moreeman06 — FI Interludes: First Date Parts 1 and 2 (Rewrite)
Published: 2012-11-17 19:55:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 758; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Two people a Commander and a Scientist walked slowly down the hall.  The Commander unable to entirely shake his training looks awkward marching to a slow beat next to the graceful strides of the Scientist.  The two stood close, closer then two people who had just met would normally stand, their shoulders almost brushing and yet neither seemed to be able to take the next logical step.  Neither seemed to be able to take the others hand.   Furtive glances were stolen in turn, neither able to catch the other's eyes.  Silence followed them heavy and awkward like a cloud.  

Tiberius fixed his eyes forward trying to steady himself.  He felt out of place, out of control, it wasn't something that happened often.  The last time he had felt even a hair on edge like this he had lost a company of soldiers.  This time though was different he was terrified of the feelings sprouted up in him, wary.  Yet he was also strangely content for having them.  It was good to know that he could still feel after all that had happened to him.  He found his eyes wandering to the side, to Liara.  He couldn't help but smile as he took in her aqua skin, the graceful sloping lines that made up her body; that made up the appendages sprouting from the top of her head.  They ran in sloping lines dipping and rising to give the appearance of gentle ocean waves lapping against the sand.   It was different than the hair that adorned his or any human's head but more exquisite, more exotic for its differences.  He tried in vain to match her graceful movements as they made slow progress towards their destination but found he couldn't relax.  The more he tried the more his body began to stiffen into a proper march, protesting against what his mind was instructing.   At least some part of him remembered his promise he supposed growing increasingly aggravated at his own stubbornness.  He looked away again feeling that he had stared to long that he had intruded on her privacy, intruded on her modesty.

Liara could feel his eyes on her, a soft pressure that made her blush brilliant shades of the softest pinks and sharpest purples and then the pressure lifted suddenly and she knew it was safe to risk a look.  The Commander, Tiberius he had told her to call him, held his head high his face forced forward.  He moved in a stiff manner that only those who've lived life inside the military possessed.  His face was a portrait of quickly fading youth,  years of battles had stolen the exuberant gleam from his eyes, his cheeks were slightly hollowed from the stress of their current mission and creases and wrinkles in his skin were starting to make headway creeping outwards from his eyes and mouth. she couldn't help but notice, looking at his profile, that the effects of stress and experience had served to accentuated his rugged features. his strong jaw line was even more pronounced from the hollowed cheeks and his ice blue eyes shone with despair and hurt from the lives his own continued existence had cost on Akuze.  She felt guilty about knowing what had happened on that planet even if her first search over the extranet on him had led to numerous articles and reports on his ordeals there.  For all that weighed on him.  For all that war had stolen from him.  She couldn't help but think he's still handsome.  His demeanor though was built up in layers the facade changing depending on who he was with.  Whenever she saw him by himself or with some of the crew was cold and distant.  When he was with Dr. Chakwas or the Normandy's pilot,  Joker,  he joked and laughed even if some of it felt forced.  She noticed that whenever he was in her presence his stance and features  would soften. He looked if not happy at peace and the gentle smile that would play over his face only added to his physical attractiveness and she even thought she sometimes saw in their conversations little glimmers of life in those deadened ice blue eyes.  She hoped that what she saw when they were together was closer to what 

She looked at him and resisted the sudden urge to brush her hands through his hair.  To run her fingers across the stiff short cut bristles along his jaw line.  They were a mix of red and brown and the Scientist in her couldn't help but be curious as to how human's evolved with that particular feature although another smaller voice said that any human would probably wonder the same about her head crests.

Tiberius lay strapped to a table while she picked the hairs from his head running tests on there chemical composition their physical properties.  He staring back at her his ice blue eyes filled with a hurt and despair that had made itself at home there long before Liara had ever laid eyes on him..  All that remained of what his lost comrades had taken from a once gleaming visage. She has one last test to run.  Feel.  Her hand reaches out to caress his face, he doesn't flinch away.  Her fingers trace upwards along his jaw line taking in the rough texture of those short cut bristles.  They reach the smoother longer hair on his scalp, twisting and gently pulling at it as if testing the limits of hair's tensile strength.  She lowers her face. One more test she thinks as her nose brushes the hair held in her hand.  She inhales deeply relishing in the scent all pretense of scientific inquiry now abandoned serving only as a hollow excuse to assuage her guilt over what she is now doing.  She pulls her head back lowering her hand again to caress his jaw line.  He stares at her the hurt and despair in his eyes gone replaced with an eager longing that echoed her feelings.  One More Test she says as a smile plays over her face and her head lowers again.  He returns the smile and continues to stare into her eyes as her lips part.

"Are you ok?"

She gasped as the illusion in her mind retreated and reality came flooding back.  "I, umm.  Yes I'm alright"  She noticed he was staring at her that gentle smile still on his lips and his eyes inquiring as to what she had been thinking, the loss and hurt temporarily buried. She chastised herself for losing control like that.  She felt wrong, guilty for imagining the Tiberius like that vulnerable and exposed.  She felt a gentle pressure around her hand.

"This is OK, isn't it?  I mean humans normally, but I'm not sure if Asari..."

She noticed she had stopped upon feeling the pressure and just gazed up at him.  Seeing him babble like that made her feel less embarrassed at all the times she had tripped up in their conversations.  She returned the gentle pressure to his hand.  "Yes it's OK."

"Oh, good well umm.  We'll be there in a few minutes."

She smiled as they started onward again.

Tiberius and Liara continued on their path.  Silence still the standard, each still afraid of saying anything of substance to the other.  But they smiled and the silence stood far easier as they approached their destination hand in hand, eye locked upon eye.

"Where are we exactly?"  Liara whispered looking in at the crowded dining area that stood before them.   As curious as she was it was nothing compared to the stares she was getting back.  A mix of simple curiosity, suspicion, and in some cases out right dislike the stares were making her uncomfortable.  It must have shown because as she said the words She noticed Tiberius squeeze her hand a little tighter.

"This is the Station's Officers Club.  It has some of the best food on station."  Tiberius whispered back cupping his hand to hide his mouth as he continued "Don't worry we're not eating here. If we spend to much time around these old codgers and next thing you know I'll be wearing dress blues and bowing to everyone i meet."

Liara tried to suppress a laugh as she heard what Tiberius said.  "If we're not eating here how come we stopped?"

"As I said it still has the best food on the Citadel... I meant Station,"  Tiberius fell silent as the words left his tongue.  Stupid, Stupid  he thought his mind racing on a way to recover.

Liara couldn't stifle her laughter this time as she looked at Tiberius' face  which was quickly deepening into a blotchy beet red.

Tiberius smiled weakly, still embarrassed but happy that he was able to elicit a laugh from Liara.  He hadn't heard her laugh before and was surprised at how sweet it sounded in his ears.  It was joyful and robust yet the sweet soft notes of her voice carried through every syllable.

"Can I help you with something Commander.  Asari."  The two of them looked up at a young Specialist who was serving as host,  his greeting of Tiberius had been polite enough but there was a bitter disgust in his voice as he laid his eyes on Liara.

"Yes Specialist,  you can give us two menus and a wine list please."  The tone of Tiberius' voice left no mistake that the please was only there as a formality.  The young specialist slowly turned his eye's away from Liara before snapping a quick salute that was only returned with a glare and hurried off to grab menu's for the couple.

When he returned his eye's were still filled with disgust although the rest of his face was composed and measured.  He didn't dare look at Liara again and kept facing Tiberius as he said,  "may I take you to your seats?"  His voice was filled with contempt and Tiberius just gave the man a small smile that belied the hardened expression in his eyes.

"No we'll be heading over to the bar we're only here to order today."

Tiberius took Liara's hand and led her over to two seats at the bar as they sat down he looked down at the thick cut paper the menu and wine list were printed on.  

Liara looked curiously at the menu,  actually having the menu printed on paper was quaint and well "archaic."

"It may be, but the guy who runs this place is a little old fashioned."  Tiberius said with a little smile.

Liara hurriedly grabbed one of the menu's and busied herself concentrating a little too hard on the menu items,  her cheeks flush with color.  "I didn't mean to,  I mean I didn't,  that was... stupid of me,"  She finally managed mumbling behind the menu.

"It's ok Liara, I wondered the same thing when I first came here.  Do you have any idea what you want yet?"

Liara continued looking at the menu.  All of the food was understandably different than the food she grew up on in Armali, and her translator wouldn't account for the flavor profiles of the dishes on the menu here.   "I'm not sure, I've never had; never heard of any of these before."

"Ok well what type of food do you normally eat, seafood, land animals,  vegetarian?"

"In Armali we normally ate seafood,  my favorite dish was a plate of seared Lumptu fish with sautéd green's."  Liara stopped for a moment realizing that as faulty as her translator seemed to be on the menu his was probably having the same issues with her speech.  "Lumptu is a small white fish that lives along the coastal reefs outside of Armali,  It's flesh is soft and often when its prepared right will melt in your mouth."

Tiberius nodded in understanding at the description Liara gave him.  "Here, why don't you try this."  He pointed at an item on the menu "It's a Tuna Steak with steamed greens,  and you might like this also it's Insalata Caprese.  It's a simple salad of tomato, basil, and a soft cheese called mozzarella."

Liara looked down at the menu to read what Tiberius was pointing at. Her translator failed again at the descriptions of the dishes and she decided to trust in what Tiberius was telling her.  "Ok.  What are you going to have?"

"I think I'm going to have the Penne Arrabiata,  it's a pasta dish with a spicy red tomato and chili sauce."

Fifteen minutes later they were walking along another corridor.  Tiberius held a large bag with three trays,  a loaf of bread, and a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc which he had decided would go well with Liara's food even if he wasn't a fan.  

"Will you please tell me where we're going,"  Liara whispered leaning her head towards Tiberius' ear.  They had been walking down the same circular corridor since they had left the club behind and she couldn't help but feel that they were making one long loop around the station.

Tiberius jumped,  the feel of Liara's breath whistling into his ear startled him and he could feel heat rising in his cheeks as he looked sheepishly downwards determined not to look at Liara until he had regained control.   "Sorry its a surprise you'll just have to wait,"  he eventually answered a mischievous grin on his face.

Liara stayed silent, the answer was the same one he had given every other time she had asked.  Instead of pulling her head back away from Tiberius though she left it their letting it rest against his shoulder so that the top of her fringe brushed against the rough stubble on his face.  the action itself was so far out of character that Liara surprised herself and almost pulled away when she felt her head make contact with him.  

Tiberius settled into the silence and felt the gentle pressure of Liara's head on his shoulder,  it surprised him he hadn't expected Liara to act in such a manner but the gentle heat radiating off of her body warmed him and he smiled to himself.  It was like one of the fleeting dreams he witnessed between the ever varying nightmares that haunted him and he didn't want to do anything to ruin it.

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Comments: 11

Akernis [2012-11-19 23:57:13 +0000 UTC]

Excellent, much better than the last time

Liara's thought scene was also much more clear this time I had none of the same problems as I did last time.

The first part worked better in this way imo, seems more seamless and has that more natural charm about it.

The new part of the story was splendid, very well written and and detailed and even better concerning what actually happened.
The way they talk to each other is very immersive and engaging and it quite adds that more realistic feel to it. I quite liked the officers' club scene. Also even if I fiercely disliked the guy I think the presence of the specialist was rather appropriate considering where they were etc. and worked well for that scene.

I have near no experience or knowledge regarding food so them ordering went straight over my head (well more or less) but it sets the tone nicely and the way Liara practically hides behind the menu was rather adorable

The last part was really nice, it seems to lead up to something quite lovely and was in itself a very sweet moment between them

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Akernis [2012-11-23 20:19:43 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Akernis I'm Glad you like it

I'm glad you like the rewrite better because I do also and the second part was a little annoying to write, I'm not a big fan of date's. I like my stories to be a little more action packed and as for the specialist lets just put that originally I had that scene involving a lieutenant, Tiberius, and ending in the brig. I'm happier that I went with this it came out better than I could have wanted.

as for food ordering, it's ok I just went with random foods, mostly Italian, I know how to make and cook.

and as for the third part I really haven't planned it out yet. as I said way back when i started this i originally meant it to be a 2- parter not a 3. I might just end it with a choice.

"Liara you can choose Red, Green, or Blue. Either way Tiberius messes up the kiss :-p

Thanks Again I'm Glad you liked it and thanks for the fave

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Akernis In reply to moreeman06 [2012-11-25 02:27:49 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure

Glad you went with this way, it works very well

"i originally meant it to be a 2- parter not a 3"

he, I know what that is like, that is the basic story of my writing. Whenever I write something it ends up being twice or thrice the length.

"Liara you can choose Red, Green, or Blue. Either way Tiberius messes up the kiss :-p"

Oh dear...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Akernis [2012-12-17 00:59:30 +0000 UTC]

:mwahahaha: synthesis has invaded my writing :-p

but seriously I'm planning on releasing the next chapter at the end of the week or so. I actually have time to write now that school is done. and I'm sorry for the late reply I kinda stopped logging on here and everywhere else because i needed to buckle down for a bit

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Akernis In reply to moreeman06 [2012-12-17 01:17:48 +0000 UTC]

No worries, I am just glad you are back on track, well so to speak as school is obviously important as well.

Hopefully I can get something new uploaded soon as well, I am at the end of the net chapter to both Spark of Hope and Blue Eyes & Black Eyes, I have just had some lack of inspiration the last few days.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Akernis [2012-12-19 20:56:43 +0000 UTC]

write Akernis, Write. Disappear into the fathomless eyes of our beautiful Liara and forget your troubles.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Akernis In reply to moreeman06 [2012-12-19 21:05:06 +0000 UTC]

That was a poignantly poetic statement Moreeman, I applaud you

And I most certainly will, especially if the name of my story-in-progress is anything to go by

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Akernis [2012-12-20 05:37:19 +0000 UTC]

haha, well atleast I haven't lost that much of my touch yet

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Akernis In reply to moreeman06 [2012-12-20 08:19:12 +0000 UTC]

True enough

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Theodoricos [2012-11-19 10:16:05 +0000 UTC]

Nice to see the story continued, I really like that you decided to do this since it's turning out to be quite the treat.

I re-read the first part that you've rewritten and I think it works better this time - you have it written down in two styles right now obviously, but I prefer this one better.

As for the new part, it really works as a bridge between the beginning and whatever you have in mind for the next part of Tiberius and Liara's first date. It's great seeing them actually grow more comfortable together, as early as their first date, even though there are clearly moments of awkwardness every now and again. I also enjoy that you're exploring more of Arcturus Station through this story, a place we didn't quite get to see in detail in Mass Effect.

The end in particular was quite cute, with Liara instinctively leaning in like that but not realizing it, yet not pulling away when she does. That shows that growing connection between them and how acts like this help overcome the initial nervousness they're both feeling.

Looking forward to see this continued again!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Theodoricos [2012-11-23 20:24:14 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Theo, I'm glad you like this version better

and I'm glad you're enjoying my version of Arcturus considering the only time you ever really see it is in the intro of ME1 and as rubble in ME3 I felt that it was a setting that I could make my own rather than go to the Citadel where there's already set images that people have seen.

and I'm glad you liked the ending I felt that it was a nice sweet place to stop.

Thank's again for the words and for the fave

👍: 0 ⏩: 0