MrZash — Sailors of Endless Seas by-nc-nd

#alien #fantasy #fiction #human #machine #hinuzuna #zokiikii #akaseptu #namuheeri #zaakeirii #anthrofurry #artificialintelligence #conceptdesign #sciencefictionfantasy #fungusmonster
Published: 2015-02-09 07:53:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 5298; Favourites: 69; Downloads: 18
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Description This is a list of six of the most relevant member species of the Zoketar (there are currently eleven in all).  Below I'll describe just basic traits and trivia about each one.  If you wish to know more about them, read on below.


  The first founding species; the Hinuzuna are mammalian reptiles and are a strict Matriarchy.  This species makes up the current majority of the Zoketarian Empire.  They come from an Ice-Age era world that orbits a double dwarf star system, known as Zoken-Amatheya and were the first to discover the 'Red Shift Drive' (Warp or FTL).  Their "prime directive" is to spread enlightenment and stability across space, and to learn more about the ever expanding Universe.  This purpose was further strengthened to pay for the sins they've accumulated during the Era of the Amussari; whom spread death and genocide across much of the Andromeda Galaxy.

  After the disappearance of the Amussari, the Hinuzuna were much more careful with whom they chose to liberate and enlighten.  During the Great Reconstruction, they adopted a new system in which to test new sentient species they encounter. (The Enlightenment Exam) Much of the species who later joined the Zoketar were either liberated or seen as worthy to become first class citizens.  These citizens have the right to vote and are provided basic needs, such as a right to the following:

  Healthcare, a Home, Food, Pursuit of Happiness, to vote, to join the military and to run for office to represent their species.  (All basic needs are free, special privileges and honors are earned after acquiring "Debt Credits".  These are earned through labor, advancing society, spreading enlightenment, etc.)

(If certain species fail the test, they are either ignored or, if they are close to passing, they are closely watched and monitored for cultural/technological advancement.  Civilizations who have split the atom are the most likely of whom to be close to passing the Enlightenment Exam.)

The Hinuzuna prize rich culture and science.


  The Zokiikii are a race of machines who have achieved sentience, or "The Singularity".  Once shackled by the Hinuzuna to direct ship navigation and to regulate complex tasks and even to just grow mass produced food stuffs, they were later released during the first Zoketarian Civil War, which was a final desperate move by the Hinuzuna to kick out the Amussari and, inevitably destroy them through the first use of the "Magnetar Bomb". These weapons also decimated the Hinuzuna themselves, as they were forced to use one i ntheir own home system.  Instead of feeling a sense of resentment for their gods/creators for their earlier enslavement, whether out of pity or just.. kindness/forgiveness.. the KiiKii decided to just claim the old Amussari homeworld for themselves and happily agreed help work to spread enlightenment with their parents.  Tensions between the freed nanite cores and their previous masters quickly evaporated over the years, as both wished for the same thing: Enlightenment, and a thirst for learning about the Universe.  Although the Zokiikii are machines composed of quantum computers, nanite cores and circuits, they are were recognized as a legitimate species after the Civil War.

  The Kiikii (AI Cores) generally inhabit larger machines, but for the purpose of "fitting in" the Kiikii can choose to inhabit bio/mechanical or just pure android bodies, wearing them as suits.  Their "gender" is determined by their developed personality and is shaped by the cultures they choose to intermingle with, so most recognize themselves as feminine and can alter the tone/pitch of their voice anytime.  Most can even choose and control the limit their IQ depending on the capacity of their quantum computer units (QCUs).  Specialized factories on the old Ammusari homeworld are used as 'nurseries' for new potential sentient nanite cores.  Only 20% achieve true sentience.  The rest are recycled.

Although they are but machines, the Zokiikii are a proud, founding member of the Zoketarian Empire and are highly feared spies and snipers on the battlefield.


  A tall, canine-like species, the Zaakeirii are tribal by nature and never stick to one particular world of origin, after the destruction of their homeworld, which was eaten by a rogue black hole sometime in the past.  They are most recognized for their unique super-massive solar sails; these sails are soo efficient, they can propel Zaakeirii designed ships faster than most others using the standard impulse drives (fusion, nuclear, etc.) as long as they are within the influence of a star.   Their ships can switch to Red Shift and back to sail in a matter of moments depending on whether they enter or enter a particular system.  They are also master Star Chart designers/explorers.

  They were first encountered as raiders attempting to capture a Zoketarian freighter, this triggered the first major interstellar conflict since the Great Galactic Civil War.  Since they don't have a home or central government of their own, the largest known tribes officially joined the Zoketar after the war.  In a bid to minimize raids and reckless violence, these tribes were given protected star systems and improved technologies with the promise that the Zaakeirii comply with Galactic Law; most did so; the rest however were exterminated or imprisoned in the name or peace and order.  Most space pirates still consist of this particular species in the Andromeda Galaxy and individuals who live on non-Zaakeirii worlds are unfortunately faced with very negative stereotypes.

  (The reason for their aggressive nature, is because this religious culture has many who follow Kallamen: A faith that rewards conflict, duels and combat (successful or not).  In exchange for their fallen blood and retrieved treasures, they are rewarded with fairer solar winds and a key into heaven; or "Kalla".)  (Basically Space Vikings. Heh)

  Some of those stereotypes may be justified, for this mammalian species view females as property and allow the possession of slaves and follow a more barbaric culture.  However, on Zoketarian controlled ships and planets followers of Kallamen must follow the law, all of which protect women's/men's rights and highly discourages any form of slavery and physical violence.  This causes tension between the Hinuzuna and Zaakeirii and often results in local conflicts on the "Borderworlds" these instances of religious/cultural strife become rarer as one moves in closer to the "Core Worlds".  There are pockets of violent Zaakeirii tribal pirates that control small portions of star clusters that reside in these outer border systems, where their religion has taken hold; much to the frustration of the "Central Interstellar Covenant" or the "CIC" (The center of Government for the Zoketar).  

  Despite their aggressive nature, they are highly agile and intelligent navigators/tacticians and are quite common on the bridges of Zoketarian Battleships and Dreadnoughts, especially frigates.   Individual Zaakeirii are generally specialized weapons officers, quartermasters and even captains of said ships.  Most who join the Zoketarian Military, are frontline troops for religious reasons.

Vauxx-Kiikii (Humans):

  After the destruction of their homeworld's biosphere, the surviving members of humanity fled into space, to find a suitable home and learn from the mistakes of their ancestors.  This flotilla consisted of the last of human kind and was designed to 'seed' the Milky Way.  However, due to complications with an aging Quantum Computer and fusion engines; this fleet of ships eventually ended up just drifting through space, as planet after planet was deemed 'unsuitable' for human life, and resources dwindled.  Eventually, barely over 20,000 individuals remained in cryo by the time a Hinuzunan Dreadnought Colonial Ship found this odd, diverse group of aging ships.

  Seeing these humans as harmless, and after examining their barely functioning Quantum Computer, the hinuzuna deemed humanity worthy of preservation due to their cultural and scientific insights.  The words of our past comedians, like Robin Williams and George Carlin; along with our 20th and 14th+ century musical composers impressed and amused the Hinuzuna once the records were translated.  They also mistook one of our "deities" for Celestia, a character from a "historical account" from an ancient story called: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.  This message of friendship, trust and generosity was the tipping point that ultimately led Humanity to eventually join the Zoketar as a full fledged member.  Much to the surprise of the surviving human passengers.

  Even though the survivors were saved from their cold ships, living on Zoketarian worlds proved difficult and about a third died from complications from the local, high gravity environments along with damaged lungs and difficulty adapting to cybernetic implants to ease the transition.  Now, less than 15,000 people are scattered across the Andromeda Galaxy, with most humans residing on Zaakeirii worlds, for it was deemed as the closest biosphere that matched human physiology, much to the Zaak's annoyance.  The CIC is still debating on a permanent solution, for human colonization and expansion.  For most human infants are miscarried and extinction is likely if the Zoketar cannot secure a Earth-like planet soon that matches the needs of these strange, hairless mammals.  However, several candidates for human worlds have recently been discovered and it's just a matter of figuring out a peaceful way to build a new state within the Empire.

 Humanity has always endured hardship and ultimately prospered, though we are in an era of struggle, with the luck and spirit we've always had with us, long-term survival is very likely.


 The Namuheeri are a Matriarchal, living tree-like carnivorous species and a founding species of the Zoketar.  These gentle, but powerful telepathic giants make up the bread and butter of the Zoketarian Heavy Infantry and cultural hotspots of the Galaxy.  They were the first to be discovered by the Hinuzuna, for their frozen world rests in the habitable zone of the same double star system their discoverers share.  Similar to our own solar system, but all three planets were of the right size and density to secure a long term foothold for complex life.  All with oceans and reasonable climates/biospheres.

  Their woolly backside covers and warms their massive brain, that links across the length of their backside, a thick cartilage with a similar consistency of Carbon Fiber covering it, adds another layer of protection.  This allows sitting and laying down without feelings of disorientation or seizures.  Their hyper-sensitive gem-like eyes protrude from their heavily armored head, protecting the most vital part of their frontal, 2nd heart and primary and secondary sensory organs.  This vision helps them easily navigate the almost constant whiteout conditions on their frigid homeworld of Zoken-Mingenga.  Upon witnessing the stars for the first time during first contact, the beauty of the sky captivated the Namu soo much, that they instantly befriended the tiny, strange beings from the sky and the two species became the closest allies, and still are to this day.

  Soon after first contact, the Hinuzuna realized how intelligent these peaceful tribal creatures were and in an act of immense generosity and good will, provided the technology to develop a grand civilization on the hospitable Mingenga, further deepening each other's trust.  This alliance would be crucial for their victory over the Amussari.  Their telepathic abilities were not just used for war, but were meant as a way to entertain and comfort others.

  For example, similar to the Asari in Mass Effect, the Namu can project mental images of sexual pleasure and shared enlightenment to others, for either educational or entertainment though spoken words are nonexistent.  Since the Namu's vicious shark like jaws and teeth are generally horrifying and they are without vocal cords, they speak in beautiful voices through brainwave projection, each pertaining to a specific male's personality traits; this was delightful especially for the Hinuzunan females, cross-breeding and interspecies relations are especially common between the two.  However, since Namu females are soo rare their numbers are limited; although at three billion strong, their population is slowly declining, being that the male birthrate is one-hundred times that of females, copulation is rare and females are very fickle about their mates.  The upside however, is that their lifespans can be that of Earth's Largest Trees.  So potentially, a Namu can live to be over five thousand years old or more!  Females can live even longer.  This is why it took nearly twelve thousand years for the Namu's population to recover to just over three billion individuals galaxy wide.

  Most Namu still reside on their homeworld, but when war and conflict arise, expect these living tanks to be the first on the battlefield, ever vigilant and loyal to their small, kind friends.


  This recently discovered short, colorful, almost fungal-like species hails from a warm, wet and dense super-earth like planet with a name that most can't pronounce.  However, it is commonly known as Keiraglandama or, "The Goddess' Garden".  This planet is rich and has super diverse plant life, truly a garden of Eden...at first glance.  Colonizing on it is beyond difficult for practically any species for it is a place where the flora grow rapidly and aggressively, poisonous fumes and spores saturating the rich, blue sky.  The cities of these small matriarchal creatures reside in ancient dead trunks of super-massive trees that have a circumference of seven miles!  A sort of safe haven from the creatures outside.  Though this is not the only off thing about the environment; like Anglerfish, females of this species view males as walking sperm banks.  Overtime, males lost much of their brain matter as it shrank as female brains grew larger.  (Male Akaseptu are barely as intelligent as an average human.)  However, the Males' size, strength and search out a mate was strengthened drastically.  This brought the species to a female dominated culture due to this drastic intelligence gap.   During mating, the male chooses to fuse his mind with his female companion, strengthening her neural connections, thus improving her IQ, lobotomizing the male in the process; he pays a grave sacrifice in order to pass on his genes.  Highly successful females became brilliant scientists, tutors and scholars.  The female typically has three to four males following and serving her.  The male and female's are genes passed on, but the male has become almost docile, with small signs of animal like behavior and neutral personality.  Only celibate males are allowed to run for office and serve in the military for..obvious reasons.

  Despite these intense living conditions, bizarre mating habits and vicious predators, these small, creative and intelligent beings were among the first few species along with the Hinuzuna to develop a propulsion system like the Red Shift Drive.

  First contact was made when a Hinuzunan Deep Space Exploration Frigate (The Vigilant Mile), encountered a heavily damaged Akaseptu war vessel and attempted to investigate.  However, the encounter wasn't pretty.  Even in spacesuits, the Hinuzuna's filters were saturated with toxic spores, accidentally killing the away team.  Not long after, a larger Akaseptu vessel appeared from Quantum Warp and mistook the Hinuzunan vessel as the attacker.. a bloody battle followed suit.

  After the battle, the victorious Akaseptu Dreadnought scanned and realized they made a horrific error, for it wasn't the same alien species they were currently at war with, both captains met in a tense environment, but fortunately, it was calm enough for the Akaseptu's captain not to release toxic spores into the air.  She wore a protective hood/filter on her head as a precaution during the meeting.  After some hours of negotiation and frustratingly annoying translating, both captains apologized and the victorious alien ship/crew graciously repaired the Zoketarian ship and returned the bodies of the hinuzunan away team with heart-felt apologies.  It would be some time before the two species would encounter each other again, this time though, it would be under a banner of alliance and peace.  The Akaseptu, impressed with the Hinuzuna's scientific advancements, gave these new allies a chance, if the Hinuzuna promised to help with the war the Akaseptu were still having, this powerful group of interstellar kingdoms would agree to join the Zoketar.  As promised, the Zoketar's superior fleets alongside the Akaseptu, with great losses, pushed back the strange, black/squid-like starships, their deep roars and horrific synthetic tendrils almost terrifying the Hinuzunan crews.  Courage and a nice helping of modified Magnetar bombs eventually turned the tide, and the Invaders were pushed from Andromeda.

  Though victorious, the veterans of the war later complained of.. the nightmares, full of oily shadows and itchy whispers, many unstable patients begged to be handed a firearm, confusing even the greatest therapists.   A memorial was set up on both homeworlds of the victors to honor those killed in battle...and those who committed suicide afterwards, more names are added each year.  With the end of the "Dark Veil War" the two empires fused together, greatly strengthening the influence and strength of the Zoketar, immediately earning the Akaseptu a place among the other species.

 As great news as this is... the hinuzuna and other member races grow nervous whenever a Aka female or male show up in person; they will typically wear hoods or suits as protection against their own anxiety/stress released spores.  Though their spores are lethal during stressful situations, benign spores released during calm times and in the present good or pleasurable company presents a very delightful time for Humans, Namuheeri and some kinky Hinuzuna.  For these spores can lower anxiety and be sexually stimulating. (Their illegally harvested lethal spores, are typically traded in underground markets for assassins, unregulated food companies and for sexual deviants who wish for a 'good time'.)
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Comments: 2

i8cherrypie [2015-02-09 21:23:22 +0000 UTC]

Quite an interesting description! I love the detailing and lore of each species.. They all have a fascinating history!
Awesome work on their diverse designs!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MrZash In reply to i8cherrypie [2015-02-10 04:24:21 +0000 UTC]

Heh, ty Cherry, i'm glad some of you enjoyed the concept.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0