「Tu n’échapperas plus de cet Eden
Où les tournesols te sourient
Je demeurerai avec toi
Persephoneia (Crest feat. TBK) — link
Guess who? It's been a while since I ever created something. I think I should try to explain my hiatus but I have nothing to say. I was thinking about comeback for a long time. I have a lot of reasons to imbue myself I am useless. Maybe my works are not that pretty as they used to be. Maybe I they became even worse. But I really like being inspired by suddenly appeared idea in my head, looking for models, stages and effects, rendering the result in Photoshop or Sai. No more hiatus. At least I hope so.
I am counting on your support, see ya soon! ♡
「 Comeback special 」
✖ Credits ✖
└ TDA Soft Miku 2.5 by Kavailateg .
└ NCHL shader, HgSSAO, BackLight Controller, XDOF, PostPointLight, AutoLuminous, ToneMap, d_GreenerShader, ikPostFog, Exellent Shadow.
└ by 〆鯖, hiro K2, ぴえPMD大使.
Programms used
└ MikuMikuDance; MikuMikuEffect; Photoshop CS5.