MyEmpyrean — Sagas

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Published: 2020-04-08 21:28:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 1768; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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Description "Aw, gettin' sleepy-weepy? Come on, when I clap my hooves, my conjoined brother should… make cowbell noises." "Um… Ringadingling!" "Lo and behold, ladies and gentlecolts." 

Name: Sagas 

Nicknames: Agatha (Blue female one), Sage (Orange male one) 


  • Discord- biological father

  • Trixie- biological mother

  • Rarity- mother 

  • Poppycock- half-brother

  • Teacup Storm- half-sister

Occupation: The Guardians of Dreams 


It took no trouble at all for Rarity to have one child each with the both of them, but it was a different matter entirely when it became readily apparent that Rarity expected the same for them. Trixie and Discord both agreed to be in the a polyamorous relationship; however, it did not extend to more than a somewhat advanced business relationship. One that involved mutual beneficial cuddling and maybe an embrace- in private. So, determined to kindle a deeper understanding for one other, Rarity set up a wondrous date night that stirred Romeo and Juliet in their tragically romantic graves-

Except Discord and Trixie messed it up. Royally so. So much so that it became known as the "Incident," never to be spoken of again. (Unless, of course, in passing just to fluster each other.) It may have involved taking a randomly-summoned-but-docile hydra joyride, popcorn fireworks as large as the entire sky, and oodles of lame, punny flirts. 

But holy sweet Celestia was it fun. 

And it resulted in Trixie's pregnancy with Sagas, the conjoined twin draconqui. 

Faster forward to childhood. No medical or magical means would separate the young twins, Every attempt would result in a little fizzle of magic, like Sagas had countered the spell or treatment, even though they were still young. Discord eventually realized that is was because they WANTED to stay together.

They already saw the importance of their relationship, so they did not want it to get taken away. 

With three parents and two older siblings, everypony was always busy with something, even Discord, who didn't really have a job. Because of this, Sagas spent many of their first few years with various foalsitters, mainly fashion ponies like Sassy Saddles or even Hoity Toity.  This continued isolation allowed their bond to grow stronger as they grew more protective of one another. They also grew a general distaste of fashion, much to Rarity's chagrin. When Discord's chaotic magic training fell through with his first son, Poppycock, Discord suddenly diverted his attention to Sagas. Turns out, they both have separate magic ability. Agatha had little to no magic power; whereas Sage could perform very complicated spells. 

Agatha felt guilty she could not live up to her father's expectations, so she took to learning Trixie's "magic." She learned about subconscious manipulation and hypnosis that way, delighted she had not only power, but a way of control. She became a domineering personality, using her hypnosis to get the attention she wanted. 

Until an accident happened. While Teacup Storm went through one of her many tantrums, Agatha hypnotically influenced her to stay quiet. What she didn't do was give her older sister a stop time for her silence. (I.e. she did not put a limit on it) This gave Teacup her eternal muteness, resulting in even more explosive waves of magical tantrums when she could not communicate her feelings. Teacup had to go to therapy to try and help her learn to speak again. Agatha faced a harsh punishment; no more lessons on Trixie's fake magic. Guilt-ridden over this, Agatha fell into a state of depression and abandoned her craft completely. 

Sage, meanwhile, was transfixed by chaos magic. He felt so special being able to wield it so fluidly. As such, he grew more obsessed over the topic, drawing himself into a deeper solitude through research about the origin of magic. During his his research, he uncovered the study of philosophy and how it applies to magic. He is now a firm believer that reality is meaningless and ultimately fake. He became more a subservient personality, only agreeing to be trained in the art of hijinks so he could develop his own magical theories.

He never blamed his sister for the Teacup incident, but he did not know how to drag her out of her misery, resulting in his own forced optimism to try and stir her back to happiness. 

Recognizing that they were pulling their children on two separate paths, all the parents eased on their lessons and encouraged free thinking for their children. But Sagas wanted to stay whole. Even if they pursued different goals, they would still stick with the other. 

Both feel like they are absolutely nothing without the other. 

This could be due to the isolation factor of their childhood, or the negative mental states their older siblings had. Teacup braved a lot of anger issues while Poppycock risked his neck for more spotlight. This even resulted in Poppycock running away from home. 

Despite all those shortcomings, Sagas knew they would be better together. 

However, Sage's expertise with magic spanned a lot of scholarly attention. They both became the number one student of Starlight Glimmer, the new alicorn princess. Read "both," where Agatha really was just dragged along for the ride. Sage, although excited about the opportunity, grew concerned over Agatha's worsening depressive state. She thought that she didn't deserve being here with him, such a successful and wonderful student. 

They both came up with a great idea. If they just PRETENDED Agatha suddenly has a lot of potent magical talent, then she would also fit right in! She wouldn't just be a tag-a-long on somepony else's success; everypony would think she earned it! With her hypnosis and his powerful sorcery, they could definitely keep up the role! 

With a lot of convincing from Sage, Agatha picked up her craft again and used it to influence others. More responsible and conservative with her power, she finally felt a state of inner peace amidst her dark turmoil. 

And so their plan did work! In fact, Princess Starlight assigned them both with an important role; Guardians of the Dreams.This was part of Luna's role before retirement. Although both were young, Princess Starlight felt comfortable given them such a monumental task, believing it would only continue to enhance their shared magical ability. Basically an overblown therapist, they both like to pop in and talk to random dreamers. Sometimes to help them through a trying time, but mostly just to talk and generally surprise others. Even though Agatha knew her magical ability was a lie, she just felt comfortable working with her brother. Despite her guilt over unearned success, she worked with a small smile on her face. She made it a goal in her mind to help ponies like Teacup. 

Creatures who couldn't speak up but wanted nothing more than help. 

Sage also grew to adore his job. Although he thinks life is an illusion, dreams felt more real to him. Much more predictable and easy to understand. Not only that, but he wanted to continue to nurse his craft and find what makes up magic once and for all. Is chaos magic truly the purest form of it? Where did all the latent energy come from? How many creatures are made of magic? Is magic really magic? All these questions and more did he wish to answer. And yet he also cared about helping others, atoning for his own uselessness in battling against his own conjoined sister's depression. 

In a way, albeit a little shady, their new job was  the best of both worlds.


Agatha, although short and quiet, reigned as the primary leader for the pair. Not because of confidence; rather, it was because of hostility. She wasn't mean to her conjoined brother, but she was the one to step up and defend their right to stay together. Agatha is a fighter. She will fight for her brother at all costs. With many silent death-glares, she could put many ponies in their place. She will always choose not to speak when a simple expression says it all. This results in her naturally deadpan voice. And lots of animalistic growling. 

She still struggles with bouts of sadness, resulting in a worn-out Draconques and lots of empty jugs of ice cream. Nonetheless, she preserves a secret passion for her therapy job, instantly cheering up everytime they go to work. Especially if she gets to do hypnosis, which changes her into a giddy showman that would utilize her craft at any opportunity. Even if it doesn't necessarily qualify it. 

Any sort of mistake would render her desolate, which encourages her perfectionist behavior. She would do anything to cover up a mistake she made, desperate to prove that she's a responsible individual. She gets hurt very easily if her hard work is ignored as well. One question reigns supreme in her mind: do I really deserve any of this?

Overly protective and fond of her conjoined twin, she always defends him first and foremost. She gives a dry "ha ha" to all of his jokes. Although she wants to be recognized as well, she also wants nothing more than for Sage to succeed in his new life.


Sage is pretty different. Less keen on confrontations, he's more intrigued with philosophy and magical studies. His talent with sorcery stems from his curiosity and wonder about how magic developed the world around him. However, his extensive research also underwent a darker path where he declared one that ponies are just flesh constructs of some unknown, yet omniscient god. Shaken deeply by this but unwilling to present his insights, he feigned morbid cheer at the subject. Like hooray, everything he thought he knew was a lie! As such, many believe he is a painfully cheerful stallion rather than a nihilistic scholar. 

Sage could care less about what others thought of him. He is unapologetically himself, always skeptical and curious of subjects he doesn't understand. His prowess with magic is with little work on his part; he's just born natural. He does not have any pride about it. The only creature he cares to ask what they think is his sister. 

What he IS unwilling to admit is if he's wrong. He hardcore believes his own philosophies, and any other theory does not live up to his scrutiny. As such, he does not like to connect with others for fear of being fooled by reality. Everything's just a facade… nothing's real. Kidding himself with friends and the ilk would only result in emotional pain. 

That being said, a little fun prank every now and again is a completely valuable part of his time, so he loves to spend his freetime crafting masterful pranks. No matter how convoluted, he will make sure the target is throughly bamboozled. Being the Guardian of Dreams doesn't exclude him from personal enjoyment!


Trixie- Agatha adores her mother and always forces them to attend her shows. Cue excited screeches and mindless chatter between a mother and a daughter. For Sage, her tricks remind him too much that everypony's life is simply that; smoke and mirrors. 

Discord- Sage admires his magical ability, but he thinks he's just an overgrown child. That being said, he's an amazing partner in crime for pranks! Agatha healed from her jealousy, so she is fairly close with him as well. 

Rarity- A bit over-emotional and over-bearing, Sagas as a whole agree that she's a helicopter mom. She's great if you need a self-esteem boost though her encouraging and tons of spa treatment. 

Poppycock- Sagas never really connected to him. He ran away fairly early in their lives, so they lack a family bond. Sagas doesn't even know where he is now! 

Teacup Storm- Sage believes she is an arrogant, hot-headed jerkface. Agatha has an extraordinary amount of regret, so she tries to create a deeper relationship. This results in mixed reactions, either lots of silent rage or lots of soggy tissues.

More coming soon!

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