NeonGlitterTrash — Thy Deadly Sin

Published: 2009-07-05 22:38:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 2785; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 77
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Description This is my senshi Sailor Omega Peccatrix along with her human form (Jezebel Lilith) her past form (Baal) and her Sadistic form (Sadistic Sailor Omega Peccatrix.)

(Shadings and everything are not there on purpose..This is for review only.)

Biography (A re-do of the old one..Hopefully this makes more sense.)

About the Girl

Name: Jezebel Lilith (Jezê-bell Lil-eth)

Meaning: Jezebel derives from the male version of the name ‘Baal’, it also pertains to ‘unchaste lady’ Lilith means ‘of the night’, and putting them together, you get ‘Unchaste lady of the night’. It is of course intended irony.

Nickname: Sister Belle (The sisters in the convent are very wary of Jezebel’s name because they believe that saying her name brings in an unexplainable evil.)

Birth date: May 23, 1989

What country was she born in?: Paris, France

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Sun Sign: Gemini

Age: Twenty-three

Height: 5’ 5” (165 Cm)

Weight: 125 lbs (57 Kg)

Eye color: A light cyan hue

Hair: Light blonde (#FFFFFF), very thin and goes down to the mid back. The bangs are slightly whiter and are tucked behind her ears. Her hair is usually covered by a wimple (the headdress nuns wear) and only a few strands of hair poke out.

Skin: A papaya whip hue (#FFEFD5) with blotches of white upon her skin from to much sun exposure. Jezebel has a rare disorder called Xeroderma Pigmentosum, she cannot be outside for lengthy periods and if she is she must be heavily covered.

Blood Type: AB

Father: Tobias Constantin (changed his last name after he divorced Désiré in 2005)
Parental history: Tobias is a strong willed man who would do anything for his artsy ill fated wife Désiré. When Jezebel was born he was too happy for words and promised to protect her if anything ever happened. That time did come when Jezebel was eight years old. Désiré had post partum depression and still suffered from it, she had tried to drown Jezebel. Tobias had forgotten his keys and heard screams from the bathroom and rescued her from a closed death. He placed his wife in an insane asylum and took care of Jezebel until he lost his job in the coal mining business. Taking Jezebel out of school when she was fifteen, he placed her in the hands of the nuns at the Notre Dame convent. He ran off to join the war and is reinstated as one of the officers, he hopes to go back home to see Jezebel once more.

Mother: Désiré Lilith

Relationship History: Désiré had always been frail, she never could fight her own battles. She placed all her emotions through art and that is where she met her knight in shining armor Tobias at an Paris auction. They fell in love, but the fairytale did not last. After Désiré had Jezebel, horrible thoughts enveloped her mind that her child was demonic. She tried to kill her daughter because the dark spirit in her mind told her she was evil. Tobias had found them and drove her to the insane asylum. She has stared there ever sense, Jezebel still visits her on occasion.

Mental State: Jezebel has a bout with Body Dysmorphia with a mild case of Split Personality Disorder. She does not realize that she intentionally harms her body on purpose. She tells herself she does this for the Lord.

Build: Her body does not burn fat nor does she not divulge in it either. She has an hourglass shape, but is very aware of her breast size in which she tries to hide by wrapping them. She also binds her waist in the name of the Lord also her arms and legs. Her BMI: 23.2 Kg/m squared.

Likes: Eating honeydew(a type of fruit) while listening to the birds under the shade of a tree. Reading about mythological creatures whenever Mother Superior is not looking. Making flower arrangements in the spring. Preying…When she has too. Visiting her mother in the mental asylum.

Dislikes: Avoiding the sun, scary looking people (whenever she can go out with the sisters.) Being unfaithful to God if she ever has bad thoughts about another sister. Snakes because she believes it is the animal that is rooted to evil. That her father does not visit her anymore. And meat.

Favorite Subjects: Religious subjects were her favorite when she attended the Catholic high school. She had a thing for the Philosophy class too, even though she would never admit it because it went against things she believed in.

Least Favorite Subjects: Any thing to deal with sports or science, she rarely paid attention in class because she thought the teachers of science were blasphemers.

Favorite Food(s): Honeydew because of the sweetness, bread for that is what they eat everyday, and squash because she loves the way it goes down her throat.

Least Favorite Food(s): Any type of meat, she loves all creatures…Except for the snake.

Favorite Gemstone: She does not have one.

Future Goals: She wants to be the next Mother Superior of the Notre Dame Convent.

Strengths: Sew, make flower arrangements, calm, easy to talk too. Has her way of making things better (like singing songs while cleaning.)

Weaknesses: Fragile, can be manipulated at times, does not argue back, her mind (distraught from her mother’s attempt on killing her.), Xeroderma Pigmentosum (cannot go outside all the time.)

Personality: Good Side: Being a nun, it is expected to act on your best behavior. Jezebel is one of those nuns who will be cordial towards anyone no matter whom they are. She always takes in the needy, tries her best to help the sick whenever she is able to travel with them to the hospital. (This is a rarity because of her condition.) In addition, she happily cleans whenever Mother Superior asks her to do so. There is nothing that can get her down, and tries to make the convent more lively by dancing in her rooms. However, she can be diligent when need be, even if she is scolded. She does her work, writing scriptures, cleaning and listening to the Priest.

Bad side: She tends to dream whenever she is cleaning and misses spots. Her heart is all there but her brain is not (Common sense wise), when she takes, someone in she forgets they are not the nicest of people. The last time she did the homeless man tried to steal the golden cross upon the altar but was stopped by an angry Mother Superior. Naïve, and innocent, the world to her is a playground and thinks everything will be okay. However, her sisters have to remind her that the world is not a wonderful place all the time that only God can heal it. Jezebel also has a tendency to cry at night whenever she feels pain for someone else that can get annoying to the sisters living next to her. She is often gullible too.

About the Senshi

Senshi Name: Sailor Omega Peccatrix

Title: The Destroyer of Sin

Race: Half demon half human

Language: She is able to communicate in both Latin and French.

Henshin-effected attributes: Instead of having a petite frame, her hips become shapely and she develops more muscle mass. Blonde hair becomes light silver hair that is gathered up into two horn like odangos that got up about ten inches and curl around at the tips. A braid of seven goes to her shoulder blades. Her skin is a more tan hue with several scars across her body. Right eye is missing, there inside is Eblis whom is supposedly her conscious and glows a certain hue of that particular sin pushing her to go and find that person. Her left eye is a hot pink color; the pupil is narrow like a snake pupil. Teeth become sharper while her nose is thinner and pointed at the end. She also grows about four more inches in height.

Senshi Personality: Omega, being half-human(Jezebel), has a shred of hope inside of her. She still believes that the human race can be good. All she has to do is destroy their sinful ways and be done with it. She is also a calm person, even though she looks psychotic she does not rush into things without figuring it out first. This comes from her demonic side (Baal). Bad side: Sailor Omega Peccatrix does hold the seven deadly sins which in any case can take over her if she loses control of the human’s sinful orb. For instance if she holds the orb for to long (wrath for example) she would be very temperamental. She sometimes does not listen to Eblis that resides in the back of her mind. She thinks for herself because her Baal part had always been linked to Lucifor and never was free to do anything without his say so. She also has split personalities when it comes to Baal and Jezebel. Her heart however can be cold towards others, she tends to do things herself and only by herself. She would prefer that the human race would be wiped out but her inner Jezebel speaks other wise. She can also be very hypocritical when it comes to certain people.

Bodice: Represents lust, the bodice, white, is cut in half, revealing the lower abdomen only. A dark blue band covers the upper part of the bodice’s hem line.

Collar: Represents the deadly sin Pride, indigo and spans out over the shoulders (about a foot where the collar hangs in the back). One white line is upon each side. It is slightly torn on the edges symbolizing how Pride wares down peoples inner ego.

Skirt: It covers the seven deadly sin hues, dark blue, cyan, indigo, dark kiwi green, dark orange, gold, and red. The upper part represents heaven, it is more silk fabric. The second layer is purgatory, more polyester type and straight. The lower layer is torn away and spiky, this represents Hell. The skirt band is orange which in terms correspond to the sin Gluttony.

Tiara: Color, silver with a black opal in the middle. It sticks up at the ends above her forehead.

Choker: Also represents the deadly sin Pride, it is indigo and connects to the broach like a medal.

Bows (front and back):
Front bow: When all hope is lost, it is a dull dark silver hue. The bow itself is torn and worn out, if untied it would be about ten inches long.
Back bow: Envy, dark kiwi it is sewn into her back (literally) the ribbons go to the knees.

Broach: All that is pure, light gold that is shaped like a star with seven points. The Omega sign is etched in black upon the middle.

Footwear: Sloth and pride, they are a indigo and light blue that fade into each other. The top of the boot is in a V shape cut, and the heel is five inches in height.

Gloves: Wrath, a blood red that go up to the upper forearms. The arm bands are gold which signify Greed.

Shoulder Guards: One inch thick there are two in all. Both are red, and from underneath the collar a spike (one on the right and left guards) protrude out and span to about seven inches in height and four inches width.

Accessories: She has one earring with the number seven on the right ear that is a gold hue and dangles to jaw.

Weapon(s): Scythe of Tolerance, about eight inches in height and three inches in width. The blade is made of pure iron and the rod is a black opal stone. Inscribed upon the pole are the seven deadly sins in Latin. Ira(Wrath), Gula (Gluttony), Superbia (Pride), Avaritia(Avarice/Greed), Invidia (Envy), Cupidita (Lust), and Socordia (Sloth).
Weapon's Special Abilities (if applicable): The scythe is used to either slaughter someone. Alternatively, relieve someone of their sin by slicing through an imaginary window of the soul and taking their Orb (sin) away

Realm of Influence: Rebirthing Soul

Henshin Object: The gold seven pointed star.

Transformation: Eblis chants a phrase when Jezebel is asleep; however, she becomes aware on the last line. The Chant goes like this: “ibera nos ab igne inferni, sed libera nos a in malo Omega Peccatrix (From the Fires of Hell, deliver us from all evil Ender of Sin.)

Description: The first time this happen is when Jezebel begun to feel a strange shadow hovering over her after she left the asylum (She already had the broach in hand). When going back to the convent she felt more fatigue then usually, even though it was night she never has that feeling of laziness. When hopping into bed she fell asleep, then a soft raspy voice chants a strange line in Latin. It grows louder each time and by the fourth time Jezebel sits up gasping for breath. The golden broach has connected to her body. Her body then begins rip apart, literally, and a new body tears through her heart and leaves Jezebel’s torn form upon the floor. A bloody mess of a new senshi is born, Sailor Omega Peccatrix. Even though it looks like a startling mess of crimson liquid, Jezebel’s body isn’t really dead it is formed with Sailor Omega Peccatrix along side Baal’s spirit.

After henshin pose: Her pose is mostly fluid, she is in the fetus position first then goes into a savage like position her arms crooked knees bent, blood dripping down the face then she stands up her scythe materializing in her hand while she gives off a sadistic snarl.

Introduction Speech: “ permissum mihi purgo vos of vestri sinnful animus” (“Let me cleanse you of your sinful soul..”


Name: Peccatrix Retineo (Sin Restrain)
What it looks like: Sailor Omega Peccatrix stands in front of the person, may it be someone who is displaying any Seven Deadly Sin lets go with Wrath. She would hit them with a offensive (because this person will obviously fight back.) once they are weak, she twirls her scythe around and then slices it through the air the blunt end hits their chest and a bright light indicating Wrath’s hue (red) appears surrounding a red orb in which disappears from sight and ends up appearing into King Lucifor’s greedy claws.
Accuracy and Damage: High, however Sailor Omega Peccatrix has to be near that person whom she is stealing their sinful spirit Orb away from.

Name: Septem Bestia Sterilis (Seven Animal Barrage)
What it looks like: Calling out this phrase she calls out each Seven Deadly Sin that pertains to an animal. The Snake Envy, the Bear Wrath, the Pig Gluttony, the Cat Sloth, the Raven Avarice, the Cow Lust, and the Horse Pride. They run towards the attacker in their spirit form hue (their respective colors of that sin) and start biting and clawing at the victim for a few seconds.
Accuracy and Damage: Slightly High, the opponent may move and not get hit. Also, When Sailor Omega Peccatrix conjures this attack it requires immense strength, it is like a double edge sword. It wounds her also wounding the victim.

Name: Animus Umbra (Soul Shadow)
What it looks like: Omega Peccatrix twirls her scythe in which creates a dark veil over her body and(or) the person she is protecting.
Accuracy and Damage: Medium, whenever she feels threaten she calls this out but it is only to shield for an amount time. Water (Ice) and Light can break it. Protects the her for a bit, as said can be destroyed easily.

-In Sadistic Sailor Omega Peccatrix Mode-

Whenever she is in Sadistic mode, gold armor covers her whole body. The chest plate has the symbol of Omega upon it with different etchings of skulls on the side. Her guards become larger and four spikes appear upon the back. A cape of the same hue goes down to about the ankles.


Name: Animus Terminus!(The Souls End)
What it looks like: When the year 2012 hits on January first, Sailor Omega Peccatrix will incarnate herself into Sadistic Omega in which she will obtain battalion armor. This will also happen to her counter part Alpha Peccatrix whose armor would be silver. When they finish battling each other, they will cry out this phrase and lock arms together. A blinding white light will cover the whole surface of the Earth, this is judgment day when the Spirit finally arises from the Heavens and takes those whom have died and up into Heaven while the rest suffer in Hell. This blinding white light purifies those whom are already alive…However both characters die instantly.
Accuracy and Damage: Very high, this can purify the whole planet but it has to be done in this form and with her other counter part Sailor Alpha Peccatrix. This kills Jezebel off(the last host of the broach), the first predecessor would be reborn and that would be Baal (Jezebel would be thrown out of existence.)

Past History:
He was the disciple of King Lucifor, a lead commander of east wing of ninth circle in Hell. Baal had a promising career, even in Hell he was praised for his bravery in the human battles upon Earth. However things did not go according to plan for the commander. He had fallen in love with Lucifor’s mistress Queen Prosperine. They had an affair in the seventh circle…Unaware of Sailor Leviathan, the senshi of envy, prying eyes. Sailor Leviathan had slithered to King Lucifor’s icy chamber and told him about the Queen’s affair. Infuriated Lucifor had all the seven deadly sin senshi beat Baal, scratching out his right eye in the process. The commander was stripped of his title, the only way he could ever retain it back is for him to bond with a human soul and gather Orbs(sins of the humans) to free King Lucifor from his icy chamber. Baal agreed begrudgingly and was entombed into a broach and flung onto Earth where he would meet his human…And his true love.

Present History:
Simple isn’t a word that Jezebel uses, but she does try. Ever sense her mother tried to drown her she believes deep inside that nobody loves her…Not even God. However when she joined the convent, the Mother Superior loved her unconditionally and Jezebel started looking up. One day when visiting her mother at the asylum, she found a weird broach settled upon the sidewalk in front of her. Curious she picked it up and instantly felt this strange attraction to it. Taking it home to the convent she hid it underneath her robes so that the other sisters would not see it.
That one fateful night changed her life forever…
When she heard a voice in Latin speak in her head, the only thing she could last remember was her body being torn in two.
Jezebel’s body was awakened again in the subconscious of Sailor Omega Peccatrix’s mind. That is what a demonic male named Baal had told her. Refusing to believe she is in the body of someone else Jezebel tries to prey for God to deliver her but she was only stopped by Baal explaining that they must become Sailor Omega Peccatrix in order to save the world from sin…However Baal does not tell her the real truth. When the weeks passed, in Jezebel’s own subconscious she still sees Baal and whenever she has to change into Sailor Omega Peccatrix on random occasions she has fallen in love with the once commander of Hell. However his intentions were exposed when they heard King Lucifor talk about how Baal had an affair with his Queen. Mortified, Jezebel strayed away from Baal’s subconscious.
King Lucifor saw this as a ploy to get Sailor Omega Peccatrix’s orb, he successfully stole it from her and broke away from his prison. Letting loose upon the world his senshi. Meanwhile, Sailor Alpha Peccatrix tries to revive Sailor Omega Peccatrix’s body. Eblis escapes from the senshi’s eye telling Alpha that the only way she could ever be revived is if one soul unleashes their own orb.
Baal tries to convince Jezebel that the past was an honest mistake. Jezebel grows angry with this and thus sacrifices her soul in order to be in God’s good graces. Thus, turning Sailor Omega Peccatrix into Sadistic mode, alongside Sailor Alpha Peccatrix. They both fly out of Hell and towards the main destination where Lucifor is destroying cities. Both Sadistic senshi have to sacrifice themselves in order to save Earth. They do so with ‘Animus Terminus’, sending Lucifor and his minions back to Hell. However, this kills the soul who gave up their own orb. Sailor Alpha Peccatrix’s soul Gabriel dies alongside Jezebel. Baal asks the Spirit if Jezebel can be revived again. The Spirit says no, her soul must remain in Limbo, however, she can live in purgatory as a gate keeper because of her heroic deed. Baal accepts this for her and Jezebel’s soul guards the golden gate that leads into Heaven.

(No one is going to read this...But meh...Anywho, I think the bio sucks but it was better then the last one. If you are still interested in her go to my site [link]
And there is a super long biography of her in the bio section. XD)

These characters belong to me, Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko.
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Comments: 4

Creativesm75 [2009-07-21 08:30:58 +0000 UTC]

interesting and confusing.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NeonGlitterTrash In reply to Creativesm75 [2009-07-21 21:26:42 +0000 UTC]

Indeed! I created them out of my little ole- head XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Meshia [2009-07-05 22:50:28 +0000 UTC]

Dude, she's a nun? Sweet. I'll have to read her bio later to get a better feel for the character, but I think I may have a quickie sketch in mind for her. :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NeonGlitterTrash In reply to Meshia [2009-07-05 22:55:03 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha, I love a little irony, its all over my senshi XD.
Dawww you don't have to do that. But thank you though ^-^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0