MoonliteSonata — What's Up???
Published: 2011-11-24 07:25:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 14639; Favourites: 86; Downloads: 54
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Description Alice had always been the adventurous type.  Whether it was climbing the highest tree, sneaking into the crankiest (and they're usually the oldest and nastiest too) neighbor's yard, or taking on all of the outrageous dares-Alice did it all.  With a certain amount of pride to be sure.

Nothing ever scarred her.  Or she simple got over her fear more quickly than all the rest.  However, there was always one thing that she never quite got over.

The little door.

The little door resided in her Uncle's old home.  One of the guest rooms on the second story had been remodeled into a play room for all of the children.  For the longest time it was covered by large toy box.  However that changed when one of the cousins (not her of course) went crazy with a pool cue and tore the wallpaper apart.  The toy box had to be moved from its usual spot while the torn wallpaper was repaired.  It was then that the little door was first brought to light.

There wasn't anything special about the door's design.  It simply looked like someone had cut a two-by-two-foot square into the actual wall.  Of course there were the prerequisite hinges on the left side of the door.  And a teeny-tiny door knob that barely stuck out from the door.  Truly, nothing about the door stuck out.  In fact, once the wallpaper went back up, the door's shape was barely visible.  Everyone quickly forgot about it.  Her Uncle never mentioned it.  But something about that little door simply unnerved her very being.

Her Uncle lived in an old Victorian style house that was three stories tall.  He was a fastidious man whose many hobbies became like his personal obsessions.  One of which was maintaining the integrity of his beautiful home.  Even into his sixties, the man never stopped.  Alice's Uncle kept his daily routine going.  Unfortunately, her Uncle couldn't live past his seventies.  It seemed that things had finally became too much for the man.

Fortunately for the old man, he went as peacefully as any old soul could go.  His wife and now widow, Alice's Aunt, was handling the whole ordeal well.  Except she didn't have all of the same stamina that her late husband once carried with him.  She was able to go on her daily walks and run in-town errands with ease, but maintaining the entire house was too much for her.  So the Aunt had decided to sell the old nest and move in with her daughter's family.

Alice, now a college student at age twenty, was back in the old playroom helping her family pack up all of the old toys.  Earlier in the day she had inquired to her Aunt about the little door.  But her Aunt knew nothing.  She even insisted that Alice was joking.  As her Aunt pointed out, the door would have no exit because the adjoining room was the bathroom and the bathtub would be blocking the little door.  Alice pondered her old Aunt's words.  What would be the point?

Numerous thoughts and theories buzzed around Alice's blonde head.

She pushed the old toy box aside.  Alice still couldn't see the door through the wall paper but she could feel it.  The indentations were subtle.  It may as well have not existed.  As she stared intently at the little door's frame she came to find her resolution.  She would finally open the door and see where it lead.  Or see if it lead to anywhere at all.

Alice picked up a nearby box cutter and pierced the wallpaper.  Her Aunt needed to update it if she wanted to sell the house anyway.  So she was just furthering the process along.  As she tore the wallpaper away, Alice noticed that the door's creases were filled over with paint.  She had to attack the door's every nook and cranny with the box cutter.

Everything was so sealed in tightly.  Alice was grateful that the little door didn't require a key.  She was having a hard time turning the door knob as well.  The little metal knob was half the size of a thimble and impossible to grab.

However all of her effort was soon rewarded.  Alice had got the door open and was shocked to see a little hallway on the other side.  Like her Aunt had mentioned, the bathroom was right next door.  But the hallway she had discovered was going alongside both rooms.  Alice had stuck her head through the door but couldn't see anything.  So she ran out of the room and grabbed a flashlight from downstairs and brought it back upstairs.

Alice shined the flashlight inside the hidden hallway.  It was barely two feet wide but it was as tall as the rooms it was sandwiched between.  Without a second thought, Alice climbed into hallway and followed it.  Along the way, Alice fought the cramped spaces.  She was a slim young woman but even Alice was having trouble getting through.

She shined her flashlight towards the end of the hall and was shocked to see stairs.  The stairs were about as wide as the hallway itself.  However she still had plenty of headroom.  As she climbed the stairs, Alice turned the corner and went higher still.

This wasn't making any sense to Alice.  She started out on the second story and now was ascending to the third story.  But the only room up there was the attic.  There couldn't have been room for anything else.  Yet, when she came to the last of the stairs she was left with a ceiling bonking her on the head.  After some fumbling around, Alice found a small latch.  She pushed on it and opened another two-by-two foot door.  Climbing through it Alice found a whole other room that she never could've even imagined.

Looking around, Alice could tell the room was small.  It was only eighteen-by-twelve feet large.  It also looked even smaller due to all of the furniture pushed up against the walls.  To her left there was a book shelf lined with books and specimen jars, and a sizeable blackboard with notes scribbled on it.  To the right was an old, decrepit table with papers, open books, and more jars (whose contents could only be described as "gross"), and not far from the table was a decent sized desk with even more odds and ends littering its surface.  And at the far end of the of the room was a large bulky piece of machinery.  The Machine took up nearly the entire wall space.  It was a dull, dark grey color, whose panel contained all sorts of levers and knobs.  There was also gauges and meters  on the face above the panel.  And atop of the entire machine were two electrodes with wires twirling about and connecting back to the machine itself.

Alice noticed that the old desk had a lamp.  Luckily for her that lamp was still working, so it flickered on when she pulled its hanging cord.  Amidst the cobwebs and dust Alice noticed a particular book.  It was leather bound and sealed shut with a button clasp.  She picked it up and opened it.  The writing was old and faded but she recognized it as her Uncle's.  The few letters she could make out were scientific and technical.  Basically of no use to her.  That was until she came across the last few pages.

There Alice saw the drawings and sketches of the bulky machine in the book.  Alice was beginning to think that her sweet, beloved old Uncle was a mad scientist and this was his secret lab.  Not bad for the historical district of D.C.

She tried to decipher her Uncle's writing but couldn't.  What she did learn was that her Uncle's great invention (the hulking piece of metal in the back) wasn't working.  What's more, Alice found a single page with bold, clear letters saying, "Never Again!!!!!!"

Puzzled, Alice flipped back through the pages.  This was her Uncle's scientific journal.  Everything seemed in order, she assumed, like she knew anything about science, so why wasn't her brilliant Uncle's invention working.  In fact, what was is supposed to do?  There was nothing in the journal about its intended uses.  But there was a schematic on how to turn it on.

Bravely, and albeit foolishly, Alice followed the diagram's instructions and turned the strange machine on.  At first it didn't seem like there was anything wrong.  For a while it seemed like nothing was happening.  But suddenly, the machine came to life.  Alice could immediately tell something was right.  The sounds coming from this machine just weren't natural.  Slowly the whirring turned into angry buzzing.

Alice was beginning to panic.  She tried to switch the machine off like how the journal said but it didn't work.  And when the buzzing grew into a dangerously loud and evil sounding churning, her survival mode then kicked in.  Alice began throwing switches and levers in a desperate attempt to stop the machine from running amuck.  The needles in the gauges spun out of control.  Alice could hear the electricity crackle in the air as the two electrodes began to glow.  She could even taste the copper in the air.

Fearing for her very life, Alice began to kick and hit at the machine.  All hope seemed lost until a final drop kick to the machine's panel ended everything.  She fell to the ground as the room died back down.  However it wasn't close to being over yet.

As Alice sighed with relief, the machine resurrected itself.  The electrodes lit up suddenly and the air began to crackle once again.  A brilliant bolt of lightning jumped from the electrodes and arched its way to Alice's body.  Even while sitting on the ground, Alice's body began to violently convulse.  She could feel her muscles jumped under her skin as the powerful electricity stimulated them.  Her body began jumping into the air.  Unable to control her own body anymore, Alice felt like a puppet on strings.  A puppet being played on high voltage strings.

Those proverbial strings seemed to lift Alice up into the air.  All of the constant voltage had kept her body so jumpy that she was being perpetually kept up off the ground.  As her body jumped, her limbs spazzed, making her flail out in every direction.  As her body leapt into cartoonish poses, the crackling of the electricity was deafening to her ears.  Alice never heard the distinct tearing sounds that her clothes made.

Her body's muscles jumped and her skin perked up under the influence of the electricity.  Both of her skin and muscle cells bulked up as the electricity continued its work.  The electricity was heating up the old room's air drastically.  It also guided the air molecules across its own current, into Alice.  As her body grew under the electricity's influence, the heated air molecules gathered into her growing parts.

Even as the electricity made her body jump up high, the much lighter and heated air molecules that were gathering inside of her, were literally making her float in the air.

As the electricity finally died down, Alice saw what had become of her-and was still happening.  Her shirt and skirt, along with all of her underwear, were torn away as her breasts and buttocks had each swelled to the impressive size of beach balls.  However, much to Alice's horror, she was still growing.

Slowly Alice could feel her feet leave the floorboards of the old room.  Her breasts and buttocks grew larger and still remained light as air.  Alice was beginning to think of helium as her lady-bumps began to rise up against gravity.  Despite her growing size the room contained her.  Soon she could feel the top of her breasts rub against the old, tattered ceiling.  The floor was several inches below her dangling feet as her backside rose up higher into the air.  Next Alice's body hung parallel to the floor as her buttocks rose to meet the ceiling.  But that wasn't enough.  She just kept growing and growing until Alice was left in the awkward position of her back being pressed up against the ceiling and her knees being bent directly beneath her.  Alice's breasts were lighter than air but they were still so big that they took up an entire half of the hidden room, while her buttocks took over the other half.

The walls of the old room creaked and moaned painfully.  Alice began to fear that she would outgrow the room entire.  Fortunately for her, the room settled back down without any walls breaking.

As Alice began to settle into her new living arrangements, she wondered why such an invention would exist.  Who could possibly use such a thing?  Why would it need to be built?  Why was her Uncle even building it in the first place?  Then Alice remembered the journal's last page: Never Again!!!!!!!  That was when Alice wondered with astonishment, did her Uncle go through a similar experience as her?  If so, it would explain why he tried to seal this room off.  Not to mention the awful machine that made her expand so drastically.
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Comments: 6

PatriotofElsa [2021-01-30 05:14:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Solo49 [2013-12-05 17:20:43 +0000 UTC]

Love it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Aloodonguy67 [2013-06-24 14:55:01 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

amineefreak [2013-03-22 13:01:55 +0000 UTC]

wait so what was the uncle trying to make?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

breastexpansionlover [2011-12-02 00:52:59 +0000 UTC]

Loved it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Saccularius [2011-11-25 02:47:11 +0000 UTC]


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