MrAnimatedToon — MLP Season 7 Scorecard

Published: 2021-02-28 17:19:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 8079; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 1
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Description It's kinda hard for me to define Season 7. For me, while is nowhere near the worst season of the show, I would say it's below the standards of the show. It's a decent season overall, but one that I feel doesn't leave much of an impact. At least, not as much as other seasons have.

This season isn't without its merits, however. As there are episodes that teach really mature lessons in their episodes, like accepting when your loved ones grow up and gain new, different interests, putting yourself in others' shoes, accepting yourself for who you are, how holding grudges is harmful for everyone involved, and that you can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself. These are lessons that are really important lessons to teach to kids, especially at a young age.

And aside from that, Starlight Glimmer has also improved from Season 6. While I wouldn't say she's one of my favorite characters, I do like how they made her integration to the Mane cast feel a lot more natural than Season 6, and doesn't hog the spotlight from other characters. Plus, I've notice that her development as a character has really stuck with her this season, which is something I really appreciate.

With that said, I do believe there are some flaws that hold it back a bit. For example, the story arc for this season. I get what they were trying to go for this season, and I really do think the episodes from the arc are really good. But I feel this is like a poor man's version of Season 4's arc, being more clumsily constructed, and not even giving hints that it was setting up for something until almost the end of it. I feel that if they've gone the way the writers inteded it to be, and introduce the arc this season and develop it the next one, I would've been totally fine with that.

Plus, despite introducing Star Swirl, one of the most prominent and hyped up characters in the whole show (basically an equivalent to the Author of the Journals from Gravity Falls)... this season doesn't feel like it has any stakes. For the most part this has been the most episodic season of the show. I think it didn't help that this was the first and only season to not start with a two-parter, since those usually help set up to what's to come in a season. Even Season 6, as underwhelming as The Crystalling was, at least it did an okay job at introducing Starlight's arc for the season (even if said arc was questionable at best).

But overall, while I'll admit that this season is better than I remembered, I still say it's among the weakest seasons of the show.

But now let's see which episodes got stuck with me like a catchy song, and which episodes make me want to banish them to Limbo.

Bottom 5

5. Honest Apple - This episode, along with Somepony to Watch Over Me, The Cart Before The Ponies and Where The Apple Lies are among Applejack's worst outings in my opinion. She's extremely unlikeable and rude throughout most of it that I find it hard to believe she's the same Applejack we know and love. I get that she was invited as a judge for her "practical" view on things, but insulting the fashion ponies' passions and even destoying the contestants dresses is not something I would call practical. While I don't hate it as much as the aformentioned episodes, since I feel that everyone else besides Applejack is pretty likeable, it has some surprisingly strong comedy, and it's satisfying ot watch Applejack getting a taste of her own medicine near the end, I still find it hard to come back to this episode and not feel dissapointed in AJ.

4. Secrets and Pies - This is one of two episodes on this list that tries to paint Rainbow Dash as the bad guy, but I really don't see it. While I do think it wasn't nice of Rainbow to keep lying to Pinkie about the pies, I find it really hard to sympathize with Pinkie due to how obnoxious and stalkerish she was throught it. She blows things way too out of proportion, and doesn't even seem to give her a chance to explain herself. I do like Rainbow's numerous ways she manages to get rid of the pies, and I do like the ending where Rainbow apologizes to Pinkieby trying to eat a disgusting pie, but I feel this is an episode that doesn't  give Pinkie Pie the good hcaracterization she deserves. And considering an episode coming soon in Season 8, this won't be the last time she blows things out of proportion...

3. All Bottled Up - This is one of those episodes that make me question why Starlight and Trixie are friends. Trixie comes off as extremely careless and obnoxious, not even taking into consideration Starlight's emotions, or even worrying at the idea of getting her supposed best friend into trouble. Starlight Glimmer is quite possibly my least favorite character in the show, and even I wanted to see her lash out at Trixie for not giving a crap about what she got her into. Also, as pointed out by one of my watchers , Trixie never once notices the dark cloud that emerges everytime Starlight gets angry, which is infuriating and makes it clear that Trixies a moron.. And the Mane 6's subplot ultimately amounts to nothing other than to reinforce what we already know. There are some admittedly amusing moments here, but this was still an unpleasant watch that makes me question if Trixie's the kind of character people should be learning lessons from.

2. Parental Glidance - Parental support is something valuable, and every child deserves to have parents that giveit to them on a daily basis. However, if history, and especially current times have taught us, is that no extreme is good. And sadly, this episode tries to paint the extremist support Rainbow's parents have for her as a great hting, no matter how toxic it is, and how much it damages her relationship with them. Rainbow Dash is painted as the bad guy for not wanting her parents' support, even though she's completely in the right for not wanting anything to do with that, since Bow Hothoof & Windy Whistles's support goes beyon bein embarassing and crosses the line to disturbing and dangerous. And Scootaloo hs absolutely no right to be mad at Rainbow Dash for calling her parents out. Her parents might not be there for her most of the time, but what Dashie's parents do isn't healthy... like, at all. In fact, I personally think we have this episode to blame for some of Rainbow Dash's most vulnerable moments in episodes like Sonic Rainboom and The Mysterious Mare Do Well. Honestly, this could have easily been the worst episode of the season... but if you have kept up with my reviews, you know which episode takes the crown...

1. Fame and Misfortune - Or as I like to call it: Let's Get Serious: MLP Edition. It's kinda funny, actually. When I first saw this episode back in 2017, I didn't think too much of it. I thought it was okay, but not as great as my friends from DeviantArt painted it to be. But after years of thinking back on it, watching negative reviews of it, and watching it again, I now realize that this episode is wrong. In more ways than one. For starters, this is an episode that tries to deflect any sort of criticism the show gets with the excuse that "it's for kids and adults aren't supposed to think too much about it". Nevermind the fact that every work in existence is subject to criticism, and that the show can't control how the audience feels about an episode, most of the criticisms presented here are outdated at best. And it's basically taking a dump on the fans that made the show a cultural icon it is today. Way to show your gratitude, Hasbro. And it's especially frustrating knowing that they basically forced M.A. Larson to put his name on the credits of the episdoe, even though this isn't what he wrote initially, and completely disagrees with what's said here. This is one of those episodes that make me lose a little bit of respect for the show. Honestly, I'm glad that the writers of the show pretend it doesn't exist, because this is honestly insulting in many ways.

Top 5

5. A Royal Problem - Not many will agree with this choice, but I personally feel this is one of the episodes that showcase Starlight's grow as a character much better than it did before. For one, this is one of the few times I feel she was the perfect choice to solve a friednship problem, since she's the only one who would not treat the Princesses as complete goddesses to please and nothing more. Plus, I appreciate that she tries to solve a situation without magic, and when she does end up using magic, she tries to help them through the mess she got them into. I also like the exploration of Celestia and Luna's sister dynamic. We're shown that despite their occassional squabbles, they clearly love each other, and are the only ponies they feel comfortable beign themselves with. Plus, Daybreaker is an amazing villain and shows both Starlight's fear of ruining things and Celestia's inner demons. While I don't particularly like Twilight's behavior for the most part, I feel this is one of Starlight's, and by extendsion, Celestia's and Luna's best appearences.

4. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You - Here's something most folks need to learn about appearences: the only person who can make you feel ugly is yourself. Be proud of who you are, and remember that confidence is the key to success. And this episode expertly showcases this message with Rarity, whom despite a moment of weakness in the climax, manages to bounce back to her usual confident self with the help of her firends, and manages to not only help herself, but also help others, while rocking out an awesome new punk look. She doesn't need to have long, soft hair to be as beautiful and confident as she is, and while this is a lesson she's learned before, I can forgive it due to how greatly executed it was here. While there are some questionable moments here, like hair-related magic suddenly being difficult, or Zecora being irresponsible enough to not label the bottles of shampoo and cleaning substance, I am willing to look over that for the amazing experience this episdoe gives. Definitely one of Rarity's strongest portrayals in the show.

3. A Health of Information - Now we go from one best pony to another best pony, in an episode that's surprisingly dark in themes alone. This episode is quite possibly the peak of Fluttershy's character development. Being confident determined, and stopping at nothing to save Zecora from the Swamp Fever. But this episode also teaches that it's dangerous to neglect your own health, and that it's important to take care of yourself in order to take care of others. And out of all the Pillars of Equestria, I feel Mage Meadowbrook has the best story, since rather than being told through legends, it's told through her old journal, i.e. her own personal experiences, and let us know the personal stakes her tales had, and we actually get to meet one of her descendants, something I wish we got shown with the other Pillars. Out of all the episodes that composed the Pillars arc, I feel this was the best executed one, and a great showcase of how much Fluttershy has grown throughout the seasons.

2. Discordant Harmony - Hey look! More Fluttershy! Actually this is more about Discord than Fluttershy, but I digress. Anyway, I really like the way this episode develops Discord character, and how it shows that despite being bombastic and quite egocentric, Discord does have insecurities, and really does appreciate his friendship with Fluttershy. The comedy is, as it's natural with Discord, hilarious and entertaining, with a great showcase of Discord's personality and chaotic powers at display. But I believe that this episode's strongest point is his friendship with Fluttershy. Despite being totally different people (in every sense of the word) they both really enjoy each other's company, and it's shown that they've both influenced each other for the better, with Fluttershy embracing the unexpected, and Discord being slightly more considerate to others (emphasis on slightly). And honestly, it's just adorable how much they care about each other! I was honestly squeeing at how cute Discord and Fluttershy can be. If you want an episode that makes you feel really cozy inside, I think this is the episode for you. It's easily one of the best this season... but if you've been keeping up with my reviews (again), then you know exactly which episode deserves to be number one...

1. The Perfect Pear - Honestly, I don't know what else to say that hasn't been said about this episode already. This is not only the best episode of the season, but I would say this is in my Top 5 best episodes of the show. The story of Applejack's parents, Bright Mac and Pear Butter, is absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking, being told by the perspective of those who were close to them, and talking about their experiences with them, showing some traits that the Apple siblings would inherit from them. Their romance feels natural and sincere, having genuine chemistry and showing that despite their families hating each other, they both cared for one another, and their love for each other only grew every day. And it's especially impressive given that it's told in a 22-minute runtime. And most of it is told through song, and is honestly one of the best of the series. And this episode has quite possibly one of the most bitttersweet endings in a cartoon I've seen, with the Apples and Pears finally burying the hatchet, but Pear Butter's father, Grand Pear, never really getting the chance to apologize to his daughter. It's heartbreaking, but it's realistic. All in all, this is one od the greatest things to ever come out of the series, and easily the best episode of the season. If there was an episode that deserves to be titled "Perfect", it is this one.

So that's it for Season 7, and with only two seasons left, I hope Season 8 manages to at least be a little more memorable than this one.
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phantomcandy1158 [2021-07-19 00:52:30 +0000 UTC]

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IrishHuskie52596 [2021-03-01 22:52:52 +0000 UTC]

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MxBiteo [2021-03-01 00:49:22 +0000 UTC]

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Zexoguy [2021-02-28 18:28:50 +0000 UTC]

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PurfectPrincessGirl [2021-02-28 18:15:32 +0000 UTC]

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