When: September 30, 2018
Where: Mondo Verde Landgraaf, The Netherlands
The perfect relationship; when one of you is sleeping, you don't leave them to sleep alone when you're half awake yourself.
Species: Southeast African, Transvaal or Kalahari Lion (Witte Leeuw)
Latin name: Panthera Leo Krugeri syn. Panthera Leo Melanochaita
Originates from southern Africa, rangingfrom southern Namibia to southeastern Mozambique.
Did you know:
…Southeast African Lion are a subspecies of the African Lion.
…White Lions are a color mutation of Transvaal Lions, called leucism, which only occurs in this type of Lion.
© Mouselemur’s Photography - Portegiesje
I love it when you love my work, but please, if you want to use it in any other medium, ask my permission first.
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