NeonBlacklightTH — Neon Blacklight

Published: 2012-06-10 12:28:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 3444; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 66
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Description Name: Raes Elra Derfaroh [Rah-S El-Rah Dur-Fair-Oh] or "Neon Blacklight"

Species: Radesen [Rah-Des-N]

Gender: Male

Weight: 300 lb(With heavy armored robes, shoes, pants, & gauntlets) 80 lb(Without)

Height: 3 feet 7 inches

IQ: 230

Age: 837 Years Old (appears 16)

Fur/Skin/Scale Color: Charcoal Black Body Fur with Pale White

Eye Color: Originally Blue until he drank from the Black Lake where his right eye turned Crimson Red

Powers: Darkness, Blood, and Fire Magic, Hand to Hand Combat, Swordsmanship, Scythe Wielding, Flash Step

Empire Rank: Emperor of the Radesen Empire, The Sword in the Court of Empires, Judge of the Royal Court, and Chief Commander of the Radesen Legion

-Black Inferno: A swirling vortex of Black Fire surrounds the user, deals Fire and Dark damage on contact

-Shadow Step: Step into the shadows to transport user to any shaded area, including enemies shadow

-Blood Needle: Harms user to sling a thin foot long needle made of blood at enemy, ignores all defenses, chance of disease

-Scorch: Set multiple targets ablaze with a snap of users fingers, deals Fire and Dark damage

-Fireball Barrage: Hurl an array of ballistic fireballs at the enemies area, exploding on contact, deals Fire and Dark damage

-Nightmare Vision: Glares at enemies to stun them temporarily, decreasing enemies DEF and SP.DEF, may cause enemies to fall asleep, failure will harm user

-Blitzkrieg: Hurl a massive ball of Black Fire, harming all enemies and allies on the field, deals Fire and Dark damage

-Empowered Darkness: Spend users energy to increase ATK, SP.ATK, DEF, & SPD by 25% up to 100% but lowers SP.DEF by 50% each use

-Blood Price: Spend users health to restore energy

-Raze: Cast a wave of dark red energy at enemies, each enemy hit by wave steals health

-Crimson Plague: Cause internal damage to selected target, drastically lowers health, DEF, and SP.DEF

-Dark Form V1: Increase ATK, SP.ATK, AC, SPD, all Dark attacks, resistance, and abilities by 25% but lowers DEF, SP.DEF, and Light resistance by 25%

-Abyssal Claws(Req. Dark Form V1): Slash at enemy target, ignores armor, deals Dark damage

-Dark Sphere(Req. Dark Form V1): Hurl a ball of concentrated dark energy, explodes on contact, deals Dark damage

-Nightmare Fury(Re. Dark Form V1): Rapidly slash and uppercut slash at target enemy, knocking enemy back, deals Dark damage, Dark damage increases each hit

-Dark Form V2: Increases ATK, SP.ATK, AC, SPD, all Dark attacks, resistance, and abilities by 50% but lowers DEF, SP.DEF, and Light resistance by 75%

-Poison of the Abyss(Req. Dark Form V2): Spit and inject black ooze at target enemy, decreases armor, enemy becomes poisoned and receives constant Poison and Dark damage

-Savage Bite(Req. Dark Form V2): Bite unto target enemy, enemy is unable to attack temporarily, enemy becomes poisoned and receives constant Poison and Dark damage

-Dark Matter Cannon(Req. Dark Form V2): Fire a massive blast of dark energy compressed to an incredibly small size, deals massive Dark damage, ignores armor, cannot block or counter

-Perfect Dark Form: Maximizes ATK, SP.ATK, AC, SPD, all Dark attacks, resistance, and abilities and increases DEF, SP.DEF, and Light resistance by 25%

-Black Abyssal Sphere(Req. Perfect Dark Form): A more powerful form of Dark Sphere, hurl a massive ball of pure concentrated dark energy, deals massive Dark damage to all enemies on the field

-Black Abyssal Fury(Re. Perfect Dark Form): Rain down a storm of Dark Chaos Spears that homes onto multiple enemies, deals Dark damage each hit

-Corruption Surge(Req. Perfect Dark Form): Charge a beam of pure Dark energy, ignores all Dark resistance, armor, DEF & SP.DEF

Attack: 900

Special Attack: 1000

Defense: 500

Special Defense: 650

Accuracy: 200

Speed: 100

Fighting Style: Neon will usually send out his own to fight for him, however when he needs to fight he will rely on his skills of blades. He will use his sword for his main attack but use his scythe for quick attacks or block counters. He usually uses Fire based magic to help in his battles and when wounded he will heal himself with Blood magic, though it will take some amount of his energy as he heals slowly and must stay in focus of the healing spell. When Neon becomes desperate he will use his revolver he keeps in his jacket which can only fire two bullets before reloading and keeps only a small amount such as eight bullets. When disarmed Neon will rely on magic spells and hand to hand combat which he will use his claws to lash out at his target and is willing to bite if necessary. Neon will focus only on the weak points of his enemy such as behind them. Thus he will vanish and reappear behind his foe in hopes to cut or stab through his enemy. If the battle lasts long enough his temper on finishing the fight will increase and go after more wilder attacks until he starts to transform into his dark forms, becoming more savage with each form until he reaches Perfect Dark Form where though lacking in physical strength, his magical strength is increased tenfold and gains immunity against Negative energy attacks such as Fire or Lightning but gains a lethal weakness against Positive energy attacks such as Light spells

Team Position: Power

Dislikes: Human Hybrids, Horses, People who Talks too much, Humans, Heroes, Heroes who were once Villains, Samantha, Anfang, Being Conned in a Bargain, People who question his commands

Likes: Beef, Coffee, Italian Dishes, Metal & Hard Rock music, Swords, Caffeine of Various Forms, Bargaining, Playing Around with his Foes, Forgotten/Forbidden Power, Ancient Knowledge, World Domination, Spicy Foods

Quote: "Sacrifices are needed to achieve greater goals."

Personality: Corrupt, Clever, Calm mannered, Easily Angered, Cruel, Forceful

Religion: Sinology

Affiliations: Radesen Empire Royal Court

Date of Birth: 12/26/2500

Place of Birth: Pumpkin Hills

Residence: Pumpkin Hills, Blackthorn Castle

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Japanese Name: ネオン ブラック ライト ハリネズミ

Theme Song: Celldweller - Kill The Sound

Occupation: Emperor

Crimes: Assault, Arson, Genocide, Torture, Rape, Espionage, Extortion, Ethnic Cleansing, Terrorism, Vandalism, Use of Bio/Chemo/Nuclear Weaponry, Crime Against Peace, Pillaging, Illegal Manufacturing, Illegal Experimentation, Drug Trafficking

Items: One Radesen Heavy Armored Crimson Lab Crafted Trench Coat with Weapon Holsters and Hood, One Long Sleeved Vest, Pants, A Pair of Steel Plated Boots, A Pair of Crimson Red Metal Gauntlets, One Utility Belt, Several rounds of ammunition and other Radesen magic items, A Radesen Revolver, An Obsidian/Xenanium/Umbrinite infused metal longsword, and a Carving Knife

Marital Status: In relationship

Family: Jebar Blacklight(Father), Lumina Blacklight(Mother), Deragus Blacklight(Brother), Milena Blacklight(Sister)

Allies: All who serves under the Radesen Empire

Enemies: Anfang, Frieden & Ehrung, Those who goes against the Radesen Empire, Humans, Mobians who doesn't serve under him, Samantha, Lira,

Sexual Preference: Straight

Weakness: Burns anywhere near positive or light energy, has a nasty and uncontrollable temper that makes him reckless, his greed gets the best of him, he doubts his enemies capabilities

History: Hundreds of years ago, back before the lands were separated into zones. There was once a royal family named "The Blacklights". The Blacklight family held a great empire that went by the name The Radesen Empire and grew powerful by numbers by each day. On the ninth millennium of the Radesen Empire rule, a child was born under the star of fire, this child's name was Neon Blacklight. At the age of five he began to study on arcane arts, training himself on how to summon the fire within him and control it for his purposes. On the fourth month of his fifth year, he had finally learned to control the fire within him but not of what he suspected. He suspected that the fire was to be red and orange, but his fire was nothing but pure black. He started to study on this sort of ability of his and learned that he had a sort of unique fire ability, Black Fire to be called.

This fire was said to be hot as the sun, and as cold as the freezing tundra, continuously to burn those it devours. Neon started to understand his special ability and kept it in full measure to keep those safe, that was till the ninth month of his fifth year he became furious with a certain guard and used his powers to burn him. The guard did not survive. His father, Jefer Blacklight had heard of this incident and learned of his sons ability. He gave him a warning that he must control his anger in order to control the fire. That without self control, then his powers will reach havoc to the people. Neon understand and left to continue his studies. On the second month of the eighth year, Neon Blacklight grew more mature and had learned new skills from his teachers like engineering, strategy, weapon handling, and military arrangement. But hidden away from the public of the empire, he was learning a forbidden arcane art. Blood magic.

Blood magic was strictly forbidden in the empire since the sixth decade of Emperor Fallex Blacklight, Neon Blacklight's Grandfather, banned the practice of Blood magic due to the assassinations of previous rulers of the empire. Neon knew it was forbidden but he had to know what doors he could unlock with that certain arcane art. Two weeks later he was caught studying and practicing Blood magic in the hidden corridors of the empire and was presented to his father. Emperor Jebar Blacklight was displeased to see that his son was practicing this art, so as punishment he branded him "The Mark of Shame" onto his palms and encased his hands in crimson gauntlets. The Mark of Shame was a sign of embarrassment and shame to the empire and the crimson gauntlets over them were symbols of regret to those who wore them.

Neon's hatred over his father grew and learned to despise his father for punishing him harshly, and no one of his family would even look at him. On the same night, Neon's hatred was at the highest point, he soon snuck into his parents bedroom and stabbed him in the face repeatedly, covering his hands and face with his fathers blood. Without remorse he continued his spree by killing his mother Lumina Blacklight by slitting her throat, he then went after his siblings bedrooms and continued with a much more brutal fate.

When the guards came in to see what was the noise they saw Neon standing over the corpses of his family, grinning and laughing. Almost like a mad man. Neon was then sent to prison for the murder of his family and the royal family, realizing what he had done, he sat in the darkest part of the prisons. Waiting, talking to himself, as if someone or something was there. After three years Neon Blacklight was released, seeing that he was the only heir to the throne he was here by named Emperor Neon Blacklight, and as first act as Emperor he demanded the deaths of all the Radesen Empire's Guild leaders. Only to be replaced by those he saw trust worthy. When Neon became into order, the empire started to change quickly. It became more militarized, more demanding, it craved for more control of land and territory, laws were changed like the lifting of Blood Magic Usage, and new orders were created in the empire like The Children of the Empire and the Crimson Labs

Many things were done in Neon's time till in the sixteenth year, Neon discovered a special location not far from the Radesen Empire called "The Black Lake". Said to those who drinks the waters of the lake is granted immense power but comes with a terrible price. He gathered some of his troops and set forth to the lake, going deep into a dark cavern discovering the underground black lake. He went to the lake, crouched down and looked at the water. Seeing his most darker self, almost terrified he shook his head and took a drink of the water.

In moments, Neon started held himself in pain in agony, seeing flashes of horror and massacre through his eyes. His eyes turned black, grew claws, his fur grew rugged and went on all fours, he then started to slaughter his troops with his bare hands.  When he drank the waters of the lake, he had taken a new ability that neither his physical nor his mental body was not ready for yet. Darkness. Now that he had drank from the lake water, his aging had stopped, thus keeping him from dying of old age. With his power flowing in his veins, his grasp over the control of the empire grew tighter as many soon began to fear him .

A several years pasted as Neon was at his thirties, his army grew at a fearsome size and worried the rest of the world for the unknown reasons why the Radesen Empire's army was growing. Neon Blacklight declared war against the human race after he destroyed the Court of Empires and slaughtered every human being in the Radesen Empire. This sparked the first part of the war as the humans claimed vengeance upon the Radesen Empire, but of no prevail as the empire was too strong and too many to face. During the first part of the war, Neon Blacklight offered a union with the Mobian Kingdoms, offering that they are to join them to killing off the human race and serve under his rule. The Mobians refused and joined with the humans in their struggle, thus starting the second part of the war called the Blacklight Plague in which he cut off all the lines of food and water from the humans and the Mobians thus making them slowly starve and dehydrate themselves to death and in some cases resort to cannibalism.

The war took many lives, mostly from the Mobian and Overlanders side, and it took many years and the Radesen Empire was winning. There was almost no hope for neither the Mobians nor the humans. On the last battle located in Pumpkin Hills, three Mobian Heroes appeared and defeated Neon Blacklight once and for all, knowing that they could not really kill him they imprisoned him in a tomb for all eternity. That was till hundreds of years later a human scientist named Dr. Ivo Robotnik released him from his eternal prison in hopes for him to help him take over the world.

However, Neon Blacklight had bigger plans than to help a human to slay a blue hedgehog, and so he betrayed Dr. Robotnik and went on his own path, searching for his empire and gather up more troops that knew that one day Neon Blacklight would return and claim vengeance upon those who defied him and his rule. Some of those who were waiting for him after hundreds of years were the original Children of the Empire, seeing that they to have drank the waters of the lake just as Neon has. Now Neon Blacklight sits in his dark throne in Pumpkin Hills, waiting and planning to see how he can remove the human species off of the planet and become the rightful ruler of Mobius.

Though in his return, he had suffered through large doses of trauma and insanity. Causing him to become paranoid, make him hear and see things that aren't there, a savage temper, and a sickening intent to torment those around him.

Weapons: Scythe, Longsword, & a Revolver
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Comments: 300

NeonBlacklightTH In reply to ??? [2018-10-03 22:19:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, if you wish I have a chapter story with him and a few other characters. Hope you can give it a read ^^

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 22:20:16 +0000 UTC]

Heck yes I will!! He is really cool!! And fluffy ^^ *pets his chest* ooh

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 22:22:03 +0000 UTC]

XD Yes he has a very fluffy chest, his whole kind does, fluffy chest for everyone!

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 22:23:25 +0000 UTC]

XD power of fluffyness I wonder if he would get along with my OC?

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 22:26:07 +0000 UTC]

XD Give a link?

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 22:27:31 +0000 UTC]

Warning his design is very old and is getting an update but here he is  and yes he is a villain.

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 22:35:02 +0000 UTC]

Looking nice design wise, any descriptions of the character?

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 22:35:42 +0000 UTC]

Still working on that but he is what’s called a Dreamwalker 

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 22:40:18 +0000 UTC]

A dreamwalker eh? I'm guessing he has the ability to enter dreams or enter a non-physical plane of existence?

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 22:42:15 +0000 UTC]

No not really but I can give you a list of his abilities ^^

say do you have any villains who are single?

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 22:44:12 +0000 UTC]


Of course, male or female?

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 22:44:47 +0000 UTC]

Male since I have a female OC ^^

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 22:55:01 +0000 UTC]

Well okay then, we have Lithium, Josh, and Musai

Josh the Wolf

Musai the Raven


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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 23:00:55 +0000 UTC]

I like Josh the wolf ^^ 

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 23:05:47 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes, Josh the Wolf, once a tribal and soon to be chief, only to stab his own kind in the back for a more "better" life.

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 23:07:40 +0000 UTC]

Ooh!! Found a name for my villain. Her name is Tanisha which means ambition. Species no clue yet

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 23:10:44 +0000 UTC]

Well what Mobian species do you like, there's a whole list of them? Fox, Wolf, Deer, so on and so forth

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 23:13:28 +0000 UTC]

Hmm maybe a Wolverine?  

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 23:30:09 +0000 UTC]

A Wolverine sounds nice ^^

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 23:31:24 +0000 UTC]

Yup ^^  

you are a nice person to talk to ^^

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 23:43:38 +0000 UTC]

As are you

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 23:44:19 +0000 UTC]

Aww shucks ^^

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 23:50:20 +0000 UTC]

You have an image of your OC, the female one?

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 23:51:07 +0000 UTC]

Sadly no. Still figuring out her outfit

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-03 23:52:45 +0000 UTC]

Fair enough, I can wait, take all the time you need ^^

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-03 23:53:47 +0000 UTC]

Any outfit suggestions? Was a ninja and is a assassin now.

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-04 00:05:56 +0000 UTC]

Well it all depends, assassins wear usually dark colored clothing or leathers, of course they would wear a hood but you don't have to if you want to show your character's full visage. What's her skill, abilities?

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-04 00:08:57 +0000 UTC]

hmm maybe sending you a note with ideas will help?

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-04 00:12:35 +0000 UTC]

Sure ^^

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-04 00:14:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^^

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2018-10-04 00:23:46 +0000 UTC]

I await for your note then

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NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2018-10-04 00:24:27 +0000 UTC]

Okay ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JaredtheFox92 [2015-09-08 22:05:54 +0000 UTC]

*An orange demon floats down to greet him.*

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to JaredtheFox92 [2015-09-08 22:27:05 +0000 UTC]

Neon: What?

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JaredtheFox92 In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2015-09-08 22:28:27 +0000 UTC]

Sarihash: I have a message from my father. *Lands.*

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to JaredtheFox92 [2015-09-08 22:30:28 +0000 UTC]

Neon: That being?

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JaredtheFox92 In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2015-09-08 22:33:35 +0000 UTC]

Sarihash: He requests that you send your forces to invade on of our enemies.

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to JaredtheFox92 [2015-09-08 22:35:00 +0000 UTC]

Neon: Where at?

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JaredtheFox92 In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2015-09-08 22:38:44 +0000 UTC]

Sarihash: The nation of Oster.

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to JaredtheFox92 [2015-09-08 22:40:19 +0000 UTC]

Neon: Oster hmm, who's the enemy in the nation?

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JaredtheFox92 In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2015-09-08 22:41:21 +0000 UTC]

Sarihash: The Mobian Defense League.

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to JaredtheFox92 [2015-09-08 22:46:07 +0000 UTC]

Neon: Hmph, very well. I'll send in a legion or two their way.

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JaredtheFox92 In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2015-09-08 22:47:47 +0000 UTC]

Sarihash: Do not underestimate the League, they are most proficient.

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to JaredtheFox92 [2015-09-08 22:49:47 +0000 UTC]

Neon: Fine, five legions.

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JaredtheFox92 In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2015-09-08 22:50:38 +0000 UTC]

Sarihash: They will have air support.

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to JaredtheFox92 [2015-09-08 22:51:51 +0000 UTC]

Neon: Each legion comes with their own supports, they'll do just fine.

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Darkwings45 [2015-09-08 21:11:23 +0000 UTC]

I love his new look!

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to Darkwings45 [2015-09-08 21:26:29 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, I added a few things like his new tribal facial marks and stuff ^^

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Darkwings45 In reply to NeonBlacklightTH [2015-09-08 21:27:44 +0000 UTC]

No problem! They make for kickass war paint.

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NeonBlacklightTH In reply to Darkwings45 [2015-09-08 22:26:55 +0000 UTC]

Yep, I've also enhanced his eyes and his gauntlets for a more better look. He still have those slit cat eyes he originally has but with a sheen added to it as well.

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