necrozuma — Team DarkDrako Mission 2
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Description "Hmm," Shadow mused to his partner, both walking down a grassy path toward Castle Draclugia, "How do you think we can do this successfully?"

Drake looked at him strangely, "We go in there and knock out anyone who gets in our way of course!"

Shadow chuckled at the young Axew, "We can't just go bursting in Drake, that's now how this mission works. We need stealth. Remember, Merlot is a legendary. She won't be easy to take down. The Grass-types won't be a problem for either of us, but the letter said Merlot has Dragons as her aids. How are we supposed to go up against what could be hordes of Dragons?"

Even though he thought that was one part that the letter got wrong. He didn't know why any Dragon would serve someone like Merlot, who apparently abused her servants and worked them to over-exhaustion.

"Simple," Drake said, smiling at the young Deino, "We ask the Merchants to help us."

Shadow shook his head at his partner's naïveté. The letter did mention that Shroomsworth and a team of Merchants might be going this way, but the letter also said the Merchants might not help if they weren't compensated nicely. And Team DarkDrako was broke. Shadow could hardly see at all because of the hair in his face, and even he noticed that their bag was...well, empty.

Drake just couldn't understand that, unlike him, others didn't always do things for free. And not everyone took IOU's.  Shadow was about to tell him this when a voice broke the relative quiet.

"Hello there!" someone called from ahead of them.

They both looked up to see who it was. Well, Drake saw, Shadow used his other senses. He sniffed at the air.

Spores, grass, sweat. Smells like-

"Shroomsworth!" Drake yelled, a grin stretching across his face, apparently happy to see the Merchant.

Shadow groaned inwardly. He had never liked Shroomsworth. Always selling out to the highest bidder, like a Rogue, except he never had any intention of helping anyone with the money he'd attained. He simply hoarded more and more money until his safes were bursting with it. And then what would he do when he had no more room? He would take some, buy more safes, and go back to keeping all the money for himself and giving tiny bits to his guild members. It sickened Shadow.

But Drake was completely oblivious to it.

They caught up to Shroomsworth who was, of course, pulling a wagon full of gold coins.

"Hello friends," Shroomsworth greeted with a smile. Shadow shuddered at the thought of them being friends.

"Hey there Shroomsworth," Drake said, "Where are you headed?"

"Oh, I'm on my way back to the guild, the fruits of labor in the wagon of course," Shroomsworth said proudly.

Shadow thought he would be sick.

"Wow, that's a lot of gold!" Drake exclaimed in wonder.

"Shh!" Shroomsworth scolded, his warm smile replaced with a worried look, "You're so loud! You never know who can hear you!"

"What are you talking about?" Drake asked confusedly, "Are you afraid someone will take your money?"

And that's when Shadow sensed someone near. He sniffed. There was someone in a tree to their left. It was Dark-type, male, a little taller than Shroomsworth, who could also use...Ice? Not good. Shadow heard a sharp rustle of leaves. The Dark-type must have jumped. He heard the crumple of what sounded like a bag and then the whistle of something sharp flying towards them.

"Get down!" Shadow yelled, hitting the floor.

Drake threw himself down instantly, but Shroomsworth wasn't as quick. He got pummeled by the Ice Shard attack and fell, Frozen to the spot.

The attacker, a Weavile, Shadow guessed, landed smoothly on the path in front of them. He was confident, outnumbered as he was, he still stood in the open. This particular Weavile was dangerous.

"Slasher!" Shroomsworth cried in disbelief.

"It's been a while Shroomsworth. How've you been?" the Weavile, Slasher, mocked. He walked over to Shroomsworth's cart of gold and picked up a handful of coins.

Shadow heard anger in Shroomsworth's voice, "What do you think you're doing?"

Slasher laughed scornfully, "I'm collecting a toll from you and your friends here, just like you gave Merlot."

Slasher took his time taking the coins and putting them into the bag slung over his shoulder, his cockiness barely contained in his wide grin.

Thief! Shadow thought, shocked. This guy wasn't just a jerk, he was a criminal!
"That should be enough," Slasher said, satisfied, and then turned to leave.

"Where do ya think yer goin'?" Someone taunted to the right of the path they were on.

Shadow was surprised. He didn't hear or sense him come, but he knew instantly who it was because of the rough voice and smell of sea salt.

"Ah, Gunpowder," Slasher chuckled, turning to the Gabite, "Back for more?"

Shadow didn't know what he was talking about but he could tell that they had fought earlier today. Gunpowder was already very weak.

"I'm goin' t' need that stamp Slasher," he growled.

"Oh you mean this stamp?" Slasher taunted, retrieving what looked like Devonshire's stamp from the bag. Gunpowder's face hardened.

Slasher laughed, "I already told you Gunpowder, I need this stamp to send out messages, disgustingly hateful messages, so that your entire guild falls apart!"

Shadow's breath caught in his throat, there was nothing about this Slasher guy in the letter, and he wasn't his or Drake's problem, but what he was saying was bad. The Rogues didn't exactly do things by the book, neither did they have a reputation of having the nicest recruits, but Shadow didn't wish them gone. They were still doing good things, albeit those things weren't very cheaply done.

Unfortunately, Slasher could probably take them all down easily, and since he and Drake hadn't been struck by the Ice Shard attack, they could still get to Castle Draclugia without any injuries. They just had to wait for Slasher to leave...

"Hey!" Drake yelled, jumping up, puffing his chest out.

Slasher turned his attention from Gunpowder with an evil smile, "And who might you be?"

Shadow stood, sighing. If Drake was going to make a stand, he wasn't going to do it alone. Shadow should have seen this coming anyways. Drake was always standing up for what he thought was right. Drake would do this.

"We're Team DarkDrako!" Drake exclaimed with a determined look on his face, "We're from the Rescuers guild! And those are our friends!"

Drake must have been using the terms friends loosely. Either that or he forgot the Gunpowder was a Rogue. Shadow sighed. At least he didn't think Slasher was his friend.

Slasher stared at Drake for a few seconds and blinked. He snickered, then chuckled, then burst out into uncontrollable laughter.

"Hahaha! You can't be serious! A puny Axew? You think you can stop me?" Slasher guffawed.

"That's right!" Drake yelled confidently.

We don't have time for this, Shadow thought. Mike was waiting for them outside of Castle Draclugia. He said he wouldn't go in there until they met up with him. Maybe it was because Mike was a little scared but Mike wouldn't openly admit that. Either way, they didn't have time for this. Shadow had to say something.

"Drake!" he called. Drake turned to him with a patient expression. "We can't take him on. We have to get out of here, Mike's waiting!"

Drake's looked shocked, "But we can't just leave them here, and Slasher is going to take half of Shroomsworth's treasure. That isn't right. And look at Gunpowder! We have to help!"

Shadow looked at Gunpowder. Although he tried his best not to show it, the prideful Rogue that he was, he was badly hurt. Gunpowder caught his eye and winked. Shadow blinked, sure that he was seeing things, and noticed that Gunpowder had been inching closer to Slasher the entire time. He wasn't very close, but he was within striking distance. Things were going to get nasty.

"Look, I know where you're coming from," Shadow said quickly, his eyes flicking to Shroomsworth, Frozen to the spot, "Really I do. But we have to help Mike!"

"You better listen to him young Axew," Slasher said maliciously, "Or you'll get worse than your friend Gunpowder over here." Slasher nodded in his direction.

That's when Gunpowder attacked. He jumped at Slasher, readying what looked to be a Dragon Claw, but Slasher was ready for him and knocked him away with ease.

Shadow figure they could use the distraction to get out of there fast. Unfortunately, Drake used the distraction to attack Slasher.

"Iron Tail!" Drake yelled, jumping into the air and whirling, his tail shining with a metallic glow. Slasher looked up as Drake landed the blow, directly in his face.

Slasher stumbled back and looked at Drake as he touched the ground. Slasher snarled, throwing the bag to the ground.

"That hurt," he growled.

"You can give up now," Drake said, smirking.

"Yeah right. Give up to a wimp like you? Not happening," Slasher said, raising his arm, "Ice Shard!"

Not good, Shadow thought, rushing to help Drake. Dragons didn't like Ice. But Drake dodged the flying crystals expertly. He charged at Slasher.

"Poison Jab!" he said, cocking his arm way back.

But Slasher was ready, "Ice Punch!" he cried, his frosty fist hurtling toward Drake.

Drake fell to the ground, dazed. Shadow looked at Drake, horrified. Slasher was readying another Ice Punch, aimed directly at Drake's face. Shadow knew he had to distract him, but that would mean Slasher might hit him with the Ice Punch, which wouldn't be good for anyone. But Drake was in trouble.

"Hey! You! Filthy excuse for a Weavile!" Shadow screamed, deciding his partner was more important than the fact that Shadow was the only one here able to fight Slasher.

Slasher looked to Shadow, who seemed to be charging blindly since his eyes were covered, and smirked. He sidestepped, intending to send Shadow running into a tree, but Shadow heard the step by the crunch of grass. He fixed his trajectory and slammed into Slasher, knocking him to the ground. Shadow heard Slasher's breath rush out and felt immense satisfaction with the fact that he had caught someone, way more powerful than he was, off guard.

But Shadow didn't spend much time gloating. He attacked instantly.

"Fire Fang!" he yelled, biting down on Slasher's, now bruised, face.

Drake must have regained his wits because a second later he struck Slasher in the stomach with Assurance.

Slasher howled and Shadow silently thanked Drake for remembering that Assurance's power doubled if he used it after he got hit.

Slasher flailed and threw them off. Drake and Shadow flew about a foot in front of him. He jumped up and yelled "Ice Shard!"

Shadow skidded backwards and realized, with a dark certainty, that he and Drake were too close to Slasher and had no chance of dodging the attack. They quickly fell to the barrage of Ice. Shadow winced as he hit landed on a crystal that got stuck in his shoulder.

This is what happens when you don't listen to me Drake, he thought reproachfully. There was no way they were going to beat this guy like this.

Slasher stood still, shoulders slumped, his breathing ragged. He wiped his forehead with a piece of ice, trying to help the burn feel better.

"You stupid little Dragons," he spat. He raised his good arm, readying another Ice Shard attack.

They were finished. They lost a fight they weren't even supposed to fight. Why did Drake always have to play the hero? Shadow silently prayed to Arceus for their lives.

"Hey!" yelled a voice, brimmed with anger. It came from behind Slasher.

Slasher whipped around snarling, clearly annoyed at the amount of times he'd been challenged that day. But his expression changed to one of fear when he saw who it was that called his name.

"Mike," he breathed.

Shadow felt a surge of elation and pride for his guild master. Mike had come to save them!

"Leave now Slasher," the Charmander warned, "And leave the stamp and gold with me."

"You're dreaming!" Slasher yelled desperately, and then pointed at Mike, "Ice Shard!"

"Flamethrower!" Mike cried, flames spewing from his jaws.

The Shards evaporated from the intense heat and the Flamethrower hit Slasher square in the chest. Slasher was blown back several feet and Shadow felt the heat of the flame on his face as the fire blazed above him. Mike was one powerful Charmander.

Slasher hit the ground with a thud. Shadow didn't need to see perfectly to know that Slasher had been defeated.

"Humph," Mike sniffed. He walked to Team DarkDrako, a concerned look on his face. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah," Drake said shakily, slowly getting up.

Shadow got up without a word. Mike eyed him strangely, then handed each an Oran Berry.

"Eat up," he commanded, "I got worried when you guys didn't come so I retraced my steps to here and what do I find?" he eyed Slasher warily, "A criminal."

Mike shook his head, "But you guys will be fine."

Mike walked to Gunpowder and placed something gold in his mouth, probably a Reviver Seed. Gunpowder coughed and wheezed back into consciousness, his arms swinging wildly as he got up.

"Wha' happened?" Gunpowder asked drearily.

"You were knocked out," Mike explained simply, "Slasher still has your stamp. If I were you, I'd grab it before he woke up."

"I don't need ye t' be tellin' me what t' do," Gunpowder growled distastefully. Then he got up, ambled over to Slasher, and retrieved the stamp.

"You're welcome," Shadow muttered as Gunpowder left.

Mike waved his tail flame over Shroomsworth to thaw him out. When Shroomsworth was no longer Frozen, he thanked Mike and hurried over to the bag that Slasher stuffed the gold in.

Mike walked back to the patiently waiting Team DarkDrako.

"You two have already been through a lot," he commended, "But we still have to push on to Castle Draclugia. Are you up for it?"

Drake jumped and yelled with a fire burning in his eyes, "Hell yeah!"

Shadow simply nodded.

"Good," Mike said, turning with a smile, "Let's go."

"Wait!" Shroomsworth called from behind them.

He ran up to them, holding a large handful of gold coins. There was probably six hundred Poke in his hands.

"Take this as thanks," he offered, "I would have lost way more than this if it weren't for you."

Shadow wouldn't have expected this kind of generosity from Shroomsworth. Shadow figured Shroomsworth would just leave with every piece of gold and give it to PK to guard jealously. Mike smiled and tipped his hat.

"No, you keep your reward, we'll be fine," Mike laughed, "Thanks anyways!"

Then he glanced at Slasher, "But I suggest you leave quickly. I don't know when Slasher will wake."

Of course, Shroomsworth didn't need to be told twice. He nodded and ran off to his precious gold and started pulling it to his guild again.

"Mike?" Drake called after Shroomsworth was out of sight, "Why did you tell him to keep his money? We could've used the extra cash."

Mike looked at him, smiling.

"A Rescuer isn't about the 'extra cash' Drake. Being a Rescuer, we do what we agreed to do, but if we find ourselves doing more, we don't expect or demand payment," he said, "Besides, Shroomsworth is an old friend, it wouldn't be right to make him pay us for helping him out on his way home."

Shroomsworth wouldn't think like that if our positions were swapped, Shadow remarked to himself bitterly. But he wouldn't dare say that out loud to the guild master.

They reached Castle Draclugia near sunset and what a sight it was. A three-tier castle topped with a tall tower. The Castle seemed to be built from purple brick. The front gate was locked tight, and seemed the only way to unlock it was from the inside. Of course, that was if you didn't think you could take it down on your own.

Both Mike and Drake instantly started slicing at the bars of the gate with Dragon Claw, and, after they were tired, Shadow blasted the gate off the hinges with a Dragon Pulse. The metal clattered noisily.

So much for stealth, Shadow thought.

And they all rushed into the Castle and were greeted by groups of angry Dragons. Drake stayed behind Shadow as he blasted every Dragon that attacked them with Dragon Pulse. Mike attacked with Flamethrower and whenever a Dragon got too close, Drake would team up with Mike and use Dragon Claw to take it down.

After the Dragons were knocked out, Mike went to the dungeons to free the Grass-types and Drake ran up the main staircase to find Merlot. Shadow trailed after Drake, checking for any other Dragons that may be hiding, waiting until he turned his back to attack

After he was sure no one else was around, he ran after Drake who was waiting for him at the end of the hallway. The hall split into two halls, one left and one right.

"Which one do we take?" Drake asked, confused.

Shadow looked down both halls. The hall to the right was filled with large portraits of Merlot and a red carpet that stretched all the way down the hall. To the left was a dusty, unclean, Spinarak filled stretch of brick.

They were in the middle of the castle, which meant that the tower, where Merlot certainly was, was directly ahead of them. Now if this were any other Castle, Shadow would assume that there would be a way to the tower no matter which way they went, but Merlot knew she was wanted. So she wouldn't make it so easy and they couldn't waste time by backtracking.

He looked down each hall again. He had an idea, he just hoped he was right.

"We go left," Shadow said finally.

Drake looked at him crazily. "But the right one looks more like Merlot would go through, pictures of her, big red carpet. The left one looks all dirty and gross."

"Exactly. Merlot knew that one day she'd get a visit from a rescue team," Shadow explained, "so she would have wanted to make them tired, confused, and upset. By making the wrong way seem like the right way."

Drake looked skeptical, but took off down the left hallway. After a while they could see the hallway, widen out and become grander, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling every forty feet or so. There were big, flat, birdlike footprints on the ground, imprinted in the dust. Shadow smirked smugly.

They kept going through the dustiest halls, only having to backtrack twice before they reached the biggest staircase they had seen. They exchanged looks and ran up the stairs.

They stopped before a large wooden door, bigger than either had ever seen. On it were impressions of the three legendary birds, side by side, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. A ball of light was imprinted beneath each, representing their respective orbs.

"This must be Merlot's room," Drake said breathing heavily.

Shadow nodded, admiring the artwork on the door.

"Remember, she's probably ready for us, so jump in and to the left. I'll go right," he warned.

Drake nodded and broke the door handle with an Iron Tail. The door swung out and they leaped into the room.

They jumped in and to either side of the doorframe, just in time to dodge a roaring jet of water. The door splintered and broke off the hinges. Shadow watched as it was carried down the giant flight of stairs he and Drake had just came up from.

That was one powerful Hydro Pump, Shadow thought in wonder.

Merlot was the same as any Lugia. Big, white, blue feathers around her eyes and a big blue belly. The only way you could differentiate her was from the black and red cape she wore and the ice cold look in her eyes.

"Ah, more Dragons for me to imprison and enslave," she laughed evilly as she saw them.

More Dragons? Shadow thought incredulously, To imprison and enslave? They're being forced to work for her like the Grass-types!

She looked at Shadow, an evil glint in her eyes. "Aurora Beam!"

The multicolored beam struck Shadow and he dropped to the ground, shivering from the intense cold, and screaming from the intense pain.

"Dragon Claw!" Drake yelled from the other side of the room, aiming the attack at Merlot's wing.

She batted him away easily; Drake fell to the ground and crumpled. Merlot chuckled darkly.

What is it with these bad guys and laughing today? Shadow thought angrily.

"Pathetic," she snickered, "You two are so weak, I don't even think I can expect you to do anything useful. Well let's get these outfits on you first, and then we'll see what I can make of you."

She turned to her left…and got blasted by a Flamethrower from behind her. Her eyes popped with confusion. She dropped to the ground with a crash. Shadow looked in the direction of the attack came from. In a window there was a dark silhouette, lit from behind by a small ball of fire. The attacker had on a ridiculously large cowboy hat.

"Sorry I'm late guys," Mike called from the window, "I had to get a Servine use Leaf Tornado to get me all the way up here. It's not an exact art."

Merlot growled and started to get up obviously unhappy with this new turn of events. Inspired and rejuvenated by Mike's sudden appearance, Shadow jumped up and on Merlot's neck.

"Thunder Fang!" he cried, clenching his electrified jaws onto Merlot.

She screamed as the electricity coursed through her, and Shadow smugly remembered that she was a Flying and Water type. So this had to hurt a lot.

Drake got up and joined Mike as he jumped in the air.

"Iron Tail!" Drake called.

"Metal Claw!" Mike yelled.

They both struck Merlot in the back with their super-effective attacks, slamming her back into the ground.

Their combined attacks must have done a lot of damage. But she wasn't through yet. She tensed her legs, ready to spring. She growled angrily. Then she surprised the three Rescuers.

"Whirlwind!" she yelled, flapping her wings.

The wind suddenly started to pull Shadow, Drake, and Mike off and away from Merlot, and they slammed into the wall.

Merlot got up and scowled. Her head drooped a little, her neck obviously hurting, and she seemed to slouch, to keep the pain from her back from incapacitating her.

"You annoying little brats!" she spat, disgusted, "You're finished! Aurora Beam!"

But before she could let the attack loose, she was surrounded by green vines. Her mouth snapped shut and her wings snapped to her sides, keeping her from moving as she was barraged by hundreds of razor sharp leaves.

She turned her neck, wincing slightly, to see who her attackers were. The vines relinquished their hold on her allowing her to be blown back by three simultaneous Leaf Tornadoes.

Shadow craned his neck to see three Servines standing proudly, and over thirty other Grass types standing next to and beside them.

"Thanks!" Mike called, then he rushed at Merlot who was starting to get up, powering up his Metal Claw.  

Team DarkDrako stood up and joined the fight, Shadow using Dragon Pulse and Drake using Poison Jab. The Grass types used their variety of Razor Leaf, Leaf Tornado, and Vine Whip. Merlot fought back, mostly aiming her Wing Attacks at the Grass types, but they would always use one of their health stealing moves like Absorb or Mega Drain.

Merlot began to fall. With numbers like this, not even a legendary stood much of a chance. No one stopped attacking. Not until they could hardly breathe. Merlot was slumped against the wall, her breathing shallow.

Everyone stood for a minute, gasping for breath, and then Mike turned to the Grass-types. He grinned.

"You're free!" he yelled "Now let's get you HOME!"

And with that they all ran out room, down the staircases, through the hallways and out the door, whooping and cheering and ripping off the silly frilly outfits that Merlot made them wear.

But they were met at the gate by all the Dragons that attacked when Team DarkDrako and Mike first rushed in. The Dragons growled, not willing to let their master's servants go with the Rescuers, but they looked seemed more scared than angry. Drake readied himself for a fight, but Shadow stepped in front of him.

"Brothers and Sisters!" Shadow called, hoping that they would also recognize him as kin because of their common typing. "You are free now! Leave this place! You no longer have to live under Merlot's cold rule! Go! Be with your families!"

The Dragons looked confused and murmured among themselves.  Shadow waited anxiously, hoping they hated working for Merlot as much as he knew he would have.

Then a Druddigon stepped forward.

"You... you have really defeated the cruel Merlot?" he asked hesitantly, not sure if this was a trick or not.

"Yes," Shadow breathed, "But she still lives. You must go now to escape her tyranny forever."

A silent moment passed as the Dragons considered Shadow's words. And without a second thought, the Dragons ripped off their frilly outfits and rushed out, knocking over the gate and crushing the walls.

Team DarkDrako and Mike reached Sapling Village with all the previously kidnapped Grass-types and were greeted with thunderous cheers and thanks by the joyous villagers. Gold and food was being shoved into their hands and bags by the basket.

Mike smiled and enjoyed the warm welcome. Shadow couldn't help it, he smiled too. Mike was always the good guy, uncorruptable, he worried more about the lives of others more than he did his own. The things he saw in Mike, he saw in Drake, who, of course, was also enjoying the celebration. Shadow chuckled.

Who knows, he thought, maybe Drake would head his own guild one day.

Then Drake tripped over a root, scattering gold all over the floor. He blushed and started to put the money back in his bag as the crowd laughed good-naturedly.

But then again, Shadow laughed to himself as he helped his partner pick up the money, maybe not.
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