suits her. And might I add, this is your greatest work yet.’  ‘Well not to brag or anything but I agree with you.’  

“Miss Mel.”

“Yes, Dorothy?”

“I’m sorry for my stupidity and arrogance.”

‘It’s alright...Nathan only wanted your help, you probably thought he was weird because of what you’ve heard from others.’  ‘Yeah, everyone in that group I don’t even remember being a part of viewed him as a legend, a smelly, dead, skinny legend, or something like that.’  ‘Like they know anything about looking good.  Look at them, they were already ghoulish enough before I got through to them,  i’d say becoming undead was an improvement.’

“Yes, now i’d like to spend some time with you, mistress.”

“You would?”

“Yes, yes please. I’d like to learn with you and from you.”

Mel looked over at Dorothy as a wide smile across her furry face, she was ecstatic and ready to teach her new student, she examined Dorothy for a few seconds before taking photos of her and giving her tips on how to be an actress and how to keep herself free of her darker urges, and she also cast a cleansing spell on the rest of the daloli-forum-verse, erasing all of their hatred negative attributes and making them accept that it was their own fault and they realized that it was wrong before shutting down the forum-verse’s realm in general.  And thus soon the daloli-verse’s forum-verse realm was no more, it was replaced with something a lot better and a lot less insulting and thus also brings us to the lesson of the story. If you are a member or admin of a forum, don’t say ‘I don’t care’ whenever emails you and asks you for help, don’t diss them and don’t screencap their stuff, that will only make you look like an asshole and don’t act like ‘I don’t care’ is your answer to everything,  because those type of people that use that as an answer for everything, even if someone asking them for help - are hypocrites, because clearly they do care but don’t want to admit it.  Remember, never be an ‘I don’t care’ type whenever someone wants you to help them, because if you do, let’s just say it won’t be long until you start realizing that you do care, and let’s just see how much you ‘don’t care’ when Mistress Mel and her girls come around to teach you a lesson.
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