nautical-mile — [KA] Adelia Flower, Awesome Blossom

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Published: 2017-01-27 18:30:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 2232; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 6
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First of all, I would like to thank for helping me work on my rose! Thankye, Mr Cat! owo

 "I'm sorry I act so annoying when I'm right. Problem is, I'm almost always right." 

Introducing the delightfully snarky rose...

Name Adelia Flower

(nicknamed Adel)

Gender Female

Pokémon Species Roselia

Birthday August 21

(currently aged 19)

Height 153 cm / 5'

Weight 47 kg / 103.6 lbs.
--Adel has a feminine and petite figure, well suited for her nimble fighting style and intricate dances of a thousand blades.

Nature Adamant

Characteristic Somewhat vain

Personal Information


--Her manners are her trademark. She is good at being politely charming, politely confident, politely insistent, and - when the situation calls for it - politely insulting.

--She won't let any harm come to those she holds dear and will do anything to protect them, even at the cost of her own safety. Physical threat will be met with her rapiers and verbal insult with sarcasm.

--She is usually a delight to have around, capable of bringing a smile to many a face with a quick quip or pun. Granted, sometimes her humor does tend to be at another's expense....

--She loves social interaction and is good at it. Don't go around stealing her spotlight, though - she likes to think of herself as the life of the party and won't settle with anything less.

--It's important to have confidence, sure, but Adelia can be downright annoying and self-centered when she begins to see too highly of herself and underestimate others.


--When she has formed an opinion, not even a rampaging Tauros can change it. Even if she does agree to yours in the end, she'll tell you that she'd reached that conclusion by her own will and not because you influenced her to.

--After so many trips to the hospital and the medical bay, most people are convinced that Adelia Flower's last words will be "Watch this!".


     On land:
 Waltz of the Flowers    

Adelia was born as the first child of Augustus and Camilla Flower, owners of the family-run Wild Flowers Trading Company, therefore also as its probable heiress. Known for its transport of goods, particularly herbs and spices, the company has long been a profitable trading figure, well-known and respected in various places around the world. Sadly, being so widespread had required oftentimes aggressive and cunning business tactics, and in doing so, the company had acquired perhaps more than its fair share of jealous opponents.Adelia didn't know that at first - her early life was full of only the good tales: tales of her father and their crew banding together to fight off pirates, tales of her mother carefully negotiating trade agreements with foreign lands, and tales of both working together to discover new uses and capabilities of the plant life of the world. This inspired in Adelia a sense of adventure and a need to show and prove herself to be both as brave as her father and as cunning as her mother.

Everything started to go wrong, however, shortly after her sister Cordelia's birth.

One of the Wild Flowers' competitors offered Augustus a very lucrative deal: several fertile farms in exchange for a monopoly on the Lilium inutilus, a plant with no known use other than looking pretty. While her father was tempted just by the face value, her mother didn't buy in and instead launched a full investigation on the plant. Though they never found out what the plant's supposed new advantage was, they did find out how to farm it. In the end, the deal was signed off happily, and the Wild Flowers took only a few days after making sure the deal was locked in to send a note that they had patented this great new farming method and that the competitor was welcome to pay for a license to use it. Said competitor was not happy.

Adelia's first real hardship was a direct result of that. One day, while showing her little sister her favorite hiding place, they were suddenly set upon by a cloaked figure. He spirited her precious sister away, much to Adelia's dismay.

She charged after them, nearly getting lost in the forest. She was about to give up when she saw a sign; a ray of hope that also chilled her to the core....

A rising column of smoke.Cordelia had been locked in a shed on one of the newly-acquired farms, which had been set alight. Heart pounding and almost not knowing what she was doing, Adelia dashed to her rescue.......and it went surprisingly well! She broke into the shed through a window when she heard her sister screaming, scooped her up, and carried her to safety before the Fire-types could even get in. Though one of Cordelia's arms and her leg on the same side had been badly burnt, Adelia got out virtually unharmed with only minor burns.Well... except for the fact that something in the farm must have gotten into her head, because her ego inflated like a blimp. After all, come on, she had woven her way through fire and gotten out unscathed! At that moment, she was sure that nothing could ever bring her down....

     At sea:
 Wilting of the Flowers    

While she was confident she could take on anything the mysterious assassin tried, her parents were nowhere near as sure. Adelia and her scarred sister were scooped up and taken to the Wild Flowers flagship, the Bromeliad, where their parents intended to keep them until adulthood.There, Adelia led a sheltered life. Often watching her father and the rest of the crew as they trained, she gained an interest in the art of swordfighting, after which her father agreed to train her. Unfortunately, she never was satisfied with the single-blade techniques she was taught; she needed something to distinguish herself, something more - after all, she was the Flower who had run through a field of fire. (Well, okay, maybe there were quite a lot of climbing and ducking involved to actually avoid the flames, but that's beside the point.)One day, she came across a large wooden chest filled with the belongings of her late grandfather, Victor. Famous as the only dual-blade swordsman in the family, Adelia was thrilled to find books and journals on dual-blade swordfighting, some written by Victor himself - and, best of all, his intricate twin rapiers. Although she continued her training with her father and the rest of the crew, she trained herself in the art of dual blades. With many hours of practice, she was able to hone her dual blade skills, "setting herself on the road to pure awesomeness".One morning, however, Adelia awoke to screams. A deep rumbling filled the ship. Adelia found herself rushing to Cordelia's bunk, scooping her into her arms, and then--All she could see in front of her was a massive jet of water - a water spout from a Wailord beneath the ship, breaking the powerful vessel as if it was made of matchsticks. They were under attack by a pirate crew that was aided by a powerful beast tamer.Adelia saw nightmare after nightmare as she carried her sister to the deck. She saw Octillery punching holes in the walls. She saw a Gyarados beside one of the other ships in the fleet, ripping it apart. She saw several crew members just disappear, swallowed whole by a Mega Sharpedo that bored through the ship. Others were strangled by Tentacruel or attacked by pirates swarming the boat.At that moment, she felt something unusual grip her heart. That unusual thing was fear, a fear so intense that she was shaking like a leaf as she carried her sister.Worse, though she managed to throw her sister to safety, she got caught in the debris and was dragged down into the depths. She nearly drowned, but by some miracle, she managed to grip the railing of the pirate's flagship. She clambered up and saw up top, unguarded, the pirates' beast tamer.Cold and numb and enraged and scared, she charged forward, aiming to take the tamer out right there and now... only she wasn't quite as unguarded as Adelia thought she was. Suddenly, out of the shadows stepped the queen of this pirate crew, an elegant but cruel Cofagrigus known as Arrow Goldenberg. Adelia's attempt to attack the beast tamer was foiled as her blades were instead met by Arrow's cutlasses.A few minutes in, though, she realized that Arrow was toying with her. Just using her as a bit of amusement, chuckling at every wide opening and unpracticed swing. Eventually, the Cofagrigus got bored, kicked her in the head with speed and ferocity she hadn't been expecting, and had her dragged off to the brig with her family. It turned out that Arrow had been sent by the very person who made the Lilium inutilus deal to torture and kill the Flowers.Arrow had the children working as servants on the ship, shackled and on threat of death. Arrow hadn't been impressed by Adelia's swordfighting, but she was impressed by her guts that she ended up taking some... "measures"... to keep the Roselia from escaping or rebelling again. Adelia felt helpless, thinking that if she'd studied harder, she'd have been able to save them. Now, it felt like nothing could.However, in a weird way, she had saved them. Because of Adelia's incompetence, Arrow had a very low opinion of the Flower family's competency and didn't guard them anywhere nearly well enough to deal with Augustus' and Camilla's cunning. She fortunately did not account for her arrangement giving the Flower children ample opportunity to sabotage the food with a carefully placed Stun Spore.Their following escape attempt seemed to go well the first few moments.... However, it didn't take long for the pirate crew to notice their absence and go after them. The whole family was quickly cornered up on deck. To buy time, her father stayed behind and prepared to take the ultimate sacrifice - his life for his family. The other Flowers quickly got off the ship and into a dinghy, which was sent off with all the others to make them harder to follow, and disappeared into the night.Since then, no one ever knew what happened to Augustus Flower.

     Back on land:
 This Flower's on Fire    

The family limped back to shore and called on old favors to get what was left protected by other families. They were careful to remain under the radar, fearful that Arrow's crew might still be looking for them. Her mother, with an aching heart, took on the mantle of the trading company, now in a decline due to their fleet having been decimated.As for Adelia.... Though she was also grieving, deep down she knew it was time to buckle down and get serious. That she needed to step up, for her family and for herself. She was going to take over the business from her father, rebuild it from the ground up; she was going to save the Wild Flowers Trading Company. She was going to find the saboteur, the pyromaniac assassin, the beast tamer, and even the pirate queen, and make each and every one of them pay for what they had done.To do that, she would turn to her blades, but this time, she would do so seriously. It was high time she learned about what being a real dual-blade swordswoman was all about other than just looking awesome. With a fire in her heart, she sent an application to Yarelts Institute of Protection.


  • Dueling. She always has that competitive streak about her.
  • Exploring. Wanderlust! She loves the great outdoors and is always up for an adventure.
  • Painting. Due to her life at sea, she most often paints ships and seascapes.
  • Eh... partying. Come on, being a warrior doesn't mean you can't have fun, right?

Student Information

House Ignis, House of the Passionate Warrior
--A passionate warrior, Adel will not sheath her Roses of Justice until she has righted every wrong and defended all she can. Competitive, confident, and strong-willed, she's not one to back down from a fight, even when up against tougher enemies or those with a clear advantage over her. Unfortunately, being a snarky hothead with zero tolerance for crap, she may act recklessly and blindly keep fighting a losing battle until she burns herself out. When she fights, she's somewhere between "daring" and "suicidal".

Weapon Roses of Justice
--A pair of silver rapiers with intricate hilts - one of the hilts is tinted red and the other blue. They used to belong to Adel's grandfather. She proudly calls them the "Roses of Justice". (I was inspired by this epic thing. )

Class/SubClass Rogue / Dual Weapon

--The only dual-blade wielder besides her grandfather in her family, Adel has become quite proud of her swordfighting skills because having a blade in each hand enables her to score much faster (though lighter) hits. This is well-suited to her fighting style, which has her rely a lot on agility and speed. All this adds up to make Adelia Flower a nimble, graceful, and tricky fighter - she does have abysmal defenses, but if she's doing it right, she won't even get hit.

Combat Information

Ability Natural Cure
--Once Adel has distanced herself from the battle and calmed down from the rush of adrenaline, she can use her plant-like capabilities to heal any status ailment she's suffering.


--Adel gets ready for combat, raising her Attack and Sp. Attack stats. If she's standing there smirking and taunting opponents before a battle, chances are she's using Growth.
 Leaf Storm
--Adel summons a huge and violent storm of leaves around her and directs it at the opponent so that the leaves fly at them and cut them. The leaves move linearly and do not trail opponents, but the storm is big and hard enough to dodge. This move takes a lot of concentration and weakens her after each use.
 Giga Drain
--An essential move for a glass cannon, Giga Drain lets her get some health back after a few hits. She can also imbue her blades with Giga Drain energy, making them glow green, and absorb the opponent's health with each slash. This Drain Sword effect fades over time.
 Water Sport
--A move she first learned when she was a Budew, Water Sport weakens the power of fire attacks and was the move she used before she ran to save her sister in the burning field. She dampens her body and environment to be able to better take fire attacks.


Related Characters

  • Augustus Flower (Togekiss gijinka), father
  • Camilla Flower (Roserade gijinka), mother
  • Cordelia Flower (Budew gijinka), little sister
  • Victor Flower (Serperior gijinka), grandfather

Extras/Fun Facts
 Strangely enough for a Grass-type, Adelia's greatest weakness is water. She is particularly afraid of deep, dark water; powerful water jets/spouts; and feral aquatic creatures. The sight of these takes her back to the day her ship was attacked and is enough to make her freeze up.
 She scoffs at the idea of evolution and claims she doesn't need it. "If I'm going to become strong," she says haughtily, "it's going to be by blood and sweat and actual hard work, not a sudden, BAM! kind of change."
 The Roses of Justice aren't the only things in her possession that used to be her grandfather's. She also wears the pink rose ring she found in the wooden chest for luck.
 She wears tight black shorts (something akin to modern-day cycling shorts) underneath her skirt. This is because she needs to do a lot of acrobatic feats like flips and somersaults but still wants to look stylish in a skirt.
 Her personality type is ESTP (Extroverted-Sensing-Thinking-Perceiving). She has the same type as the young and hotheaded d'Artagnan from The Three Musketeers.
 She loves sweet food in general, but she's practically obsessed with chocolate. In contrast, she can't take spicy food. Like, at all. She'll quickly break out in sweat and go beetroot-red.
 She's quite the skeptic - that's why she's unlikely to ever practice magic. That's not to say that she's against it - she's just more comfortable relying on her own body and her own wit instead of on something so abstract.
 Despite wielding dual blades, she is actually left-handed.
 Her theme song is "This is War" : To the right, to the left! We will fight, to the death! To the edge of the earth; it's a brave new world from the last to the first!

A closer look at her fancy duds and fancy swords can be found here.

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Comments: 43

apapa155 [2017-08-10 03:15:56 +0000 UTC]

So cool

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nautical-mile In reply to apapa155 [2017-08-10 07:56:47 +0000 UTC]

Haha, thanks! nwn

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

apapa155 In reply to nautical-mile [2017-08-10 14:14:25 +0000 UTC]

welcome ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kage-niji [2017-01-28 22:48:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh she is awesome! Can I steal her

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nautical-mile In reply to kage-niji [2017-01-29 03:19:24 +0000 UTC]

Ask Boo, she's adopting her. XD

And aah, thankye!! ^o^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sweetymimy22 [2017-01-28 21:04:56 +0000 UTC]

the link to the blades isnt working

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nautical-mile In reply to sweetymimy22 [2017-01-29 03:16:18 +0000 UTC]

Eeyup, I fixed that! ^^ Thanks for telling me!

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NLSHSTR [2017-01-28 19:30:37 +0000 UTC]

Prescious child   

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nautical-mile In reply to NLSHSTR [2017-01-29 03:15:51 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, thankye! ^w^

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Zwetik [2017-01-28 19:30:26 +0000 UTC]

Wow, she and Bel will soooooo not get along XDD

I like her though! Great job! Gotta rp one day~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nautical-mile In reply to Zwetik [2017-01-29 03:23:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! And yes, Adel should totally meet Bel sometime! We'll just see what kind of chaos happenings ensue. XD

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Zwetik In reply to nautical-mile [2017-01-29 08:00:38 +0000 UTC]

Ahahahaha. Vernon and Chlora are nicer. Adel speak to them and you don't risk Bel hurting you child : o

You are welcome XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nautical-mile In reply to Zwetik [2017-01-31 12:51:50 +0000 UTC]

...And knowing that, Adel will most likely approach Bel instead of Chlora or Vernon. XD

She feels alive when she's in trouble.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zwetik In reply to nautical-mile [2017-01-31 14:09:29 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhh noo Adel please don't he killed a man XDD

But yeah. I like her. I wonder if she can make him be friends with her, what I doubt XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nautical-mile In reply to Zwetik [2017-01-31 14:24:19 +0000 UTC]

Adel would just wave a dismissive hand. "You worry too much, my friend. He once killed a man, I once escaped from being killed. Seems like a sign of blossoming friendship to me."

LOL! She might be able to... after a bit! She might start off very snarky and show-offy. XD

Aah thank you!! I'm so glad that you like her! ^^

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Zwetik In reply to nautical-mile [2017-01-31 14:31:33 +0000 UTC]

Bel is like the most unstable person in KA, Adel please be careful he is currently more fragile than he looks xDD

And if she wants to get along she better not press the wrong buttons. like making fun of his skincolor and flowers. Don't dare to touch them he will break your arms. And don't nameshame him. He can't have that xDD

Wow. There are way too many beartraps around him xD

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nautical-mile In reply to Zwetik [2017-01-31 16:28:18 +0000 UTC]

She might actually avoid those beartraps at the start. XD She's quite a polite rose and doesn't usually make fun of another's appearance or name, though she does have thorns in acting prideful. It's just that her fuse gets lit really quickly and she turns very annoying when she's pissed off or angry.

Adel would just raise one eyebrow at you. "No, I definitely am not about to make fun of him for his flowers. I mean, doing so when you have a similar pair on your head is quite idiotic, now wouldn't you say?"

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Zwetik In reply to nautical-mile [2017-01-31 18:53:11 +0000 UTC]

God we really need to rp one day I swear.

This is genius.
Watch us make people jealous

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nautical-mile In reply to Zwetik [2017-02-01 06:00:19 +0000 UTC]

Yesss! XD I'm up for RPs whenever; it's up to you when. When you feel like it, you can just shoot me a note or something. ^^

"Adelia Flower, at your service." Adel would give a curtsy at that before smirking. "You're in luck, my friend - making people jealous happens to be one of the things I do best."

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Zwetik In reply to nautical-mile [2017-02-01 16:26:35 +0000 UTC]

I am chicken shit so I guess we won't be rping any :"D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nautical-mile In reply to Zwetik [2017-02-01 17:07:38 +0000 UTC]

ono? Chicken shit??

Well, aight then. Someday. XD

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Kagugle [2017-01-28 18:55:42 +0000 UTC]

Cutie!! : OO

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nautical-mile In reply to Kagugle [2017-01-28 19:13:13 +0000 UTC]

^o^ Thank you!!

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Dame-Boo [2017-01-28 18:45:28 +0000 UTC]

Hi, I am adopting  

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nautical-mile In reply to Dame-Boo [2017-01-28 19:12:47 +0000 UTC]

You can't exactly adopt her when you're already the Mom XD

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Dame-Boo In reply to nautical-mile [2017-01-28 19:25:07 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nautical-mile In reply to Dame-Boo [2017-01-29 03:15:22 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LuckyRyo [2017-01-28 18:29:44 +0000 UTC]

aww such a cutie
I love her outfit

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nautical-mile In reply to LuckyRyo [2017-01-28 18:37:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, Ryo! owo

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Senri-Sei [2017-01-28 05:42:48 +0000 UTC]

Haha~ And heeere she is!
That history *>o<* Oh noes, Adel! "Bandits killed my parents." Shh, it does sometimes happen...

With Adel, Mitchi and Keigo, the gijinka trilogy of Grass, Water and Fire is complete

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nautical-mile In reply to Senri-Sei [2017-01-28 10:04:39 +0000 UTC]

It actually goes sadder than that, but some things are yet to be revealed. >: D

What's funny is that the rose is instead in the Fire house, and the fire bug is in the Ground/Grass house.

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Senri-Sei In reply to nautical-mile [2017-01-28 13:11:35 +0000 UTC]

Aww, poor Flower. Have a song to make you happy: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nmDYT…
... I've linked you this before... but still...

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nautical-mile In reply to Senri-Sei [2017-01-28 13:58:49 +0000 UTC]


I exist to torture my flowers

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MasterTimotei [2017-01-27 22:14:41 +0000 UTC]

Oh, very nice~
Girl Marius Adelia looks amazing!
I also like how you put so much effort into making the background very detailed, too.

... I always feel bad when I leave comments that don't leave too much feedback. But, holy bajeezus, you wrote so much in the info about this character I would be here for a good hour trying to read it all. (I read slowly. :v) I'm sorry. :s

As WolfMirage  said, I second a boy Delta~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nautical-mile In reply to MasterTimotei [2017-01-28 10:02:14 +0000 UTC]

Thankye! ^^ I'm glad you like how she looks, LOL.

It's fine, haha. That's actually what the group suggests people to do, actually - to write the history as detailed as possible. I wouldn't have written anything this long otherwise. XD

In a nutshell, a past success made Adel think she was the awesomest thing ever until some pirates came into the scene and messed everything up. She came to the knight academy to learn what being a real swordswoman was all about, aside from just swinging blades around and looking awesome. That's just the gist of it, though - her story is actually pretty sad and there are some things that are yet to be revealed about her.

Yeeee XD

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MasterTimotei In reply to nautical-mile [2017-01-30 04:20:50 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. I know that when creating characters you should give a detailed background. (Currently trying to do that myself, but through writing stories. Bloop.) But I kinda just scrolled down and thought "Oh my gosh I'M STILL SCROLLING." xD

Ah. Okay. Thank you for summarizing~
Oh. I like this background! She thought she was cool but then SUDDEN DRAMATIC THING and now she's trying to learn to be a real swordsman. That's badass~

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nautical-mile In reply to MasterTimotei [2017-01-30 04:58:10 +0000 UTC]

I know. XD This is particularly long, though. Maybe I should include a "in a nutshell" version like I did with Ramiza's history.

Hehehe, glad you like how her backstory sounds. ^^ There are a lot of things she has to deal with as she learns, though, like her fear of deep water and water creatures (which is strange for a Grass-type), the pirates hunting her down even while she's in the academy, and other things that are yet to be revealed. Yeah, she is a badass rose. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Icyangel12 [2017-01-27 18:50:28 +0000 UTC]

*Whispers* Girl Marius

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nautical-mile In reply to Icyangel12 [2017-01-27 18:59:37 +0000 UTC]

Ain't she pretty, though~? *wiggles eyebrows*

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WolfMirage In reply to nautical-mile [2017-01-27 19:57:32 +0000 UTC]

the bigger question tho

if this is girl marius

boy delta?!?!?!

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nautical-mile In reply to WolfMirage [2017-01-28 09:57:18 +0000 UTC]


There's no boy Delta in KA XD

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WolfMirage In reply to nautical-mile [2017-01-28 15:34:38 +0000 UTC]

D'awww. Well, it'll be interesting to see how Adelia ventures alone off against foe after foe without any iron bird holding her back.


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nautical-mile In reply to WolfMirage [2017-01-28 18:22:58 +0000 UTC]

Well, maybe not an iron bird boy... but she will find love because I have something planned. A lot of things will happen to this rose, indeed. XD

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