Nermsters — TBT | Crowfall | Riverclan warrior

Published: 2015-02-20 04:01:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 3151; Favourites: 55; Downloads: 5
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    August 19th || Changed his format, added too relationships as well as his family, also edited his history a bit.


    STATUES || Alive || Healthy
    ACTIVITY LEVEL || Medium || Open to any role-plays, not actively seeking them out

     TIME ZONE || Mountain Time

     SKYPE || Sometimes, ask
     NOTES || Yes, Preferred
     CHAT || Depends, ask
     COMMENTS || Yes, Preferred

     ROLE-PLAY EXAMPLE ||  "Alright here's the deal, you stay on your side of the border and I won't cut your throat." Crowfall was smirking,
     standing a top a rocky ledge, the scent of skyclan wafting through the wind, a dusty smell Crowfall was not overly fond of. A sleek silver She-cat stood
     just barely speaking distance from the tom, while she was on skyclans side of the border, her wide eyes, skewed fur, bushed tail, and squirrel that hung
     limp in her jaws told that she hadn't been there for very long. The stalky black Tom took a sudden motion forward and bared his teeth, and the she-cat
     whirled around suddenly blue eyes wide and locked on the tom.

     He let out a deep chuckle and flicked his stumpy tail when he caught the sent of the rest of his patrol catching up. He threw a glance over his shoulder,
     then turned his golden gaze back to the she-cat who still stood, eyes locked on Crowfall. He grinned, scars stretching across his muzzle. "Better run little
     vixen, or I might just be tempted to come over there and punish you." He let out a playful hiss, the she-cat froze for a moment, then took an awkward
     half step back and took off into the underbrush, squirrel clutch in her maw as Crowfall's patrol caught up.

Basic information

    WARRIOR NAME || Crowfall
    APPRENTICE NAME || Crowpaw
    KIT NAME || Crowkit

    PREFIX MEANING || Crow- || For his black pelt
    SUFFIX MEANING || -fall || The meaning of his suffix has been debated, perhaps the golden colour of his eyes, his fighting ability, or perhaps a
     deeper meaning. He will often give a different answer each time he is asked.             

    AFFILIATION || Riverclan
    PAST AFFILIATION || Riverclan

    SEX || Male
    GENDER || Tom-cat || He/him

    BIRTH SEASON || Leaf-bare
    AGE || 57 moons || 5 years, 11 months

    RANK || Warrior

    MENTOR || Redspot || Sleek red tom-cat with golden eyes || NPC || Deceased || Starclan
    PAST APPRENTICE(S) || Sunpelt || Golden she-cat with yellow eyes || ADOPED? || Alive || Riverclan
    CURRENT APPRENTICE || Duckpaw || Silver tom || TheGreatCattacoon || Alive || Riverclan


    BREED ||  American bob-tail - 70% |  American shorthair - 10% |  Norwegian forest cat - 10% | Maine coon 5% | Unknown 5%
    BUILD || Stalky | Well muscled | Hard features

    SCARS || Various scars cover his pelt, thick and thin. From hunting, fighting, and other accidents. He takes pride in them, like trophies. 


    FUR TEXTURE || Coarse guard hairs | Soft undercoat | Thick | Medium length
    FUR COLOUR || Black | Brown undercoat

    EYES || Copper | Yellow glint in the sunlight

    SCENT || Musky | Warm | Rainwater | Dust | Odd sweet undertone

    VOICE || Mid tone | Smooth

    QUICK DESCRIPTION || Black tom-cat with copper eyes and a short tail


    STRENGTH || 80/100

    AGILITY || 60/100

    SPEED || 40/100

    TACTICS || 60/100

    ENDURANCE ||  50/100

    STEALTH || 50/100

    SWIMMING || 100/100

    CLIMBING || 40/100

    JUMPING || 60/100

    EYESIGHT || 70/100

    HEARING || 50/100

    SCENT || 50/100

    HERBAL KNOWLEDGE || 10/100


    BELIEF IN STARCLAN || 70/100



    Outgoing || Positive | Crowfall loves to interact with other cats, and genuinely enjoys getting too know about them, friend or foe. He may not
     appear to be the most approachable cat, but he prefers it when others are as outgoing as he is. He loves going to gathers, both to learn of other clans
     and to meet other clan cats, during this time he will mingle with the other cats and chat openly. He's very upfront in his conversations, and enjoys cats
     how can provide a good chuckle. Crowfall is also very light hearted on nearly all topics, often making jokes. Crowfall is also fairly adept at remembering
     the scents, faces, and names of cats. Despite his outgoing personality Crowfall has trouble actually committing to relationships, and rarely retains actual 
     cats he considers 'friends'. He tries Often avoiding discussing his personal thoughts and feelings, but lacks control, often leading him to think much to
     narrowly or make rash decisions on emotional impulses.

     Charming || Positive | He has a way of making you feel important, and despite being a bit rough around he edges he manages to retain a
     pleasant and attractive outward appeal to most cats. He especially takes a liking to she-cats and is quite the flirt, so if your a pretty she-cat, watch your
     tail, because he will be after it. His quick wit allows him to keep up with a wide range of cats, and is able to figure out what will appeal to the certain

    Strong Willed || Neutral | Crowfall is not a warrior who will give up easily, whether it comes to battle for the clans honour, or seducing a
     beautiful she-cat. Crowfall is driven by his own determination to follow through on his word and what he started. Even if things look bleak for him, he will
     not give in until it's over. Determined to prove what can be accomplished when you put all your effort at it. This can often make Crowfall seem stubborn,
     and his self motivation makes it near impossible to deter him once his Heart is set. So be careful what thoughts you put in his head as it could lead him
     back down his unstable path.

    Brooding || Negative | A warrior who will hold a grudge until the day he dies. He has a strong memory, and won't forget, even from kit-hood
     what you have done to him, good or bad, he tends to cling to the negative traits of a cat. He often bottles this and does not like to display his
     displeasure physically, although he will tell you strait up and flatly that you are pissing him off if the situation arises. In his younger years he greatly
     lacked control, But now he attempts to retain himself more, and his temper, but often this lack of proper venting can lead him to snap on certain
     occasions, leading him to picking physical fights for the smallest of reasons. Or becoming angrily flustered and suddenly walking away from a
     conversation, occasionally able to just politely dismiss himself with a strained voice. 

    Aloof || Negative | Despite his outward outgoing personality, Crowfall does not make many true close friends and often keeps many personal
     thoughts to himself. He can come off as cold if you try to push him too much for information on his own opinions, he tries to avoid this by joking around
     to turn the conversation, this is not always fully effective and if pushed to far on something he does not wish to discuss will often lead him to telling you
     off with a hiss. Oddly enough those who do get close to him are the only ones who can fully notice this without a keen sense. And Even those who do get
     to be called a friend often feel he isn't fully open with them, a certain distance he hides with his charming personality.

    Disrespectful || Negative | Crowfall lacks respect for those of higher ranking, authority, or experience. He was worse in his youth, openly
     expressing his disrespect for authority, breaking rules, crossing borders, talking to leaders and deputies with no nod to there rank. As he aged he
     learned to keep himself in line to prevent open conflict, but will still address those higher than him like any other cat, believing respect to be earned not
     just handed out with a title. He also lacks a general respect for personal space, often cuts others off, mock cats, etc.

    LIKES || Climbing | Swimming | Cold water | Flirting | Rain | Scars | Crowds | Meeting new cats
    DISLIKES || Heat | Birds | Lack of Control | Being ignored | Arrogance

    STRENGTHS || Size and bulk | Physical strength | Will power

    WEAKNESSES || Overly confident in fights | Too proud to admit he is wrong | dismissive of others feelings

    QUIRKS || His constant flirting | Often flexes for she-cats too show off scars and his strength | His likes to tease with his tail 


    MOTHER || Mallowdash || White she-cat with copper eyes and a bobbed tail || ADOPTABLE || Alive || Elder || Riverclan

    FATHER || Eagleshadow || Large black tom with a white chest and green eyes || ADOPTABLE || Alive || Senior warrior || Riverclan

    FULL SIBLINGS || Honeystrike || Golden brown she-cat with golden eyes || ADOPTABLE || Alive || Warrior || Riverclan
                                   Ripplescar || Golden tabby tom with green eyes, covered in scars from a two-leg fence || ADOPTABLE || Alive || Warrior || Riverclan


    PATERNAL HALF SIBLINGS || Greyflame || Grey she-cat with orange eyes || ADOPTABLE || Alive || Senior warrior || Riverclan
                                                      Blackfur || Black she-cat with copper eyes || ADOPTABLE || Alive || Senior warrior || Riverclan

    MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER || Rosewind || Golden tabby she-cat with golden eyes || ADOPTABLE || Alive || Elder || Riverclan
    MATERNAL GRANDFATHER || Browntail || Dark brown tabby tom with blue eyes || ADOPTABLE || Deceased || Starclan


    MATERNAL UNCLES || Orangekit || Ginger tabby tom || NPC || Deceased || Starclan


    PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER || Ivyspring || Tall black she-cat with green eyes || ADOPTABLE || Deceased || Starclan
    PATERNAL GRANDFATHER || Foxcall || Long furred golden tom with gold eyes || ADOPTABLE || Deceased || Starclan

    PATERNAL AUNTS || Forestrunner || dark tabby she-cat with blue eyes || ADOPTABLE || Alive || Elder || Riverclan

    PATERNAL UNCLES || Rabbitbound || Black she-cat with copper eyes || ADOPTABLE || Alive || Senior warrior || Riverclan

    PATERNAL COUSINS || Nightfur || Black and white she-cat with copper eyes || Rabbitbound || ADOPTABLE || Alive || Warrior || Riverclan
                                           Snakefang || Dark tabby tom with yellow eyes || Rabbitbound ||  ADOPTABLE || Alive || Warrior || Riverclan                   

    NIECES || Appleshine || White she-cat with green eyes || Honeystrike ||  ADOPTED? || Alive || Warrior || Riverclan
    NEPHEWS || Goldleaf || Golden tom with copper eyes || Honeystrike || ADOPTABLE || Alive || Warrior || Riverclan

    KITS || Nightkit || Black tom-kit with blue eyes || winterfeII || Alive || Riverclan 
                 Hollykit || Black she-kit with green eyes || daliish || Alive || Riverclan
                 Copperkit || Black tom-kit with copper eyes || FaIIenShadows || Alive || Riverclan


    CURRENT MATE || Coyotedust || Dusty brown she-cat with yellow eyes || LunarShadowCreations || Alive || Riverclan
    PAST MATES || None || Has had many flings in the past, but no real mate

    CURRENT ATTRACTIONS || Coyotedust || Is oddly drawn to her more than any other cat he has been with
                                                 Ravenwhisker || They spent a night together which resulted in kits, he finds her visually appealing, and obligated to her
                                                due too what happened

    PAST ATTRACTIONS || Cherryrain || Had a crush on this she-cat when he was an apprentice...although something might still be there for her

    ORIENTATION || Heterosexual 
    ACTIVITY || Active || Not a virgin

    PHYSICAL PREFERENCES || Sleek fur | Pale fur | Defined features | Slim features | Long faces | Exotic breeds | face markings |
    PERSONALITY PREFERENCES || Flirty | Intelligent | Outgoing | Affectionate 


    KIT-HOOD || Mallowdash's successfully kitted three healthy kits. Crowkit, Ripplekit, and Honeykit. And as they aged the three of them got along
     fairly well, a very comfortable and happy family. Eagleshadow was a rather distant father priding himself to his duties of a warrior, he would visit
     Mallowdash in the early moons of kitting, but he became less involved with his kin as they grew. Mallowdash was also a very proud warrior, but now
    however was able to now place that pride into her kits, she also began teaching them at an early age hunting, fighting, and the ways of a warrior. Many
     looked down on Mallowdash, claiming she should allow her kits to enjoy there youth. She however argued that a cats life is about dedication to the clan
     from birth. Crowkit was quite the pawful at birth, little black bundle of fluff that refused to sit still. He would listen to Mallowdash's teachings, but often
     would wander off half way through after becoming frustrated and flustered when he was unable to understand or do something. Crowkit had a furious
     temper, that often turned heads in the Den, he would lash out and yowl when something did not go his way. Crowkit enjoyed play fighting, especially
     with his siblings, however he did not get along as well with the other kits in his den. Often Crowkit became much To rough when playing with other kits,
     and should a desire to dominate them. When Crowkit was in a good or calm mood, he was able to sit more quietly and enjoyed listening to stories, even
     attempting to tell some of his own. As he grew he became more aware of his fathers distance, and grew a resentment against Eagleshadow for his
     coldness to him and his kin. This is when he began causing minor mischief as a kit, this was an attempt to gain his fathers attention, he would fake sick
     on occasion, and make a mess of the medicine cats den when heads where turned, making a mess of bedding in the elders den during visits to his
     grandparents or when queens left there beds, lacking personal space or common sense he would pester cats at the wrong moments, such busy, sick, or
     pregnant queens. Crowkit grew a little bolder and also began roaming into warriors and apprentice dens often trying to strike up conversation, the older
     cats where humoured by this, some would bring him back to he kitting den, inform his mother, or would simply sit amused at the kit. 

    APPRENTICESHIP || When crowfall first became an apprentice he tried to make friends with some of the older cats in his den, after some failed
     attempts he was finally taken in to a small group of toms made up of Blackpaw, Rookpaw, and Jadepaw. Jadepaw had the most dominant roll, almost
     like the leader of the group. Rookpaw was his brother and Blackpaw was a slightly older apprentice and an unrelated friend. Jadepaw was the most
     aggressive, he was dominant and daring, although he had a sense of humour often joking around, it was often a bit twisted. Jadepaw was predictable
     and shallow, but he did have ambition to become a strong warrior. Rookpaw would follow his brothers every word, he was loyal, but he always felt as if
     he where one step behind every other cat, feeling the need to prove and push himself. Blackpaw, was a fairly large tom for his age, however he rarely
     used his size to bully others, but he would often intimidate cats intentionally, silently striding up to them to tower of the small cats. He often used this to
     breakup scuffles between the three or other apprentices. Blackpaw was quite and watchful, sometimes you would almost forget he was there despite his
     size. He often will watch to see what others will do or simply to size them up, this could lead to uncomfortable staring. Blackpaw will only speak when he
     feels the need, and his voice is flat and deep, very recognizable. Crowpaw was intimidated, but eager to prove himself when he was taken in by the
     three. The group often caused trouble, eating strange herbs, doing small stupid dares, such as stealing prey, or seeing how high they could climb, swim
     dangerous waters, etc. Some of this was harmless, but other mischief often caught the attention of older cats, leading to punishments, such as den
     cleaning or force patrols, many did not think this was enough and the cats had to be set strait, while other simply dismissed it as harmless disobedience.
     The group would also often show off, especially when other she-cats where around, Jadepaw was particularly persistent and bold when it came to his
     flirting. trying to get she-cats to tag along on there daring border crossings and such, to prove to them how bold he was. Meanwhile Crowpaw and
     Blackpaw developed a silent friendship, whenever Jadepaw would go off with other cats to take part in something Crowpaw still felt uncomfortable doing,
     or when he was left behind, he would sit back with Blackpaw. He would stick close to Blackpaw during his early moons with them, often trying to make
     conversation(which rarely worked) and mostly awkward on Crowpaws part, but he came to understand later on that Blackpaw stuck close to Jadepaw to
     keep him in line, he believed Jadepaw may grow to be dangerous (think along the lines of tigerclaw dangerous) although Jadepaw was unaware of
     Blackpaw's true intentions to keep him from threatening clan peace. And if any other cats life became a threat, it would be Blackpaw that would step in,
     although he kept out of minor harmless scuffles, spitting fights, and did not take part in anything that directly broke the warrior code. Crowpaw began to
     mimic Jadepaw more and more, as he was gaining confidence, he turned bolder and more daring, and more able to use his voice amongst the cats. no
     longer was he shy and obedient, and he often even challenged Jadepaw's authority. While Jadepaw would often set him strait, he quietly grew a
     fondness for Crowpaw's boldness and soon the two where near inseparable. Blackpaw was not fond of this, as he believed that Crowpaw was a better
     cat, that he was simply lost, Blackpaw was hoping to be able to guide Crowpaw away from such rebellious acts. Now that he had become more like
     Jadepaw, he would more frequently distance himself mentally from Crowpaw. Cherrypaw, she was one of the many she-cats Jadepaw attempt to bring
     along on one of his many adventures, there was attempts before hand to flirt with her, which quickly turned to mockery/teasing after she denied them.
     Often she avoided the cats and they avoided her knowing they wouldn't get much of anywhere with her, But one day Jadepaw had decided to pick her
     out and approached the young she-cat once again, he was simply flirting with her (in a way comparable to a drunk guy trying to pick up chicks at a bar
     or something, ya know how the girl keeps telling him off but he's persistent, like 'come here baby' sorta thing.....my comparisons are bad shush >.>)
     Crowfall even joined in during this bantering, and it turned to teasing, physically trying to nudge her along with them, but when Jadepaw began to step
     out of line even for him, using physcial force, and claws, things got too heated and Crowpaw after a few attempts to tell Jadepaw to cut it out, he had
     enough and physically intervened in defence of Cherrypaw, something he had never done before. Jadepaw was surprised at first then angered, but they
     backed off. Crowpaw, barely acknowledged Cherrypaw after that, but he had found her attractive, differently than he had been with most she-cats, and
     now, Cherrypaw had been his first real 'crush', however he only exchanged stolen glances and attemped to avoid/ignore her after the incident. There    
     was a great deal of tension caused between cats due to Crowpaw and the others actions, especially when things became dangerously out of paw. During
     there older years as apprentices, Jadepaw grew violent, he looked for excuses to fight. During patrols, if another clan cat crossed borders, even
     accidentally chasing a bird onto Riverclan territory he would gladly punish them with tooth and claw, Crowpaw would more frequently take part in these
     forms of 'enforcement', as Jadepaw would call it and Crowpaw would agree. Blackpaw rarely intervened but did look down apon what the three where
     doing, as technically no clan laws where being broken, he stood idle, unless a cats life was threatened. Blackpaw was given warrriorship at the age of 12
     moons, Blackfoot, when his mentor deemed him worthy that despite what cats thought of him for hanging around bad cats, he was a noble warrior who
     upheld the code. Rookpaw and Jadepaw followed shortly after, and at 14 moons became Rookflight, and Jadestrike. Jadestrikes mentor deemed
     Jadestrike worthy despite the amount of protest against his warrior-ship, he claimed Jadestrike showed great potential as a warrior, fierce in battle and
     perhaps his brutal methods, would be needed to make the necessary but difficult choices during battles. However Crowpaw's mentor was harder on him,
     Redspot, said he would hold him back till he was old enough to retire if that is what it took to teach Crowpaw what it really meant to be a warrior.
     Crowpaw was furious, claiming he was as worthy as any of the others, that he was strong, and able to fight, hunt, and protect his clan. Redspot told him
     it was more than physical prowess that defined what it meant to be a Warrior, that Crowpaw was his apprentice and he would say when he was ready.
     Blackfoot attempted to reason with Crowpaw at this point, telling Crowpaw he consider him a friend, and he wanted to see him do good with his life,
     telling him that Crowpaw was a good cat. Crowpaw argued this, saying he had done many wrong things, however Crowpaw stated he did not want to be
     a bad cat. A fairly serious battle erupted between to patrolling groups over territory, tension between Skyclan and riverclan had been growing for many
     moons now and had finally snapped, Crowpaw and his mentor where part of the fighting force. Crowpaw had managed to pin a younger apprentice,
     slashing him in submission it was a one sided fight. Soon the apprentice stood cowering in fear under Crowpaw, completely under his mercy.

     But Crowpaw suddenly hesitated, while some still tangled with cats, a few riverclan cats had managed to chase of intruders. He was being watched,
     Skyclan cats watched in horror. Redspot was watching intently, but had no intention to interfere, he wanted to see what Crowpaw would do. Crowpaw,
     could remember what Blackfoot, and Redspot had told him, killing him wouldn't mean victory. In his hesitation the apprentice squirmed away and
     Crowpaw stumbled back to let him run.

    WARRIORSHIP ||  Redspot praised Crowpaw openly for his bravery in the border battle, and at 16 moons, he was made a warrior. Crowfall.

      Fall...why fall...why not Crowflight? The ceremony happened the night of the battle, and celebration ran rampant through the camp and Crowfall finally
     joined his fellow warriors, this had been a moment he had been waiting for moons to be honoured by, but a hollow feeling still rang in his chest.
     Blackfoot and Cherryrain welcomed him warmly, Rookflight gave a quick nod of recognition, but Jadestrike to Crowfalls mild surprise hardly
     acknowledged his entry. And of course, his father, Ealgeshadow to much of Crowfalls surprise approached his son and gave him brief words of
     congratulations. Not as a son, but a warrior. There was mild sadness and anger that brewed within Crowfall, but he bit back his tounge and politely
     accepted his congratulations and with a cold stare push past his father. His temperament calmed over his moons as a warrior, and his flirtatious attitude
     only grew. Once he had began to attend gathering once more, he started to encourage Blackfoot to flirt along with him, and with much protest Blackfoot
     finally attempt, and awkwardly, to pick up a she-cat. However Blackfoot said he was glad Crowfall seemed happier, more like the flirty fun cat he had
     seen before. Crowfall began to learn to Shield his doubts with the charm he had learned to uphold, and solemnly agreed with Blackfoot, knowing he was
      trying his best to see the good in Crowfall, like he does with so many cats. Crowfall began to strike up conversation and a friendship with a young cat by
     the name of Sparrowclaw, a very by the book warrior that Crowfall began to train with. Feeling his strict view points would be good to learn what he had
     potential missed during his years as an apprentice, as he felt lacking in terms of tactics compared to his fellow warriors who payed more constant and
     obedient attention than Crowfall had. Although he will often playfully dismiss when asked that he ever let a scrawny cat like Sparrowclaw train him. After
     much persistence from Blackfoot Crowfall finally began to talk with Cherryrain, apologizing for being a bit of a mouse-brained apprentice, and the four
     cats often would hunt or sun together. Past feelings once again began to haunt Crowfall. He had finally received an apprentice, Sunpaw. One morning a
     patrol with Blackfoot and sunpaw turned into a brief confrontation when a windclan cat had been caught hunting on riverclan territory, seeking to catch
     prey that was straying to escape flooding. The windclan intruder was a young warrior, and apologized fiercely when ambushed by the patrol. Mouse in
     paw, he begged to take the one prey back to his kin, saying it would never happen again. Sunpaw, tried to turn on her older warriors, saying they should
     let him go, it was only a mouse. Blackfoot said it was wrong either way, crossing borders and stealing from a clan, he tried to make Sunpaw understand
     this when Crowfall finally cut in. He was agreeing with Blackfoot to chase the intruder off, but his growing frustration with the windclan warriors pleading
     had made Crowfalls patience run out. He told Blackfoot to get it on with, then finally snapped at the windclan intruder, threatening to send him back in
     little pieces if he didn't leave. Dropping the mouse, the windclan warrior ran. Sunpaw shrank back, and Blackfoot sat disappointingly stunned at his
     reaction. Crowfall later apologized for his rashness, but when questioned he said nothing more. His mood seemed to level out once again, and he was
     back to flirting and joking, a few moons past and the incident would have been near forgotten, until a thunderclan dispute occurred.  Several warriors
     where sent to deal with thunderclan cats when a fight broke out amongst two patrols claiming prey was being stolen, reinforcements included Blackfoot
     and Crowfall. The battle quickly escalated into somthing more serious than expected. Crowfall had gotten into a fight with a young warrior and managed
     to frightened off an apprentice, before he got into locked battle with a Tom. Bleeding and battered, Crowfall managed to get the upper paw, but
     Riverclan had already began to draw back. Blackfoot had yelled for a retreat to Crowfall, but his words rang empty in Crowfalls ears. Blackfoot finally
     stepped in and tore Crowfall away, as more thunderclan cats came to assist Their losing warrior. Riverclan fled in stunned defeated. Blackfoot finally
     confronted Crowfall, alone outside of camp as they washed the blood from their fur, to control his temperament.


    |Mortal Enemy
    |wants dead


    |Major Crush

    |Visually Appealing
    |Physical attraction
    |Has had a fling with

    |Would die for

    |Best friend
    |Platonic love

    |Nervous of
    |Scared of



Cherryrain || Razzey || -- || "Quite the beautiful She-cat, and a brilliant friend, putting up with a Tom like me, an awesome friend to have"

Coyotedust || LunarShadowCreations || Mate || -- -- -- --   --   || "Coyotedust and I have history, been to her den to many times to count with wounds. Maybe it has inevitable we ended up together...Yet I just feel so uncertian...nervous? Gosh this is all so new...having a mate. Although...we haven't 'courted' yet. I just don't know if i'm ready fro all this, doesn't feel quite right after what happened with Ravenwhisker. But I'm willing to give this a shot."

Ravenwhisker || XxUkarixX || -- -- -- -- || "I have made some mistakes...I on't know if I should regret what happened between us. I guess only time will tell, I would like to think of her as a friend...in the very least."

Hollykit || daliish || Kit || -- || "..."

Copperkit || FaIIenShadows || Kit || -- || "..."

Nightkit || winterfeII || Kit || -- || "..."

Duckpaw || TheGreatCattacoon || Apprentice || || "Finally another apprentice! Seems like Echostar has not forgotten about me! Wish we could train more often, pretty fun to hang around, this little guy. Although I have several other little guys I should be worrying about now."


Cats name || Owner of the character or NPC or ADOPTABLE || Relation to your cat  || Bullets || "Thoughts about this character go here"


Cats name || Owner of the character or NPC or ADOPTABLE || Relation to your cat  || Bullets || "Thoughts about this character go here"


Linnetcrest || :devcrowguts: || -- || "Goofy little Tom cat, Caught him trying to make of with some of riverclans prey...he was quite entertaining so I decided to let him off....for now."


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The Dark Forest

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Cats Outside the Clan

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Comments: 77

Nermsters In reply to ??? [2015-08-20 16:24:09 +0000 UTC]

soooorta? They are giving it a shot haha

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Ukariarti In reply to Nermsters [2015-08-20 16:40:50 +0000 UTC]

Thats good. XD; Maybe Coyote will give Raven a break now

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Nermsters In reply to Ukariarti [2015-08-20 17:51:30 +0000 UTC]

haha, she isn't giving Crowfall a break yet, thats for damn sure. 

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Razzey [2015-08-20 04:21:45 +0000 UTC]

Oh no, wait for Cherryrain....

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Nermsters In reply to Razzey [2015-08-20 04:23:57 +0000 UTC]

hmm? what do you mean? XD

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Razzey In reply to Nermsters [2015-08-20 04:26:24 +0000 UTC]

I wanted them to be a official ship *ugly sobbing* xD 

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Nermsters In reply to Razzey [2015-08-20 16:26:10 +0000 UTC]

haha well we shall see what happens when ya join ;D 
Crowfall has fallen for our little medicine cat. But there should be some interesting interactions hehe

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Razzey In reply to Nermsters [2015-08-20 16:29:24 +0000 UTC]

I guess so. I'm hoping they reopen soon again. I feel like a total ditz zD 

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Nermsters In reply to Razzey [2015-08-20 16:34:05 +0000 UTC]

haha probably within the month

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Rebs-Art [2015-08-20 04:18:56 +0000 UTC]

How often does TBT have app changes? I've thought about joining a million times but because I tried to join when I was young and stupid I didn't get in and my app was horrible, so I've always felt kinda guilty since I know what it's like to put up with a bad application now :/


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Nermsters In reply to Rebs-Art [2015-08-20 04:25:15 +0000 UTC]

I think they only changed the App once? They only ever had two versions, a blue one and this one? Unsure

Wut...?I don't know what your talkin about haha, but ok XD ikr? Rip our old selves :c

Or younger selves?......Rip my mind

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Rebs-Art In reply to Nermsters [2015-08-20 04:49:02 +0000 UTC]

I've known TBT for a really long time, they're probably one of the top Warriors groups, they've gone through five or four apps since I joined the RP community almost two and a half years ago. I remember when TBT was still knew. Jeez I feel old.

When I first met you, you drew a cat screaming 'not the cheese' on a blue post it note and shyly handed it to me and I WAS LIKE "WOW SHE s SO TALENT!  ! ! ! I AM GREAT LY  INTI MI  D A TED BY H ER!!! 1!? ?"

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Nermsters In reply to Rebs-Art [2015-08-20 16:25:20 +0000 UTC]

lol alright XD 

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FaIIenShadows [2015-07-27 07:21:57 +0000 UTC]

Up for a rp with his new son Copper?

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Nermsters In reply to FaIIenShadows [2015-07-27 21:50:41 +0000 UTC]

Sure! Send over a starter and we could do somthin~

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FaIIenShadows In reply to Nermsters [2015-07-28 07:43:27 +0000 UTC]

Alright, I will send you one soon <3

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Nermsters In reply to FaIIenShadows [2015-07-28 16:43:59 +0000 UTC]

sounds good! ill reply when i get a chance!

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Razzey [2015-06-04 18:13:34 +0000 UTC]

Shoooot, I really need to get the profile up!!!!! I wanna rp with badly!!! Argh. Shipping hard. Lol

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Nermsters In reply to Razzey [2015-06-04 18:20:35 +0000 UTC]

Haha well I can't wait to see it!

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Ponythewarriorcatfan [2015-05-31 21:33:01 +0000 UTC]

So cute X3
He's so cute AHHHH

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Nermsters In reply to Ponythewarriorcatfan [2015-05-31 22:57:42 +0000 UTC]

Ooh why thank you~

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Ponythewarriorcatfan In reply to Nermsters [2015-06-28 15:25:00 +0000 UTC]


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lazulily [2015-04-21 22:06:37 +0000 UTC]

what a lovely cat! :> would you like to rp with Meadowstep if you have the time? ;a;

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Nermsters In reply to lazulily [2015-04-21 22:17:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh I'll have to check meadowstep out. Don't think I remember seeing that character....would you like me to start or you?

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lazulily In reply to Nermsters [2015-04-21 22:36:07 +0000 UTC]

ah, alrighty! and she should be in the group folder now
if you could start, that'd be wonderful ^^

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Nermsters In reply to lazulily [2015-04-21 22:54:50 +0000 UTC]

For sure, I'll check her out then get back to you. Probably start tonight or tomorrow, got some others things I gotta finish first.

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lazulily In reply to Nermsters [2015-04-22 01:42:29 +0000 UTC]


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Nermsters In reply to lazulily [2015-04-22 18:22:25 +0000 UTC]

Alright so I'm going to set off the Rp for a bit, just started working on a Project for TBT with davphin  
but your on my list for sure!

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lazulily In reply to Nermsters [2015-04-22 20:30:57 +0000 UTC]

ah, ok! got it :>

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Razzey [2015-04-21 20:58:39 +0000 UTC]

Wow! His profile is very nicely done! I like, I love! 

Well, I have to edit Cherryrains profile. There is some things I left out, and her personality is a tad bit to blank for my taste, anyway, would you like to rp with me? ^^

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Nermsters In reply to Razzey [2015-04-21 22:18:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh for sure, we could rp, would possibly help with you making Cherryrain.

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Razzey In reply to Nermsters [2015-04-22 00:41:52 +0000 UTC]

ya, thats what i was thinking. just send me a note, and we can make a plot together 

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Nermsters In reply to Razzey [2015-04-22 18:24:33 +0000 UTC]

Erm....I just relized the rules states we can't rp until your character has been fully accepted into the TBT group....so I'll just give you some pointers on your character then we shall get her official.

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Razzey In reply to Nermsters [2015-04-22 21:44:33 +0000 UTC]

Oh, darn. Well, I can't post in TBT because I'm not accepted. Do you mind posting a journal so somebody can make her digital??

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Nermsters In reply to Razzey [2015-04-22 22:19:51 +0000 UTC]

You can just ask somone to transfer my art of Cherryrain onto an application sheet. Just post a comment on the group front page explaining the situation.

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Razzey In reply to Nermsters [2015-04-23 03:02:40 +0000 UTC]

okay, asked! just waiting 

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Nermsters In reply to Razzey [2015-04-23 03:42:02 +0000 UTC]

Sounds good let me know!

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Saakumi [2015-04-21 20:40:59 +0000 UTC]

Hi there
Would you like to RP with Sparklingheart? It may be interesting because they are pretty alike
but sparkling is more an ass than this cutie xD

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Nermsters In reply to Saakumi [2015-04-21 21:26:11 +0000 UTC]

Haha that's sounds like fun, I'll check her out, you want to start or me?

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Saakumi In reply to Nermsters [2015-04-21 21:54:35 +0000 UTC]

Actually he is a male
 ¿Can you start? My internet is pretty slow D;

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Nermsters In reply to Saakumi [2015-04-21 22:19:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh pardon me ;.; haha for sure I'll start, just going to check him out then I'll get around to Ya, probably either tonight or tomorrow though.

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Saakumi In reply to Nermsters [2015-04-21 22:30:01 +0000 UTC]

Okay, don't worry do it when you like ;3

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LunarShadowCreations [2015-04-17 21:46:48 +0000 UTC]

Coyotedust:  He likes me! "Gee, big furball, keep this up and I'll think you're getting injured just to spend time with me!"

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Nermsters In reply to LunarShadowCreations [2015-04-18 02:10:00 +0000 UTC]

Haha probably...I mean, it's most likely happened at one point or anouther where he is a little less careful then he should have been... But he would never admit to that

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king-ratt [2015-02-26 20:54:18 +0000 UTC]

Would you like to rp with Linnetcrest at some point if you have the time? ;v;

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Nermsters In reply to king-ratt [2015-02-26 23:39:29 +0000 UTC]

Oh for sure! Anytime would be fine. Send a note if Ya like! Or I can start if you really want, just a little shaky on where to begin currently haha yep to rp with Crowfall. He's thunderclan right?

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king-ratt In reply to Nermsters [2015-02-26 23:40:53 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, he's in ThunderClan c:
I can send a note, dont worry!

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phrixas [2015-02-20 04:36:56 +0000 UTC]

Dang, awesome cat! c:

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Nermsters In reply to phrixas [2015-02-20 04:43:44 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you!

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phrixas In reply to Nermsters [2015-02-20 04:50:05 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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