Moob22 — Feeding Amy- Phase 1 [NSFW]
Published: 2011-03-18 04:37:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 23147; Favourites: 209; Downloads: 61
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Description Feeding Amy Phase 1

Disclaimer: This story contains lots of weight gain, feederism and nudity. If these aren't your things then stay away.

Phase 1

Amy Lee opened her eyes only for the sun to snap them closed again. She raised her hand up, wiping away some of the sleep from her eyes and finally opened them. It took a few moments as her eyes adjusted to the light. She sat up and examined where she was. It wasn't her bedroom. The bed she was in was quite large and it overlooked a beach. She got up and walked over towards the balcony rail, it was a far drop down, she looked at the rest of the room and noticed a very large set of clear double doors and a nearby normal sized one that wasn't clear. There wasn't any obvious way of opening them. There was a large bench in front of an equally large round table; towards the normal door there was a scale and a large mirror.

Amy walked over to the mirror and finally got a look at what she was wearing, it looked like a wetsuit except her flat, pale stomach was exposed. It was tight hugging her curves the neck was v-shaped showing off her cleavage, the bottoms were short only going up to mid-thigh. Her concentration on her attire was broken when she heard a loud whir as an ominous creak rang out. The large clear double doors were swinging open!

From the clear plastic doorway two women stepped out in an orderly fashion, both very sharp in movement and posture. The taller one had on a dark blue and grey swimsuit like Amy, but it had longer 3/4 sleeves and no bare midriff showing. She also had on clunky, yet sleek boots. She had brown hair and high cheekbones that contrasted with the rest of her sleek figure; most of which rested upon her chest and curved profile. Her nametag read "Stacie." Amy wasn't alarmed by her or her cohort, whom she then locked eyes upon.

The second woman was much shorter and had a darker complexion. Her hair was even a darker shade of brown than Stacie's, which doubled up with her eye makeup and nail polish. She was wearing a white billowy, yet form-fitting cotton romper that had black stitching zigzagging every so often to keep it together. She had a fit body but appeared softer and to have a bubble butt unlike Stacie; this woman's nametag spelled out "Ashley".

"Hello Amy, I don't think you know how excited I am about meeting you, I've always been one of your fans. My name is Stacie and my friend and I will get to know each other very well over the next two years. Take a seat at the table and I'll answer any questions you have." the taller woman said walking over to the large bench.

"I'll get Amy breakfast, Stacie." the shorter woman said moving through the door she had come through.

Amy walked over to the large bench, she couldn't help but smell the food as the door slid closed only to reopen with Ashley pushing a large cart, and the cart had five very large plates of food. Waffles soaked in syrup, sausage and some eggs. Not Amy's usual fare but she found herself surprisingly hungry.

Amy picked up the fork and started on the waffles, Stacie started up "I work for a company called F-Tech, Fat Tech. Over the next two years I with some help from Ashley will make you very, very fat."

Amy laughed "You're kidding."

Stacie's face was very stern "I don't kid. We've completely changed your body so that you will become very fat quickly and safely. We've strengthened your bones to hold a lot of extra weight, nanobots are going to keep you healthy and make sure you do as you are told. We make sure that you can get as fat as possible." Stacie said

"I don't want to get fat and there is nothing you can do that will make me say otherwise." Amy said tossing the fork down on to her plate.

"I expected better from you, Amy." Stacie said tapping at her tablet.
Amy felt a sensation emanate in her mind, suddenly she was very hungry, and although she tried to fight the hunger she found herself eating automatically.

"Food's not bad is it Amy? Ashley introduce yourself to Amy make sure she's well fed, get me when she's done." Stacie said to her subordinate. Stacie left through the door, Amy eyes followed her out as she finished her first waffle the sausage was next.

"I'm Ashley, but you knew that already right? I, uh, have to admit this whole thing is a bit new to me but from what I've seen of Stacie's work this will be fun." Ashley said crossing her arms.

Amy tried to talk in between mouthfuls "I'm mmph full."

"I know better than that Amy, your arms will stop when you're full, that'll take a while." Ashley said.

After nearly an hour of non-stop gorging she finished all five plates of food the sensation in her arms was gone and her stomach was very tight and full. Amy just sat on the bench rubbing her throbbing belly. Ashley left smiling to go and get Stacie, Stacie came in with a smile nearly as wide as Ashley's.

"Amy we are going to get some pictures of you, weigh and measure you then you can hop in the shower, I'll go over your day-to-day routine.

Amy groggily walked over to the scale, stepping onto the cold metal of it. It made a beeping sound - '130lbs' a digital readout displayed. Ashley walked over with a tape measure wrapping it around Amy's chest - "34 inches" she moved to Amy's distended waist - "28 inches." Then down to her hips - "35 inches."

Amy then walked over to the large clear doors they slid open Amy managed to find a zipper and slip out of the suit she was in. She showered, trying to ignore her distended stomach, 'what the hell had she gotten into?' she thought to herself.

Showering didn't take her long, as she saw a new change for her outfit, it seemed a bit looser. Amy sighed as she walked back out to the balcony; she looked at the table closest to the railing. Ashley was setting out some pastries on it and had some buckets of ice cream sitting in a freezer built into the cart. Amy walked over to the bench; she noticed that it dwarfed her.

"When you wake up we'll do what we just did, weigh and measure you. Then you'll have breakfast and then a shower, then some free time, then snacks, then more free time, and then snacks. Then lunch the afternoon will be the same until dinner, and then you'll be snacking throughout the night. You will be packing on a lot of weight." Stacie said looking at Amy, her mouth hanging open, suddenly the numbness settled in her arms and she found herself stuffing her mouth with donuts and cookies.

Amy's eyes looked at Ashley as she watched with some amazement at how fast Amy was eating. "See this is why it's fun, and of course it makes things easier. Just make sure she eats everything, I'll be finishing up the paperwork. And listening to some of your music." she finished looking at Amy.

Amy continued to eat, if she kept eating this kind of food she would be fat in no time, she wanted this to end.

"Wow, Amy, this is pretty surreal it's almost like I can see you getting fatter. Wow you can eat. I'm looking forward to seeing a few extra pounds on you." Ashley said walking over to the balcony's edge looking at the tide at the beach. "I know I'll be helping to turn you into a fatty, but we don't have to hate each other, besides it'll be more fun if we get along, I'll try and get Stacie to go easier on you, she's a fan, but making you fat is more important to her."
After a half hour Amy stomach was distended even farther sloshing with ice cream and pastries, her face covered in leftovers of spilled ice cream and whip cream. When in 'automatic' she wasn't the neatest eater it seemed.
The rest of the day was food filled, her stomach was tight and taut like a drum, but she was told that it was going to go away in a few more days as her stomach adjusted to the food.
One week had passed at wherever Amy was and her body was showing off the effects of the binge eating with fatty foods. The once flat stomach of Amy pooched out slightly; her ass was slightly fuller as was her chest. She hoped she hadn't gained a lot as she stood on the scale. The beeping snapped her back into reality, '139lbs' Ashley had told her she had gained another inch to her waist and hips. Amy was brought to her table filled with food, she began to eat it willingly, Stacie was right about her stomach it had stretched and she actually was finding herself hungry most of the time now, she had a feeling that what Stacie had told her was true.

All was good for a while until she started on her snack before lunch. Some of it was ice cream, one spoonful fell and landed on the table, she ignored and continued eating; she didn't notice Stacie looking at it. She briefly heard some whispering to Ashley but thought nothing of it. After she had finished her snack, she realized she had done something wrong.

"I don't ever think I went over the rules that I have. 1. I am in charge. 2. You eat everything, no wasting of food. 3. I punish you if you break these rules. You broke #2 so you will be punished. Ashley this will give you chance to see what you can do with these punishments, go get that cart." Stacie ordered her co-worker.

"I didn't mean to, come on you're my fan can you give me a break?" Amy pleaded with Stacie.

Stacie's face lost all expression, she walked over to Amy, grabbing her chin with her slender hand "Unless it's for food, I hate begging. This will be an easy punishment; I have more planned so that Ashley can learn to make more fat asses in the future and on her own. I may be a fan, but it won't interfere in my work. Am I understood?" Stacie backed away, like a light switch her smile reappeared on her face. Amy didn't need to answer back, her silence was good enough.
After a few awkward minutes of silence, Ashley returned with a large cart, on it were cans of whip cream and frosting, and lots of them. Ashley started to empty the cart on to the table. "I'm sure you have a bit of a sweet tooth, so you'll be eating this." She gestured to the table. "All week. Ashley, I'll have her on automatic for it, so you can get that chair set up." Stacie said preparing to leave the room. She tapped at the tablet, the numbness set into Amy's arms. She picked up a spoon and began scooping the surgar laden mass into her mouth, it was sweet and as Stacie had presumed, Amy had a sweet tooth but after her fifth spoonful its sweetness was getting sickening but she couldn't stop. After ten minutes, Ashley came back through the door pushing another trolley with a large box on it.

"Sometimes I hate being a rookie." Ashley said setting the box at the balcony's edge, the sun casting a large shadow. "So how are things Amy?" Ashley walked over to Amy, thanks to frosting being essentially a liquid as well as whip cream, she could talk with her mouth full of the sweet, fattening food. "Ugh, I wish I had some water or something." as she swallowed some more frosting.

"I'm not supposed to do this but I'll grant your wish." Ashley whispered as she slid a small glass of water from the cart in front of Amy's plate. She quickly gulped it down. Amy was surprised to see Ashley do such a nice thing for her as everything else that had happened before was quite fast paced and in her opinion, rude. "Thank you." Amy said as she unwillingly began to eat the concoction once again. Soon Ashley exited and returned with some steel rods and some hand tools.

"I'm building a nice comfy chair for you Amy." Ashley said as she started to work, It'll give some place to relax, and for you to pig out." Ashley said, after half a hour Amy had finished all the sweet and fattening frosting and whip cream, Ashley got up from the half assembled chair and went through the door, only to come back out with another cart of more frosting and whip cream, but also a large jug of something else, it looked like milk.

"Stacie figured that you deserved something more then water to wash everything down, so she decided that you could drink a jug of coffee cream, probably won't make any thinner though, but that's why you're here right?" Ashley finished and moved back to the chair.

Amy didn't know what the chair looked like but it must have been huge, because it took Ashley another hour to finish it Amy meanwhile was trying to avoid doing anything else to make Stacie angry. The rest of the day was more and more frosting, whip cream and coffee cream to wash it all down with.

The next morning Amy woke up and walked over to the scale as she had been for the last week. Her jaw dropped, all that sugary mess had packed two pounds on to her. She was at least a little happy that her body was not showing all the changes of her new diet yet, but one week of this was going to make a mess of her figure.
Amy was grateful that she wouldn't have to eat any more of that stuff but its effects had packed fifteen pounds to her over the week, putting her at 154 pounds. The changes were more noticeable, her stomach was pooching out of the exposed mid-riff of her outfit, it was definitely fat as it was soft to the touch. Her ass seemed fuller and jiggled slightly as she walked, her chest was just beginning to get bigger. She needed a bigger size for her suit.
Amy's lifestyle had changed dramatically over the last month, she had become lazier finding even walking to be somewhat dull compared to eating, which she found herself doing even when she was bored. Snacks and munchies were becoming more and more part of her life. She stood on the scale trying to get by the fact that her suit was really tight. '176lbs' the readout displayed. Her belly pooched out more and was beginning to form love handles, her neck had softened and her arms jiggled a little when she moved them. Her ass and hips were filling out jiggling more when she walked, her thighs occasionally rubbed against each other. She had gone from somewhat chubby to plump in just one month. Ashley was busy measuring out Amy's new inches "36-30-37" she shouted out to Stacie. "So far so good." Stacie said smiling.
Amy woke up to the smell of bacon, she felt her stomach rumble to life soon enough the rest of her followed suit. She sat up in her bed noticing her belly bunch up into two rolls. Two months of fattening was showing up on her. Ashley and Stacie walked in the room Ashley pushing in a cart with Amy's breakfast on it. She began setting on the table, while Stacie guided her to the scale. Stacie handed her a box of donuts, Amy sighed grabbing at one she was hungry and she had to admit she liked being pampered. A beep was heard with her weight settling in on 187 pounds, it seemed that Ashley was too busy to measure her out. So Stacie led Amy to her food filled table. Breakfast was scrambled eggs covered in cheese, bacon dripping with grease and some pancakes on the side, she had five helpings. For a drink was some tall glasses of milk to wash everything down.
Amy picked up her fork and began to eat, she was pretty hungry and the food was good after all. Things were somewhat normal until Stacie came over and asked, with a smile "Amy, I want to get know you better is there anything that you normally don't eat but you love it?"

Amy swallowed the mouthful of food that was from her third helping, "Ice cream cakes, I've never really eaten them before too often because of how fattening it is. I suppose doesn't matter now does it?"

"You're right." Stacie said. After another half hour Amy had finished her breakfast, she got up and went over to the chair that Ashley had built a few weeks ago, Ashley brought over a milkshake for Amy to drink. She set it down on a nearby table and looked out at the beach, there seemed be some people out on it. She got up and walked over to the balcony's rail, she set the milkshake on the rail and looked at a trail running below the balcony. Down there was by far the fattest woman Amy had ever seen and she was not dressed anything like she should have been. She was wearing a skimpy red bikini, the top piece had a hard time covering her sagging massive chest, while her belly spilled out of the bottoms making them disappear from the front while her jiggling ass made it disappear in the back.

Amy didn't know whether to be disgusted or amazed that a woman her size would show off like that. The woman looked up at Amy and just smiled knowing she had made an impact on her. After a few more minutes Amy went back to her chair and finished her milkshake, then she heard Stacie call out "Snack time!"

Amy got out of her seat and walked over to the table, snacks were already laid out on it. Just some pastries and ice cream, as well as some milkshakes. 'If I keep eating like this, I'll start looking like that woman.' Amy thought to herself as she sat down. She began eating, picking up a cream filled donut, with a jelly one not far behind. Stacie walked over looking over all the food she had in front of her.

"So what do you think of me Amy?" Stacie asked quizzically.
Swallowing she said "Lots of things, bitch, evil, crazy, fucked up, come to mind."
"You are far to kind, I can be alot nicer if you want. Want to know what I think of you? I think that you're beautiful, talented, full of potential and well...fat" Stacie retorted.
"Thanks I suppose, except for the fat part, I never want to be associated with that." Amy said brushing her hair out of her eyes.

"Well you're not fat, not yet." Stacie said crossing her arms against her generous cleavage.

Amy reached towards her stomach grabbing the soft roll on it with her unoccupied hand "So what do you call this?" she said jiggling the roll.

"Baby fat." Stacie said acting as if Amy was 3/4's her age.

"It wasn't there two months ago." Amy said reaching for her milkshake.

"Then what you're drinking isn't going to help" Stacie said a smug look on her face.

Amy stopped drinking and looked at the milkshake, sighing knowing Stacie was right "I'm only eating so that you don't make me fatter." Amy said just as smugly as Stacie was.

"I don't think I have to anymore," Stacie said watching as the milkshake slipped up the straw into Amy's mouth.

"This is disgusting, I can't stand milkshakes." Amy lied, everything she ate tasted good now, she set the half finished shake on the table.
"I think you do " Stacie said tapping at a switch on her tablet, Amy felt the numbness set in her arms as she reached for the milkshake finishing it quickly.
"She was just trying to spite you, is this really necessary?" Ashley piped in.
"Why wouldn't it be?" Stacie said raising an eyebrow.

"I like her trying to appeal to you, when its hopeless. But you know best." Ashley said placing another milkshake in front of Amy.

"Let Amy, eat drink and be merry. Maybe if I'm super nice she'll sing us a song." Stacie chimed in.

Amy shot a confused look at Stacie, Ashley smiled at thought before saying "It'll be nice having a fat lady sing for us."

"Oh yes," Stacie laughed "Soon she will though. Private concert for Ashley and me, please Amy?"

Amy wanted to say no but with her mouth constantly full, all she could do was sit and eat trying to think of other things beyond her climbing weight.
Two weeks had passed into the the second month and Amy was standing on the scale eating a chocolate bar. The beeping of the scale told her weight '206lbs' it readout. Amy's body had gotten softer all over, her belly hung over her waistband of the jumpsuit, it was getting tighter there and on her ass showing its new roundness and fullness. Her chest was bigger but her other bulges would draw attention from them.

Amy had breakfast and walked over to her chair a bag a chips and bottle of cola and lounged in the sun. She had noticed that her jumpsuit helped her tan and her skin was fairly bronzed now, even if it was softer. After a half hour Ashley and Stacie came over, Ashley was pushing a cart, its was covered.
"Well seeing as you've hit 200 pounds Ashley and I are going to give you something special." Stacie spoke up.

"Really? I didn't think you had a heart." Amy said sipping at her cola.

"Oh I do. It's not as cold as you think or what I'm giving you." Stacie announced as she nodded at Ashley.

Ashley opened up the large cart on it were four ice cream cakes "Ice cream cake? I don't think I'll eat four today maybe in a few days though."

"No you will. Don't mine and Ashley's generosity." Stacie said sternly.

"You can't expect me to eat these, I'll be eating them all day!" Amy said some surprise in her voice.

"Well this is all you're eating for today an the rest of the week." Stacie said smiling.

"No they'll make me fa..." Amy stopped herself.

"Make you what?" Stacie asked.

"Fat." Amy sighed knowing she had lost.

"Yes...fat." Stacie said grabbing at Amy's forming side roll.

Ashley handed her the first cake smiling at Amy's dismay "Want me to get another cart Stacie?" Amy asked.

"Sure Ashley make sure there's enough too." Stacie said watching as Amy started eating.

"I'm going to blow up at this rate!" Amy said swallowing her first mouthful of cake. "How can you call this a reward?"

"Its rewarding to you figure." Stacie laughed jokingly.

"You are one sadistic bitch." Amy was halfway through her first cake, her expanded appetite and love of ice cream cake had the better of her.

"No I'm not I'm helpful" Stacie said her face beaming.

Ashley returned with another cart full of ice cream cake. Amy groaned "What's the matter Amy? I thought you liked ice cream cake." Ashley said wheeling the cart to a stop.
The week on ice cream cake and another week of gaining had dramatically changed her figure. By the start of her third month her face was fuller in particular her cheeks. Her arms were softer and thicker, her breasts were bigger and rounder while her belly was round with a soft roll forming on it. Her hips and ass were getting fuller and she could feel her thighs rubbing more and more. Ashley finished measuring her "37-31-38, getting pretty chubby eh?" she said. Ashley sighed knowing she was just going to get fatter.
As the third month drew to a close Amy was well sitting in her chair eating her breakfast which was well on its way to becoming a brunch thanks to all the food that Ashley was methodically bringing out food. Amy had a lot weighing down on her and it wasn't just her thoughts, she couldn't believe how fat she had gotten in such a short period of time. The morning weigh-in saw her at 251 pounds.
    Ashley pushed in Amy's third cart of food looking at the 251 pound woman's pot belly fill with food. "Hope your hungry." Ashley said beaming.

    "Not much." Amy lied.

    "I don't know. I have this cart just for you, and judging by that pudge on your waist you're a growing girl. You're lying." Amy said empty the cart on the table.

    "I won't listen to you, you're no one. Stacie isn't here so I'm not eating." Amy protested to her.

    "Amy, I'm not Stacie, you know what Stacie would do in this situation. You don't know me well enough to know what I'll do. Do you want to take that risk?" Ashley stated her smile gone.

    "What are you going to do...Ashley?" Amy crossed her arms.

    "Feed you myself if I have to. Remember those nanobots?"

    "Yeah, they're in me. So what?"

    "I can turn them on with my tablet." Ashley lied, only Stacie could.

    "I doubt you would." Amy shot back.

    'Uh oh' Ashley thought she wouldn't be called on her bluff "Ok I'll make you a deal. If you eat without problems I'll try and convince Stacie to slow down on you." Ashley lied

    "How will I know if that's true?"

    "Hang on." Ashley walked towards the door it opened and closed unbeknownst to Amy Stacie wasn't in her office. Ashley waited a bit and came back. "I talked to her and she'll go easier on you."

    "I didn't hear anyone?" Amy questioned.

    "Sound proof walls and the door was closed. All I want to do is chat with you while you eat."

    "I guess I can eat some then...." Amy agreed finally as she began eating a sandwich.

    "I see your pants are a little tight."

    "They're getting there unfortunately." Amy sighed.

    "Think of it like this: The tighter it gets the sooner you'll be done."

    "And the fatter I'll be, I can't have that. I need to perform."

    "Singing? You really don't need to be thin to sing." Ashley pointed out.

    "I will to put on shows for fans."

    "That's just not going to happen anymore. Has Stacie said anything about Jessica to you yet?"

    "Jessica who?"

    "No such a shame, Jessica Alba, she weighs what now?" Ashley looked at her table "Oh yeah 767 pounds."

    "What?" Amy screamed as she spat out a bite of sandwich and threw it to the floor.
    "Wait till Stacie sees that." Ashley shook her head "I've got some pictures of Jessica if you want to see."

    "I don't want to but I do...."

    After some tapping on the tablet Ashley held out in front of Amy's face.
    "Oh my word....what the hell? You people are truly insane."

    "Insane? I wouldn't say so. I don't know how big Stacie wants you, but she likes to top herself.

    "I want out of here." Amy said shaking her fists as she stood up and paced out onto the balcony overlooking the sunny beach.

    Ashley shook her head as she did so Stacie came back into the room "She's misbehaving." Ashley said flatly walking towards her mentor.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful Amy didn't want to get Stacie any angrier then she had to. It was only when she was dressing her now softer body did she realize that something was up.

    "So, ready for your long overdue punishment of wasting that sandwich?"

    "It was just a sandwich...." Amy stated tugging a bit harder at her shorts then she would have liked.

    "One that could've went to that stomach." Stacie told her.

    "So.... your point is?" Amy asked slipped to top on, her starter belly was in plain view.

    "That's a calculated loss of 500 calories." Stacie informed her.

    "Good, means one less pound." Amy smiled

    "And one step closer to me losing my reputation, you don't want that to happen do you?"

    "Would it be so bad?" Amy asked sighing at the flab flowing over her shorts.

Ashley looked at Amy, anger in her face. "You really want her angry at you don't you?" she said.

    "I suppose she does and that will be the worse thing that could happen to you while you're here."

    "Shall we?" Ashley asked her mentor, anxious.

    "Obviously." Stacie replied.

    Amy was cautious but she didn't have anywhere else to go, she went to her seat and sat down. Ashley opened the cart and Amy's mouth hung open "No." Ashley shook her head.

    "What's she doing?" Stacie asked her understudy.

    "I don't think she likes sticks of butter for breakfast." Ashley pointed out.

    "Make her eat them." Stacie ordered bored at Amy's little resistance.

    At the words, the first thing Amy did was cover her mouth with her hands.
    "Amy, why are you doing this?" Ashley asked.

    "I don-" she started only for Ashley to drop a stick in her open mouth. Ashley closed her mouth and pinched her nose, Amy couldn't do anything but eat the fattening golden stick.
"There we go not so bad huh?" Ashley said.

    "Learning well, my friend." Stacie noted as she turned her attention towards the beach.

    Ashley then pried open Amy's mouth again and repeated. "This isn't going be easy before long, Stacie."

    "Why?" Stacie asked busy with her tablet.

    "Its just repetitive is all." Ashely stated.

    "I know but soon she'll do it herself." Stacie looked up smiling at Amy as her eyes widened.

The last month of phase 1 were hellish for Amy her weight and her large fattening portions were getting bigger and bigger. Amy was not kidding herself anymore, she was fat now there was no denying it. The one thing that really weighed on Amy's mind wasn't so much how much she had gained over the course of four months, but how drastically her day to day routine had changed. First she would wake up and hope in the shower, after she changed into a larger version of her outfit, and was weighed and measured. Amy shudder as she thought about the morning's earlier weigh-in, 327 pounds, the number seemed so surreal to her. Trying to shake off the number, she continued to go over her new routine, after the weigh-in Amy had breakfast.

Breakfasts were always getting bigger in portion size and the food was always different but that didn't mean it was any less fattening. Foods like waffles and pancakes, slathered in butter whip cream and syrup were common place for her and often she at 5 to 6 full ones during breakfast, hashbrowns Amy liked actually not in the copious amounts she was eating, the cooks were very generous with the oils and the hashbrowns were no doubt made even more fattening because of it. That was just breakfast this morning though, other breakfasts always found new ways to increase her waistline even more.

After breakfast Amy would be given a half hour break, only to start on brunch, which as it name implied combined more of what she had just eaten, with what she would be eating at lunch. After brunch Amy would relax a bit, she was finding herself lounging out in the sun occasionally snacking to her surprise, then lunch would start mostly consisting of fast food, hamburgers, french fries. Today was something new actually, Amy was mid-way through eating her third submarine sandwich, most thought of them being good for losing weight not gaining. The ones Amy were eating were filled with meats and cheeses, and dozens of different sauces. Amy's afternoons were filled with lounging and snacking, while suppers were massive but different every night followed by deserts and finally going to sleep.

Amy couldn't help but notice that today was somewhat different, Stacie and Ashley were being more secretive and talking out of her earshot more often then usual. After her fifth and last sub Amy relaxed in her seat, while Stacie came over, with her cohort Ashley.

"We've got some things planned to show you how fat you really are..." Ashley said her face beaming.

Amy stood up her body jiggling from the extra pounds she sported, with a sigh "Ok let's get this over with."

"Now, let's time you two as you do some simple things. First you're going to touch your toes by bending over. Simple right? Go stand in the box marked on the floor" Stacie told Ashley and Amy.

Amy gave Stacie a confused look but did as she was told, as she got to the square marked on floor she tried to stuff what she could of her belly into her shorts. "Ready."

"Bend over Amy." Stacie commanded starting a stop watch.

Amy did as she was told a ripping sound was heard from her bulging behind, the shorts as her belly tore away at the too tight waistband. Amy grunted a bit more her belly bunching into a stack or rolls, her fingers tried to reach for her toes but she couldn't. "This as good as I can do...." Amy admitted her breathing a bit heavier then she would've liked.

"12 seconds. Not bad, still didn't really touch your toes. Ashley's turn." Stacie stopped the watch, quickly putting the numbers into her tablet and clearing the watch.

Ashley nodded and bent over swiftly and touched the tip of her toes and rose back into a straight position.

"5 seconds." Stacie read out.

"I did that fast. Kind of sad Amy." Ashley frowned fakely.

"Ha Ha" Amy replied sarcastically, trying to hide the small beads of sweat she had gotten from the simple task.

"Now, do two. Count them, two jumping jacks. That's all. Amy..." Stacie ordered a smile on her face as she looked at the bloated form of Amy.

Amy spread her legs out as far as she could, and sighed she jumped slightly lifting herself a few inches off the ground as she fell back to the ground a rip came from the tight shorts hugging her ass cheeks. "Just... a... second...." Amy pleaded catching her breath, she feebly did a second one lifting her feet a half inch.

"Uhm okay...I'll just stop the watch here. 38 seconds...of nothing. Ashley?"
Ashley did the assigned two jumping jacks with no problem and finished with a short time.

"3 seconds and half." Stacie told her.

"Damnit...." Amy swore still catching her breath and wiping away some of the sweat on her brow.

"That's enough, I can't watch anymore." Stacie huffed as she stood up.
"Hope that was fun for you...." Amy said sarcasm filling her voice as she stood up straight.

"It was, now phototime. Go to your bed and dress yourself. I'm going to set up on the balcony while Ashley goes to the other room." Stacie said striding past Amy and out to the balcony.

Amy waddled towards the bed and saw a fairly large bikini on the bed, it was black and had a pink trim, overall it looked nice, but she wouldn't be caught dead in this at her size. "You mean this bikini?" Amy shouted at Stacie.
"What else would I mean?" Stacie shouted back.

Amy quickly took off the torn and ripped shorts and pulled on the bikini bottoms her belly hanging over the waist of them, the top wasn't too hard to get on, but the bikini felt too small for her ever fattening body. Amy waddled out to the balcony, "How do I look?" she asked Stacie.

"Marvelous." Stacie replied as Ashley came into view on the balcony as well. She had the same bikini as Amy had except the the colors were swapped in their places.

Amy couldn't help but feel jealous in comparison to Ashley, she busied herself with adjusting the bottoms which were riding up her much fuller ass.

Amy's body was a mockery of its former thin self, she sported a much fuller chest with round breasts bouncing as she moved, a round belly hung over the waist of the bikini bottoms a roll ran just above her deepening belly button, when she sat her belly would rest on her thighs somewhat and another roll would become noticeable on her sides, standing like she was it was still there but more hidden from view. Amy's hips and ass had lost whatever muscle definition she had before and were getting softer and softer, her hips were getting wider and much to her dismay beginning to hang off the sides of the chair she sat on. Amy's ass was a different story some of the new pounds on her had made her ass stick out a few inches behind her and bounced and jiggled as she moved. Amy's thighs were truly thunderous rubbing as she walked which thanks to the lack of exercise and all the added weight had made walking more difficult and she found herself waddling as her center of gravity changed. Although not nearly as bad as she had expected cellulite had covered the backs of her thighs as well as her ass cheeks, in particular where her ass and thighs met.

"Are you ready?" Stacie asked going over the cameras quickly.
Amy nodded trying to avoid looking at Ashley.

"Me too, this swimsuit is so cute." Ashley announced, making sure to show off her flat toned midsection, to Amy's bloated soft, round one.

"Let's get whatever you have in mind over with...." Amy pleaded.

"A photoshoot comparing you two cuties side by side, even if one of you is twice the size of the other..." Stacie remarked.

"Ugh, okay the sooner the better, let's start." Amy stated sighing at the sight of her hanging belly.

"Okay, stand with your back towards me, Amy." Stacie ordered bending over to look at the camera's screen on the tripod.

Amy waddled in front of Stacie and turned around "I can't really see, how do the bottoms look?" she asked curious.

"Positively small." Stacie said as she ordered Ashley to stand directly behind Amy. Her frame being much smaller, you could still see Amy.

Amy couldn't help but notice how her ass and some of her back fat pressed into Ashley.

"Perfect shot." Stacie said snapping some photos.

Amy felt Ashley pinch some of her back fat "Hey!" she shouted at her.

"I had to, it looks soft..." Ashley trailed off smiling mischievously.

"What next?" Amy asked shrugging off Ashley's nosiness.

"Stand forward and face me. Then Ashley will stand beside you." Stacie answered.

Amy did as she was told, cupping some of her belly's fat briefly as Ashley followed suit. "Ready...."

Ashley tried to repeat Amy's motions and smiled after cocking her head to the left.

"That's it for that one." Stacie said after a few camera flashes.

"There's another one?" Amy groaned.

"Yep." Stacie replied as she busied herself with the camera's zoom lens.

"Fine" Amy pouted pushing her long black hair out of her eyes.

"Okay, now I want you to stand back to back." Stacie commanded the two women.

Amy turned waiting for Ashley to follow suit, she looked a little apprehensive of Amy's large backside.

"Get into place, Ashley. Only be a second." Stacie annoyed asked.

"Okay, let's make this fast." Ashley told Stacie snapping back into reality as she pressed her round rear onto Amy's much bigger flanks.

Amy could feel the smaller Ashley's ass press into hers and it became obvious that her own ass was nearly three times bigger then Ashley's. A sudden jolt of hunger brought to attention how hungry she was "I could use a snack..." she mumbled under her breath.

"I know, smile." Stacie told the two females across from her as she snapped the photo.

"Are we done now? The bikini's bugging me a bit." Amy asked pulling at the bottoms riding up.

"For now, take five." Stacie said clapping two times with a wide smile.

"Stacie could I uh.... maybe.... kinda...." Amy trailed off.

"What?" Stacie asked looking over the new images.

"Snack...." Amy whispered obviously embarrassed.

"You know I'll say yes." Stacie replied sweetly.

Ashley watched as the fat woman waddled towards some snacks that Stacie had prepared, she adjusted her bikini as Stacie came over with the camera "That was fun." Ashley stated with a smile as Amy started eating.

"You seemed hesitant often." Stacie pointed out.

"I've never seen or been near someone so fat before, except pictures of course." Ashley stated a little disappointed.

"You were hesitant often." Stacie repeated.

"Ok tell me what I did wrong and what I should've done. I want to be as good at this as you after all." Ashley begged.

"Can't be afraid, she's just like any other person after all." Stacie stated looking at her student's face.

"Even when she's as big as a car?" Ashley asked jokingly.

"If anything you'd wanna get closer." Stacie answered matter-of-factly.

"Why?" Ashley asked.

"Because they're so huge." Stacie turned as she watched Amy sit in her seat.

"I still don't understand...." Ashley asked confused.

"Whats hard to understand?"  Stacie asked.

"She's already big now, what's more to it?" Ashley still confused asked.

"It's because you'll appreciate the size difference." Stacie was getting a little frustrated with her.

"I guess I won't understand until it happens will I?" Ashley stated.

"Not until you go solo, the first one solo is one of the most memorable."

"Did the pictures turn out?" Ashley asked changing topics.

"Excellent of course." Stacie beamed.

"Maybe we should do some more when she's fatter." Ashley stated.

"I planned on it." Stacie revealed.

"Those are going to be fun, although I'm not sure I'll make a good comparison by then...." Ashley admitted.

"I know." Stacie said grinning her mind already racing about phase 2 and all the new blubber Amy would be sporting.
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Comments: 10

Slimyorn2 [2014-08-28 22:32:18 +0000 UTC]

So why is Stacie doing this ? What's her purpose ? 

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Moob22 In reply to Slimyorn2 [2014-08-28 22:59:45 +0000 UTC]

I'd rather not say, at least in a place where everyone can see. I can send you note about it if you're interested.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Slimyorn2 In reply to Moob22 [2014-08-29 00:25:29 +0000 UTC]

Send me a note . What's the point of F-tech ? Are they selling fat porn of famous people to rich people in Abu Dhabi ?  

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

cggo [2011-12-17 17:33:00 +0000 UTC]

I love it

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

zerox311 [2011-06-01 18:17:21 +0000 UTC]

when are you posting the next part

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

logitechk1 [2011-05-28 13:41:29 +0000 UTC]

do you have the next part ready?

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

logitechk1 [2011-03-22 22:17:16 +0000 UTC]

when is the next part coming?

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Moob22 In reply to logitechk1 [2011-03-22 22:19:07 +0000 UTC]

Soon, its done actually needs some editing is all, its a bit time consuming.

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Xerxes13110 [2011-03-18 19:11:08 +0000 UTC]

So, it seems like this time we'll meet a character quite different from Gaga and Alba.
Looking forward to the next installments.

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

NiuLong [2011-03-18 05:03:06 +0000 UTC]

I really enjoyed the first two volumes and I can't wait to read more, keep up the good work!

👍: 1 ⏩: 0