mrkillabee — KaLi

Published: 2011-06-18 17:13:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 13856; Favourites: 63; Downloads: 218
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Description Kālī, la Noire est, dans l'hindouisme, la déesse du Temps, de mort et de délivrance, mère destructrice et créatrice. C'est l'aspect féroce de la Devî, la déesse suprême, qui est fondamental à toutes autres déités hindoues.
Son nom dérive du mot kala, le temps en sanskrit, celui qui détruit toute chose. Celui qui la vénère est libéré de la peur de la destruction. C'est également la femelle noire, à l'inverse de son époux, Shiva, couvert de cendres, qui est blanc ; c'est sa shakti, l'énergie sans laquelle le dieu n'est qu'une enveloppe vide.

« Ô esprit ! Pourquoi t'abandonner aux pensées vaines ?/Ce faste rituel et ce culte sont vains,/Qui accroissent encore la vanité de l'esprit !/ Que ta prière à Elle soit secrète, que nul n'en sache./ À quoi bon ces poupées de métal ou de cuivre ou de terre ?/ Ne sais-tu pas, insensé, que l'univers entier est l'image de la Mère ?/ Tu apportes une poignée de graines, effronté,/ comme une offrande à la Mère, à Celle/ qui nourrit le monde d'aliments délicieux !/ À quoi bon, fou, illuminer ainsi/ de lanternes, de bougies et de lampes ?/ Fais plutôt que grandisse la lumière de l'esprit,/ qu'il dissipe sa propre ténèbre, nuit et jour./ Tu as amené d'innocentes chevrettes au sacrifice./ Égoïsme cruel !... Pourquoi ne pas dire : VICTOIRE A KALI !/ Et sacrifier tes passions, ennemis véritables./ Pourquoi frapper les tambourins ?/ Dépose plutôt ton esprit à Ses pieds en disant :/ Que ta volonté, ô Kâlî, soit faite !/ Et puis bat des mains.// Plus je ne t'invoquerai par ce doux nom, Mère !/ Tu m'as donné d'innombrables chagrins/ Et m'en réserves plus encore, je le sais !/ J'avais une maison, une famille et me voilà/ par ta grâce dépossédé de tout sur terre./ Que puis-je endurer d'autre, je ne saurai le dire./ Qui ne sait que je dois mendier pour mon pain/ de porte en porte ? Et pourtant, je suis dans l'attente./ Un enfant ne doit-il pas vivre, sa mère morte ?/ Râmpraçâd était bien l'enfant de sa Mère,/ mais toi, ô Mère, tu as traité ton fils en ennemi./ Si, aux yeux de sa mère, l'enfant souffre à ce point,/ à quoi bon cette Mère pour l'enfant, cette Mère ?/ Ô Mère, quel est ce crime que j'expie/ durant ma longue vie dans la prison du monde ?/ Le matin, je travaille ; combien dure est ma part./ Je m'en vais çà et là gagner un salaire sans honneur./ Quelle désillusion rongeuse me possède !/ Et cependant, ô Mère, par quels charmes profonds/ n'as-tu pas attaché mon âme à ce vain monde !/ En m'appelant sur cette terre, innombrables/ ont été les peines assemblées le long de mon destin./ Elles me consument et le jour et la nuit./ Oh ! Mère, je ne désire plus la vie ! »

— Râmpraçâd SEN, A la Mère Divine1.
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Comments: 15

Ravimishra085 [2018-09-27 06:33:54 +0000 UTC]

i think my friend here is a good artist but for people who dont know who maa kali is 

 well it should first understood that their is a difference in nudity for example - when you see a child , gets nurtured by the bare breast of her or his mother .. what do you see their nudity or motherhood .. that is what mother kali represents because what ever the mythology say it always ends with she protecting her innocent children . i find people saying nakedness stands for truth or spirituality, we should understand that nudity is not truth it just represents dis-attachment and if we see mother kali she is always a mother she can never leave that stand thats what defines her ..  nudity is not spirituality , to understand this first understand spirituality  it means when we uttain a state of mind where we can find piece.. peace has nothing to do with cloths it is just a state of mind , lord Buddha found piece and that made him spiritually blessed and not walking around without cloths made him spiritual similar is with christ even at that cross when he felt great pain he say peace in knowing the good of the children's of god..   .. in case of mother kali , their are various cases when she is described in both her form and what each form symbolized . she is a mother and nothing else

it is also important to note that in various mythological resources their are many forms of mother kali . and any form see is never naked .. go to my profile ravimishra085 i have tried to draw as per the mythological record says .. for ex-
1) the pauranik kali - this is the form which arise from the forehead of mother durga , she is not naked instead she is wearing a sari of cheeta skin.(ref - devi bhagwatam - ch 4 sect -7 entirtled "chand mund wadh")this form is worshiped as the protector of innocent  ,and you will characterize her with a sticking tongue an dthe garland of human heads than

2.) is trinatri kali maa - who arise from the third eye of bhagwan shiva - this form is worshiped as a great mother and this is wearing a divine dress..  (ref - ling puran section "shiva tandava vernan")

3.) maa parvati herself - who is always dressed as a simple goddess and this form and only this form is strictly called "shakti of shiva "she is also given the name maa kali because of her dark skin (ref - kalika puran here mother parvati is given the name maa kali by narad and shiva puran the story continues )

4.) bhadra kali - this form is considered as only lion riding form and is dressed as a goddess with 16 hands , it should be kept in mind that all above stated form has 2 arms only only this is sixteen armed form .. and this form is the one who blessed mahishasur the devil who mother durga ended.. his boon was that till the end of time if ever maa durga is worshiped mahishasur will be always sit below the foot of maa durga . and thats why still today we draw him at the foot of maa durga  in every durga pooja .. bhadra kali is not  a fighting form ,it is just a worshiped form. (raf - kalika puran section entitled  "mahishasur ka upvikhyaan")

5.) the adi yog maya -  this is also dressed as a goddess who controls maya .. maya is to be considered as a tool by which lord vishnu run the word.. so this is just a controlling force . (ref - durgashapshati - ch4 section - 1)

6.) then their is shamshan kali - she is not a warrior and is seen as a great liberator of souls , she is characteristic in her really long tongue but nether wears a garland of human heads nor is a warrior.. she is worshiped to obtain sidhi (means potential)  (we have temples of her here in india)

7.) the dikshineshwar kali - she is also dressed as a goddess and is seen as a protector from death . actually in Hindus south direction is considered  as  a direction of lord yama ..and it is said if you worship this form kala cant harm you.. this also has two arms.

after this 8) garu kali - she is a teacher .

9.)  raktkali and after all this nine other forms of mother kali who is combined refereed as "nava kali"

to be specific the form we all see is also not naked she is wearing a skirt of human hands and a garland of human heads (47 is number which is actually equal to the no of alphabets in sanskrit language) and lots of jewelry and has long hairs and a sticking tongue

i dont have problem with nudity but  she is not described like that plus nudity as a mother can be understood and that should only be viewed ..

please consider my readings it took me a lot of time to understand her various forms in which she has been described in real mythology and not web ..

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Ravimishra085 [2018-09-26 11:45:26 +0000 UTC]

what i want to say is if you are trying to describe a mother than thats fine , but can you see a mother here , maa kali represents for motherhood not nudity she is a icon of strength and hope not sexuality

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digimagicnb [2014-11-09 18:12:25 +0000 UTC]

Interesting angle to this piece -from below Kali's arms, though the arm coming forward doesn't seem properly connected to her torso; but interesting and well done nonethe less

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mrkillabee [2014-06-11 07:14:16 +0000 UTC]

A big...big...thanks!
Tolerance rules!

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ashmol12 [2013-02-11 10:05:11 +0000 UTC]

Kali is a Hindu Goddess..!!! Hindus respect there goddesses as mother ( Maa) !!!
They don't like to see there goddesses in such a nude way !! this artwork is irritating me & hindus, Remove it !!! & stop creating nude & semi- nude Paintings of Hindu goddesses !!!

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shankfiddl In reply to ashmol12 [2013-10-12 01:09:31 +0000 UTC]

On the final day of navaratri, we cannot let this ignorance pass unattended. I am a hindu brahmin by birth, initiated into yoga as an adolescent, and I wholeheartedly disagree with ashmol's critique.

First, Kali is supposed to be depicted nude. She is fearsome, and is even drawn standing on the corpse of Shiva! Even the traditional "correct" art of Kali is very disturbing, it's supposed to be disturbing! Kali represents chaos and time, the constant change of the universe. If you want serene beauty then look to Saraswati, or Maha Tripurasundari (who are always depicted clothed). We have beautiful goddesses as well as wild, scary ones.

They say "time heals all wounds" while hindus say, "time is the destroyer" time destroys youthful beauty, animals, nations, planets, nothing escapes the jaws of time. This is why Kali is depicted as slightly disturbing. But a true devotee sees beauty in this. The ephemeral nature of things is why they are beautiful. Time 'destroys' wounds too which allows for healing.

We will die, that's why life is so precious. Children grow up, that's why kids and youth is so beautiful. All great nations fall, like Rome/Persia... and that's why we have so much national pride in our respective nations! The fact that everything must be destroyed makes life and our experience of the world that much more valuable.

This is a traditional hindu artwork.
Drawing Kali standing on Shiva might be seen as a sacrilegious, but to react that way is to miss the deeper meaning. If I wanted to pretend ignorance, I could complain, "Shiva is the highest god of the universe, how can you depict a woman with her breasts showing standing on him?!" But that would be missing the point. (the significance of that detail is beyond the scope of this brief comment)

As the artist correctly explained, Kali is also seen as the feminine principle, mother is just one of her roles. To the TRUE devotee, every single woman is a form of Kali, "Mother" Earth is a form of Kali, wife is Kali, sister is Kali, daughter is Kali, in fact, the element of the divine feminine is even present in us men.

Kali is also a personification of Shakti, or energy. In this sense, ART is also a form of Kali, whether the vibrations of sound organized into music, OR vibrating photons arranged to produce visual art. E=mc^2, this is fact. Everything that exists is energy.

For the true devotee, all art is Kali. And this particular image is no more or less "Kali Maa" than one of Van Gogh's paintings.

Secondly, besides from having multiple arms and the title, this image has none of the identifying features of Kali, black skin, long tongue, swords, skirt of arms, necklace of skulls, severed head. If anything you should be thanking the artist for omitting the fearsome details, and making her beautiful!

Aside from a skirt made of disembodied human arms, Kali is naked. When correctly portrayed, she is naked. Here are some more examples found on google:

PS one of the qualities that identifies the hindu faith is tolerance of all viewpoints. If you want to worship a tree, fine. A monkey, fine. A man, fine. Woman, fine. You can choose to worship beauty, nature's wrath (Kali) or even eroticism (the entire school of tantra).

If you see this reality as irritating, it says more about the observer than the creator. I personally see beauty in the fact that a non-hindu was inspired by our beloved goddess enough to work hard to create this artwork. Great work Mrkillabee, keep creating art that fulfills your Self, don't worry about praise OR criticism and keep creating art!

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mrkillabee In reply to ashmol12 [2013-02-13 10:16:47 +0000 UTC]

sorry if I offended you ... it was not my intention ... really! Unlike many things on DeviantArt, I think I have covered the subject with great respect (documenting me on the subject) in does not represent a kind of super martial evil entity ... as I said in my comments (in French...sorry!), I see Kali foremost as a woman (with all its facets) ...
For me, I see no downside to consider a mother as a woman.... On the contrary, I see rather a mark of respect
There is really no erotic or pornographic intention in this composition (nudity is not for me the symbol of purity) ... it was only a challenge artistic....
I hope this will help you to understand my approach and to understand the difference in our views...

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ashmol12 In reply to mrkillabee [2013-05-06 12:24:09 +0000 UTC]

ok...but dont create this type of paintings again !! please...

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mrkillabee In reply to mrkillabee [2013-02-13 10:18:31 +0000 UTC]

oups...nudity IS for me the symbol of purity...sorry!!

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Ilmarinen-Shadowstar [2012-06-05 21:38:46 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for such a beautiful visualization of my Goddess

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mrkillabee In reply to Ilmarinen-Shadowstar [2012-06-06 09:14:24 +0000 UTC]


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Seonidas [2012-05-06 03:55:47 +0000 UTC]

oh my god i usually dont like 3D but.. Sir This is BEAUTIFUL!

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mrkillabee In reply to Seonidas [2012-06-06 09:14:35 +0000 UTC]


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janedj [2012-05-05 06:00:21 +0000 UTC]


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mrkillabee In reply to janedj [2012-06-06 09:14:46 +0000 UTC]


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