Mr-Marcus-81 — The Transhumanist

Published: 2016-09-19 01:57:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 11406; Favourites: 100; Downloads: 74
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Personally, I am a huge advocate in the worldview of transhumanism and posthumanism.  I am a former paraplegic amputee that was also blinded in one eye whose life was literally transformed to a level beyond that of an ordinary human, thanks to the wonders of science and technology.  If it weren’t for my father’s brilliant achievements in the field of cybernetic bio-engineering, I would have been confined to a wheelchair for the rest of my life after that horrific automobile accident that I was involved in as a teenager.  The cybernetic limb, eye, and spinal replacements that he created for me gave me new life…and so much more!  And I suppose that the apple didn’t fall far at all from the tree…I would inherit my beauty and eloquence from my mother, and it seems as if I inherited my sheer brilliance and genius-level intelligence from my father’s genes.  Naturally, I took an early interest in transhumanism and the ideology of enhancing the human body to become something far more superior than human.  I never looked as my cybernetics as a handicap, and was as confident as any young girl could be with my augmentations…I did everything just as well if not better than the other teenage girls in my age range at the time! 


I would later go to the same higher learning institutions and receive degrees and doctorates in the same fields as my father, eventually excelling beyond his knowledge and expertise in Cyber Bio-engineering, Cyberology, and Nanotechnology.  Upon finishing schooling, I would join my father at his company, Cybertech, where he continued to create cybernetics, bio-synthetics, and genetic augmentations for health and prosthetic purposes.  Unfortunately, Father became ill with a vicious autoimmune disease and that’s around the time that I took over control of his company as CEO, as he was no longer able to run the business and I was the sole heiress to Cybertech.  I proceeded to cast a new vision and direction for Cybertech to expand far beyond just creating cybernetics, nanotech, and bio-synthetic modifications for health purposes.  I saw the vast opportunities for our innovations and designs to be used for athletic and cosmetic purposes, weaponry, armament, home appliances, and a myriad of other technological devices and applications for consumer consumption.  While Cybertech would begin its ascent to becoming one of the top technological corporations in the world and I would lead our once struggling company to much fiscal success, it was bittersweet.  I watched Father suffer as the disease slowly ate away at his body over the following years…and it was rather painful to see the person that I loved more than anyone wither away in agony.  He was all that I had other than my research and Cybertech, and I didn’t want to lose him.  In the same way that he saved me from being permanently disabled, I wanted to forever change his life as he did mine long ago when I was an adolescent girl.


I was able to temporarily alleviate his suffering for several months with new innovations that I discovered in the way of nanotechnology and body modifications.  As he was sleeping one day, I administered millions of nanomachines into his bloodstream and bought myself more time to devise a permanent fix to his malady; unfortunately, his body was to the point of no return and the nanomachines and mods alone weren’t enough to nurse him back to full health.  I came to the conclusion that my father’s condition would ultimately lead him to a vegetative state or death unless I did something drastic…something such as a full body prosthesis replacement.  For months I designed a state of the art prototype cyborg body for my father in similar fashion that he created my cybernetic legs, arm, and spine for me.  This body was comprised of a mix between my best ideas from previous designs that I made for the US Military’s Cyborg Supersoldier and bio-weapons program, as well as the most efficient body mods and bio-synthetic components that my company developed for consumer athletic performance enhancement.  My goal was not to just simply build him a new body to replace his weak and diseased organic one, but to achieve near perfection and immortality for humankind in the process…breaking down the evolutionary barrier in the next step towards transhumanism!  


I couldn’t have gotten everything together at a better time, as eventually his illness would take a turn for the worse and his condition went from serious to critically terminal.  I rushed to my father’s death bed and proudly showed him the specs and schematics of what was to be his brand new glorious body.  His reaction was far from what I was expecting.  He vehemently chastised me…he said that greed and avarice was corrupting my soul.  He then cursed himself.  With all of the strength that he could muster he gave his final monologue, first and foremost refusing to be transformed by his very own creation.  He said that he wished that he had never created the replacement robotic arm, upper chest and shoulder, legs, eyes, and spine for me…that it was not his, mine, or anyone’s place to ‘play God’.  It was never his intent for his cybernetic creations to be used for maliciousness against mankind; he believed that he unintentionally helped usher in a new era of iniquity…he originally wanted to use his cybernetic innovations to heal and help people, but he hated what Cybertech had become under my command.  He made it clear that he still loved me, but he said that I had become a monster…a greedy merchant of death for designing instruments of destruction to be sold to the highest bidder.  I pleaded to him with tears in my eyes to reconsider; to let me fix him as he did me many years before, but he remained strong in his resolve.  He told me that he loved me one final time, then closed his eyes and dismissed me from his presence.  He never opened his eyes again after that.


I was devastated in the wake of father’s death.  As much as I loved him, he and I always had different opinions in our approach of both capitalism and transhumanism.  My father was indeed a peaceful man and truly wanted to make a positive difference for humankind, and while we were always quite wealthy money and power was never his motivation.  However, his ideology was still trapped at a limited human level with the thought of global transhumanism being more of a pipe dream rather than a possible reality…to him, anything more would be tampering with matters that far exceed our control.  What I found baffling was the irony in that he refused the very thing that he ultimately wanted to accomplish with his innovations in cybernetics to save and prolong life!  Contrary to popular belief, I’ve never been a warmonger or an anarchist; but even then I realized that the human condition is weak and flawed and was ultimately meant to inevitably evolve via a technological renaissance where human and machine would be perfectly fused together. 


Back then I hadn’t fully come to a knowledge of the truth, which I now adhere to…I didn’t think anything wrong of me taking advantage of the human condition and using technology to exploit the illogical nature of ordinary humans for my own benefit; despite the cybernetics parts that I did have, I too reasoned like a foolish, simple-minded human.  And yes…I did like the money and I wanted all of it that I could possibly accrue, even though I was already a multi-millionaire.  But…the power felt good; very good!  It was like a drug; a drug that perhaps I may be still addicted to still to this day.  I’ll admit that Father was right, because I did notice myself change once I took over his company.  I became power hungry and brutal in my business practices, eventually taking over other companies by force and sabotaging any opposition…that’s where I got my reputation as a cut-throat bully of a businesswoman rather than the meek daddy’s little girl that I used to be.  I even went as far as exterminating anyone within Cybertech’s own board of trustees and even stockholders that dared questioned my authority or business decisions!


Years would go by and Cybertech would continue to grow, eventually becoming a multinational conglomeration…I eventually became one of the youngest female billionaires ever as I was only in my mid-thirties when I achieved billionaire status.  After the collapse of the US government and the entire global economy system, the Entity was formed to be the one-world governing body trumping any previous presidencies, monarchies, or provinces; I muscled my way into becoming an Entity Dignitary among a committee of the wealthiest and most powerful CEO’s, presidents, and former monarchs of the world.  Not only was I the leader of the most successful, most powerful technology company in the entire world with thousands of subsidiaries, but I was also now one of the governing leaders of the entire free world.  Unfortunately, I was also diagnosed with the very same autoimmune disease that eventually claimed Father’s life.  I would apply nanomachines into my body in the same manner that I administered to my father in hopes that it would completely eliminate my condition since it was still in the early stages of developing within my body.  However, the newer nanites had an adverse effect with the nanomachines that had already been in my bloodstream and made my health decline rather rapidly, causing for the disease to deteriorate my organic components much faster than it did my father. 


The illness made it difficult to even get out of bed some days, until my organics and cybernetics began to rebel against me leaving me bed ridden altogether…and, just like it did with my father, eventually the disease became terminal.  The proverbial light bulb went off in my head, as I thought of how both my mother and father died tragically.  If my father had an immune system completely resistant to organic disease and high-grade artificial organ implants; or if my mother’s endoskeleton was replaced with a reinforced titanium alloy skeletal frame coupled with lightweight reinforced exo-skeletal armor plating, bio-synthetic muscle grafts, a layer or two of sub-dermal Kevlar and Teflon plating, and millions of nanomachines to promote rapid cellular regeneration and enhanced healing, then of course neither of them would have died.  As a last resort, I thought about the body that I designed for Father…I had the technology and the resources to prolong my life at my very fingertips and I refused to end up like Father, who had a choice at a new life verses Mother who was less fortunate!  I wasn’t at all opposed to undergoing the necessary extensive surgical procedure to receive a full-body prosthetic transplant if it meant that I would cheat death and possibly transcend beyond transhuman to posthuman status.  I had absolutely no qualms about ‘playing God’…I decided then and there that I wanted to become one. 


The news began to circulate that I was dying…there were even rumors that I was already dead!  As I lay on what many thought would be my deathbed, I would use the holographic computer interface implanted within my bionic arm to update and upgrade the original design from years before to where it would serve as my new body…a goddess must have an alluring and enrapturing, yet supremely powerful and blemish-free body befitting of a deity, correct?  I received the news that it was voted upon by the other committee members that my position as an Entity Dignitary was to be vacated due to me no longer being able to fulfill my duties.  I promised them that I would return, yet they wouldn’t recant their decision…this infuriated me greatly, as they wanted me to die so that they could take my empire for themselves!  Once I finished the schemata, I had several of my top technicians and cyberologists to perform the extensive surgical procedure of transferring my brain and most of my head to my new body.


I remember when I awoke after the procedure.  I explored my surroundings and felt life as something more than just a mere human or even a human with bionic parts….I was a demigoddess!  The feeling was indescribable!  I had found the fountain of youth…the secret to immortality…power like I had never experienced before…I had become the poster woman for the transhumanist movement!  In retrospect, I don’t know why I didn’t choose to undergo a full-body cybernetic transformation sooner!  However, even with my extraordinarily powerful bio-mechanical body, there was indeed one thing that I still could not do that I have always wanted to accomplish…I have always wanted to bare children.


I am about to share something on a personal level about myself that I haven’t told very many people at all…just a little slice of my past about something very near and dear to my heart.  Yes, of course I was daddy’s little girl…but even our bond couldn’t compare to that of my mother and I.  We were inseparable since the day I was organically born…she treated me like a little princess and to me she was queen of the world.  Often times when my father was too busy with his work my mother and I would have to entertain ourselves…we had tea parties, played with my dolls, went to the park and played make believe, went shopping, baked cookies and cakes, and did everything else that mothers and daughters do together.


I thought…and still to this day think…that my mother was the most beautiful woman that has ever graced the universe in beauty and personality; I hold myself in very high esteem, but I cannot even come close in comparing myself to the gentle and beautiful spirit that was my mother…my soul is too dark and corrupted; I can only hope to be at least half of the woman that she was.  My father would even tell me that I was an almost exact replica of her when it came to our looks, but I cannot touch the sheer radiant beauty that my mother possessed…even though she was physically inferior, she was the closest thing to being a perfect organic human in my eyes.  Plus, she has the benefit of the doubt considering that cybernetics had not yet been mastered and widely practiced as regenerative and augmentation health purposes. 


Unfortunately, she was taken from me when I was thirteen in the accident which I alluded to earlier…we both were in an atrocious car crash on the way to school that morning, causing our car to flip end over end several times and fall off of a high embankment from the highway before landing on its roof.  Mother died instantly; although I was badly injured myself, with blood and glass in my eyes I remember looking over to my horribly disfigured mother with her head caught in between the steering wheel and the windshield, mangled almost beyond human recognition with her head cracked open like a watermelon.  I’ll never be able to erase from my memory banks the image of her lifeless crystal blue eyes that were staring directly at me…as if she knew that she was going to die and wanted for her last image to be that of me. 


I was in such a state of shock initially that I wasn’t even aware that my lower body had been crushed, my left arm was severely broken, my neck was broken, and my spinal column and cord had been snapped in half…all I could think about was my mother.  I remember trying to reach over to touch her, yet my body wouldn’t respond…everything was an eerily numb feeling.  Even as the paramedics used their tools to remove me from the wreckage, I remember not being able to scream; everything came out as a gurgled moan.  I remember crying for my mother and trying to tell her to wake up while I coughed up blood from the internal hemorrhaging that I was experiencing.  This experience would give me night terrors and send me into traumatic episodes well into my adult years; even before I received my cyborg body, I had a microchip implanted into my brain to help prevent me from reliving that nightmare over and over again.


I remember waking up in the hospital hours later after surgery with only one eye; I had gotten several large shards of glass caught in my left eye which severely lacerated my retina and vital optic nerves, rendering me blind in that eye.  Breathing tubes ran through both my mouth and nostrils while a machine helped me breathe.  I saw the stumps left of both of my legs…my pelvis as well as both legs were crushed so badly that they had to amputate my legs at the upper thigh and my left arm at the shoulder; I tried to brace myself for impact against the dashboard…which literally ended up buried in my chest and lap nearly breaking me in two…and it was severely broken in four places in the process. 


It actually took me a while to realize that my left arm was gone since I couldn’t see out of my left eye, nor could I turn my head.  I almost wish that I had been blinded in the other eye, as it shattered my heart when my father saw me buried underneath the full body cast and bandages that adorned me post-surgery.  Father was already crying when he entered my room and collapsed into the doctors’ arms as they tried to comfort him at the news of his wife’s death and his only daughter being rendered a paraplegic amputee.  He cursed himself for not spending more time with us rather than his studies and running Cybertech.


There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about Mother…although that was over thirty years ago, the pain and void left behind at her absence is still there.  Even worse for me, was that the accident had left me paralyzed from my sternum down and while my father built cybernetic eye, arm, leg, and spine replacements for me enabling me to walk and move again, my uterus and eggs were non-functioning, almost completely destroyed and rendered sterile from the accident…which meant that I would never be able to give birth to a child.  I eventually came to terms with the fact that I wouldn’t ever be able to get my mother back, but I was devastated at the thought of not being able to have any children of my own.  I’ve always wanted that special bond that my mother and I shared…I specifically wanted a daughter or daughters so that I could love them and care for them just like my mother did for me.


Some people think that my methods are bizarre and often downright dastardly…and in all actuality, I wouldn’t disagree with anyone that would make that argument.  I know that I can be quite cold and callous when it comes to business matters…being the head of one of the largest conglomerates in the world will do that to you when you have to compete with other companies in the cutthroat world of technological body modifications and arms dealing.  However, in all sincerity I stand unwavering on the fact that my means justifies the end…end of discussion when it comes to that point.  I say all of this to say that behind the savvy capitalist that I am is a woman that has the simple wish that most females want…I want children. 


Of course, that is no longer biologically possible for me…not to mention that I am now at the average age of which menopause occurs.  However, my way of compensating for that is through my empire…I see all of my technological inventions, innovations, and creations as my children; in particular those that I have submitted or have willing submitted themselves to undergo the cybernetic transformational indoctrination surgery to become a transhuman like myself.  I liken the designing and construction phases beforehand as my ‘labor’ if you will.  I have painstakingly and meticulously designed and crafted all of my creations and I like to think that when my subjects awaken for the first time once I activate them upon completion of their transformation is me ‘giving birth’ to them.  This is my way of compensating for not being able to give birth naturally and literally carrying an embryo within my womb.  Even more so with my select group of ‘daughters’…I personally transformed them into cyborgs with my own hands and have given them the best of my designs, similarly as I did with my own body, so as to say that I literally created them and gave them life!


It is a rebirth once one undergoes the cyberization process…another tenant of my transhumanistic and posthumanistic worldview.  The process is similar to that of a caterpillar entering its cocoon and undergoing its metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly.  No longer is it ugly and no longer is it made to slowly crawl on its belly…with new wings and a new body it can take flight like never before.  Whether you subscribe to Darwinism or Creationism, I wholly and truly believe that the purely organic human form is not even close to what we can ultimately become.  My father was indeed an extremely brilliant genius and I loved him dearly, but the refusal of my offer in which I made to him on his deathbed was extremely foolish…he of all people should have known better!  Why would anyone want to limit themselves when there is the option to become so much more? 


With humans, once their bodies and minds are melded together with bio-synthetic components and machinery, limits are broken…aging is no longer a factor, pain and sickness are no longer issues, the mind can become a literal computer holding terabytes of data able to be recalled in a millisecond, maximum running speeds are achieved, strength and stamina are taken to gargantuan proportions, and many other astounding and fascinating feats are capable!  Some are even capable of literally taking flight, just like the butterfly…sometimes even complete with metallic wings!  And as one is reborn and activated for the first time upon completion of their metamorphosis, I see it fitting for my creations to have new names…I’m sorry, but ‘Bob’ or ‘Jane’ are not flattering names befitting of demigods and demigoddesses!  I myself no longer answer to my old name of Scarlette Tamzarian…I have chosen to be simply referred to as “The Matriarch.”  I demand that all of my loyal children, ‘Daughters’, enforcers, drones, and thralls refer to me as such and to do my bidding no matter what I command of them…for I am their loving mother and I know what’s best for them. 


I view myself as a ‘Mechanical Messiah’ of sorts that has come to usher in a new era of human-machine evolution and save humanity from extinction from itself.  Unfortunately, not everyone subscribes to the truth that I wish to impart upon the universe.  There is a war being waged against my empire and my transhumanist and posthumanist views.  Some label me an elitist extremist megalomaniac that’s trying to eliminate the human race…some label me an evil tyrannical dictator.    I would beg to differ at the latter assessment; I am no longer driven by my lust of money and greed…those things are irrelevant to me now.  And ‘exterminate’ is such a harsh word…I don’t wish to ‘exterminate’ humanity per se.  My agenda and Primary Directive is to be the forerunner to lead the entire human populous into the future and ascend ever closer towards permanent posthuman status…to eliminate death, disease, aging, war, and all frivolous and laughable things that weak organic humans make themselves a victim of.  All I ask in return is for complete and absolute devotion to me, and to be seen as the queen of all cyborgs.  As for those who believe that it was evil of me to hold an insurrection and take over The Entity as its sole ruler…I cannot understand why.  I have offered everyone the fair and generous chance of willingly submitting themselves to become one of my children with no consequences of punishment and a painless conversion…many have seen the light and have come to enjoy the benefits of being a cyborg under my rule. 


However, there are those that are resistant to my agenda of advancing to the next level of the evolutionary towards transhumanism…and ultimately posthumanism.  Those who place too much faith in humankind and that are foolish and afraid of the thought of what we can ultimately become as an entire planet of logical and superior cyborgs under on one accord!  And there has been a booming uptick in the amount of supernaturally powered metahumans as well within the past twenty-five years or so…yet another form of transhumanism; however, in most cases said metahumans are still closer to humanism rather than reveling in their transhumanistic state.  And I have often found that cybernetics can often amplify a metahuman’s amazing abilities tenfold than what they naturally are.  I particularly don’t care for the metas that choose to dress up and play superhero or heroine…I have squashed several that have tried to thwart my Agenda; they have either been assimilated within my legion or I have eradicated their existence. 


There are now even resistances groups forged out of hate for both cyborgs, metas, and genetically enhanced transhumans alike; there are even groups of renegade cyborgs that are anti-human that subscribe partly to my Agenda, yet still are missing the mark as they won’t submit to me as their ultimate authority.  But the biggest affront to me is an unenlightened cyborg…especially one created by Cybertech…who chooses to side with the organics or that has somehow escaped from my collective network programming to pursue their own selfish agendas in whatever form it may be!   Do they not know that they are no longer one of them?!?  Why continue to crawl on your belly with the other worms in the muck and mire when you can soar to new heights?


Slowly, I have begun to take over this miserable planet and I have already taken over The Entity as my own and established various strongholds around the world.  I would not have to resort to such brutal tactics to get my point across, but I am here to make the unenlightened finally see the light!  Unfortunately, I have and will continue to make public examples out of the leaders of any and all uncooperative humans, various resistance groups and other rogue cyborgs that have fallen away from Cybertech’s good graces!  They are doing nothing but delaying the inevitable and making me unleash my furious wrath upon them!  Once I conquer this planet, then my legion and I will take the entire universe.  Any and all who oppose me…human, cyborg, or other…will either be forcefully assimilated via cybernetic transformation indoctrination into the collective Entity or destroyed!  All hail the sovereign Entity…and may my reign last forever!

Wow...that was a lot, eh?   If you read all of that, thank you very much for taking the time out to read it and I do hope that you enjoyed it along with the image!  I debated whether or not should I have taken the part out where she was talking about her mother, but I haven't made a brand new Scarlette story/image in over 4 years!!!

For those of you who aren't familiar, Scarlette Tamzarian aka "The Matriarch" is my main antagonist of all of my OC's.  She's cunning, alluring, ruthless, and extremely powerful...definitely not the type of lady that you want to do whatever you can to avoid getting on her bad side!   She is personally responsible in turning Nikki into Adora-1 and also nearly succeeded turning Sapphira into one of her cyborg enforcers.  She's inspired by characters like Magneto, Dr. Doom, Lex Luthor, Dr. Blight (from Captain Planet), and from a character from an old episode of Robotech that I saw when I was 3 years old...that was 32 years ago!  It's a shame that I have written about her, yet I have not done many images of her considering that she's public enemy no. 1 to Nikki and the gang. 

Since it has been almost 5 years since I've drawn her and since I gave her old design to Sapphira, I figured it was time to update her look a bit.  I wanted to make her look somewhat different from my other gals, as I realize that all of their designs are very similar.  She has a very 90's feel with the thing around her face.  And I wanted to use a few different colors that I usually don't use; I decided to keep her bodysuit red.  I've written her having a cloak, but this is the first time of me actually drawing her with it so I was able to find a nice color that goes well with her red body.  And used a few other colors...like her pink lipstick and the gold buckle...to help mix it up a little bit!

I'm really pleased how this one came out.  Sure, her design is a bit plain and simple but I like it.  I'm just happy that I was able to crank this one out...b/c I had started the pencils to this one months ago, yet I stopped b/c I was going through a dreadful art slump.  It seems as if the slump has lifted, b/c I finished the pencils to another new drawing, finished the pencils to this, and then colored this relatively quickly w/o waiting another few weeks like I've been doing.  And I've actually been sitting on the story for almost a year now...I was just waiting for the right time to post it and that time has finally come!

I really need to do more pics of her and my other villainous characters along with my heroines.

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Comments: 19

Raakone [2017-04-05 04:29:08 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Raakone [2017-04-08 01:54:42 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

zkfanart [2017-01-15 05:03:55 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! Very cute and sexy, also so nice with the red shiny catsuit, is really beautiful

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to zkfanart [2017-01-22 03:17:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zkfanart In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2017-01-27 04:09:04 +0000 UTC]

welcome! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

artofadamalonzo [2016-10-28 22:29:11 +0000 UTC]

nice! I dig the suit!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to artofadamalonzo [2016-11-06 20:32:27 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man!  Good to see you back around!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LETMESEEBEUTY [2016-10-03 09:47:33 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful artwork 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to LETMESEEBEUTY [2016-10-17 02:21:08 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LETMESEEBEUTY In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2016-10-24 06:42:02 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jellcaps [2016-09-23 09:49:25 +0000 UTC]

Very cool character design!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Jellcaps [2016-09-24 02:43:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks!  Glad you enjoy her!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shadow-Walker-22 [2016-09-21 01:17:53 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful said and done.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Shadow-Walker-22 [2016-09-24 02:43:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shadow-Walker-22 In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2016-09-24 23:40:41 +0000 UTC]


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Kallsu [2016-09-20 21:03:38 +0000 UTC]

Wow!  It has been a while since we have seen Scarlette.  It's great to see you, not only revamping her look a bit, but getting over your recent art slump!  She looks great!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Kallsu [2016-09-24 02:44:10 +0000 UTC]

Thanks!  Yes, it has been too long since we've seen Scarlette!  I need to change that!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Freedom-Legion [2016-09-19 15:07:43 +0000 UTC]

May I congratulate you on a brilliant story and  brilliantly designed OC.You've obviously put a great deal of thought into her and her origin story is very fleshed out and well written giving a good view into how she see's the world and her motivations.Great job all round.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Freedom-Legion [2016-09-24 02:47:18 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you!  I really appreciate that you took the time to read her narrative and that you enjoy both it and the drawing!  I was hoping that her backstory would translate well and show her being justified in her extreme actions and viewpoints which makes her a villain.

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