neo-chan7 — AkutagawaXReader 1

#akutagawa #bungoustraydogs #akutagawaryuunosuke #bungoustraydogsxreader #bungoustraydogsfanfiction
Published: 2019-09-03 06:54:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 2640; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Description Receiving the news that her father was dead was the worst day of (y/)’s life.

Sure he wasn’t the best and would often leave her home alone due to work, but he was still the only family she had left as her mother had died from an illness when she was a young girl. Orphaned at the age of eighteen, she was now all alone in the world with only the ravens that flocked to her for company.

See, (y/n), was gifted with an ability known as: The Raven. Even without activating her ability, ravens would fly to her and give her their company, and she actually preferred that over interacting with humans, as she was able to understand them and gain knowledge of the city she lived in. When she activated her ability, two, beautiful black wings would sprout from her back, allowing her to fly along with her feathered friends. And she was even able to perform combat with her extra appendages, as when she wished for it, the soft feathers would harden into a sharp blade that she shot from the wing, impaling anything in her path.

Thanks to her friends, she knew that she could find a way to get by as they would bring her many shiny things, some being jewelry that’s been clearly plucked from the wearer or a tiny coin pouch with a shimmering clasp, not that she cared anymore, her conscious was now clouded and her only focus was on avenging her father’s death to make sure the ones who did this wouldn’t tear apart another family ever again.

Luckily for her, some of the ravens had witnessed the slaughter of that warehouse and was able to give her a good description of her father’s attackers. With this information, (y/n) soared over the city, trying to find any traces of the ones who called themselves the Port Mafia.


(y/n) dangled her legs over the edge of the roof of the building she was currently lounging around on. She had grown hungry after much flying and had used some of the money her bird friends stole for her to buy some snacks from a local convenience store. As she nibbled on her melon bread, she began to converse with herself and reflect on her life.

“If I manage to pull this off, what will I do then? Just live my life as some street urchin? Well not that it counts for me anymore; I’m an adult now and no orphanage if gonna take in an eighteen-year-old oddball into their facilities . . . . Maybe I’ll travel the world? Flight fair isn’t a problem. Or maybe settle down with a simple job?” she looked to the raven on her shoulder, “What do you think Vincent?” The raven cawed out his answer, “Hm, I’ll keep that in mind. For now, let’s keep looking for the bastards that did this.”

Activating her ability (y/n) leaped off the roof and soared high above the buildings, the crows and ravens cawing out messages to her of any leads they had. That was until one mentioned that it saw gunfire in a certain building not too far from her current location.

“You sure it was machine gun fire? Cause it would be stupid to do such a thing in a building.” The raven nodded, “Whelp, no harm in checking it out.” Angling her wings to catch a burst of wind (y/n) flew higher and faster to her destination. Landing in an alley just a block away from the commotion, she peaked out towards the now bullet ridden building.

“The heck happened there?”

Just then one of the windows opened and she saw men literally being thrown out into the streets, a rather comical sight if it weren’t for Vincent confirming that those people were indeed responsible for her father’s death.

“You’re kidding . . . . please tell me you’re kidding.” Vincent offered a rather offended look as if to say “why would I lie to you about this?”

“Uh, are you NOT seeing this!?” He gave her an eye roll but cawed out that he never forgets a face and those men were indeed the ones who took her father away from her. (y/n) continued to watch as the men finally got up and tried to clear their heads and aching bodied from the fight earlier. One of them, an elderly man, readjusted his cracked glasses and did his best to stay composed as he took out a cigarette and lit it, inhaling the toxic fumes to cover his feelings of failure.

“Oh that bitch is go gonna get it for sending us on this pointless mission!” a young man with a green jacket and band-aid over his nose spat out.

“We’ll deal with that later, for now let’s walk this off and head back.” Upon hearing this, (y/n) had a hard time containing her anticipation, she had finally tracked down some mafia members, and if her sources were correct, these specific individuals were from a faction called the “Black Lizard,” the very group responsible for the slaughter that took her father away from her. For a few alleys she followed the members via rooftops, trying to pinpoint the perfect place to take them all out as fast and effectively as possible. Before starting her trek though, she ordered Vincent to fly off and gather as many ravens as he could find and stay close. She wasn’t stupid; she knew her power alone wouldn’t be enough to take down these ruthless mafia members, so she was going to rally up all the help she could get. People would often underestimate the ravens in combat, (y/n) has used these tactics before and oh how violent these birds could be. Not only were they good at impairing the enemy, but she’s witnessed them plucking eyeballs right out of eye sockets and stabbing their beaks through wrists; long story short: they could be just as violent as any mafia member.

In a short time many ravens lined up along the rooftops, however this may not have been the best plan as her targets were noticing the strange and sudden abundance of birds over them.

“Hey, what’s with all the bird brains?” the younger man commented. The older man looked up and observed, “Hmmm, something’s not right . . . . Everyone stay on our guard.”

“So much for the element of surprise,” (y/n) mumbled quietly to herself. She strained her wings to get ready to swoop down upon them, but it seemed that the old man was really focusing on his surroundings cause when she flew straight at him with a sharpened feather in her hand, he ducked at the very last minute, making her crash rather ungracefully into some trashcans.


“. . . . . What just happened?” the young man asked, earning a shrug from the other male (or was it a female?) next to him. Everyone watched dumbfounded as (y/n) straightened herself out, trying to keep up appearances, “You bunch the Port Mafia’s ‘Black Lizard’?”

“And what is it to you?” the old man asked, perfectly hiding his surprise that a lone girl would ask such a question.

“Everything,” (y/n) growled out, attempting to appear intimidating, “One of the men you killed, he was my father.”

The man raised an eyebrow and decided to examine the girl’s face further, which was when the similarities struck him, “ Ahhh, now I recognize those features. Yes, your father tried to attack me with a pipe, such a pitiful attempt to stop me.”

This comment boiled (y/n)’s blood, “Don’t you dare speak badly of him!! Yes, he was a pathetic man from time to time, but he was still my father!! And I’m not about to let you all tear another family apart like that!!!” (y/n) flapped her wings a couple times and was already fast heading towards the old man, only for him to hold out his hand and activate the special ability he had, making (y/n) act out cautiously and shielded herself with her wings only to be blown back hard back to the trashcans.

“Gah!!” she could feel her bones straining from the impact, but otherwise nothing was broken.

“Still moving? I have to say I’m actually a little impressed, not many are as mobile as you are after being hit by my ability~.”

“Damnit,” (y/n) cursed, ruffling her wings to shake off the throbbing, “Time for plan R.”

“Plan what now?”

“Vincent! Now!!” All the ravens descended upon the men, making many fire blindly with pistols and swatting with their hands. (y/n) couldn’t help the smirk when the old man was struggling to use his ability all while trying to keep the ravens away from his face as they were aiming their beaks for his eyes. With all her enemies occupied, (y/n) readied her ultimate attack, every feather hardening into a dangerous, sharp point as she quoted darkly, “And your souls from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor . . . . shall be lifted—nevermore!” At the last word she launched all her feathers at the group, only for some black mass to appear and devour them all, saving the Black Lizards. (y/n) couldn’t hold back the gasp from her lips as she watched the mass return to it’s owner. A young man who barely appeared older than her stood in the middle of the skirmish, coughing into his hand.

“Honestly, I return from an errand and you all are struggling against a little girl and her birds? You all are getting rusty,” he said in a rather emotionless voice.

(y/n) glared at the man who had stopped her from fulfilling her personal mission, “Oi! Stay out of this! You-.” She didn’t get to finish her sentence as a tendril lashed out from the man and sliced open her shoulder, causing for her to fall to her knees and hold her wound.

“Silence! Know your place girl!!” the man in black shouted.

Grunting in pain, (y/n) couldn’t summon up the energy to conjure up another pair of wings to fly the heck out of there, so she resorted to the ravens for help, “Get him!” They obeyed without hesitation and dove towards the target, only for a beast like wisp pop out and devour more than half the birds, shedding their blood and killing them easily. (y/n) let out a scream, “No!!”

“Are you quite done with your petty attempts to attack me?” the black boy asked rather sarcastically, “I have no quarrel with you, but you’ve officially irritated me with your weak attacks. I commend you on your effort, so perhaps I’ll give you a quick death,” a tendril shaped like a scythe came forth from him, poised for the kill, “Farewell little raven.”

(y/n) couldn’t believe what was happening, she was so very close to avenging her father and now she was just going to die like a worthless street urchin, no one would miss her, she had no close friends or family. A part of her wanted to give in and accept her fate but another part wanted to keep fighting, to see her plan through to the end. Just as she thought she was going to die, a loud voice boomed over the tense silence, “Now hold on just a minute!!” Everything was still as everyone looked to the back where the voice came from, and then everyone but (y/n) made way for a man wearing a long, black coat and a red scarf over his shoulders.

“Now just what is going on here Hirotsu?”

“Mori, I’m afraid that someone’s feathers were a bit ruffled and thus attacked us.”

“Oh?” The one called “Mori” walked to the front and looked down at the bloody and still terrified (y/n), “Interesting, you’re seriously telling me that this young girl was the reason you were not only held up but needed the help of Akutagawa to save your own skin?”

“I regrettably admit yes.”

“Very interesting indeed~.” Mori kneeled before (y/n), causing her to flinch and for her best raven-friend Vincent to fly down to her lap and caw out loudly, hoping to effectively defend her.

Mori chuckled at the raven’s attempt to defend his owner, “Now now, I don’t plan to hurt your human~,” this seemed to pacify the raven, but he kept his beak up, ready to poke out an eye or leave a nasty cut, Mori turned his focus to (y/n), “What’s your name?”

(y/n) was dumbfounded by this question, from they way everyone acted, this guy was surely the leader of the mafia, and yet here he was, speaking to her as if she were someone he was hoping to become friends with.

“Um . . . . (y/n).”

“Ah I see. Well then, (y/n), it seems it’s my mafia’s fault that you are currently without a family. I do apologize for that and wish to make it right.”

“Eh? You can’t be serious.”


“And how the hell do you think you can make up for what happened?”

“Simple: join us~.”

(y/n) blinked once, then twice, then, “WHAT!?” Even the men behind Mori had dumb looks on their faces.

“W-wait Mori sir, you can’t be serious!” Hirotsu exclaimed.

“Dead again~.”

“But why!?”

“Let’s think about this rationally, if we kill her, we loose the opportunity to have a powerful alley by our side~. Besides, I can’t help but to be enthralled with the way she recklessly took you all on despite her disadvantage in numbers,” he turned back to (y/n), “So what say you (y/n)? You either refuse and I let Akutagawa finish you off, or you come with us and be a part of something bigger~? Of course we’ll be keeping a sharp eye on you, but just behave and then we can loose the chains.”

This was an outcome (y/n) really didn’t see coming, however, the survivor in her made her choose the one she really didn’t want but really was the better alternative.

“. . . . . Fine, I’ll join your little motley crew, for now at least.”

“I’ll have you know once you join, there really is no going back~,” Mori held out a hand to her, “Welcome to the Port Mafia little (y/n).” She hesitated but took his hand, letting out a small moan from the pain in her shoulder, “Guess we should get that checked out, let’s get going before it can get infected. Akutagawa, you’ll be keeping an eye on her, you were the only one who seemed to have a chance against her after all.”

“. . . . . . As long as I get to kill her should she defy us, very well then.”

(y/n) didn’t hold back the scoff as she reluctantly followed the group, wondering what her future will be like now that she was basically forced to join forces with her father’s killers.
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