Mr-Marcus-81 — Beautiful Monster

Published: 2011-10-24 05:51:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 14112; Favourites: 104; Downloads: 180
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Description This would be Wraith's theme song if she had one!!! [link]

“Beautiful Monster”

“Excellent; I am highly pleased with the result of the complete redesign and the additions of the latest upgrades to Wraith’s body. As I did when I first resurrected and transformed her into my very first successful functioning Necroborg, I completely went back to the drawing board with her schemata. Not to brag, but I see myself as more than just an accomplished Cyberologist when it comes to the designs and schematics of all of my creations…especially my daughters; I liken my skills in my craft to that of a fine artisan and I am especially proud in my latest work of art. I have taken a rough and crude piece of clay and molded her into a fine new sculpture; a hybrid melding of human and machine that in my opinion could be put on display in upper echelon institutions along the lines of the Guggenheim or the Louvre.

I remember when I first discovered her in her previous life as the troubled borderline psychopath Deidra Cross…it was at that time where I had decided to come back to a long term life goal of mine; to reanimate dead organic body and brain tissues with the assistance of cybernetics, very much similar to one of my favorite literary characters in Dr. Victor Frankenstein yet with a futuristic twist in hopes of creating the perfect super soldier for combat purposes. With each previous attempt, I failed…in most cases the organic systems of my subjects would either fail after several minutes of resurrection. In my most successful experimentation the particular subject realized what he had become, went mad upon seeing his newly transformed body, and after realizing that he had been resurrected was able to resist his programming only to kill himself…again. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to try again with that particular subject, as there weren’t enough of his head and brain chunks left for me to even begin to repair after he put his mouth to a rail gun and pulled the trigger. Needless to say, I was in need of a brand new subject to experiment upon.

In my frustration from my failed attempts of cyber-necromancy, I had decided to take a break from my experimentation in my quest to resurrect the dead with technology by partaking in a spot of television watching; a guilty pleasure of mine that I share with the average person. Who says that cyborg billionaires can’t enjoy TV like everyone else? I skimmed around for something inspiring, or at least entertaining, to watch until I noticed on several different news channels live footage of police in pursuit right here in Solaris Valley of a young female criminal by the name of Deidra Cross who was described to be extremely dangerous, which caught my attention long enough to peak my interest to at least get the gist of the ordeal. Although I had not heard anything at all about her before that day, I would quickly learn that her violent spree of crimes had been bringing her much notoriety from media outlets all across the country.

At first I easily dismissed her chaotic ways as her merely being yet another misguided youth and was about to change the channel, until it was made known by the anchorperson that she possessed the metahuman ability of being an energy siphon…meaning that she was born with an extremely hyperactive healing factor as well as the ability to absorb various forms of energy through her body, using said energy to increase her physical attributes to greater levels depending on how much energy she siphoned. With her energy siphoning powers it seemed that once she absorbed massive amounts of energy she could use it to become stronger, faster, her overall body mass would increase, and her hyperactive healing factor was greatly amplified than what it already was until she exhausted the extra energy; her body would heal 10 times faster than that of a normal human being without any extra energy siphoned, 50 after utilizing her siphoning powers to its limits.

I was amazed at how it was said that the police had shot her several times and how she somehow miraculously kept healing from what seemed to be fatal wounds at an alarming rate. They made the mistake in one particular instance in where they had critically wounded her to the brink of death and had to put her in the hospital, only for her to heal up within the next day and escape again! They eventually caught up to her not too long after that and placed her in a maximum security prison for metahuman criminals…fascinated by Deidra’s abilities, I began to do research on her tragic and dismal background; much of her past I was able to get from her dossier while the rest of it I had to get from a complete retroactive memory scan that I administered to her brain once I finally got her in my possession after her death and reanimated her brainwaves. I learned that Deidra was orphaned at birth and had no known relatives; she spent most of her youth growing up in group homes, orphanages, or juvenile detention centers…she had already established herself as a sociopathic problem child from a young age, often lashing out and fighting with the other orphans as well as the orderlies that worked at the orphanages.

Her special abilities first manifested in her late teenage years…she had actually been adopted by a loving family and it seemed that the lack of strong parental figures in her life was the cause of her wild streak. This also caused her mischievous antics to cease, as this was the first time in her young life where she had a family and parents that genuinely cared for her, to nurture, and to actually properly raise her as opposed to workers at a home that were just doing their jobs for the sake of receiving a paycheck. However a terrible lighting storm occurred one night and the house that she stayed in had reportedly exploded, killing her foster father and sister at the same time as horrifically maiming her foster mother with third degree burns all over her body as well as other major trauma. Other than her clothing being burnt and torn to shreds, Deidra came out of tragic happening relatively unscathed and highly energetic. I would later find out that Deidra’s body acted as a conduit for the electrical storm and attracted the lighting into the house…in layman’s terms the lighting went through the windows and struck Deidra multiple times, allowing her body to absorb the energy. Only thing is that her body absorbed more energy than what she was then able to handle, causing overload and combustion leading to the explosion which leveled the house and claimed the lives of two of her surrogate family members.

Deidra’s foster mother eventually succumbed to her wounds; once again leaving poor Deidra orphaned and also started her downward spiraling descent into madness. Naturally, because of her special abilities she was shunned by almost everyone and her old orphanage was reluctant to take her back. This caused for her to relapse right back into her wicked ways…even worse for others, she eventually learned how to use her powers to some degree. She soon learned that she found pleasure inflicting harm and tormenting others…She went on to slaughtering some of her fellow orphans and faculty as she then escaped the orphanage. She was later caught and it was deemed that she was mentally unstable and needed to be committed into a mental hospital to protect her from herself and others. Unbeknown to the workers at the mental facility that she was committed to, they tried to subject her to shock treatments in hopes of controlling her and getting her to behave…Deidra’s body fed off of the high electrical currents, empowered her, and she was able to easily tear through her straight jacket before escaping the mental hospital after being committed for only one day.

Deidra stowed away in the carriage of a tractor-trailer and fled ending up a vagabond drifting from city to city. With no money, no home, no food, no one to help her, and a warrant out for her arrest she turned to a life of petty crime on the streets to get by…she would siphon energy from breaker boxes, transistors, transformers, vehicle batteries and alternators, third rails of mass transit monorail trains, and electrical wall outlets as her body would sustain itself via energy intake whenever she couldn’t score any food. She would also strengthen herself to push her authority around amongst the other homeless vagrants to get what she wanted in the way of shelter and sleeping space as well as used her ‘gifts’ to mug hapless victims to get by. One night she attempted to mug a powerful crime boss of one of the most notorious syndicates in one particular city…impressed with her gall and moxy, she was taken in and given a job as a hitwoman doing dirty work for the crime boss.

It was around then when her psychotic nature had taken complete control of her psyche…with each contract kill that she would accept the more brutal and gruesome that she would dispatch her target. She eventually began to kill for fun…and I don’t mean via contract per the crime syndicate. She became a serial killer upon her own merit…killing victims for no rhyme or reason whatsoever other than the fact that it bought her twisted and tortured soul solace. She also began to partake in various other crimes; her violent spree of crime included everything from bank robberies, grand theft auto, kidnappings, manslaughter, and other felonious acts as she cut her ties with the mob family and continued her path of destruction across the country ranking her amongst the top five on the public enemy list. She eventually ended up here in Solaris Valley and thanks to the Metahuman Crimes Unit of the police department, which is amongst the most technologically advanced in dealing with metahuman and supernatural threats in the entire world, Deidra was finally able to be captured and brought to justice. Although she was previously committed to a mental hospital on an insanity plea, the court decided that she was just too unstable and dangerous to allow to live; Deidra was sentenced to death for her crimes and placed in Purgatory Maximum Security Prison until her execution date.

This is when I sprung into action…being that she was already a ‘dead woman’, I just couldn’t let a specimen such as her go to waste. I made a deal with the governor to legally place a lien of Deidra’s body once she was dead to use her body for experimentation purposes; I wondered how would my Necroborg technology of resurrecting dead organic tissue work in tandem with her hyper regenerative abilities. Would Deidra’s body be the key to unlocking the secret of necromancy? I simply couldn’t wait another several years until she would be put to death and claim her body to proceed with my plans…I sent my daughter Overkill disguised as a random supervillain to speed up the process, as not to bring suspicion to myself and my plans, having her breach the prison walls and allowing a handful of heinous criminals to escape; Deidra in particular. What Deidra didn’t realize was that when she was first incarcerated was that a tracking microchip was implanted into her body in the highly unlikely event of escape, meaning that it would be only a matter of time before the police would track her down again. Lo and behold they did find her within the next few days and her last standoff against the police would be a brutal one…after sucking the hideout house that she chose to flee to completely dry of all of it’s electricity, she exited the house and proceeded to wreak havoc against half of the entire Solaris Valley police force. Her body would be pelted with bullets from every angle and direction…at first the bullets seemed to slow her down a bit, yet she kept coming. Someone utilized their energy weapon against Deidra, unknowingly empowering her more…it was then bought to the police’s attention that energy projection attacks had an adverse affect on her, so they began to weaken Deidra with percussive force blasts, high frequency sonic attacks, and high caliber sniper rifle fire. A horribly disfigured and mortally wounded Deidra took three direct critical shots: one to her heart, one through her throat, and the last one directly between her eyes into her brain bringing her troubled young life to a gruesome end.

I retrieved her body from the morgue early the very next morning not even six hours later since she had arrived there…fascinating enough to me, although she was deceased her body continued to heal itself right before my very eyes as I first examined her while she lay on the coroner’s table for her autopsy. I then absconded back to my laboratory where I would subject Deidra Cross’s mutilated, mangled, and bullet riddled dead body to surgery: I first enhanced her muscular structure before literally dissecting her and taking her apart; I added some rather extensive hardware and microchips to her brain for reprogramming and uploading of a plethora of data; and I then rebuilt her from bone outward, fusing cybernetics and nanotechnology with her enhanced organic cellular composition. My mechanical heart palpitated with joy at the glorious moment once her new body was reassembled and she was activated…I had successfully resurrected the dead and had created my very first Necroborg! Her prototypical design was originally made to be pitched to the Solaris Valley Police Department as the latest technological breakthrough in law enforcement; an undead bio-weapon…a near unstoppable cyborg warrior that has no need to eat or sleep, feels no pain, no emotion, and that carries out orders to precision. It was at her activation where I would no longer refer to her as Deidra Cross…where Deidra’s life ended and she would be reborn as Wraith.

Two days after she was fully assembled and beta tested I presented Wraith to several high ranking city officials; most notably my dear friend and business partner Mayor Ruben Duvall and Solaris Valley Chief of Police Samuel “Sonny” Wilson. There were several naysayers within the small assembly as I pitched the future of law enforcement to them in the way of the Necroborg technology, however for the most part everyone was at least impressed at how I turned a psychopathic criminal into the ultimate law enforcer…that is until I purposely switched off her control parameters allowing for her psychotic mind state to take control instead of her strict programming and let her go on a rampage in her new body, using the city as her playground. Of course I told a little white lie by saying that her programming had malfunctioned and I didn’t know how to stop her…let’s just say that letting Wraith go on a rampage was my wake up call to expose the unreadiness of the Police and so called superheroes and heroines that inhabit this vast metropolis. Although I was initially interested in selling the Necroborg technology to the Police and Military for noble peacekeeping purposes, I have other plans in mind…my Agenda most importantly.

Wraith’s path of destruction started within the sub-basement laboratory of the SVPD where the presentation was being held and spread up to the streets of Solaris Valley, finally culminating into a high speed car chase on the beltway around the city. Lt. Raina Hunter of the Metahuman Crimes Unit SVPD and Detective Angie Stewart were the ‘heroic’ duo that finally brought Wraith’s frenzy to an end…while Wraith’s debut was indeed powerful, Lt. Hunter proved to be even more powerful and I stopped Wraith just in time before she was nearly destroyed by the Lieutenant; by design, Wraith would have kept trying to combat Lt. Hunter until either she had eliminated her target or either she herself was eradicated. Of course my stunt didn’t sit too well with the police, as Wraith’s coming out party resulted in multiple deaths, injuries, and millions in collateral damage, and they were ready to confiscate Wraith from me…I wasn’t going to allow for them to simply take my daughter away from me, not when I legally have Wraith classified as a weapon and not a person. Although Lt. Hunter threatened to arrest me for obstruction of justice, I simply removed myself and Wraith from the volatile situation and teleported back to my base of operations.

While initially pleasing to me, after her first major encounter with Lt. Raina Hunter and the police department, I was able to see design flaws that could be improved with Wraith…I made adjustments, not to mentioned redesigned her overall look; I admit, her prototypical design was rather drab looking but that’s when I was making the pitch for the Necroborg technology to be used by the SVPD and it was more appropriate for a uniformed law enforcement look so I tweaked her look a bit. I have administered major upgrades to her body: unfortunately in one of her last encounters her head was decapitated from the rest of her body at her lower mandible; when Wraith arrived back at my headquarters from her mission, her still standing fully functioning headless body was literally holding the top half of her head in her hands…the blade that decapitated her did irreparable damage to the endoskeletal structure of Wraith’s lower jaw and her organic components wouldn’t properly heal and regenerate the damaged tissues.

So once again I went back to the proverbial drawing board and started from scratch…I completely dismantled and dissected Wraith piece by piece, limb from limb, tendon from ligament, implant from circuitry, flesh from muscle, and completely reconstructed her already formidable frame from the bone outward. As I though of ways to enhance the aesthetic appeal as well as to increase her efficiency and deadliness, I remembered how all of the news reports and newspaper headlines referring to her: she was described as a thing…an “IT”…a cyborg zombie…basically she was viewed as a muscular monstrosity barely even resembling a female humanoid. As her mother, I don’t like to think of my daughter as a monstrosity…however, as I said I am an artist. I thought about stepping outside of my comfort zone to try something completely different…whereas Onnica-1, Adora-1, Adora-2, and even Nightmare are naturally beautiful by traditional standards it was never my intent on making Wraith a glamorous beauty queen. I even got Wraith’s feedback for ideas of her brand new design as I flashed images to her disembodied head from within a stasis tube.

My vision for her was to appear like a demonic hound of Hell, to which she adamantly agreed to, with a healthy dose of feedback as to how she wanted to look. Wraith’s not much of a talker, but she communicates with me just fine; she sees me as the maternal figure that she’s never had…some of the things that she approved of definitely were odd to me, but uncharacteristically I decided to go along with it. I made her even more muscular by default, kept her lower mandible fully mechanical, had half of her head shaved, added the spikes protruding from her body, replaced her feet with talon-like appendages, gave her one visible red and black pupil, and topped it all off with the tail…all per her request. On my end and as a part of her upgrades, I injected via transfusion various hyper enhanced strains of DNA from various animals and alien creatures that I’ve collected into her organic components to strengthen them even more with the help of the nanites flowing throughout her body in tandem with the mechanical components and implants within her body…making her quicker, stronger, agile, more durable, and deadlier than ever coupled with her impressive energy siphoning abilities. Even I was skeptical when I first drew up the schematics to her new and improved body, thinking that she would look tacky and gaudy with her new additions; I was wrong. I am glad that I took a chance and tried something different for a change! Even better, I have finally perfected the Necroborg technology!

Now look at her…she’s absolutely beautiful, even more so than before!!! And yes…she is indeed a monster; a beautiful monster that is a wicked amalgam of machinery, organic flesh, and pure evil!!! I have always thought that she was my beautiful creation but now after her complete redux I am pleased with the result of her overhaul and upgrades. Even her mannerisms are now different…much more animal-like and feral, taking the hellhound concept quite literally; I suppose it’s fitting being that she has walked through the gates of Hell and freely exited the very same gates upon her resurrection, defying death in the process. She literally crawls on all fours at times just like a creature rather than a being that was once a human…and she seems to enjoy it!

Out of all of my daughters that I have created, she has a very special place in my mechanical heart…of course I love all of them equally, but Wraith is the first of my daughters that I have given the special privilege of being my daughter to openly receive me as their mother! She has done everything that I have commanded of her, programming or not, without any qualms or hesitation…her loyalty is unmatched amongst my entire legion of those who serve me. My agenda has begun, and Wraith will definitely serve as one of the generals in my army in completing the objective in making my plans come to fruition. And believe me…she will definitely live up to being a “Beautiful Monster” for her mother to anyone that dares defy me and my wishes or that are foolish enough to stand in her way!!!"
Full Name: (Formerly Known As) Deidra Cross
Age: What's left of her reanimated organic parts and brain are 22 years old
Height: (After transformation) Variable; by default 6 feet
Weight: (After transformation) Variable depending upon how much energy she has stored in her body...by default she weighs 245 lbs.
Eye Color: Right eye: Red and black, Left eye: White Although Wraith has no pupil in her left eye, both eyes have been replaced with hi-tech bionic optical sensors
Hair: Brown
Nationality: American
Race: Caucasian
Physique: Muscular and athletic...female bodybuilder's physique
Powers And Abilities Wraith was born with the metahuman abilites of being an energy siphon; meaning that her body can absorb any type of energy and use it to further enhance her physical attributes...making her stronger, faster, and more durable until she burns off the excess energy. She was also born with the metahuman abilities of having a hyper enhanced immune system and rapid celluar regeneration...a healing factor that allows her to heal up to 50 times faster than a normal human.

Wraith is a deceased being that was resurrected from the dead with the aid of cybernetics...her body has been extensively fitted with various mechanical components using a breakthrough technology, making her the first "Necroborg" created by Scarlette Tamzarian. Wraith's metahuman body was further enhanced with the addition of the cybernetic and nanotechnology that it was fused with, allowing her body to siphon far more energy and release it in deadly and destructive blasts along with it enhancing her attributes.

Wraith has been extensively programmed in all forms of combat. She is an exceptional hand to hand combatant and has a large near indestructible blade implanted within her left forearm. Sharp spikes and talons also protrude from her body which she can also use as weapons if need be. Her tail is a completely mechanical appendage added and is capable of smashing stone to pieces and bending steel...her tail and her claw-like feet allow for her to climb up nearly any surface with great speed.
Random QuirkSince Wraith's latest upgrades, she acts more like a feral animal than she does a humanoid...she very rarely talks and when she does she speaks in a hissing low raspy voice.

*Based on the Marvel Heroes Classic Roleplaying System*

Fighting: Spectacular (Master of Several Forms)
Agility: Spectacular (Superior Talent w/Extensive Training)
Strength: *Default* Sensational (Can lift up to 75 tons)...varies dependent upon how much energy she's absorbed; *Maximum Energy Levels* Awesome (Can Lift up to 300 tons...rarely achieved)
Speed: Good (Up to 60 mph)
Endurance: *Default* Monstrous (Superhuman fortitude, Rarely tires)...varies dependent upon how much energy she's absorbed; *Maximum Energy Levels* Unearthly (Immeasurable, Never Tires)
Reason: Good (Bachelor Degree Equivalent)
Intuition: Excellent (Fine Attention to Details)
Psyche: Incredible (Great Strength of Will; Well-Trained, Focused)
Resources: Sensational (Medium Country; Huge Corporation)...this is due to her being controlled by Scarlette Tamzarian and Tamzarian Industries
Popularity: Typical (Known to Local Populace)
Appearance: Typical (Plain to Average)
Density of Cybernetics/Cyber Endoskeletal Frame: Unearthly (Adamantium, some mystical elements)
Density of Nanofiber-Exosuit: Amazing (High-Strength Steel, Granite)

Uh oh....it looks like business is about to pick up for Diamond, Lt. Raina, and the rest of my heroic gals!!! It also looks like funeral homes and construction companies will be getting much business as well...Wraith's been revamped and fitted from head to toe with upgrades out the wahzoo!!! Be afraid...be very afraid!!!! Scarlette wasn't playin' round when she went back to the drawing board with Wraith's new design!!! Just in time for Halloween comes something that will definitely send chills down your spine and cause your skin to crawl with goosebumps!!!

Even when I first redid Wraith, I knew that her design was quite drab and that I needed to spice her up a bit. I was going for a 'hell hound' look. Making her lower mandible mechanical was a start...being that she's a literal killing machine I wanted to make her monstrous and scary; menacing and intimidating...almost demonic just like Scarlette describes in the narrative above. I was also trying to avoid making her a clone of Sataria and decking her out with all sorts of mechanical components and parts. I then got the idea of all of the spikes protruding from her body...as things kept rolling, I tried erasing her hair on the left side of her head and giving her a mohawk of sorts as well as giving her one visible eyeball, BINGO!!! And then...the tail; that was the cherry on top!!! I have my monster...I Frankensteined a new look together for her and now she looks wicked and beastly as ever!!!

Inspiration for Wraith came from several sources...the Universal Soldier Movies, Ladytron from WildC.A.T.S., Cain from Robocop 2, Jason Voorhees, and several other places!!
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Comments: 40

WulfyTheComic [2017-02-28 20:59:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kmon13 [2016-08-08 03:14:58 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful Monster indeed she's a beast!

Plus it looks techno organic from first glance too.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Kmon13 [2016-08-08 03:28:13 +0000 UTC]

Yep...she is a techno-organic beast indeed!!!

Thanks for the faves!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kmon13 In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2016-08-08 03:29:28 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome happy to leave a comment.  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pancakemb [2014-06-13 02:16:38 +0000 UTC]

Oh god its hideous

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Whetsit-Tuya [2014-02-12 02:52:33 +0000 UTC]

Cool, reminds me of Raiden

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Whetsit-Tuya [2014-02-12 03:35:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WyvernSeeker [2013-05-19 05:19:46 +0000 UTC]

Things are shaping up to become a real three-way: The Solaris Valley Police Force vs Scarlette and her daughters vs Sataria and the Collective. Each group hates the other and wouldn't form alliances even if they were payed to (not that Scarlette would need the money).

Once again you've outdone yourself with the design and the story. Justs makes Scarlette all the more terrifying.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to WyvernSeeker [2013-05-22 23:43:33 +0000 UTC]

Yep! But with all of the changes that I've been doing, there's a good chance that a lot of Wraith's story will be changing up as well. I'm thinking possibly her actually being a cyborg-demon from the darkest pits of hell rather than one of Scarlette's creations! Either that, or maybe a demon possesses the body of one of Scarlette's cyborgs and becomes this wicked and evil fusion of machine and demon!

I'm still trying to get things nailed down for my main characters!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WyvernSeeker In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2013-06-02 04:57:21 +0000 UTC]

That would be an interesting development.

Amazing how she managed to create a necroborg. That's the wonder of technology there.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to WyvernSeeker [2013-06-02 19:40:53 +0000 UTC]

Yep...it's like a modern day Dr./Bride of Frankenstein or something!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WyvernSeeker In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2013-06-09 04:18:05 +0000 UTC]

At least she has Wraith under control. At the moment.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to WyvernSeeker [2013-06-09 23:36:19 +0000 UTC]

Yessssss....for the moment.

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Terry-P [2012-09-06 00:31:15 +0000 UTC]

That's a helluva character!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Terry-P [2012-09-06 03:50:52 +0000 UTC]

Wraith is to my universe of characters as Tahara is to the WME Universe...that big, nasty, menacing badass that no one wants to mess with!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Speedslide [2011-11-22 21:48:44 +0000 UTC]

Wait, so it was not a malfunction that caused Wraith's first rampage? Scarlette went straight into Complete Monster-territory now.

Also, if you don't mind a little joke. This has tits, and it has spikes. Double awesome! XD Sorry, I couldn't resist!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2011-11-23 23:04:02 +0000 UTC]

Yep...Scarlette's a sneaky supervillain! She did all of that to prove a point to the police of the unreadiness of the MCU and the superheroes/heroines. Wraith's romp in the park was also somewhat of a fundraiser for Scarlette's company, hoping to woo potential buyers for sales of her weapons of mass destruction!!! Who needs nuclear bombs when you can get a reanimated cyborg chick that feels no pain to destroy everything in her path?!!?

As for the tits and spikes...let's just say that her double D's are deadly!!! (Waitaminute...her boobs aren't that big...upper B/lower C's at best! )

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Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2011-11-29 12:07:44 +0000 UTC]

Once again. Complete. Monster.

As in, they can poke your eye out, or just "weapons of mass distraction?" ^^

Wraith somehow reminds me of this: [link] Who knows, with another upgrade...?

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2011-11-29 17:13:20 +0000 UTC]

A little from column A, a little from column B...Wraith's boobs are definitely distracting for boob lovers, but if she were to give you a hug those spikes would have no problem impaling straight through your chest! Or poking your eye out if you choose to get so close!

And I remember Dustybottom's renders of Pythonia here on DA! That vid was eerily hot...and who's to say that Scarlette won't get the idea to replace Wraith's lower body with that of a snake at some point?

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Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-01-10 22:16:22 +0000 UTC]

Or just add a spiral tron line pattern on each breast, and she'd attract even more dumb horny prey to her bling-bling bungalows.

So is rightie called "Heaven" and leftie called "Hell" for anyone (un)fortunate enough to get his head squeezed between them in an "Iron Spike Marshmallow Hell" hug? ^^

Indeed! Who's to say?

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2012-01-16 23:09:23 +0000 UTC]

I'm afraid with this lass here, both rightie and leftie would be called Hell...as well as every other part of her mechanically enhanced body! Scarlette literally designed her to look like a hound of hell...so that means that Wraith's incapable of any tender or sweet hugs!

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Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-02-18 13:58:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I understand completely. More like the hugs of a constrictor. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2012-02-22 03:38:23 +0000 UTC]


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MikazukiShigure [2011-10-25 16:22:17 +0000 UTC]

I think a more "mechanical" cyborg version of her will be even more great! but this is awesome too!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to MikazukiShigure [2011-10-25 19:28:30 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Well, most of her cybernetics are internal and most of her muscles are still organic for the most part, hence her not looking overly mechanical. Plus, I wanted for her to look differently than most of my other cyborg characters that do appear more mechanical.

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frokamen [2011-10-25 15:00:24 +0000 UTC]

I love the positioning of her hardware.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to frokamen [2011-10-25 19:26:52 +0000 UTC]

Thanks!!! Glad you enjoy this piece as well as the positioning of her hardware!

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MarshalAdmiralQ [2011-10-24 17:06:59 +0000 UTC]

no cuddling her I guess

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to MarshalAdmiralQ [2011-10-24 23:22:26 +0000 UTC]

Afraid not, unless you want to get impaled by one of the many spikes protruding from her body! Either that, or she'll cuddle back...unfortunately she's strong enough to crush the bones of a normal human if she were to "cuddle" with them!

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MarshalAdmiralQ In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2011-10-25 00:00:19 +0000 UTC]

but what if Scarlette wanted to?

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to MarshalAdmiralQ [2011-10-25 00:58:49 +0000 UTC]

Hmm...well, she'd better be very careful and use her magnetic force field before she attempts to give her a squeeze!

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MarshalAdmiralQ In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2011-10-25 14:06:48 +0000 UTC]


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Jason244555 [2011-10-24 11:12:35 +0000 UTC]

Awesome, I can see the "Ladytron" in her!

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Jason244555 [2011-10-24 23:23:28 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Jason...I was trying to borrow stuff from her design without blatantly ripping her off. She was always one of my favorite characters, unfortunately they kinda killed her off.

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BelRhaza4017 [2011-10-24 06:24:00 +0000 UTC]

My man, an impressive work of art! Hats off to the Scarlette lady as well, but wow! I'm thinking that when Omni-Drive hits his stride in AF, he and this lady and her daughters are going to have a serious beat down in the near future

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to BelRhaza4017 [2011-10-24 23:24:40 +0000 UTC]

Thanks bud...yeah, Scarlette doesn't play around when it comes to her cyborgs!

And remember, I'm no longer participating in AF...I'm doing my own thing now!

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BelRhaza4017 In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2011-10-25 01:07:14 +0000 UTC]

no worries, a trip to solaris valley would not be long for Omni to take; are u N S E or W of AF? (gotta set the compass right)

P.S. U r welcome as well

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to BelRhaza4017 [2011-10-26 22:26:37 +0000 UTC]

Hmm...I'm kinda partial to all things southern being from the South myself, so let's say that Solaris Valley is South/Southeast of Angel Falls!

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BelRhaza4017 In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2011-10-26 22:33:13 +0000 UTC]

all righty then, thanks for the info on SV's geographic site! will help in the future! thanks, pal!

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to BelRhaza4017 [2011-10-26 23:05:22 +0000 UTC]

No prob!

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