morimori-mori — naruto au: tradition-forming

Published: 2009-04-21 05:52:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 2067; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 15
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Description previous: [link] team seven's blossoming
Sasuke, while brilliant in many ways, has never been quite the poster child for excellent social skills, to say. Sure, he learned a good amount of formal table manners from his mother when he was younger, and Itachi helped him as much as the older boy could after she couldn't- owch- but when it came to socializing during lunch break or playing games at recess, Sasuke was definitely one of the last in the pack. He was horribly shy, somehow, only managing to attract the occasional girl who heard that he was supposed to be super cool- probably because his brother was in ANBU. Things only got worse as time went on and he grew older, especially after the complications that arose with Itachi's 'condition'- it definitely didn't help his case that he missed class with as much frequency as he did, and it definitely didn't help that he looked, as Itachi had put it once, 'like a half-dead corpse'.

How a corpse could be half-dead, Sasuke wasn't sure, but the phrase got its point across well enough. It also got his fledgling admirers away.

When it had come to team selection time, Sasuke found himself with a well-placed sense of dread bestowed in him- he didn't want a team in the first place, and combined with that he knew the vast majority of his classmates didn't like him at all, the outlook of whatever group he was placed in was very bleak indeed. It had only gotten worse when Itachi's condition had 'interfered'- another set of bandages- the day before, the whole mess accumulating to him sitting at his desk utterly exhausted and feeling like his foot was made of lead and fire. And then? Then Iruka-sensei had placed him with the loud-mouthed dobe and the pink-haired nerdgirl. This team business was looking to be a rather miserable experience through and through.

But then, something had happened- unfortunately after Kakashi-sensei had humiliated him and managed to tear open the fresh wound on his leg, god damnit- Sakura had 'saved' him (ugh), and suggested that they worked together with Naruto to get the bells. And as much as the idea frankly sucked to him and had gone against every bit of his body screaming for solidarity, he hadn't felt like humiliating himself further, at least by himself- so he had went for it. And long story short, they were now a more permanent team seven and were now employed in the completion of horribly mundane tasks such as weeding and walking dogs that the Hokage liked to torture the village's genin with.

Today's torture of choice had been collecting eggs, of all things, which had been boring and horrible and cramped and Naruto had dropped three of them while goofing off and pretending he could juggle. Sheesh. It had only been three months since they had become genin and already Sasuke wanted to strangle the blond boy on a daily basis. Speaking of which-

"Oi, Sasuke! Teme!" Sasuke heard behind him, drawing a groan from the dark-haired boy as his steps maintained their current pace- if I act like I didn't hear him, maybe he'll give up- "OI! SASUKE!" Or not. Letting out an audible sigh, the Uchiha slowed to a stop and looked over his shoulder as his teammate ran up, grinning that blindingly optimistic grin that seemed to have permanently attached itself to Naruto's face.

(Rather like a leech stuck to his skin, Sasuke thought darkly for a moment.)

"What is it, dobe?" the Uchiha drawled, staring at Naruto with a rather flat look on his face as the boy sputtered at the insult. He was not in the mood for Naruto's exuberance right now- he had been tired after getting almost no sleep the night before, plus the work with the chickens in the morning had been both boring and tedious, plus he had tried to go home only to see the tomato plant on the right side of the entrance, so he had gone and trained in an empty field for a few hours and was pretty much ready to just lie down on a bench and sleep for a million years. Conversation, which was already rather hard for the Uchiha, was not on Sasuke's list of things he'd be willing to do right now at all.

Naruto, sadly enough, had not received his copy of this list- or he just didn't care.

[He wasn't really sure why he had the sudden urge to invite the dark boy along with him- maybe it was that Iruka-sensei had open-house for the Academy today and wouldn't be out for a few more years, or maybe it was the fact that Sasuke, trudging along the path by the river by himself as he wandered aimlessly for a good hour, had seemed hopelessly alone to Naruto.]

"Hey, just wonderin' what's up!" the blonde all but yelled at him- does he not have dynamics?- although he managed to lower his voice by a decibel as he got to the meat of the matter- "oi, d'you wanna go get some ramen? Old Man Ichiraku's doing a 20% off special today!" Sasuke couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes at the other boy- of course. Sasuke wasn't sure how exactly one boy could be so god damned obsessed with a simple noodle dish as Uzumaki Naruto managed to be.

He was prepared to shoot the boy down with something of a callous yet witty retort, when two thoughts occurred to him- he probably wouldn't be able to return home for a few more hours, for one. And secondly... well actually, that was just his stomach chiming in with a rather large grumble that caused a pink heat to rush to Sasuke's cheeks in embarrassment. Oh, right. Missed lunch. Naruto snickered at the noise like the juvenile he was (and somehow still managed to be), elbowing the guilty growler in the side lightly. "I think that's a yes, 'ttebayo," he remarked.

The Uchiha could only let out a defeated sigh and a nod as he was lead to Ichiraku's, where Sasuke got to witness the amazing feat that was Uzumaki Naruto eating ramen- Sasuke stopped after his first bowl (despite the looks the girl behind the counter was giving his too-thin frame) and just sat at the counter in amazement as Naruto finished his... tenth bowl. Holy shit.

The idea popped into his head and escaped from his mouth before he could stop it- "Naruto, your stomach's going to explode," he commented with a bit too much seriousness in his tone, causing the blonde to freeze and turn to Sasuke slowly- with a mouthful of noodles.

"Wuhwuh?!" the blonde muffled around his ramen, and to Sasuke's complete and utter horror he found the corners of his mouth twisting upward. In public. Infront of Naruto. Sasuke never smiled infront of anyone, that just... just wasn't something he did. His smile was reserved for Itachi- but the sight of Naruto, noodles hanging out of his mouth and looking at him like he had just announced his death- it was funny enough to not only bring a small smile, but also a snort to the dark boy.

"Of course not really, usuratonkachi," Sasuke responded with a growing grin that he tried to turn into a smirk- but no use. "You'd probably have died a million times over by now then, right?"

Naruto was staring at Sasuke as if the Uchiha had grown fifty heads, which was entirely understandable- before he himself snorted a chuckle and then proceeded to nearly choke himself to death on noodles.

About three more bowls later for Naruto(how the hell did he do it?) and a good handful of worried looks and 'oh, you should have another bowl!' from the girl behind the counter, Sasuke found himself walking down the path by the river once again, except this time the blond dobe was at his side, assuring Sasuke that he had been entirely right in taking up the offered special at Ichiraku and telling the dark-haired boy that he should probably come along more often, because ramen was just that good and hey, maybe they could even make it into a team thing, like do this every other Tuesday after missions- they could get Sakura-chan to do it, although she'd probably be worried about getting fat, right, but there's no way she would because Sakura-chan was just that cute and they could get Kakashi-sensei to come along too and maybe they could see what was behind the mask-

Sasuke found himself with a faint smile on his face and agreeing with the blond, to his shock and complete lack of horror this time around.

"I bet he's got buck teeth, you know."

(It was alright for him to share his smile with Naruto now, he reckoned. It was hardly like Itachi was even home right then.)
next: [link] team pride

WOW SO HOW ABOUT GETTING SLEEP??? yeah this one kinda sucks cos its like almost 2 am. also naruto is surprisingly difficult for me to write as.

alternative title: "naruto au: sasunaru no homo".

naruto's neck is too wide

time: 50 min for the drabble alone, sheesh.

okay sleep


READ THE OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!
READ THE OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!
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Comments: 6

DarkestTruth [2012-03-28 22:29:44 +0000 UTC]

Sasuke looks sick...
Like Oro-Sasuke.
Or Itachi, except more demented.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ObsidianSickle [2009-04-23 21:12:48 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Sasuke's getting some love! Every time I read these, I feel a lamentation for Sasuke which can be textually described as: D:

But every time something nice happens, I'm like: YaY!

I'm not quite sure how you're doing it, but you're making Sasuke's life suck more than the manga. I didn't think that was possible. Not only is his clan dead--his brother's been experimented on, and is sparodically insane and violent; nobody at school likes him, even though he's still smart and talented, despite lack of sleep; he doesn't get enough sleep at night, and is frequently injured; AND he doesn't have a shoulder to cry on! The only person he can talk to things about is ITachi, and ff he told Itachi, Itachi would feel worse. The angst! It's overwhelming!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

morimori-mori In reply to ObsidianSickle [2009-04-23 21:25:23 +0000 UTC]

spoilers: it gets worse, too. 8DDD but it also gets better too!

in this au sasuke's life is kinda like a pond that has a stone thrown into it- it used to be fairly flat, but now it's oscilating and going up and down... so its actually less of a pond and more of a string.... ITS LIKE A WAVE OKAY.

even more spoilers: the main difference between the series!sasuke and au!sasuke, besides the yknow obvious stuff, is that series!sasuke is fuelled mainly by revenge and his ideology as an avenger- but in the au, the massacre was passed off as a sudden civil clan feud, so there's no one for sasuke to take revenge against... Yet. KUKUKUKU

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ObsidianSickle In reply to morimori-mori [2009-04-23 21:42:35 +0000 UTC]

O_O I worry for the boy already.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

morimori-mori In reply to ObsidianSickle [2009-04-23 21:44:51 +0000 UTC]

O_O <- that's roughly sasuke's expression in the one im working on right now.

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aquarina [2009-04-21 05:53:20 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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gangrenemama In reply to aquarina [2009-04-22 16:35:45 +0000 UTC]

WHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT TTTTTTHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDGEEEEEEEE. Why are you speaking in slow motion? And if you are gonna speak so slowly, how about a constructive comment?

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