Photo taken in April, 2017 @ ZieZOO Volkel, The Netherlands
Look, look, look - it's a Silver Fox kit
Born in April, our first look at the babies was at a really sunny day, and as any zoo photographer can tell you, sun and bars lining the enclosure, make for tough photography conditions. So this might not be the best photo, and his face is in shadows, but his eyes are glinting at you
*Silver Foxes are a mutation of the Red Fox, bred for their fur and now finding their way into life-long homes at zoos, saved from being skinned and their pelts sold*
Species: Red Fox (Rode vos)
Latin name: Vulpes Vulpes
Originates from the entire Northern Hemisphere, and has been introduced to Australia.
Current status: Least Concern
Did you know:
…The Red Fox is the largest of the three true Foxes, and the most geographically spread.
…It distinguishes itself in its ability to adapt quickly to new and changed environments, and is not enlisted as endangered anywhere.
…Despite its name, the Red Fox is known to appear in abnormal colorings, such as albinos and melanists.
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