mouse-stories — Cravings [NSFW]
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Description Cravings

by Miss Mouse

    “What are you doing in there?” Bea mused, patting her stomach with both hands and chewing a bit of clay.

    Her belly patted back, indicating happiness.

    “You really should work out a more intricate communication system.” Sedara did not look up from her notes.

    “It’s only been a week and it’s almost over, I think. Besides, she tells me what she needs.” Bea swallowed the clay she’d been chewing and picked up a piece of ham from her plate of food. She almost hadn’t stopped eating this whole past week, so even as she idly chatted with Sedara, she snacked on various things she’d had cravings for.

    “These cravings of yours; do you know why you want the things you’re craving?”

    “No, I just want things. Ham, cheese, rice, olive oil, dumplings, fish, beans, charcoal, chewing clay, salt…” she trailed off. “What Leda does with them is up to her.”

    Sedara continued to take notes, but her attitude showed that she wished Bea would be more analytical about all of this.

    “Soup’s up!” Ulula called from the kitchen, coming out with a big steaming pot that she set on the table, wiping her wings on her apron. “Chicken, onions, peppers, shrimp, rice, just like you asked.”

    “Thank you, honey.” Bea made an affectionate gesture towards the Harpy chef before trying to get to her feet.

    Bea was no stranger to pregnancy, but carrying a whole slime inside of her was a bit of a different situation. She was less pregnant and more of a water balloon, and the way her fluid passenger shifted and settled within her affected her in ways she wasn’t used to. More than just that, she was dense, much heavier than expected for how big she was.

    Bracing against the sofa, she got to her feet, belly first. She had to lean back when she was getting up and standing or else just fall forward, and leaning back put a great deal of pressure against her pelvis.

    The best she could manage was a long, swaying waddle as she crossed to the table.

    “Are you still hungry?” asked Sedara. “You’ve eaten non-stop all day.”

    “All the food goes to Leda, I guess. I think I’ve probably lost weight, actually.”

    “This sounds like a sort of parasitic relationship.” Sedara sat down at the table and watched as Ulula ladled soup into three bowls.

    “It’s only for a little while, Sedara. She’ll be out of me soon…I think.”

    “You think?”

    Bea didn’t respond because she was busy gulping down a bowl of soup.

    “Milar are still largely unknown as a species; there’s no reason to think that one might not stay inside a creature indefinitely, given the opportunity. The host doesn’t have much choice in the matter.”

    “You’re assuming everyone thinks like you do.” Ulula glared over her bowl. She had trouble picking up liquids with a spoon, so she held her bowl between her wings and sipped it as politely as she could. “Not everyone is willing to just leech off others.”

    “Ulula, be nice!” Bea ladelled another helping of soup into her bowl to match the excess rice she’d ended up with. “This is really good, by the way.”

    “Thank you,” she said smugly.

    “You’re getting very good at making human food.”

    “Well, someone keeps ending up in situations where they need someone else to cook for them.”

    “You wouldn’t make me cook, would you? I’m too big!” Bea said pitifully.

    “Yeah you seem to get too big a lot.” Ulula tried to frown and make it sound scolding, but a smile kept cracking through.

    The two of them stared into each other’s eyes for a while, prompting Sedara to say “Would you like me to leave?”

    They went back to eating, blushing furiously.


    Beatrix loved to work in her garden, giant belly or no. It wasn’t as easy as usual, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her.

    “You really are a determined one, aren’t you?” Sedara stood by unhelpfully, her notes tucked under one arm.

    “And she’s very particular about her plants,” said Ulula, perching on the fence nearby.

    Bea, herself, sat on the ground cross-legged, turned sideways so she could examine her pepper plants without having her belly in the way.

    “They’re coming along nicely,” she said, spreading some of her fertilizer powder around the base of one plant. It was magical stuff, and a few more peppers immediately sprang out, the existing ones growing bigger and hanging heavier.

    Feeling a sudden urge, she pinched one off of the plant and ate it in two bites.

    “Owowow,” she said after she swallowed, fanning her mouth with both hands. “Why would she want a raw pepper?”

    “Well, they’re a good source of vitamins.” Sedara made a note.

    The spice of the pepper made her hiccup, the sudden contraction hurting her belly.

    Then she tried to stand up, and realized she couldn’t do that anymore.

    “I swear I could do this yesterday!” she puffed indignantly as she attempted to push herself up. Her mouth still burned. “I just—oof—need to get some momentum. No, don’t try to help, I’m fine.” She waved away Ulula, who was just about to hop down from the fence.   

    Bea couldn’t get any momentum, and so remained on the ground, scooting herself forward on the smooth stones of the garden path.

    Next were the watermelons, which she hefted and examined carefully—at least, the ones she could reach she did.

    “Do you ever just get the urge to eat a whole watermelon?”

    “You get upset with me when I don’t chew my food.” Ulula frowned.

    “As interesting as I think it would be to watch you try to eat a whole watermelon and possibly explode in the process, I think I’ll be taking my leave for the day.” Sedara closed up her notes and turned to walk back into the house.

    “Oh, let me see you out!”

    “That’s not necessary.”

    But Bea was already wiggling her hands for Ulula to take hold and with a great deal of grunting on both parts, they got her on her feet. Waddling as quickly as she could, she followed Sedara into the house.

    She was about to say something when she felt a strange movement inside her belly.

    “Uhm, hold on, I think something might be happening.”

    Her whole belly changed shape, Leda flipping over inside of her, rippling like a water balloon. Bea stumbled back onto the couch, pulling up her skirt to her knees as she did. She landed hard, more or less pinned by her belly.

    Sedara and Ulula both came over to look at what was happening, leaning in in a way that Bea did not entirely feel comfortable with.

    A tendril of blue slime emerged, followed by a pair of white, Milar eyes. Slime poured out of her, rolling and roilling on the floor, then there was a hitch, something dense and hard pressing against Bea’s pelvis.

    “Ah, there’s something else,” Bea tried to reposition, leaning back as the dense weight settled hard on her. “Something hard—”

    “This is interesting,” Sedara said unhelpfully. “Perhaps there’s some sort of dense storage organ that is having trouble deforming.

    “Hrrrrrrng,” Bea grunted, pushing.

    “An egg! I bet it’s an egg!”

    “It is almost certainly not an egg.”

    There was a pop, and all of Leda came out in a big puddle.

    She swirled, became more defined, and arched up, now humanoid but sporting cat ears and a tail to add effect to her feline stretching. She sat up, licking the back of her hand like a cat.

    Her body was much darker than it had been before, her hair almost black with density. Her stomach was expanded noticeably, a large dense ball of matter occupying her lap.

    “Oh, who’s this?” she looked at Sedara, her ears twitching with curiosity.

    “Sedara Fairchild, an intrigued archivist of natural information.”

    “You’re pretty,” Leda’s blank eyes stared at her with a sort of dumb expression. Then she stood up, twisting a little until she was Sedara’s height and general measurements. The use of excess slime caused her body to lighten, though she kept her hair long and dark to match Sedara’s.

    “Wow, you look just like her!” Bea commented, still recovering from the birth.

    “Except blue,” noted Ulula.

    “You look good pregnant,” Leda stroked her belly with human-like hands. “Though, if you were pregnant you’d probably look more like this;” she shifted a little, filling out in her hips and growing her breasts several sizes so that they threatened to topple off her belly.

    “Please…refrain from imitating me,” Sedara glanced away, her cheeks reddening a bit.

    “What is that?” Ulula asked, pointing a wing at her belly

    “I’m pregnant!” She reverted back to her normal height, but kept her big breasts, which made her look like 150 pounds of pregnant in a 100 pound girl. “I’m making another me. It’s a little rude to reproduce with humans without permission, so I put all the extra food into making another of my kind.”.

    “How long do you have left?” Bea asked.

    Leda shrugged. “Depends on food. I could have stayed in you longer and it wouldn’t have taken long, but things were getting tight and we didn’t need another me in there.”

    Having finished mimicking Sedara, she regrew her ears and tail and began to crawl around in a cat-like manner before settling in a sunny spot to nap.

    “Where will you go now?” ask Bea.

    “Well…” she yawned. “I need to find a place with a lot of food, so I’ll probably go north to the sea and eat fishes and seaweed and coral and maybe some sand. I like the sparkly bits.”

    “Leda, was it?” Sedara stood up and glided over to where the Milar curled in the sunlight. “What if I made you an offer?” She leaned over Leda, prompting the slimegirl to stare fixedly at the sorceress’ cleavage. “You come and live with me in my tower for a time and I provide you with as much of whatever kind of food you want.”

    “Oooo, that sounds like fun. Yeah I wanna do that!”

    “Wait-a-minute,” Ulula, ever suspicious of Sedara’s motivations stepped in. “What do you get out of this arrangement, sorceress?”

    “I would simply ask to be allowed to observe her biological processes during her stay.”

    “Sounds good to me,” said Leda. “As long as I can come back and visit Bea! She’s a good friend.” She looked over at Bea and smiled widely.

    “If you promise to take good care of her, Sedara,” Bea said a little hesitantly. She and Sedara were good friends, but she knew that sometimes her experiments could get a little out of hand.

    “She’s an adult and perfectly capable of making her own choices,” Sedara observed coolly.

    “And I choose! Uhm…” she thought for a moment. “Whatever your name was. Tall, dark, and busty. That is, as long as I can come visit Bea.”

    “You’ll be free to come and go as you like.”

    “Then it’s a deal!” She held out one hand and Sedara shook it, a little uncomfortably.


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