Nephaddicted — Crush: chapter 9
Published: 2011-07-01 20:27:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 196; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description David's POV

"Dude, are you still asleep?" I slowly opened my eyes. My brother Daniel was standing next to my bed, grinning at me. "Wild party yesterday?" he said. I just blinked, confused about the time. I hadn't been able to sleep very well last night. I'd had no peace due to the many thoughts moving about in my head… "Did you get drunk?" he teased. "Of course not," I murmured as I hid a yawn behind my hand. "I just wanted to borrow your hoodie – you know, that one that's too big for you and you never use anyway," he said. "Sure," I said, still very sleepy. "Great, thanks!" he said, found the hoodie, and left.

I randomly picked my cell up and glanced at it. I had 5 missed calls and 2 new messages. Wow! There was 1 missed call from Alex, 1 from Kaylee and 3 from Delilah. I read the most recent message, which was from Delilah. "Hey Archie! How did it go w/ Kaylee? Did u talk 2 her?" I went to read the other message. My heart skipped when I read Kaylee's name. "David, I'm really sorry for the mess I've made. Please, just forget it happened, ok? I really want to keep u as my friend. I care a lot about u. Kaylee." What? Dang it… The last thing I want to do it to forget it! Gosh… I can't ever forget it… It hurt a lot that she wanted me to forget it. It'd seemed so perfect when we kissed, how could she ignore that? But then again… She was still with Josh though I secretly hoped that she wouldn't be after the way he'd treated her. I replied to Delilah. "Hi, it's a really long story! How's ur bro?" She quickly replied, "Oh… U want me 2 call u? He's fine! Just really clumsy. Lol." Before I could reply, my cell was ringing.

"Hi Delilah," I said as I picked up the phone.
"Hey Archie! Tell me everything!" she said. And so I did…

"What!?" she exclaimed as I finished the story.
"I know…" I muttered.
"You have to talk to her, Archie! Tell her the truth!" she said.
"What? No, I can't!" I said.
"Why not?" she wanted to know.
"'Cause she told me to forget about it, remember?" I said, "She probably regrets… Why would I go and tell her the truth now, when she just wants to forget about it…"
"It's a girl-thing, Archie. If she tells you to forget it, it means that she wants to see if you're willing to fight for it, or you're really just going to forget it…" she said.
"But… That doesn't make sense… Why would she say I should forget it, if she doesn't want me to?" I said and frowned, though she couldn't see.
"I just told you!" she said and giggled.
I just groaned. "Listen, Archie. She kissed you! That means she likes you!" she said.
"Maybe… But I don't know…" I said.
"Urgh, you're impossible!" she said, "Huh? Okay… I'll be right there!"
"What?" I said.
"Sorry, my mom needs me to help her with something… Gotta go – talk to her!"
Before I could say anything she'd hung up on me. I stared at my cell and sighed.

A few minutes later my cell buzzed again. Gosh, what's with everyone today? This time it was from Alex. "Hey dude, I tried calling u, but u didn't pick up. Sorry for abandoning u yesterday. Did u get home safely anyway?"
"It's ok. Yeah, I did. Don't worry 'bout it. How's things w/ u & Miranda?" I replied. It occured to me that I actually didn't know if they were together now or what. "Gr8! Guess we're 2gether now! Lol. Trying at least." He replied. "Oh! That's so cool! Congrats! What 'bout Kaylee's foot?" I texted back. "Yeah She's fine. It was just a mild sprain. She's made up w/ Josh 2, so everything's gr8t again!" He texted. Oh… Yeah… Everything's great again… It's all fine… I guess…

Kaylee's POV

The faint sound of a doorbell ringing woke me up. I groaned quietly and carefully rolled over so my back was facing my door and closed my eyes again.

David carefully opened his mouth and let his tongue meet mine. I was so dazed I barely even knew what I was doing. All I knew was that I was kissing David. My heart pounded so hard in my chest that I was afraid it might strain. I ran my hands from his shoulders and up his neck. I gently stroked his cheeks as I ran over them to get to his hair. I felt the warmth of his hands spread to my already blushing cheeks as he cupped them lightly. I slowly ran my hands through his hair, stopped at the hair at the back, and lightly pulled. Our mouths moved in synchronization as I felt myself melting against him. He slowly pulled back and took a deep breath while staring at me with a mix of happiness and confusion. I smiled at him and pulled him closer again. I slowly kissed his lips and his arms wrapped themselves around my waist. I lightly massaged the back of his head while he opened his mouth and let me meet his tongue again. He let out a faint moan and my lips curled up in a smile. I slowly pulled my mouth off his again and started kissing his jaw. Then I slowly traced light kisses down his neck. I buried my face in his neck and took in his scent while his grip tightened around my waist. He smelled so good. Then I could feel his hands running up my back, slowly caressing it. I felt dazed again as I continued kissing his neck…

"Kaylee?" I heard Hayley's voice outside my door. I snapped out of my daydream. "Huh?" I muttered. I heard the door slowly creaking as it opened. "How are you?" she said. "I'm okay," I muttered, still a bit dazed from my daydream. "Uh, it's Josh… He wants to see you, he says it's very important," she said. I groaned slightly. I really didn't want to see him right now, but I guess I might as well. "Okay… Just let him in…" I said. Hayley nodded and disappeared, I could hear her voice faintly speaking down in the entrée and I heard footsteps outside my door. I sat up. Josh appeared in the doorway. "Hey," he mumbled. He looked really tired and very humble. "Can I come in?" he asked quietly. I nodded. He entered and sat down on my bed.

"Kaylee, I'm so sorry about yesterday. I was an unbelievably big jerk. I'm so so so sorry," he said and carefully looked at me with an innocent expression across his face. I sighed. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I should forgive him. I wasn't going to be with David anyway, it'd be stupid of me to throw away my one chance of forgetting about him. I remembered with sadness the text I'd wrote to David when I got back home. I'd told him to forget about it all. I really wished he wouldn't, but I knew that was only wishful thinking. He had Delilah and she seemed to make him happy. I didn't matter that he'd kissed me back, I was sure he'd just been caught up in the moment. I hurt me to think about how good it'd felt.

"Kaylee?" Josh said. "Huh?" I said. I'd spaced out again. "Will you forgive me?" he asked and smiled carefully at me. "It was really unfair that you took it out on David, too. He was only defending me," I said instead of answering his question. "I know. I'm sorry about that, too. I'll apologized to him when I see him, I promise. I was a real jerk, and I really regret it!" he said. "You were," I just said. "But are you willing to forgive me?" he asked me again. The memory of the kiss flashed through my mind as I quietly nodded. "Everybody makes mistakes… And you're sorry… Just promise me you won't ever do such a thing again…" I said. "I promise! With all my heart!" he said and grabbed my hand. "Guess you're forgiven then," I said and smiled carefully at him. "Really? Thank you so much!" he exclaimed and hugged me. As he did so, he unconsciously brushed my foot. "OW!" I exclaimed. "What?! Did I do something?" he said and looked shocked. "I just sprained my foot last night," I said. "Really? Oh, I'm sorry!" he said. "Yeah, " I said, "so if you don't mind, I really just want to get some rest today." "Oh, uh, of course… I'll go now then… See you around then?" he said. "Sure," I smiled. He quickly kissed my lips and left me alone. I sighed. It wouldn't ever be the same as kissing David's lips.

My cell buzzed. I hoped it was David, not knowing what he could possibly text me that'd make me happy. I sighed. It was from Alex. "Hey Kaylee. How are u? How's ur foot today? Talked 2 Josh yet?" I replied in a hurry, I really wanted to go back to sleep again. I wanted to forget the tough reality and go into my dream world where everything was so much easier. "I'm okay. It's just a mild sprain. Still hurts though. Yeah, just talked to him. We're ok now." 10 seconds later a reply came in. "That's gr8! 'Bout you and Josh I mean " I didn't reply. My eyelids felt really heavy again. I guessed it might have something to do with the painkillers. I lay back down in my bed and pulled the covers up to my chin; I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep again.
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Comments: 1

ObsessionForJB [2011-07-10 06:17:54 +0000 UTC]

How could she kiss my man tho?
Okay I'll let this one pass lol!
Josh is such a jerk, I can't believe she forgave him! And I'm starting to think Josh was the jerk who broke Delilah's heart...
Great chapter tho!

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