MoralisticCommunist — Vermont

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Published: 2018-09-17 01:38:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 4314; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 3
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Description This is the fifty second installment of my Seventh Party System series.

Vermont is the oddball state of New England, having possessed a French speaking majority throughout the entirety of the 20th century, and is also currently the least populated state in the entire Union.

The history of Vermont's French majority dates all the way back to 1850s, when the start of the Industrial Revolution saw an explosion in textile mills all across New England. Over the next seven decades, nearly a million French Canadians would end up immigrating to the US, the majority of which came to New England. Vermont in particular, being an already small and sparsely populated state, would soon boom with Canadien immigrants who came to build the state's railroads and work in the state's logging industry. While language was not much of an issue in the late 1800s, when World War II broke out in 1911 after France declared war on Britain anti-French sentiment began to rise. 

While efforts to suppress the French language might have worked in Louisiana where Cajuns formed a minority, in Vermont the Canadiens were a majority and as such the Republican party under Governor Josiah Gagneux was able to amend the Vermont state constitution in 1913 to enshrine both French and English as official languages. This would make Vermont the third state in the Union to officially be bilingual, after Media California and New Mexico in 1880 and 1902 respectively.

With Vermont now being seen as a refuge for French Americans many French Canadians in neighboring New Hampshire and Maine would end up moving to Vermont, further solidifying it's French speaking majority. During the Great Depression many English speakers left the state to work on FDR's major public works in both the South and West, leaving it so that by 1940 71% of the population spoke French as their primary language.

This would be the peak of French speakers in Vermont, however, as the trend of white flight soon sent many WASP Americans back into the state of Vermont, though the number of French speakers still remained above 60% of the population. The real surge in Anglo migration to the state however would come in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s when the hippies of the 50s and 60s, now middle aged adults, began to look towards finding the perfect place to settle down to live a nice quiet life, and while many did end up moving to the progressive West Coast many of those located in New England ended up going to the forested hills of Vermont, already known for its tolerance of minorities such as the French.

Coupled with the growing social conservatism of French Vermonters as a reaction to the influx of Anglo immigrants the demise of Republican hegemony was imminent. And in this crucial moment, with both the Canadien and Yankee populations of Vermont turning away from the Republican party, the Republican leadership made its most terrible blunder, deciding to side with the Anglos against the French. Governor Arkwright Snelling, an out of stater Republican from Pennsylvania was convinced that if the Republicans could capitalize on the votes of out of staters they would be able to avoid the social conservatism of French Vermonters and focus entirely on socially liberal policies consistent with their Dewey Republican principles. Attempting to appeal to the secular hippies with a bill to end public funding of the state's Catholic schools, Vermont's French population saw right through this ploy and knew it was a direct attack on French minority rights, since nearly every Canadien that was religious in Vermont was also a Catholic that sent their children to Catholic school.

In direct reaction to the Republicans' attempts to remove public funding for Catholic schools the French Republicans walked away from the GOP to form their own party, the Bloc Canadien. Representing the interests of French Canadians, or Canadiens for short, the party soon snatched up all of the Republicans' French base, while the rising Progressives swept up the hippie population, leaving the Republicans nearly shut out of parliament after winning only three seats in the 1984 election.

While the Bloc Canadien would rule Vermont for four years, the Progressives soon learned to become a bilingual party, much like its sister parties in Las Columnas states, and managed to capture enough of the socially liberal Canadien vote to gain a majority in 1988. From that point onward, the Progressives would become the de facto ruling party of Vermont, much like the Republicans were the de facto ruling party in the rest of New England. The fact that Anglos have managed to compromise a slim majority of the state's population ever since 2003 proved to only help the Progressives, with the Bloc Canadien now being mathematically unable to form a majority by themselves. The MMP reform made to the Senate also further hurt the Bloc Canadien since many of its voters are rural while those of the Progressives tend to be concentrated in large cities and college towns.

However the Second Great Depression hurt the Progressives hard as many of its voters shifted to left wing parties such as the United Left and the newly founded Vermont Insoumise. Vermont Insoumise is a left wing Francophone party founded by Beaumont Sanders who argue that the influx of English speaking college students and businesses was damaging both the state's economy and its culture and that Vermont would be much better off without "imperialist America" as an independent country with only one official language, French. 

While gains from the once again decimated Republican party would allow the Progressives to continue governing with a solid majority, as the economy continued to falter many lost hope in the ability of the Progressive party to fix the economy and shifted to left and right wing extremes. In 2014 the Confederation of Regions party was founded by right wing populists who believed that it was in fact that the Canadiens' fault, not the Yankees', that Vermont's economy continued to falter, and began to push for the abolition of French as an official language so that the Canadien minority would be forced to learn English in school and could then be fully assimilated into the "superior Anglo-Saxon culture."

The populist wave of racial and ethnic anger that shook the country in 2016 also hit Vermont, resulting in massive gains for both Vermont Insoumise as well as the Confederation of Regions, leaving the Progressives without a governing majority. As such, for the first time since 2006 the party was forced into coalition with the Greens, which while sharing the Progressives' socially liberal views was far more centrist on economic manners, sometimes becoming almost indistinguishable from the Republicans. 

2018 would prove to be no different, as Vermont Insoumise and the Confederation of Regions continued to gain more seats at the expense of the Progressives and Bloc Canadien. However, in this election the Republicans also managed to make a comeback, capturing a large part of the Anglo economically right wing vote from the Greens, letting the Republicans gain the title as the third largest party for the first time since 2006.

With both the Progressives and Greens now suffering heavy losses, the path towards forming a majority government looked near impossible. On the far left both the United Left and Vermont Insoumise refused to work with the Progressives, while on the right the socially conservative Confederation of Regions refused to work with the Dewey influenced Republicans. The Greens also refused to work with the socially conservative Bloc Canadien, blocking any sort of centrist alliance, leaving the only possibilities that of a grand coalition. Now the only question remained, would it be a grand coalition of socially with the Progressives and Bloc Canadien, or would it be a grand coalition economically between the Progressives and Republicans.

In the end, the Progressives' refusal to reinstate public funding for Catholic schools put the nail in the coffin for the Bloc Canadien, leaving the Progressive-Republican government as the only option. While socially very little policies would change, economically massive tax cuts and deep cutting austerity measures were put in place at the Republicans' request, leading to the introduction of university tuition fees for the first time since the 1990s.

Now with both the Progressive and Republican parties being painted as sellouts by their own bases the government Vermont continues to walk on the thinnest of tightropes, knowing fully well that their grand coalition gambit is unlikely to work a second time and that the 2020 election could very well put deal the final blow to the Vermont Progressive Party.

Progressive/Progressiste - The ruling party of Vermont for the past three decades, this election has put them at their lowest amount of seats since the election of 1984. With bases among such diverse groups from socially liberal retirees and college students to cosmopolitan Canadiens and non-white minorities, the party has struggled to fight off the large variety of special interests parties which continue to eat away its base from all directions. The party's deal with the Republicans to end free college and introduce university fees has been especially controversial, leading to massive student protests across the state from the tens of thousands of young people who only came to Vermont's liberal arts colleges for the free tuition.
Republicans - Once as dominant in the Green Mountain State as the Democratic party was in Jim Crow era South Carolina the GOP of modern day Vermont remains a shadow of its former self constricted entirely to the vote of middle and upper class Anglophones. Dominated as always by Dewey Republicans they are socially liberal enough to acceptable to the state's average Anglo, but until recently most of them chose the more radically socially liberal Greens over the only moderately socially liberal Republicans. However with the Progressive-Green government of 2016 to 2018 proving just how incompetent many Green politicians are the tide has turned once in the Republicans' favor, allowing them enough seats to overtake the Greens. At the same time, their compromise with the Progressive in keeping Vermont's hefty corporate tax and punishing regulations has left its conservative base furious with the GOP's inability to allow for true ease of business.

Independent/Divers - Just like the rest of Northern New England Vermont has a long tradition of independent politicians who focus more on local issues than ideological wars. With the vast majority of independent politicians being simply local residents' associations of various townships it requires little more than a small loan of a million dollars to bribe their votes.

Bloc Canadien - A Francophone party founded to protect the interests of Vermont Canadiens, in recent times it has become a party for French speaking conservatives, especially those who are socially conservative. While often times supporting government intervention and being viewed as left of center economically, on social issues they remained firmly on the right, still refusing to recognize the legitimacy of gay marriage and pushing for the public funding of religiously run Catholic schools. In recent years, with the rise of Vermont Insoumise the party has been trending downwards with more and more people jumping ship from the extreme social conservatism of the Bloc Canadien for the socialist Vermont Insoumise.
Vermont Insoumise - A left wing nationalist, anti-imperialist, Francophone socialist party founded in 2010 by Beaumont Sanders, the party was created in reaction to the globalist politics of the Progressive party which Sanders believed to have hurt the Canadien worker. While the Progressive party busted the massive Confederation des Travailleuers Catholiques allegedly to secularize Vermont society, Sanders says this was done just to keep the Canadien worker down as they "colonized" Vermont by enticing students through tuition-free universities and retirees by exempting all Social Security income from taxes. And with Vermont 45.6% French speaking population being flooded with more English speaking college students and retirees every year many poorer Canadiens have turned towards the party which promises to build a wall and make the Yankees pay for it.
- A bilingual social democratic party which is much more economically right wing than the Progressives, they used to have a strong hold on Vermont's yuppie population who were socially liberal but fiscally conservative. However the incoherent and irresponsible governance of the Greens during their coalition with the Progressives which saw homeopathy legalized and GMOs criminalized only hurt the Vermont economy even more, leading to its present day unemployment rate of over 17%, a rate which would be even higher if you account for the 30% of the population which consists of retired senior citizens.
Confederation of Regions - A right wing populist party against French minority rights, they want to revoke French as an official language and make it just English so that the Canadien minority can be assimilated into the Anglo-American population. The party is also notably socially conservative, and thinks that gay rights are an affront to "God's plan."
United Left/Gauche Unitaire - A bilingual socialist party which stands as a catch all for far left radicals, they are vehemently opposed to Vermont Insoumise for being nationalistic and xenophobic against English speakers. As such, the vast majority of the party's membership comes from English speaking socialists and communists, but there are also some Canadien socialists and communists who possess an internationalist view and vote for the Gauche Unitaire. 
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