MysticSparkleWings — My Acquired Pony Darlings by-nc-nd

#mlp #adoptedocs #mylittlepony #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #ponyocs #adoptedcharacters
Published: 2016-01-21 06:24:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 2123; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 6
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Description ...Most of them, anyway. A few aren't here because 1.) I ran out of space, and 2.) They all exist in a specific timeline together. These...*takes a second to count*...13 don't have a specific timeline, as their backstories don't really require one. They'll just exist wherever I need them to, really. The others will be getting their own separate piece like this later on. For now, let's focus on who all exactly these characters are.

Each of these characters I adopted at some point, some more recently than others, and yet I haven't really drawn any of them. So the other night I sat down and decided to develop their characters a little bit, and then draw them all together and introduce them all. And so, (wall of text warning!) here's a little about each of them, left to right:

The Pale Mare With Red Eyes:
NameSerene Grace
Personality: Smart and kind, caring but still firm, she loves and does very well with little fillies and colts. She moves quickly and flies more like a fairy than a pegasus.
Cutie Mark & Story: (not visible here) One big and one small soft yellow heart. Grace’s special talent lies in caring for young fillies. She discovered this when looking for ways to earn bits when she was younger and tried fool sitting. Soon she had her mark and opened a daycare, as every pony wanted her to foal sit and she couldn’t be everywhere at once. Graceful Meadows is always open to even the most rambunctious of foals!

One of my most recent adopts, her name was probably one of the easiest to come up with of the ones that didn't already have names. She was based off of togetic's design from Pokemon, and thus I went with one of it's possible abilities for her name, which lead to her talent, etc. Her base Pokemon is where I got a lot of her features from that weren't already there. Even her cutie mark color (though you can't see it here) is an homage to togepii's head and paw color.

The Purple Bat Pony With Green Mane & Tail:
Name: Lyrical Bite
Personality: A brash, rude and insensitive mare. Despite her outwardly harsh personality, if you can crack her shell she’s a loyal friend.
Cutie Mark & Story: Three music notes on lines. Always the salesmare, her mother owned a very well-off antique shop, where many a instrument could be found. One day, Lyric happened upon some recently brought-in instruments, and kept trying them until she was down to the last one: An old guitar missing a tuning knob. She picked it up, and upon playing discovered she had a natural talent for it. Ding! Cutie mark! Now she works with her friend SparkSong (who we'll be getting to shortly), playing that same guitar while her friend sings.

Lyric actually came with most of her information, including her name, which made things easier on me. And yet, I think she's one of my favorites despite that~ With the basics down, it gives me more room to focus on her other attributes. Originally, I never planned on a connection between her and SparkSong, (in fact, I adopted her waaaay before SparkSong, if memory serves) it just sort of fell into place when I was developing everyone.  I'm not sure you can tell, but her legs are supposed to be a little longer, and the front two are striped. It was kind of hard to shade, but I really didn't want to change it. I've always liked her design as is~

The Dark Purple Pegasus With Colorful Mane & Teeny Glasses:
Name: Night Treasure
Personality: Adventurous, brave, has a selective conscious (I.E. she’s usually blunt and doesn’t always think about the consequences of her actions) but usually means well.
Cutie Mark & Story: Compass that resembles a star. Night has always loved maps and traveling. Imagine her delight when she stumbled upon her Grandpop’s treasure map in the attic! Feeling like she simply had to follow it, even though it was getting dark, Night set out to find it. Using the stars to guide her, eventually she found the grand treasure—A collection of even more treasure maps! Her special talent? Following the maps using the stars to find the treasures! When she’s not off doing that, she runs a map (selling & making) stand wherever she can, traveling across Equestria.

Okay, Night probably has the backstory I like the most out of everyone here ^^. Her name was kind of a challenge, but once I had that, everything else just sorta fell into place. I'm thinking, since she's a pegadeer, maybe her mom was a travel-writer pegasus and her dad a deer. And it would be the grand father on her mother's side that had the maps and everything. Dunno yet, but I do know I can see her being kinda like a weird cross between Twilight and Rainbow Dash, personality-wise.

The Small Yellow Pegasus:
Name: Showstopper
Personality: A sometimes-clumsy but still gifted and fun-loving pony, this bubbly pegasus uses Murphneigh’s law to her advantage—And quite well, too. She doesn’t play the part of a clown, but she loves hosting parties (celebration maximization!) and being a bit of a jokester.
Cutie Mark & Story: A neon wrapped present. Showstopper discovered her special talent one year when she forgot her mother’s birthday and she had to scramble to make up for it. It seemed like everything was going terribly wrong, until her mother came home and loved it! That was when she knew she was meant to throw parties that would be great, no matter how awry her plans went.

When I first adopted this cutie, her premise was a lot closer to Night Treasure's Adventurous with a talent (literally) for finding treasure, named Sunny Coin. But after fleshing out Night, I decided I didn't want two OCs that didn't know each other and weren't related to be so similar. So I changed her~ The two most prominent traits for her: A.) Her Clumsiness and B.) Her small stature, both carry a lot of weight. She's not young, just small. A design choice partially on purpose for character, and partially due to me running out of space when I got to her. As for her clumsy side, I decided to break norms a little. Clumsiness is usually listed and seen as a flaw. Not with Showstopper. She uses her misfortune in her favor. Which I realize sounds ridiculous, but it's kinda like matching a destructive personality with a job that's, well, destructive. Also, I imagine her mane and tail have those rainbow parts as a result of a past accident, and she decided to keep the look.

The Almost Completely Blue Pegasus:
Name: Sea Breeze
Personality: A very go-with-the-flow, chill pony. Breezy’s only complaint is that she was born a pegasus instead of a sea pony. She loves the water and the smell of the wind on the beach. 
Cutie Mark & Story: (not visible) Tendrils of wind and splashing sea foam. Breezy was less easy going when she was little, partly because she felt like she didn’t belong in the sky, and instead belonged in the glittering waters below. After being told one too many times to leave the water alone and get back to taming breezes, she started using the breezes to manipulate the water, attracting the admiration of nearby ponies and bringing out her cutie mark. Now she performs her “water symphonies” for a career at both concerts and private events.

Firstly, I know she shares her name with a Breezie. In my defense, I had adopted her and come up with the name before the Breezies made their appearance, and I honestly don't want to change it. I think it works too well for her. Also, though I realize it's probably not, I feel like her being a pegasus that feels like she belongs in the ocean instead of the sky is an original premise, and I'm proud that I came up with it ^^. Again, I realize I'm probably not the only one who's ever thought of this, but I've never personally seen it done before, so I'm really happy with it~

The One Really Warm Color Pony Up Here:
Name: SparkSong
Personality: A wild child that often needs to be reigned in a little. SparkSong answers to no one except herself, unless she just feels like it. Some call her a witch, but others know under her wild and crazy exterior, she has a heart of fiery gold. 
Cutie Mark & Story: Flames surrounding a microphone. SparkSong loved to sing as a filly, and loved fire just as much. When she combined her singing act with pyrokinetics for the school talent show, she rightfully earned her mark. Though more of a small-town star, she still performs for her job and loves every second of it, working closely with her friend Lyrical Bite.

Ah, finally an OC that wasn't totally ignored after I got her. Granted, her story has changed quite a bit since then. I pretty much re-imagined her whole image this time around. For instance, her mane is kind of like a super long, grown-out mohawk. If she was dangled upside down, you could see that she's shaved it on either side on the edges, leaving it long really only in the middle. Also, her tail in so sort because it was singed that short when one of the pyrokinetic shows got a little out of hand (hoof?). I feel like her extroverted craziness would be a good compliment for Lyric's outward bitterness. I forget who's bio I was working on when I decided to make them a team though...

The Teal & Purple Really Happy Pegasus:
Name: Fantasy Flyer
Personality: A fun loving, bubbly, excitable Pegasus that has a perfectionist streak when it comes to her flying shows. If one little thing isn’t perfect, it can usually ruin the whole thing for her, no matter how good it was anyway.
Cutie Mark & Story: A pink heart with brown wings on either side. Flyer always loved flying and doing air tricks, and discovered her special talent by combining elements of light shows and special effects to her routine. Her shows are a part-time job on the side of setting up special effects for others’ performances.

Now here's some pony that didn't really change all that much. Unlike SparkSong, Fantasy Flyer didn't really change too much from what I originally had her pinned as. The only thing new is the thing about her being a perfectionist. I imagine it's something she struggles with. One of those artist-type things: You can get all the compliments in the world, and yet you still feel bitter and unhappy with something because you know it could've been better. Still, Flyer tries not to let her "short comings" visibly bother her too much.

The Pastel Cool Colors Earth Pony:
Name: Lily Bloom
Personality: Happy, bubbly, a little over eager, chipper, charming
Cutie Mark & Story: (Sort of a) Morning Glory. Lily learned about plants and flowers from school and practically begged her parents to let her make a garden. Knowing she slept late, her parents said okay, but she’d half to get up early if she wanted to see the flowers once they started blooming. Over the course of several weeks, Lily worked hard until she woke up early one morning to find her flowers had bloomed magnificently, and along with them, she blossomed into her cutie mark. She now owns a flower shop, running day shift while her younger sister runs nights (due to her talent) and their brother keeps a butterfly farm over top of. 

I went back and forth so much over her and her brother's names!
Okay, so. First her name was Morning Glory, then Aqua Lily, and I finally settled on Lily Bloom. I wouldn't have changed it, except her younger sister is (now, anyway) MoonGlow , and their brother (who we'll get to soon enough) would've been the only one without A M...G name, and I just couldn't deal. So...Here we are. Also, the name thing bothered me because my idea is that, since MoonGlow and their brother are both pegasi, and because Lily's palette is so different, and she's also an earth pony, that Lily was actually adopted. (Additionally, a warning that there will be a sad backstory for these three with their brother's description coming up.)

The Tiny, Gradient-Covered Pony:
Name: Amethyst Enigma 
Personality: Very much a no-nonsense mare. Her motto is, “Mystery Solved, Case Closed.” If there’s an unanswered question in her mind, she’ll figure it out, one way or another. She reads arguably too much, especially the newspaper. As she is legally blind in one eye without it, she never leaves home without her monocle, which she prefers to contacts. She is observant and focused (when she’s not reading).
Cutie Mark & Story: A magnifying glass. Always curious and always searching for answers to even the most irrelevant of questions, she earned her cutie mark rather late, having had her nose too buried in her research to notice or care for too terribly wrong. Her classmate was distraught after noticing some of her things had gone missing, and Amethyst, ever the observant one, found the culprit, earning her a special talent for solving mysteries. 

While the name wasn't the most challenging (but also not the easiest), coming up with her talent was probably the hardest, as she was actually the last one I got to in the developing process. I was running low on ideas . And yet, I don't think she suffered all that much from it. If anything, she's probably one of the more developed ones here. Although I can say she was one of the hardest to shade, thanks mostly to her gradients.

The Scarred Green Unicorn:
Name: Tinker Stein
Personality: A quirky, curious, very scientific mare who arguably spends too much time with her nose in a book and her hooves and horn experimenting.
Cutie Mark & Story: Yellow beaker with pink liquid and bubbles. Tinker Stein made the mistake of asking of her late Great-Grandfather, Victory Stein, who worked hard to blend and unite the worlds of science and magic. Tink takes great pride in continuing his mission in her own lab, performing her own experiments to meld magic and science since she was a tiny little foal.

Okay...Maybe adopting this one involved a little more than needing another character...
Being a Monster High and classic movie-creature trope fan, I was instantly taken with this mare's design~ Although, admittedly, I didn't really base her personality off of Frankie from MH, which probably would've made more sense...But I digress. I also kind of see her a little bit like the way episode 100 presented Time Turner. Just...more focused, I think. Also, in this pose I can totally hear her shouting, "EUREKA!" over something-or-other.

The One Stallion:
Name: Azure Wing
Personality: Anxious but kind, soft spoken but still strongly opinionated. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and family, regardless of the consequences. Though he is a stallion of few words, when he does speak, it’s with his heart. Or very thoroughly thought out. 
Cutie Mark & Story: Three Butterflies. Azure, being the eldest of his siblings, spent quite a bit of time on his own as a colt, but quickly found an escape from loneliness in watching and caring for the passing butterflies. With time, he eventually grew to find his talent in caring for them like pets. He now operates a butterfly over top of his sisters' flower shop, and aides two separate groups of butterflies in their trade-off migration every year.

Ah, there's that brother I mentioned earlier~ The name choosing here was definitely one of the hardest ones, but I'm happy with the end choice. In addition to already being the older brother and feeling protective of his sisters, despite the fact they're all pretty close in age, he had to grow up faster, alongside Lily, when the trio's parents passed away. It's just been the three of them, and they get on pretty well. MoonGlow and Azure are exceptionally close, in part because she technically has spent more time with him. Azure, however, often has to remind Lily she isn't MoonGlow's mother, she's her sister, and the three of them are in this together.

The Pegasus With Strange Accessories:
Name: Viridian Sprocket
Personality: A punkish techie with a guilty pleasure for video games. Take what you will from that.
Cutie Mark & Story: A video game controller. Sprocket always liked video games, but always found herself coming up with ideas she thought were better than the ones she played. So she tried her hand at building a game from the ground up. It took forever, but when she finally finished it, she earned her cutie mark. She now works as an Indie developer and tries to come out with a new game every six months. 

What's up with her wing? That wing is encased in a contraption that Tinker Stein invented upon learning her friend couldn't fly, because the muscles in that wing were too weak. She was born that way, and now wears her "brace" proudly like an accessory, even now matching her tail adornment, hind-leg watch (which she thinks is a commical  way to keep time) and a pair of steampunk goggles. Admittedly, I'm actually kind of a closet Derpy fan, and I see Sprocket's personality as being a nice balance between Derpy's and Rainbow Dash's.

Last One! YAY!
Name: Treble Pastel
Personality: A persnickety music fanatic that unintentional comes off as a music snob. Pastel DJ’s almost exclusively to please herself, regardless of what event she was hired for. She has a passion for the art of music matched by no pony.
Cutie Mark & Story: Vinyl record with a treble clef music note. Music was always in the house when she was a filly, as her mother gave lessons. Pastel quickly grew a fondness for the artistic sense of music, and turned this both into her special talent and her career. Creating and just picking and playing.

Believe it or not, I actually had a personality planned for her that was almost the exact opposite. Something more like Sea Breeze's, I think. And every other name I tried to give her never really worked. They were all pretty bad. Really though, I love this new version of her. She can actually be nice, but she answers to no one when it comes to music. Abso. Lutely. No one.

Well, I warned you there was a wall of text coming please don't hit me with a rock...

Artistically, I drummed up this piece the same way I did my cat-ponysona. Sketched out traditionally, then scanned (and pieced together because the paper was so big I couldn't get it all at once) in black and white, and booted into Photoshop for minor line art touch-ups and coloring. Originally I hadn't planned on shading it, but...well, here we are. (Although it was an ill-advised impulse. Shading gradients in this style is a royal pain.

Personally, I'm actually really liking this new style's look. Also, I reminds me of some of the comic pictures. Which was unintentional, but it works. 

Poses referenced from a wide variety of bases and screenshots, some modified to fit the character better. 

Also, every pony's visible CMs except SparkSong and Lilly Bloom's were made here . The other two were made by me. 

All characters were adopted from others, and most of the original images can be found right here  in my favorites. I think the only one missing in Amethyst Enigma's, and that's probably because I forgot to favorite it. I got her palette/visual from a screenshot I had stored away from when I adopted her. 

Now if you all will excuse me, it's late, and I really need to get some sleep.
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Comments: 6

idiot-haul [2016-02-18 03:59:54 +0000 UTC]

I abseloutely love every single one of these, from their backstories to color schemes. Amazing job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MysticSparkleWings In reply to idiot-haul [2016-02-19 02:00:00 +0000 UTC]

I can't really take credit for their color schemes, as all of these sweeties were adopted from other people 

But still!

Thanks ^^ Both for the compliment and for taking the time to actually read all of that I greatly appreciate it, especially since I know how long-winded I am

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

idiot-haul In reply to MysticSparkleWings [2016-02-19 02:06:54 +0000 UTC]

Long-windedness is a good trait to have :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MysticSparkleWings In reply to idiot-haul [2016-02-19 03:09:40 +0000 UTC]

I suppose it can be in certain situations ^^ Though IRL I haven't heard it qualified as good very often, if I'm honest

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

idiot-haul In reply to MysticSparkleWings [2016-02-19 03:15:27 +0000 UTC]

 that's probably because I'm the same way, so I'm speaking from a biased angle

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MysticSparkleWings In reply to idiot-haul [2016-02-19 03:58:34 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see

👍: 0 ⏩: 0