çdlkjfglksdfjgoisdjgsfbns FINALLY FINISHED THIS THING!!!!! Man, I soooo need some focus! You hearing me Santa Claus?? Please, I behaved this year, and it would reaaaaally help me u.u
Anyway... I really wanted to draw Jean-Louie and I've been seeing some really cool tutorials that made me want to do digital again XD
My favorite parts to do were the eyes and the hair! It's been a while since I've been able to do them with such detail I wanted to try doing them detailed with watercolors, but my crappy skills wouldn't let me
And man how I missed having zoom, and layers, and undo >_<
As for the title, J-L is a werewolf, he's getting ready to hunt down some vampires o/
Initially he was going to be a vampire, but I wanted to have him and Pasha working together... besides, a vampire wouldn't be a good partner for my spoiled incubus
OH! Another GREAT thing about digital is that I could use SketchUp for the background! :3 It's veeeery simple, yeah, but it would take me another whole week to do a more detailed one >_< (hello lack of focus! Youtube I really hate you u.u)
Next I'd like to draw Jean, from Shingeki no Kyojin! He and Levi are my faves Let's see how long it'll take me XP
Sai + Photoshop + SketchUp
Cracks on the wall are from a brush set that... I... don't remember where it's from >.>;;;;
Moon texture from…
Suit texture from…