Moonncloud — WoLF: Aitareya - Onni - Rank - Oblate - Mender

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Acitve and Open For Rps ^^

Aitareya's Medallion / Group History And Antler Log / Relationship Tracker


       1.11.20: Accepted into WoLF!

       2.28.20: Made Grand Pledge to Onni!


       4.10.20: Added Relationship Tracker


       4.12.20: Added Group History and Antler Log to Docs


       4.14.20: Added Medallion ^^

       4.18.20: Added Aitareya's Theme Song ^^

       6.1.20: Aitareya is now Rank Tier 1 - Oblate - Mender!

2.25.21: Updated Age

Disclaimer: Some suggestive themes touched on briefly

:: I D E N T I T Y ::

Name: Aitareya (meaning “Unique, Exclusive, Distinctive”)

    Alias(es): Aitarey, Tary (prefers Aitarey)

Sex: Female
    Gender: Female

Age: Young Adult (3 yrs.)

Bloodline(s): Mountain/Timber/Mist

    Height: Current Height: 30” Mature Height: 34”

    Weight: Current Weight: 80 lbs. Mature Weight: 120 lbs.

Voice: Katelyn Tarver - Somebody Else

Theme Song: Nathan Wagner - Blood Bonds

    Mannerisms: Aitareya tends to look down when nervous or embarrassed and will dig her nails into the ground when doing so. She is also prone to pacing when worried or concerned about something or someone. But when in a good mood she is liable to hum and or dance when under the impression she is alone. 

Physical Description: Aitareya’s body build takes more after her Mist bloodlines with her lean body and thin but sturdy legs. However, though her frame is not burly or built for offensive encounters, it is perfect for swift getaways and long distances travel. Gaining her thick pelt from her Mountain bloodlines, and it's honey color from the Timber/mist bloodlines, she is hardly cold during the cooler seasons, however, the summers can be rather uncomfortable with the intense heat. However, aside from her body structure and fur thickness, Aitareya was born with two completely different colored eyes, the left being jade green and the right being blue. 

    Rare/Birth Traits: Heterochromia

    Related Deficiencies: N/A

Pack/Guild: Onni 

   Rank: Tier 1 Oblate - Mender

:: P E R S O N A L I T Y ::

Traits: (Minimum of 6 traits - 3 positive and 3 negative.)

  *Positive* ->  Creative, Energetic, Friendly, Compassionate, 

    Considerate,  Family Oriented

  *Neutral* -> Curious, Timid

  *Negative* -> Evasive, Insecure, Compulsive, Confrontational, 

    Untrusting, Naive 

In Depth: 

Creative -

“Relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.”

Since she was a pup, Aitareya has loved the art of song and dance, thanks to her father Aimilios. He taught her and her brother, Umi, all about the wonders of music and dance. With this talent of his, the father had influenced the two young wolves greatly, showing them ways to express themselves with body language and song… not only that but he showed them a joy that was far and few between for the two. Aitareya will never forget her love for music or the happiness it brought to her in the past. During her time living with the mountain wolves, the she-wolf also learned how to be creative in a less artistic way. Aitareya is not just creative in terms of art, her father also taught them how to think for themselves and come up with creative ideas to help them during their life with the pack and future journeys. (153)

Energetic - 

“Showing or involving great activity or vitality.” 

At first, no one would imagine this she-wolf to be excitable and filled with fun-loving energy, however, when worked out of her shell, Tary can be rather playful with endless energy. Her hidden vigor is also clear in times of natural disasters, emergencies, and life or death situations. When she is comfortable with the wolves around her and has become close friends with them, it is very likely the she-wolf will act like a pup and rough house or challenge her friends to a fun-loving race. Though this side of her will not for some time, in the meantime the female wolf will be quiet and seemingly shy or timid, distant even. (114)

Friendly - 

“Kind and pleasant” 

Even with her unpleasant past, Aitareya is able to look past it for the most part and be very friendly. Being one who dislikes being eternally alone, she is always ready to, though timid and untrusting at first, make new friends. When the she-wolf is comfortable she will do her best to further build her relationships to lessen the possibility of being a lone wolf. Once she gets to know someone, Aitary will do her best to keep her newfound friendship strong which will result in her doing just about anything to show them she cares however she does her best to resist becoming clingy or overbearing, replacing it by keep an open mind and show them compassion. (119)

Compassionate - 

“Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others”

Though at first, she is timid and distant, Aitareya will always show compassion towards those in need whether it is a wolf she knows or one she doesn’t. Being taught compassion at a very young age, Aitarey has been well to remember to always help others like her mountain pack alpha and healer had shown her and her brother. Their compassion has stuck with her through thick and thin and that's one thing she never plans on forgetting. After all, without the compassionate wolves, there would be more pain, loss, and death in the world and that was something the she-wolf wanted to lesson if only a little.  (108)

Considerate - 

“Careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others.”

Along with her compassion, Aitary is also considerate of other wolves' feelings especially those she's close to or wants to stay friends with. Given her kind nature, she’s very unlikely to purposefully hurt one's feelings, Tary prefers to keep an open mind and take into consideration how her friends and even acquaintances feel or think about what she’s telling them or how she’s treating them. All in all, she does her best to not hurt anyone with her words because she knows that once something is said it can’t be easily taken back the pain has already been inflicted, the only cure being time and even time doesn’t always work... she of all wolves should know that. (117)

Family Oriented - "Puts family at the center of focus"

Loving her family dearly, even with all the torment and taunting she received from her siblings as a pup, Aitareya has grown to be family-oriented. Currently, she can't imagine life without her brother and strives to locate and hopes to bring him home to Onni. Aside from her current kin, if Aitareya were to find a mate she'd devote her life to him, not giving any other males the time of day when it comes to flirting or more. If she were to have pups with him she would do anything and everything in her power to keep her small family happy, healthy, and safe. However, if her mate were to betray her it would crush the she-wolves heart and it would take a while for her to heal, if at all. Being family Oriented, Aitareya hopes to one day find a mate and grow a family with him.

Curious - 

“Eager to learn or know something”

Aitareya is a very curious she-wolf, she loves to learn new things and apply them to her everyday life. She is the type that if given the opportunity she would do her best to learn everything there is to know, a true “bookworm” of the Lunar forest. Something Aitareya has always found interesting is plants and their natural remedies for ailing wolves. Her interest in such things was thanks to the mountain pack healer who fought to save their father’s life with his herbal knowledge. Tarya has done her best to learn about plants since the day she lost her father, she never wants to lose anyone close to her again and feels that learning medicine is the answer to curing death. However, her curious nature is not always a good thing and will eventually get her into some trouble.  (140)


“Showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened.”

At first, the honey-colored she-wolf is pretty timid when she meets new wolves this is due mostly to her life as a pup. Aitareya and her siblings only knew their mother and father they never met or were introduced to wolves outside their family which has affected the wolf's confidence quite a bit.  Tary’s heterochromia has also affected her ability to be social, she fears what strangers will think of her and how she will be treated. Aside from her puphood, the multitude of negative events and encounters has also affected her confidence which plays hand in hand with her lack of trust, insecurities, and evasive behaviors. However, since the she-wolf desires to be in a pack and to have close bonds with others she is likely to work through her timid nature a bit quicker however, that doesn’t mean she with fully trust or open up to anyone quickly. (152)

Evasive - 

“Tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially by responding only indirectly.”

Depending on the encounter Aitareya can be quite evasive when it comes to answering questions about herself or her past. It takes the she-wolf quite sometime before she’s willing to open up and be honest with those around her. However, even when she trusts a wolf and is close with them, Atary is still apt to be closed off about herself whether that be how she feels or thinks for one reason or another. Take for example if she's hurt or ill yet someone is worse off then herself she will do her best to seem fine and even encourage those that are worried for her to not be and to tend to the others worse off than herself. This also falls in with whether or not she’s involved with something or someone that others are not to know about. If she feels they need protecting or something of the sort the she-wolf is likely to be evasive to do just that. (163)

Insecure - 

“Not confident or assured; uncertain and anxious”

Due to her puphood and past encounters, Aitareya is very insecure about herself mostly with her eyes. Being treated like she was ill or that she had some sort of plague has done quite a number on the she-wolves confidence, she feels she cannot trust compliments or kindness towards her as being true and pure due to this. She’s not only insecure about her eyes but she’s also lacking confidence in her own skills due to her time in the mountain pack. Many of her pack members would not train with her or teach her the ways of the pack and because of this, she was only able to learn from one wolf, though this wolf was her alpha and he of all people knew the best course of training she still feels it would have been better for her to learn from the other wolves within their pack, thus her lack of confidence in her own skills. (159)

Compulsive -

“Resulting from or relating to an irresistible urge”

Given what she’s been through, Aitarey can be compulsive in certain situations she is in, as well as, her mood. If there is conflict and someone she cares for is involved, the she-wolf is likely to fail to use logic in her actions instead of motives. At times like these, she’s likely to get herself into some sticky situations whether that be emotionally or physically. She will act on her first thought and her body's natural urge. (78)

Confrontational -

“Tending to deal with situations in an aggressive way; hostile or argumentative.”

Though Aitareya is a kind she-wolf she tends to deal with negative encounters with aggression rather than words. Given her time on the outside, she realized that her voice would never be as loud as her actions thus giving birth to her hostile ways of dealing with confrontations. However, Aitarey will not show aggression until the other party has bared their fangs first that was something she was taught after arriving in the mountains and has kept that lesson close to her. (83)

Untrusting -

Given her past experiences, it takes a while for the she-wolf to trust those around her. However, though she doesn’t trust someone doesn’t mean she won't be kind to them. Aitareya is and will always be kind to those who haven’t shown her a reason to be aggressive with them but it will take a while for her to fully trust them and to feel completely comfortable and able to open up about herself. She’s met few that treat her as if she’s normal and she’s no fool when it comes to false kindness. (94)

Naive - showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.

Aitareya can be a bit Naive when it comes to romance, given her past and her lack of socialization outside of her family members, this she-wolf has little to no experience in the realm of love. Because of this, Aitareya tends to jump to conclusions thinking that a wolf is interested in her romantically when they are actually not or not realizing a wolf is making romantic advances and assuming they are just being kind. Whether it is by experience or observation, at some point Aitareya will learn to not be so naive.

:: H I S T O R Y ::

Pre-Group History: 


    When Mahlah found out about her pregnancy, worry and fear struck the frail she-wolves heart. She had hoped nothing would transpire from her evening with the mysterious mountain wolf… however, that was just wishful thinking on her part. The small female should have never allowed the loner to stick around, to pull her heartstrings, and to ultimately have his way. How would she inform her pack, her struggling to survive pack… As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months her secret was impossible to keep from her suspicious pack mates. 

    Upon the discovery of Mahlah’s pregnancy, it didn’t take long for an ultimatum to be decided on, the pups would be killed upon arrival. Being unable to stand her ground against the alphas, the to-be-mother was devastated, she’d grown attached to her unborn pups and wasn’t able to accept that they’d be killed before their first day of life. Luckily, the honey-coated female wasn’t alone with her feelings on the matter. Mahlah’s packmate, Aimilios, stood up for the she-wolf and her future unborn young. The brute spoke against the pack alpha’s and elders voicing his opinion on the matter, however, his attempts were fruitless and only resulted in punishment.  

    As the time grew closer for Mahlah’s delivery, Aimilios devised a plan as he was still unwilling to give up on saving the female and her offspring. The two of them would leave for their annual scouting trips and meet up near the mountain cliffs where the river ran the strongest. From there, the two would make it look as though they had both met their untimely deaths so the pack wouldn’t go searching for them any further. They did this by working away at the edge of the cliffs by digging to weaken the already narrow strip of earth, as well as, rolling large rocks off the upper ledges to make it seem as though a landslide had caused the two to fall to their deaths. 


    In no less than a week's time after their escape, Mahlah and Aimilios welcomed the new pups into the world. Giving birth to five, Mahlah was surprised to see that only one bore her light honey-colored pelt where the rest were of silver with grey or brown with tan markings. Nonetheless, the new mother loved each and every one of her newborns and was happy to allow her friend, Aimil, to stay at her side and be their fatherly figure, she owed him that much for saving their lives. 

    Making it through their first week of life the two new parents began naming the little ones, the Silver and grey pups being Syu and Umi and the brown and tan colored pups being Jiro and Aila. Lastly, the two named the honey and creamy colored pup Aitareya, she was unique compared to her siblings though, the parents didn’t realize just how unique she truly was. As time passed the pups began growing bigger and stronger, Aitareya being the smallest of the group. 

    With their eyes fully open, Aitary and her siblings were able to discover themselves. Syu was the most rambunctious of the five, it never mattered what time of day it was she was always wanting to play. Jiro was the strongest and the bravest of the five, he always felt he needed to be the alpha in their little pack games. Yet, Aila was quick to challenge Jiro, she was rather impulsive and would never back down from a fight, even if she was at a clear disadvantage. Umi, however, was the silent pup, always quiet and withdrawn from the group, however, he did tend to cling to his sister Aitareya, who was probably the most in between of the pups. Aitarey had her moments where she loved to release her energetic side with the others but she was also quick to stay right there with her silent brother, Umi, she never wanted to leave him out and was always being considerate of his feelings. However, that fragile connection she had with her siblings was about to change. 

    Soon enough, all the pups began to lose their blue eye color, replaced by the common color of yellow and brown eyes. Yet, Aitareya had one eye that never changed leaving her with a blue eye and a Jade green eye. Her older siblings, Jiro, Syu, and Aila found this to be strange and though her sisters didn’t say anything at first Jiro was quick to jab at her with hurtful comments. Umi was even somewhat fearful of her odd eye colors, though, he was probably the only pup that did his best to not hurt her. Even her parents were beside themselves… Her mother was worried she may be sick however, her father Amilios was a bit more logical and suggested she needed more time for them to change, unfortunately, they never did… Out of concern, Mahlah did the unthinkable, she returned to her pack and sought for help resulting in nothing but pain and suffering for the small family.  

    Not knowing of Mahlah’s plan to seek counsel with their old pack, Amilios took Aitareya and Umi out on a little adventure to free the pups of the cruelness of their siblings. He had tried to correct and scold Jiro, Syu, and Aila, for their hurtful words and actions towards Aitary and Umi, however, that wasn’t working. During the trio’s little trip, the pups were able to unwind, play, and discover places and things they’d never seen before.  They learned how to sing and dance with the guidance of Amilios. This new found talent was particularly loved my Umi, he never knew how to properly express himself but with the ability to make songs up even just humming a melody he felt he finally had something perfect for himself. Aitareya, loved to sing as well and found Umi’s voice and dance to be splendid, however, she didn’t feel that her own skills were as natural as Umi’s but that didn’t stop her determination to learn. For once they were happy, but sadly that happiness wouldn’t last. 

    Upon their arrival back into their small patch of territory, something wasn’t right causing Amilios to pause in his tracks and silently demand that the pups stay quiet. Peaking through the dense forest growth, the brute couldn’t believe what he was seeing… or what he was smelling. The screams and cries coming from his mate MahLah and their pups. They were being slaughtered before his eyes. Looking back at Aitareya and Umi, he demanded that they run and not look back, to race back to stream and hide in the hollow pine and he promised he’d find them as soon as he could. In total fear, both did what they were told… they ran as their little family was ripped apart unsure of whether or not they’d actually see their mother and father again and they knew they’d never see their siblings again… that was quite clear...


    Tired and weak from mourning the loss of their family, the two were now staying hidden away in an old giant pine waiting, hoping, for their father to come for them. Being a week over six months old they knew little about hunting… there was no way they could survive on their own. Losing hope, Umi was breaking down shaking, scared to death about what would happen to them. In an attempt to calm her brother, Aitareya curled up with him and began to sing a soft soothing tune. Her voice echoed through the forest trees and cliff edges until it reached a nearby mountain wolf with a silver, thick pelt. 

    Hours had passed before the two began to hear the sound of paws tapping against the forest’s floor and crunching the pine needles. Sitting up, their ears alert, both were hopeful it was their father, tails wagging as they grew more eager for what was unlikely. However, the brute that stood in the clearing was not the male they wished to see. Feeling the fear rolling off her brother, Aitareya stood up, lifting her tail in warning,  it was obvious she was shaking as well. Knowing that the pups were little of a threat to him or his pack, the sliver wolf made his move. 

    Stepping towards them, he listened as the little female began to growl though she was trying to be intimidating her efforts were unsuccessful. “It’s alright… Stop your growling young one, I’m no threat to you.” He told them before sitting himself down only about a yard from them. Looking at the two, he knew who they were from the descriptions given to him by the wolf he’d met days before. After much convincing, Alaric finally managed to get Umi and Aitareya to venture back to his pack with him. When they arrived, the mountain wolf took them straight to their healer where the two were able to be reunited with their father. 

    Once again with their father, the two couldn’t be happier even though Amilios’ life was only hanging on by threads. Sadly, It wasn’t long before the three were once again separated. Their father's protection was no longer available to them and even being in a new pack their lives were not free of the scrutiny and cruelty of those unaccepting of Aitareya’s unique hues. Learning the ways of the wolves of the mountain was hard for her, few wanted to help her, they found her strange or feared she was sick and contagious, even after being told otherwise. Yet, there was at least a handful who accepted her for who she was. One of those wolves was Alaric, the silver wolf who they later found out was the alpha of the pack. The male, after seeing how his pack was treating the young female, decided to take her under his wing and teach her the ways of the wolves of the mountains.

    Being shown what the other wolves called “favoritism” from their alpha, it only made Aitareya’s life worse. There was little happiness in the female's eyes at this point even Umi felt distant as he seemed to be caught up in his own life with the others around them. They were now nearly a year and a half old, their father had been gone for months, to her though, it felt like it was yesterday. Feeling nothing but pain and hate for those who picked on her, belittled her, and treated her like an illness just waiting to spread.... she couldn’t take it anymore. 

    As the moon rose high into the night sky, Aitareya decided it was time she left the mountain pack. She knew she wasn’t wanted, she knew everyone would be happier without her, they’d live a more peaceful life with her gone. Without informing her brother, Tary left the pack behind and began her own life journey, it was a bit early but she felt that this was as good a time as any. Sneaking off down the mountainside and into the forest, the honey-coated wolf thought she’d made her decent unnoticed but she was wrong. Trailing behind her was none other than Umi, he had known something was up but he was never able to address it or get away from the wolves he often mingled with. “Wait- Aitarey!” he called out to her as he struggled to keep up with the quick-footed she-wolf. 

    Once at her side, her brother tried desperately to get her to stay, to reconsider her choice in leaving, but his attempts were in vain. Feeling lost without her and worried she wouldn’t make it on her own, Umi decided to put the pack behind him as well and go on a journey with her, they were a year and a half now and they knew how to hunt well enough to survive right? They could do this. 

Young Adult


    Though on their own now, the two siblings were almost back to their pup selves, before her eye color caused a rift between them and the family. Being away from all the hurt and learning to live on their own, Aitareya was able to smile again and even laugh. They were both becoming thin with winter now rolling over the top of them but they were still alive and able to hunt and so far there was nothing stopping their journey. 

    Their first three months on their own were a bit tough but they managed. Finding the best places to hunt and where not to tread, Umi and Aitareya began deciding where the best place would be for them to “claim” as their own. The two of them even went as far as to joke about starting their own pack for oddballs like themselves. However, those plans were put to a halt when their laughter and song singing had drawn in unwanted company. At first, the individuals seemed trustworthy enough but obviously that was their miscalculation. 

    As the strangers wooed Aitareya’s young heart and told Umi of the world beyond the pine forest, the two siblings couldn’t be more intrigued and curious about what lay outside their mountain and forest sanctuary. And when it came time for the siblings to make a decision whether to stay with the strangers and follow them to the “new world” Umi decided against it, he expressed to the pack that he and Aitareya would think over the opportunity before their next visit. However, at the time Aitareya was all for the new experience, she wanted to learn about the world outside of the bowl they lived in. At first, this caused a small rift between the two, that is until Umi explained why he felt it wasn’t a good idea. Opening the young female's eyes, she too realized this pack of wolves they were mingling with wasn’t all that they said they were… she wished she’d seen it sooner. 

    A night later, the two decided to go hunting to fill their bellies and to quickly leave before the group realized they knew anything was up. For a while, the two stuck close to one another but as their prey zipped about the forest floor, both Umi and Aitareya had to split up. Once separated, Aitareya felt uneasy however she kept her eyes on the prey before her hoping that the feeling she felt was only her mind playing tricks on her. Yet, ignoring her gut was the worst thing she could have done. Before she could react, the she-wolf was suddenly pinned to the forest floor a yelp leaving her throat from the sudden surprise. Laughter could be heard echoing around her, with her multi-colored eyes searching the forest as she tried to figure out who was pinning her down she realized she was surrounded, their faces unrecognizable. 

    At some point in her struggle, Aitareya blacked out from the stress and fear. When she woke she was a hostage of the group that called themselves a gang of sorts. As winter rolled by, so did her hope of ever being free or seeing her brother again... The wolves kept her as a prize, a trophy to be shared amongst themselves, would the horrors ever end? She thought they wouldn’t, she had no hope of them ever ending until an opportunity arose. They were ambushed, by who she didn’t know but the chaos was endless giving her the perfect chance to flee. Darting from the scene, Aitareya raced into the forest blindly her paws beating endlessly against the frozen earth beneath her. She was finally free, finally able to begin her search for her brother and return to the life she had dreamed of!

    Feeling a sharp pain suddenly roll through her thigh a yelp left her lips causing her to speed up, her mind flew to the possibility that she had been followed. Yet, when she peered over her shoulder, careful not to run into a tree, she didn’t see anyone, although, what she did see was an odd feather with a quill sticking out of her leg. Before long her view became hazy and the she-wolf collapsed. Only to wake to find herself in some sort of strange den…? As soon as she had her wits about her, Aitareya darted from the odd contraption with no idea where she was her heart racing with fear and confusion. Running as quickly as she could from the contraption, the female wolf had no idea where she was headed, nothing looked familiar at all... Where exactly was she?

Pausing for a moment, Aitareya's multi-colored eyes scanned her surroundings, however, there was the only forest as far as the eye could see and the sound of moving water not that far off. Thinking about home and remembering the landscape she hoped that maybe she was headed towards the far end of the river which crosses through the mountain range of her pack. Feeling some newfound hope, Aitareya picked up her pace again and raced as quickly as her lean body could manage... She wanted to find Umi to make sure he was alright and to let him know that she was fine and that they could go on their journey once again. However, the farther she ran, nothing about this place was becoming familiar in the slightest. Once the she-wolf broke through the thickest of the tree line and spotted the mountains in the distance, she realized that this place she was in was nothing like home. Catching the strong scent of wolf and feeling a sickening twist in her stomach she began to wonder if the wolves here would accept her or not, not to mention if she'd ever see her brother again. Feeling she didn't have very many choices with winter here and the worst yet to come, she decided to venture into this pack territory, hoping... praying even, that this pack would accept her for who she is after all she knew she couldn't survive on her own she relied heavily on her and Umi's teamwork and never had a reason to purely hunt on her own, with him she was never alone.

Group History: (Keep a log of your antlers earned in-game here.)

Group History And Antler Log
Antler Total:  = 53

:: R E L A T I O N S H I P S ::

NPCs are allowed but must be marked as such!

Mate: None

    Offspring: None


    Father: Unknown (Alive), Adoptive Father Aimilios (Deceased NPC)

    Mother: MahLah (Deceased NPC)

    Siblings: Jiro (Brother Deceased NPC) , Syu (Sister Deceased NPC) , Aila (Sister Deceased NPC) , Umi (Brother, Missing)

    Other: N/A

Other: N/A

:: A V A I L A B I L I T Y ::

Timezone: EST

Preferred Methods 

Notes: No

Comments: No

Skype: No

Docs: Yes

Discord: Willing to try

Other:  You can contact me via notes, Discord, or Google hangouts to discuss rp @ Moonncloud247@gmail.com

:: E X T R A::

Trivia -
Romantically prefers a good personality over a wolves looks.
Tends to prefer wolves that are kind but has an odd desire to please those who are not.
Seems to be attracted to some what older male wolves rather then those her age.


*Thunder/Lighting heavy storms
*Fears Being forever alone
*Fish, but will eat if  necessary for survival
*Heat of Summer
*Being Snuck up on
*Being Surrounded
*Tricked or pranked


* Swimming

*Running / Racing others

*Fall and Winter

*Singing and Dance

Scent -

Smells strongly of Lilacs with a touch of pine and a hint of rain

    Application for WolvesofLunarForest !

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Comments: 7

XeniumFox [2020-03-02 10:19:05 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moonncloud In reply to XeniumFox [2020-03-02 17:25:11 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Moonncloud [2020-01-14 13:08:48 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Winter-Alpha-Wolf [2020-01-12 00:12:20 +0000 UTC]

Amazing do you take art trades?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moonncloud In reply to Winter-Alpha-Wolf [2020-01-12 12:09:53 +0000 UTC]

Awww, thank you, I'm glad you like my art so well!

I've never really done anything of the sort, however I wouldn't mind discussing it more in Notes ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

4everhound [2020-01-11 16:58:00 +0000 UTC]

She's so cute!

Welcome to WoLF!

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Moonncloud In reply to 4everhound [2020-01-11 20:04:22 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0