Code Name - God of Fire
Gender - Male
Age - 17- Part 1
Origin/Nationality - New York (US)
Eye Color - light brown
Power Eyes - Ruby Gemstone Glow
Hair Color - black
Equipment - Gauntlets
Elemental Orb - Fire
One of my OC, he's the main protagonist of my story that i still haven't figure out.
Jonny is a kind person who cares about others and is willing to do reckless actions in order to help other people, even if it costs his life.
He wields one of gods elemental power being fire. He's able to control, manipulate, and create the fire element. Jonny is also able control the sun's fire, but is in a later time in the story. His power also grands him the ability to create his main weapon that will stay permanently with him trought out the story, his main weapon is the gauntlets, he made this his preferred weapon do to his MMA training.
Relationship/s -
Amy - Girlfriend & Best Freind
Jeff - Younger brother
Anthony - Cousin
Mike - Freind