nashiepotato — BJBB: Jiska [Overcard] by-nc-nd

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[  u n d e r g o i n g   r e v a m p  ]

"  L  y  c  h  e  e  s  "

▌ P R O F I L E
[ B A S I C · I N F O R M A T I O N ]
Name: Jiska Mathilde Romanov
Age: 19
Weight: 130 lbs
Height: 5'6" | 168 cm
Birthday: December 4
Rank: Overcard
Profession: Cleaner | Con man
Card Type & No. : Five of Clubs

[ W E A P O N S ]
[ Black Diamond Rod : Vladimir ]
A raw black diamond stone fashioned into a rod that is often converted into a mop. All in all, it's just an ordinary (...really expensive to the point of pricelessness though) rod built to endure strong impact and heavy weights due to the element it was made out of.

[ I T E M S ]
[ Steel Mop ]
She assumes someone gave it to her. Despite it being too heavy for her body built she is now trying to get accustomed to its weight and also as a form of training.

[ Clover Pendants ]
Little trinkets she has collected from people she has met across the world. Never leaves her room without one.

▌ P E R S O N A L I T Y
[ Magnanimous | Resolute | Cynical | Expansive | Unassuming | Understanding ]

Jiska is, technically, a blank frame to everyone she meets, she holds no esteem for herself, though she often acts or pretends that she does thus leaving an impression that she's a snobbish and arrogant person. It was probably a hang over from those trainings she took as a doll before she was sold, and the parties she attended with her Grandmadam  which rendered her stiff, formal and unyielding to strangers, making Jiska perfectly cynical. She is not one to let her guard down easily, as she was made aware of the rotten system that surrounded her, and that behind those welcoming smiles and warm praises are selfish social climbers going about their usual way of clinging on to their image and social status. 

Damaged by the life she have lived before she met the brigade, she's sort of clueless when it comes to social norms. She’s sharp as tack on everything except human feelings, particularly her own feelings, as dolls were taught not to feel but just to, basically, exist.

Despite these barriers she has set around to protect herself, deep inside, Jiska has gradually become a truth-seeking individual who is respectful of opinions and beliefs that are contrary to hers and doesn't let societal norms fully chain her judgement of others.

Earn her trust however and watch her persona take a 360 turn. Originally easy-going and outspoken, this veracious bunny is not afraid to speak her mind especially to the people she holds dear. Get to know her better and discover that she is actually an epitome of kindness and concern, often emphasized by her habit of putting other people's needs before her own.


+ Coffee
+ Roses
+ Her co-workers (cleaners)

• Tea
• Poison of Any Type
• Messy or dirty places
• Giving out her name to strangers.
• That guy with the smiling mask.

"In the end, people are all alone. Two people can't become one,
no matter how close they get.....
so it's simply impossible to make someone yours."

- Ai Yazawa    

"- but sometimes... I just really wish.... that people who mattered to me were mine."

▌ B I O G R A P H Y

[ S U M M A R Y ]
Jiska is just another human-doll sold to a family who never really had the bone to take care of her, the grandmother/head of the family begged to differ and trained Jiska to be the socialite doll she was ought to be.

Jealousy succumbed the family and poisoned the grandmother. The GrandMadam having given up the will to live after being poisoned by the very people she cared for, drank the poison anyway.

As it turns out, Jiska found her way of escape after her encounter with a bunny working for the brigade, and she wasted no time applying to become a cleaner.

[ F U L L  ·  B I O ]

Toy Factory

Her silver eyes were hollow.

Her peach hair was badly cut, as though the man in charge of cutting it was distracted during the process. She stood barefooted, wounds and blisters covered her feet, and it all made walking very painful, but the pale looking girl didn't seem to care as she stared ahead listlessly into the endless columns of desks. She didn’t understand what was going on around her, didn’t know why she was there, didn’t know these people, then again, she doesn't even have a clue of who she is; the mere fact that she was being surrounded by all things unknown to her overwhelmed her. And so she stood there, in the middle of what seemed like a huge dome filled with bustling people poring over papers and lists, a contrast to her small fragile figure which was quiet and unmoving.

She was held in custody by two people who seemed to be bickering over her.

"Caxandra get out of my office!"
"She's a good trade! Just look at her eyes --- those are rare!"
"She was shipped here by mistake!"
"She's still a child!"
"And so were the other trades!"

and they bickered some more. After some time, the lady ended the argument with a wave of a hand and kneeled to look at her...

"I'm sorry. I couldn't keep you."

No reply.

"What's your name?"

No reply.

The little girl, 7 years of age, wasn’t ignoring the person on purpose, it was just that she cannot understand whatever it is that was being said, it may be because the lady spoke a different language or the little girl just didn’t know what to say… or both. All she knew was that the lady was talking to her, and seemed to want to elicit a response from her. After a while the small quivering lips tried to make a sound..

"Hii-" she quipped the one syllable she remembered the moment she found herself in a cell full of her own kind. Other than that one syllable, she has nothing. But the lady, still expectant, waited and in vain as the little bunny was reduced to silence again.

"Hii?... Is that how your name starts?"
Still no response. A yell coming from the man she was bickering with told her the girl’s circumstance, and from that, the lady could only look with sympathy at the little girl.

"How about we get a name from there? --Here ---" she reached for her pockets took out a pen and wrote down on the girl's small hand,

J  I  S  K  A

"Jiska." the lady said --  “Say it with me; Jiska.” the lady repeated, but the little girl was too confused to even follow. In the end, the lady simply smiled and gently ruffled the orphan's already messy hair.

"You idiot! Don't just go around naming slaves --- and the girl's Russian, she won't understand you." the man yelled from the other side. The lady however just rolled her eyes, walked off and never got to hear the response she had been waiting for, as the nameless little girl, like a child taught how to talk for the first time, latched on to the word the human gave her.

She lifted her hand to look at the symbols scribbled by the pen, she didn’t understand it but she knew how it sounded like. In amusement, she uttered it with the small voice she had and pronounced it just like the lady had said,


Rag Dolls

After a few more places with people who spoke foreign languages, they were finally brought back to the port where she first found herself in. She, together with all the other children were then taken to an underground facility owned by an organization which thrives on slave-trading and producing "human projects" that cater to many fields of service.

It was there that creatures like her were trained only to be sold to elites from all over the world, projects like them were the organization's core product and were referred to as the Dolls.

"Fifth doll, your instructor is waiting."

Waking up sitting on a chair encased by protective glass and being referred to as a mere ordinal number was suddenly a normal thing to the young girl, as she was made to attend classes and sessions that taught them to write and speak in other languages, observe and practice international etiquettes and other studies that are related to her field, the social department. Having all the other departments that grouped the rabbits focus on a particular skill, The Fifth doll’s department focused on studying how to create connections and “seducing” the elite through social skills, schemes and tactics that will allow them to manipulate them for resource easy as pie.

“Hey, Fifth.”
“Thirty-secondth, -- your schedule today?”
“Electrocution Room.”

As the Fifth doll grew into a young lady, new sessions were added to their curriculum, their trainings for combat which were conducted for standard procedure became more harsh and demanding than their usual trainings as children. Various “physical tests” were implemented everyday to enhance their pain tolerance. Life threatening simulations were held to heighten a doll’s disregard of impending danger or fear of physical affliction at the expense of protecting their future masters. All of which could be psychologically damaging to bunnies going through such measures.

Though frightened at first, the Fifth doll, like all the other rabbits with her, has willfully and dutifully ignored the disturbing perspective of their situation, for they believe that the organization was an entity they are indebted to, and that the process was merely a training for their survival even when the staff threatened them with death on daily basis.

The idea, that each and everyone of their kind are the greatest deceivers and their greatest rivals, was slowly instilled in their minds, making them ultimately distrustful and competitive when dealing with other rabbits. At the end of each day, the dolls would have gained so much knowledge about worldly things and were given so little of human relationship that they’re almost stoic and rash when it comes to judgement.

“She's useless, and her ears are long and ugly to boot --- ”
“Give her time. Who knows, she might prove to be worth much more than that.”

The Fifth doll, unlike the other rabbits, didn’t have special abilities, and so she was left with nothing to rely on but her raw skills to outlast the physical trainings the organization has imposed on them. Not easily discouraged, the doll worked on eliminating her handicaps and has worked harder and trained longer than anyone else, so much so that those rabbits with abilities no longer stood out compared to her and her combat skills.

Her diligence gained among the other dolls a prevalent reputation and her instructors their highest regard, thus becoming the youngest doll to ever be included in the Collection; a mark of prestige among all the dolls ever produced by the organization.
The girl has become an official Romanov doll.

Toy Store

Having been included in the final set of the Collection, the Fifth doll was brought to a  mansion that glowed and glimmered, its every corner  illuminated by warm lights. The Romanov auction house itself have come to life as the annual auction event lasted for days. Men dressed in suits and women in gowns were whispering about against the subtle sound of an octet in a corner of each function room. The loud pounding of gavel against wood echoed from every podium. All these nuances could be heard by everyone except for a select group of creatures dressed elaborately and sitting in the middle of glass cases, like priceless toy dolls for display.

One in which a certain peach haired bunny was encased herself.

There was an influx of people around her glass case, often times she would just be stared at while others would look in and observe her at every angle. The Fifth Romanov doll has never witnessed an event so extravagant in her life. And though she knew this was true for every other display, it was nerve wracking for the young lady to be suddenly paid so much attention to. The rabbit could only keep still in her chair and look ahead while internally grateful that the glass walls were there to separate her from such volume of unknown curious people.

The whole setting made her feel anxious but all the more aware of the realities dolls like her could be facing in the near future. Sure, they have been trained to have exceptional manners and social skills, nevertheless, and probably like all the other Romanov dolls with her, the girl can’t help but slightly hope that her future master would be at least as warm as the foreign lady she met as a child. Having not been introduced to the concept of families and growing up with people who treated them with great indifference, the doll could only describe such kindness as something that makes her feel secured and contentedly assured just by receiving it.


It was something like warmth.

The kind of warmth she knew she would recognize despite being told to ignore such petty emotion as it would only destroy their very identity as dolls.
“Sold -- to Madam Markov.”

The Fifth doll’s brows furrowed, she didn’t understand why it took so long for the man in the podium to slam the gavel and consider her sold. She watched, sitting at the center stage still encased in glass, as hands were raised consecutively in the air for a whole day while comparing it to the other dolls who brought down the gavel only after just a couple of hands. Was it because she looked ugly? Was it her ears? Did she look that helpless in her attire? Just when she’s starting to feel incompetent she was lead to a VIP box of the supposed person who bought her.

“Leave us alone.”

a voice told the guards.

Sitting delicately in a sofa was an old lady with a stern look on her face. And though the girl tried to keep a calm facade, she can’t help but shudder under the the old lady’s cold glare as she watched the sophisticated figure blow away smoke she had inhaled from her cigarette.

“Do you have a name?”
she asked in such a sharp manner that even a doll like Fifth can’t help but wince to it.

The rabbit knew to herself that for a doll to give itself a name was taboo and that the owner was  the only person authorized to give her a title of such, but somehow, the old lady’s question sounded more like a proposition to do just that. Though unsure of herself, she breathed in and and uttered out in an unwavering voice the one thing she alone owned from the very beginning, and the one thing she knew she’d only let people she has  given her complete trust to, hear:


Porcelain Dolls

She was cold as ice.

The Hydrangea of the Moscow Society, Anfisa Mathilde Markov, fondly known as the Grandmadam, turned out to be a world renowned doll collector, and has been travelling the world to collect dolls that fits her impeccable taste and world class standards. Bidding only on an auction house’s best product, her collection of dolls have been reaping the fruits that made her one of  the most influential people in Russia.
Unlike the other doll owners who carried their dolls around only for display, the Grandmadam had her dolls train under her chosen instructors, to further refine their social skills  and work efficiently towards one goal and serve their real purpose: making connections. Together with all the other dolls, the Grandmadam has collected across the world, it was suddenly Jiska’s life mission to help the Markov Family gain fame and power over all Russian societies.

The dolls under her supervision followed a set routine and were imposed upon by her own set of rules. For Jiska however, the routine, though deviated from time to time, was just a concrete reminder of their status as dolls -- while the rules were nothing but barriers between the dolls and the Grandmadam herself. The old lady never touched them, nor allowed them to ever come near her. They would only see her during gatherings and rarely in the manor, and when they do meet, she’d give them a casual stare  -- while they curtsy back -- then see her walk away. The dolls wouldn’t hear a word from her, and just know that they made a mistake if they found themselves in the red room the next day.

It was no different from the life she had back in the organization.

The fact that Jiska was the most expensive doll ever sold in an auction intimidated the other dolls in the manor, and so,  despite  the posh life the family’s wealth has provided her, Jiska still cannot let her guard down. As even with a task so simple as executing the household’s routine for dolls and following the household rules had the risk to be sabotaged by the other foreign dolls who are ready to do anything to tarnish each other's name; knowing that they are all under the close watch of  the whole Markov family, every wrong move they make warrants an equivalent punishment.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Outside of the manor, some formal gatherings and business transactions also involve other dolls who, like Jiska, are hell bent in giving their masters what they need through any means possible; needs that would sometimes hinder the family business.
With the duty of helping the Markov family create connections to all elites, the burden of outwitting her rivals and their continuous attempts to ruin her reputation as a Romanov doll in tow, Jiska lived in constant vigilance. It was this kind of living that slowly sharpened her perception of people and any situation she might be involved with; this unfortunately amplifying her cynicism over time. And it doesn’t help that the dolls around her were equally calculating, day in and day out, dolls everywhere were nothing but deceivers ready to pull Jiska down should she be careless and give them a chance to do so. Instructed to create barriers for themselves, Jiska has learned to be precise in executions  and to steel herself over details that didn’t have anything to do with her line of work, all together making her cunning  and stoic towards everyone.

“Hey, big ears--”
“It’s Jiska.”

There were only a few people who were an exception to the cynical doll and Natheo, a kitchen boy of the household, was one of them. Having met him while sneaking out through the kitchen, the boy blackmailed her into meeting him at that same time everyday, making her follow him through various escapades, which seemed like chores or trips out of a whim but were, in truth, opportunities that allowed her to derail outside plans of sabotage on the family business. It wasn’t long before the girl was able to see through the kitchen boy’s conniving and twisted facade. Other than being her only confidant in the household, Natheo suddenly became a sanctuary she’d have over her life of “let’s pretend”. The one person she’d gladly destroy her barriers to be with. A real friend.

And so, Jiska was able to save the corporation numerous of times with every single turn to immediate bankruptcy and garner some notable achievements, her efforts as the family doll were slowly recognized. Eventually making her the only doll chosen to stand alongside with the Grandmadam in formal gatherings and business transactions, the frontlines of the Markov family stronghold. Because of this, though with increased responsibilities, Jiska was slightly relieved of her duties and worries now that she is under the protection of the Grandmadam’s adamant preference.
Elegant and intimidating, meek yet imposing, the Grandmadam was everything a business needs to build an empire. Working under the close watch of the old lady proved to be nerve racking for the girl, but there was an unnoticeable side of her that Jiska finds oddly compassionate.

It would puzzle the doll at first why the Grandmadam always deal with transactions in such a roundabout way that they were not as forced as how Jiska does it. Making absurd choices that may seem rash at first but subtly hinting that they were made to alleviate the client’s circumstances.

It took the girl  a while to see the difference between the Grandmadam and all the other elite she has met.  Growing close over time, their said relationship could almost be likened to that of a Grandmother to her granddaughter and would even have coffee breaks together, even though coffee was rarely offered on those occasions, exclusively scheduled to have quality time with Jiska.

“Whatever it is they do, they do for a reason.”

the Grandmadam would say like a mantra which didn’t explain much but has taught Jiska that her job wasn’t about giving the person the benefit of the doubt rather it was more of understanding the two sides of a story.

With these teachings, the doll was able to see the world of the elite with new eyes, this perspective extending even to dolls around her and in due time, like the Grandmadam, Jiska was finally able to forge connections stronger than the petty ones she has made before. The Markov Corporation prospered far more, even exceeding its former glory, thus making the old lady have so much faith in her that it seemed like the barriers that was set between the Grandmadam and the dolls didn’t even exist.
But being the Grandmadam’s favorite doll, unexpectedly had its own setbacks…

Pretend Tea Parties

In contrast to the family business, which has been steadily running and flourishing under the Grandmadam’s rule, the favorite doll found herself emotionally deteriorating.

It would disturb her on how a random day would have her waking up with a terrible headache, like a bad hangover from a party, which she finds strange to have since she wasn’t much of a drinker in the first place. There will be times when she would find in her belongings things that she wouldn’t have clue on how she acquired, scaring herself into thinking that it might be bugged or worse something others will eventually use to frame her. On other times she’d just wake up and be disoriented the whole day.

It was only during gatherings that things started getting weirder for her..

“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about me overnight!”

-- said a doll who have befriended her just the other day. These encounters with people, who would randomly walk up and talk to her as if they were her “friends”, where she’d go along with the excuse that she’s becoming more forgetful lately, would leave her feelings in disarray. Not entirely sure who it is to trust or even believe and entirely estranged from them.

She can’t remember.

It destroyed her to make as if the relationship she had with the people she forgot was still there, everyday. As It may have been similar to what she was used to do when making connections, but it was a different matter when forced to act the same way with people she knew were being genuine to her. Despite it being a sham, it was a lie she was at first ready to go through just so she could keep the people who must have mattered to her before.

Over time, this desperation to keep such ties intact ebbed away together with her resolve to give up on the thought of even having them, because she may have lost bits and pieces of memories, but she’ll always remember the awful feeling of having to go through all the motions of caring for someone when she herself no longer can.

Being unable to sleep at night, eating less and less by the day and being more socially anxious than she should be were only a few of the side effects the phenomena has brought upon Jiska, details that fortunately didn’t escape the kitchen boy’s notice.

“Stop --- drinking -----  the coffee”

The young man in shackles repeated the same phrase over and over, almost driven mad by torture. On the day Jiska finally found out the cause of her memory loss, she was crouching next to a freshly scourged Natheo. The boy, apparently investigated on the matter, sneaking around the manor as he searched for clues which all pointed to the most unsuspecting person in the household.

As it turns out, it was the Grandmadam who was behind it all.

The old lady would make Jiska drink a concoction that contained a brainwashing system. This brainwashing system, also known as the Russian Coffee, was believed to be the same system the organization has used on Jiska and the others when they were children. An item so rare that it was considered one of the most priceless items ever sold in the Black Market. When the doll asked as to why she did it, the Grandmadam simply said that this was all done in order to protect Jiska. A questionably vague answer which the doll, surprisingly, had wholeheartedly accepted.

The doll for some reason, despite being disillusioned, cannot bring herself to hate the old lady. Jiska has come to love the Grandmadam so much that she can no longer bring herself to abandon the one person who was almost a mother to her. And so with the promise to let Natheo go, the doll agreed to take the concoction without complaint and whenever the Grandmadam deemed it necessary.

“Natheo… whatever it is that I do… from here onwards…. I do for a reason.”

Jiska said as she held on to a hand covered with bandages. Tears at the edge of her eyes threatened to run down her cheeks, but the doll, steeled with her resolve, does not cry.

Puppet Show

Gradually getting used to strangers and the occasional unfamiliarity the coffee gives as a side effect, Jiska is weaving in and out of connections with more ease, slyly riding on its own advantages and disadvantages. It was almost as if the favorite doll has become heartless.

Though there were still some rare occasions where Jiska has found herself genuinely attached and caring towards a select group of people. Like the twins, who through their incessant pranking got to know her better and through the years became the people she had closest to best friends outside of the Markov Manor. Sadly this relationship too was put to a stop by the Grandmadam. But it was a bond Jiska wasn’t likely ready to forget as her feelings of profound contentment in their company was a feeling deeply linked with the twins and therefore was the only detail the brainwashing system couldn’t erase from her memories.

These retained feelings however, contained for people she could barely recognize were still useless, as the continuous alteration of her memories slowly rendered her into a hollow frame she unconsciously became. it has even come to a point when genuinity no longer moved her and human feelings were considered foreign.

The Grandmadam who wasn’t blind to these changes  became very protective of Jiska. But the head of the family wasn’t getting any younger and soon she’ll have to pass the ownership of her dolls to another family member.
Worried for Jiska’s future and knowing well how some of the family members have been jealous of Jiska being favored above everyone for quite sometime now, the Grandmadam arranged a deal with everyone. Stating that should anyone from the workforce achieve a lasting success for the Markov Corporation at the end of that year, will be the one to inherit half of the Markov family fortune. Confident that her favorite doll will be able to outwit them all and would win the inheritance even if her family were to use unfair schemes.

The doll however expressed no interest on having the family inheritance and stayed neutral throughout the competition, she was in truth, just exhausted to even care. When the Grandmadam confronted the doll  about the matter, she simply listlessly replied,

“I’m tired, madam.”

to which the old lady just sadly smiled.

One fateful night, Jiska was out of breath, running through the manor’s corridors, desperate, she should have known that something was up when she saw the restless look on their faces --

“GRANDMADAM --” she shouted, bursting through the double door.

There the old lady was, her fragile frame calmly placing a teacup in its saucer.

“This, dear, might be the first time I'll be lecturing you about knocking --”
the lady started but Jiska was more concerned of the teacup the old lady was holding than her manners --


her voice still raised, she motioned closer to take the teacup from the old lady. But the Grandmadam seemed to have known all along as she took another sip from the cup and said sharply,

“Stay back. Don’t come any closer ….. to the crime scene.”
and with a wry smile set her poison filled tea aside while Jiska who understood her logic, though still conflicted about it,  stopped on her tracks.  Silence permeated the room as the girl watched the untroubled old lady in horror, knowing that the poison was spreading throughout her master’s body and that she just stood there unable to do anything.

“It seems that nothing will ever stop these wretched fools-- “

she finally said after a light sigh, casting a side glance at a family photo framed on her side table, ignoring the fact that Jiska’s hands were now uncontrollably shaking through a mixture of shock, fear and anger, but no words came out from the girl that night.

“Now I know why you hate us humans…” the old lady wheezed.

“Jiska, my dear…

-- with widened eyes, Jiska watched as the tired pair the old lady had fluttered to a close --

… please don’t hate me.”

the grandmadam whispered, and finally breathed her last.

A Jack-In-The-Box

Jiska, by that time, no longer knew how to cry, and on the Grandmadam’s wake she never did.

For a month, the girl remained stuporous, leaving the family with no choice but to remove Jiska from the Markov workforce. After having recovered a little, some of the  family members who felt indebted to Jiska for the continuing success of the family business, took pity on her and have allowed her to at least be present in  gatherings as even with the Grandmadam gone the fact still remains that Jiska was well loved by the elites.

On one gathering that was held overseas, however, a bunny pulled a prank among the elites. This bunny disguised as one of the party goers slipped poison in the host’s drink therefore making him ill, thus the party was cancelled. Jiska knew all this and caught up with the bunny just as he was about to slip away from the disaster....

“Hey... I saw what you did there...”

Jiska said out loud and coldly, catching the bunny’s attention, she was furious, not because of the party being ruined but of the act of poisoning someone itself, but she kept her composure as curiosity crept in.

“...yeah? Are you going to call the police, my lady?” he retorted as if to mock her.

“No. I want to know why.....”

she said her voice shaking in anger and looking as if she was ready to stab him with anything she can immediately get hold of.The bunny smirked at her as if all this was common sense and shouldn’t be asked by a bunny like her.

“It’s my job.”

With that, the bunny left Jiska. Leaving a red card on the table. Jiska took it and it read:

Black Jack’s Bunny Brigade

It was the first time she heard about the organization, though she knew that associating herself with it only spelled trouble, she was driven to investigate. Driven by that one wish she had the moment she let go of the rose that landed on the Grandmadam’s coffin:

She wanted to leave.

Jiska at first didn’t know what good it’ll do if she did, but all it took was one look around her to realize how she truly felt under such environment. The lavish food, ornate decoration, clinking of thin glasses, forced cheer and mindless chatter, without the Grandmadam beside her, all seemed meaningless. It suffocated her.

Taking months of observation, eavesdropping (whenever she's desperate) and exploration before she managed to piece together the information she gathered from rumors about this brigade, Jiska still can't find the exact location of the brigade.Desperate to find it more than ever she tried to contact the bunny she met in that party-poisoning-disaster, but he never came to the meeting appointments she had set nor replied to any of her messages.
Until one night, in an anniversary party of a company the GrandMadam was previously affiliated to, which she was forced to attend -- being the late GrandMadam's beloved doll, she again stumbled upon the bunny:

"My deepest apologies, sir ----"

apparently she has stepped on someone's foot and gasping upon recognizing that it was the same bunny who was in disguise.

She bowed low to avoid catching the criticized looks on the people around them, it was then that the bunny in disguise grabbed her and ushered her into an empty room, making sure that it was empty and was void of being approached by the party-goers.

"I want to join your brigade..."

she said almost immediately, looking down the floor, furious and at the same time embarrassed.

The bunny in disguise merely raised a brow and smirked at her as he teased..

"Say 'please' ...."

Jiska was about to protest when she found the bunny in disguise already holding out another red card in front of her eyes...

"It tells you where it is.."

he vaguely explained, as Jiska flipped the card to see instructions and a small map embossed on the other side.

"Burn it after."

was all he said and left Jiska alone.

A Wooden Toy Soldier

It took the doll a while to devise a plan to be able to sail back to Pearson. Thankfully, some of the household staff, who had been her comrades over time helped her make the arrangements needed and in no time was able to secure her with her plans. Using another gathering that is going to be held in Pearson City as an excuse, the Markov family naively dispatched the doll to the event without a care.

On the morning she was about to leave, the two friends were hanging out in the coffee bean storage as per usual, but if one were to look closely, they’d be able to tell that something was strangely off with the setting.

“Where are you going -- miss?”

Natheo asked in pretentious airs, the girl in question could only smile happily and reply in the same manner --

 “Far away from you~”

She wanted to have a life like his. Far from the complicated glamour of the Russian society, a kind of living branded simple because the people around her would take whatever she does as it is, no hidden agendas, nothing for benefits. A life, Jiska was sure, she would likely have if nothing else was asked of her except to stay close to the kitchen boy beside her.

As it was the last time she’ll probably ever get to see her dear friend up close like this, she sat with him on the same stack of coffee beans she’d choose to sit on back in the days when they'd talk about almost anything. But this time, there was only silence, granted that it was just a matter of spending time with him, and like watching a setting sun, she stalled to bask in it. Hearing him chuckle made her glance sideways and reach out to ruffle his hair.

The boy, caught off guard and flustered, could only stare in confusion, but it was a feeling of familiarity that washed over him the moment they touched that rendered him immobile in the girl’s hold, noticing how the girl’s eyes were growing more sad by the second. The kitchen boy was about to ask her if there was anything wrong  but the momentary sadness was wiped off as Jiska gave him the happiest smile she could ever give anybody:

“See you again, Natheo”

with a salute, she left. The butler lead her to the backseat.

And only when the car was already out of sight did the boy find his voice to ask:

“What was her name again?”

It was probably the only decision Jiska regretted she ever made.

A Brigadier

Life in the brigade wasn't easy for Jiska at first, since she was not used to talking to her own kind even before,  having been taught all her life to be distrusting and competitive among other bunnies. She first figured that if she tried to act tough in front of everyone, then she might be able to somehow fit in ---but the whole act just ended blowing up a good number of walls in the HQ into a disaster. And so she opted to remain silent and just go on with her daily tasks as a cleaner, understanding that what she really came for in the first place was a shelter... not friends.

Although the mess in the corridors, the kitchen, the lounge and everywhere else deemed to be infinite, Jiska eventually have come to like her job as a cleaner, because not only does she recognize her self worth in the brigade, but she also gets to take care of her own kind.

She would try to talk to some members from time to time but her mentality as a doll was still intact and therefore finds it difficult to express herself to others even to some higher ups who put an effort to understand her weirdness. Jiska, little by little, started yearning to have friends again. And she did have them, ending up with a small set of friends, she finally finds a reason to do better in her job, a reason to speak out whenever needed and finally a reason to smile.

Until one day, the nightmarish past of her life as a doll, came back to haunt her. Triggered by interactions she had with Lea, she found it odd to be all smiling and happy when she could still feel her barriers held up, as if  her facade  was still there acting on default. Fearing that this could be true when she’s with the others too, it might be that she’s the only one being dishonest to them this whole time when they deserved to have none of it.

She hated it.

But seeing as she can't really bring herself to end a relationship with anyone precious to her, she opted to force the change in herself instead. And so, with all the money she saved up from her part time jobs, she ordered a trial version of a brainwashing system that was bound to erase her memories from day one of her stay in the brigade.

It worked like magic, or at least she thought it did. She was able to forget almost all the relationships she was resolved to not have should she detect pretension from her side, for she knew very well how a drop of lie from her will cause her to eventually spiral down to the same persona she had when she was drowning in her life as a doll.

But like every setback brainwashing could have, Jiska was left with nothing but a list of clues she left for herself which was being in the maintenance department of the organization and a certain grumpy man called Mathiu Alexandrix Everett being her boss, the only person, she surprisingly had clear memories of after the procedure.
With a memory rebooted to the first day, Jiska was once again a newbie lost in an organization of rabbits.  Often times she’d just be brushed off as forgetful and more often than not: considered strange. As freshly brainwashed Jiska continued to work diligently within the brigade, she would at times be caught off guard by her ‘boss’ who have been overly familiar to her despite her being a ‘new member’. But she soon became wary of her relations to the man the moment he called her by her real name, the mark of a true friend forgotten. Unlike other people that she has forgotten, Jiska found her relation with the head of maintenance particularly hard to cut off or even dismiss him as a person that can’t go beyond her formalities for professionalism's sake.

Years passed and the girl has unconsciously grown to care so much for the Trump who she would see visibly exhausted for most of the time. The bond which would have been easily cut off by choice, was mended on its own by the new found comfort Mathiu gave. And so the girl worked harder for the sake of seeing her only friend take a break from his own workload. It didn’t matter to her if she was left out of breath at the end of every day, for Jiska, having that one relationship void of her barriers was more than enough.

It was one random day when Mathiu recruited her for another position with words as simple as:

“Jiska, will you help me?”

To which she agreed without hesitation.

At the Present

Caught up in the chaos that ensued between POSRA and the Brigade, Jiska who was on the job at that time was forced to go into hiding to avoid capture and was fortunately able to take refuge on a foreign territory.

▌ M I S C E L L A N E O U S[ T R I V I A ]

- Jiska is a certified Traceuse, and yes, she practices with those heels.
- Ma-kun gave Jiska his steel mop, because she has been breaking mops and brooms into half ever since she applied. 
- She can sleep anywhere except in beds. so don't be surprised if you find her lying on the floor or taking a nap inside some cabinets.
- Jiska finds it uncomfortable when someone she just met called her by her real name, she usually gives it to a person she completely trusts.
- More information about the organization that raised her: The Dolls in the World of BJBB

[ R E L A T I O N S ]

[ H u m a n s ]

GrandMadam: She's a mother figure to Jiska, eventhough the old lady was a tsundere incarnate harsh and stiff in demeanor to her, Jiska never overlooked the time and effort the old lady puts in making her dresses, protecting her from regular party creeps and training her to become the lady she never thought she could be.

Natheo: A kitchen boy from Jiska's previous household. He's one of the only humans Jiska really accepted into her life and adored, apart from the GrandMadam, and probably the only person in the world who saw her for who she really is (minus the formality and doll mentality). Their relationship, to put it simply, was love never realized, which then became officially platonic when Jiska left for BJBB.

[ R a b b i t s ]

Alexandrix: First bunny she ever befriended, or atleast she thinks she did. Over time, he has become an important friend to her as she tries to work really hard in an effort to somehow decrease Ma-kun's workload everyday. but in vain, he still works a thousand times harder than any cleaner in the brigade

Lea:  One of the few people the brainwashing system made her forget about. Sees a good friend in him before the incident, but now regards him as someone untouchable (a.k.a. A higher up ).

Theo: The first person who she finds weird to have those fluffy rabbit ears (probably because of his manly physique), and thus the first person she ever gave a welcoming present to. Casting his rowdy personality aside, she thinks Theo is quite a respectable man.

Shiselle: Despite being Jiska's day to day kidnapper, she has grown to genuinely love the sweet lady and would at times willingly go along with Shiselle's escapades . She acknowledges Shiselle as her first legit female friend.

Alma: Her favorite co-worker, nothing relieves Jiska in her shifts than working together with this girl as she finds Alma quite reliable.

Layne: A person she's eternally grateful to, without her, Jiska's beloved cleaning equipments would have been burned into ashes.

Freya: An understanding bunny she was able to confide her feelings with a few days after she was left disoriented by the brainwashing system.

[ 08/15/15]  FINALLY DONE// aslkjhalsdkjfahsldkfjhsladkjfh // after a month of gruesome typing I'm finally done with this wall of sh--  the bio and I have updated her bridal gown outfit --- never had so much white in my life //my eyes. Here's all my heart and soul poured out to my often neglected oc.

[ 07/16/17] Tabby rested in peace OTL, still saving up for a new one. Stay tuned for her revamp, cause I have to do this new sleek app some justice ^.^

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Comments: 101

nashiepotato In reply to ??? [2016-02-08 15:42:36 +0000 UTC]

thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

c-har-lotte In reply to nashiepotato [2016-02-09 05:08:43 +0000 UTC]

it's so detailed and the coloring so pretty

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nashiepotato In reply to c-har-lotte [2016-02-09 05:31:19 +0000 UTC]

spent months staring at it, took all the sanity in me not to give up on it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

c-har-lotte In reply to nashiepotato [2016-02-09 06:16:25 +0000 UTC]

hopefully i can achieve your level of proness nash
//too lazy what is detail

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nashiepotato In reply to c-har-lotte [2016-02-09 07:26:13 +0000 UTC]

I'm not pro since I'm still sane --//hit
//Let's work our butts off on theme 6, we're in this laziness together

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

c-har-lotte In reply to nashiepotato [2016-02-10 01:39:20 +0000 UTC]

are you saying pro people aren't sane--

//i still have my assignment I need to code---kill me pls

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nashiepotato In reply to c-har-lotte [2016-02-10 01:53:07 +0000 UTC]

the gist of it yes

//kills you --- patsssss then let's just cram for this theme at the last hour

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Megalodonias [2015-09-03 08:46:59 +0000 UTC]

She is so pretty I just. I'm. //stares for an hour

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nashiepotato In reply to Megalodonias [2015-09-03 12:48:12 +0000 UTC]

HOLY --- 

don't stare at it for an hour you'll go blind --// ;w;/ thank youu deathhh dear it's been a long timeeee 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Megalodonias In reply to nashiepotato [2015-09-07 04:36:47 +0000 UTC]

I'll go blind because it's so pretty *^*
//and ye it has been a long time... I hope to be more active now because I miss everyone QQ

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jun-hae [2015-08-15 10:57:09 +0000 UTC]

Lady Bossu got even more beautiful

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nashiepotato In reply to jun-hae [2015-08-16 04:22:17 +0000 UTC]

lady bossu is going to get married soon --//nonashno

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jun-hae In reply to nashiepotato [2015-08-16 12:33:55 +0000 UTC]

Ohohohohoho, she can be my bride any day

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hen-tie [2015-08-15 09:18:36 +0000 UTC]

if heels looks can kill then she'd slay millions //paps my doki doki haato

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nashiepotato In reply to hen-tie [2015-08-15 09:45:04 +0000 UTC]

pffft--- holds your kokoro while I sit here with Jiska and wait for -- for your bby //slapped

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

akeruie [2015-01-25 06:45:48 +0000 UTC]

she's soo cute!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nashiepotato In reply to akeruie [2015-01-25 11:08:13 +0000 UTC]

thank you for thingking so

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

akeruie In reply to nashiepotato [2015-01-26 10:47:30 +0000 UTC]

no problem!!

//ummm,,, would you want to rp sometimes??

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nashiepotato In reply to akeruie [2015-01-26 10:51:19 +0000 UTC]

Sure sure --- we could create a doc or something

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akeruie In reply to nashiepotato [2015-01-26 11:24:25 +0000 UTC]

awiee.. I never use google docs, so I dunno how to
em,, or could you start first? I'll try to follow up : > he he~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nashiepotato In reply to akeruie [2015-01-27 03:02:34 +0000 UTC]

here's a link to the docs >> docs.google.com/document/d/1st…

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

akeruie In reply to nashiepotato [2015-01-27 07:24:20 +0000 UTC]

okay! done ovo/

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nashiepotato In reply to akeruie [2015-01-27 08:17:14 +0000 UTC]

done ^.^/ btw you don't have to comment here every now and then --- cause i'll be checking for your reply and posting from time to time if you do feel the need to remind me then feel free to comment again

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

akeruie In reply to nashiepotato [2015-01-27 13:10:05 +0000 UTC]

ayee! lols, understand now! xD //yippie finnaly I can use docs! thankie!
sure! and you too! :>

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jun-hae [2015-01-12 17:10:45 +0000 UTC]

//touches those ears- kinda sad I haven't commented on here yet //weeps

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nashiepotato In reply to jun-hae [2015-01-13 03:18:11 +0000 UTC]

yiz my love  

it's okaaaaaaaaaaay-- thanks for commenting btw QAQ// pets youuuu

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

iconfile2 [2014-08-31 00:19:56 +0000 UTC]

>  Jiska is a certified Traceuse, and yes, she practices with those heels.
That's cool as heck.

Overall, one of the best summaries here by a long shot, but shot enough that I could read it the whole way through in a quick sitting. Bravo, and what a cutie she is~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nashiepotato In reply to iconfile2 [2014-08-31 10:08:44 +0000 UTC]

// she probably destroys her heels alot though

thank you dearie  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MysticalSnow9867 [2014-03-28 06:38:21 +0000 UTC]

She is very beautiful ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nashiepotato In reply to MysticalSnow9867 [2014-03-30 03:58:35 +0000 UTC]

because cleaners are beautiful creatures thank you dearie  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MysticalSnow9867 In reply to nashiepotato [2014-03-30 05:14:01 +0000 UTC]

They are. Loli maids

Your very welcome  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

takarayume [2014-02-02 18:07:14 +0000 UTC]



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nashiepotato In reply to takarayume [2014-02-02 20:45:52 +0000 UTC]

thank you dear I've always known I'm cute, no need to--//smacked

// slappedawaywithyou

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takarayume In reply to nashiepotato [2014-02-03 06:12:02 +0000 UTC]

Pff you're very welcome--


//unsraps you--

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sorrylittleguy [2014-01-29 19:00:04 +0000 UTC]

I assume she isn't a fan of bugs or snails that would invade her brigade. Would she casually pick them up and remove them from the scene or just step on them and mop them off the floor so they never come back?

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nashiepotato In reply to sorrylittleguy [2014-01-30 11:14:15 +0000 UTC]

I guess she'll panic first, then look at it again, then panic more... and finally get rid of it...properly

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sorrylittleguy In reply to nashiepotato [2014-01-30 15:03:52 +0000 UTC]

haha! define "properly" LOL

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nashiepotato In reply to sorrylittleguy [2014-01-30 17:39:56 +0000 UTC]

Like-An-Overcard-Cleaner-Should Properly    

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sorrylittleguy In reply to nashiepotato [2014-01-30 17:55:06 +0000 UTC]

Well her shoes look pretty fancy, hopefully she remembered to scotch-guard them, I bet snail guts aren't fun to mop up either XD

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nashiepotato In reply to sorrylittleguy [2014-01-30 22:13:20 +0000 UTC]

I guess she's that pro to be cleaning wtih those heels// yeah...thank god she's not barefoot  

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sorrylittleguy In reply to nashiepotato [2014-01-31 04:41:45 +0000 UTC]

Hey I have to write a small story for school, could I write one about her encountering a snail and dealing with it?

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nashiepotato In reply to sorrylittleguy [2014-01-31 07:04:52 +0000 UTC]

uh........ send me a link to your small story after?

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sorrylittleguy In reply to nashiepotato [2014-01-31 13:25:03 +0000 UTC]

Of course!

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Deathperation-13 [2013-11-12 02:10:55 +0000 UTC]


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nashiepotato In reply to Deathperation-13 [2013-11-13 05:41:29 +0000 UTC]

thanks 13-mate!

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Deathperation-13 In reply to nashiepotato [2013-11-14 02:27:10 +0000 UTC]

haha! good luck on yur future art!!!

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nashiepotato In reply to Deathperation-13 [2013-12-15 09:47:09 +0000 UTC]

thank youu!! QAQ

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Yuzexion [2013-11-05 03:37:25 +0000 UTC]

She's beautiful~! ; v ;

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nashiepotato In reply to Yuzexion [2013-11-05 07:55:35 +0000 UTC]

Because Cleaners are beautiful creatures /// I'm so happy to know that someone finds her beautiful despite her dull personality

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Yuzexion In reply to nashiepotato [2013-11-06 02:45:29 +0000 UTC]

Based on her I guess they are.

I actually find her personality interesting~!

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