mosspath — Spottedleaf's Heart Rewritten: Ch Five
#warriors #warriorsfanfic #warriorsfanfiction #spottedleaf #warriorcats #spottedleafwarriors #spottedleafwarriorcats #spottedleafheart
Published: 2019-04-21 00:51:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 179; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Got you! Spottedpaw purred in delight as she uncovered a clump of catmint. She had been wandering in circles near Twolegplace, searching desperately for the source of the tantalizing scent. Featherwhisker had sent Spottedpaw out on her to gather it; when she had protested, he had insisted that he trusted her to do it by herself. Her mentor’s trust in Spottedpaw still made her chest swell with pride; Redpaw and Willowpaw still needed their mentors to come with them outside the camp. Carefully, Spottedpaw began to nip a few stalks of the precious herb like Featherwhisker had instructed her. As tempting as it may be, don’t eat any. He had reminded her. Spottedpaw reached down to take her bundle when she heard a defiant yowl.

“What are you doing here? This is ThunderClan territory!” Oh StarClan, is it an invasion? Should I go back to camp for help? Spottedpaw’s mind raced as she tried to remember the fighting techniques Featherwhisker had taught her. I know I’m a medicine cat apprentice and shouldn’t fight, but what if they attack me? Then, Spottedpaw heard the familiar mew of Bluefur.

“Thistleclaw, he’s only a kit. He’s no threat.” Fur spiking, Spottedpaw gently set the catmint on the ground before creeping through the foliage to the source of the noise; Bluefur, Thistleclaw, and Tigerpaw faced a tiny black kit.

“An intruder is an intruder, Bluefur.” Thistleclaw snarled. “You’ve always been too soft on them.” Would Thistleclaw really attack a defenseless kit? Spottedpaw felt her stomach tighten at the thought. Thistleclaw turned to Tigerpaw; the dark-furred apprentice’s amber eyes were glinting eagerly in a way that made Spottedpaw want to turn tail and run away. “Here, let’s put it to my apprentice.” Thistleclaw continued. “What do you think, Tigerpaw? How should we handle this?”

“I think the kittypet should be taught a lesson.” Tigerpaw answered eagerly, unsheathing his long claws. “One it’ll remember.” No! Spottedpaw felt as if she were rooted to the earth, unable to move. Bluefur, please do something! The blue-gray warrior darted forward, as if to intercept Tigerpaw, protesting:

“Now, hold on, there’s no need for this-” Thistleclaw rounded on his Clanmate, hissing furiously.

“Shut up!” Tigerpaw leaped at the kit. Unable to watch anymore, Spottedpaw closed her eyes. She heard a thud as Tigerpaw yowled taunts. Pained screeches echoed around the trees as Thistleclaw encouraged his apprentice.

“Show it your teeth, Tigerpaw!” When Spottedpaw finally opened her eyes, she saw a small black bundle of fur, criss-crossed with deep red scratches. Is it dead? Bluefur stood between Tigerpaw and the kit, her eyes wide.

“Stop it, Tigerpaw! That’s enough.” She screeched. “Warriors don’t need to kill to win a battle, remember?” As Bluefur spoke, so much blood grotesquely dripped from Tigerpaw that a small puddle formed.

“I was just defending our territory.” The apprentice sniffed. Spottedpaw was too far away to make out clearly what Bluefur replied with but Tigerpaw took a pawstep towards the kit. No! Spottedpaw tensed. Fortunately, the kit somehow managed to limp away as fast as it could manage. Spottedpaw’s belly lurched at the blood still dripping from Tigerpaw. Vaguely, she could make out Thistleclaw and Bluefur arguing but the medicine cat apprentice stumbled backwards until she collapsed into a clump of ferns.

Unable to process the horrific sight she’d just witnessed, Spottedpaw’s belly lurched and she vomited up the mouse she’d eaten earlier. Spottedpaw felt herself shaking and felt as if she wouldn’t be able to get up when the loud crack of a branch breaking alerted her to the presence of the large, wide-shouldered warrior staring at her: Thistleclaw.

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