Nescaro — Evahulk chapter 2
Published: 2008-01-06 05:36:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 6968; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 32
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Description Brain Dead 12 ½ studios presents:
Eva Hulk chapter 2
Misato’s quest
Rei’s gray area
(Once again I own nothing except the bad guys...well kinda. Oh and don’t worry to much this isn’t going to be a full crossover you’ll see what I mean)

Well this chapter in our on-going tale of woe starts not at Nerv, or Misato’s apartment or indeed in Tokyo three at all. No for the start of this one we look into a large room in a building many miles from Tokyo three or indeed Japan at all. The chamber was mostly blue or it would be if the lighting was better, it’s main features being a large conference table with a holographic display in the center and on the far wall a huge mural of a bat gripping the earth, the letters NSO written on the globe. The table was set for six but only two seats were actually filled one with a white haired heavily scarred woman in a business suit (though it was only the cigar dangling from her lips that illuminated her face) and that other…well the lighting in the room wasn’t bright enough to make out anything about him expect for he was a rather huge fellow. The other four seats were empty but black obelisks floated above them each inscribed with a name.
“Well” came a feminine voice from one of the obelisks, which was marked Kappa, “Shall we begin?”
“Indeed.” Came a rumbling male voice that seemed to fill the room but didn’t have any identifiable score. “It seems our little friends at Nerv have decided to diversify a bit.”
“Begging your pardon sire.” Came a growling male voice from one of the other obelisks this one marked Fenir. “It seems a little excessive to call for a conclave about Nerv at this stage.”
“I agree.” Said the white haired woman in a raspy voice. “Ikari couldn’t find his ass with a flashlight and a map, much less our moles, and it’s still way to early to be talking about attacking them.”
“Yes but take a look at this.” As those words were spoken the display in the center of the table activated showing footage of Misato’s little temper tantrum.
“They’re actually fool enough to mess with Dr. Banner’s legacy?” asked Kappa.
“You’d think having the Evangelions would be over compensation enough.” Agreed Fenir. “This is most definitely cause for concern.”
“Yes.” Came the voice of the apparent leader. “This is a most unexpected development. Your thoughts.”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Piped up a female voice from another obelisk this one marked Nagaii, “If they’re fucking around with gamma rays over there we need to move our time table up.”
“Yes and why not invite the angels to tea.” Mumbled Kappa, “As much as we all hate sneaking around we aren’t in a good position right now. There are still several angels to deal with, Nerv’s the only ones with anything close to a reliable method of combating them. Besides we’ve only got a lock on four of the twelve members of Seele, moving too soon will tip our hand completely.”
“Agreed.” Declared a bizarre sounding voice coming from the final of the placeholders this one marked “Blood Eagle”, “Running in with our pants down isn’t advisable, however if I may be so bold perhaps we should move up our little demonstration?”
“No, that would be showing too many of our cards.” Said the white haired woman, “I say we just continue as is.”
“Second.” Said Kappa.
“I agree,” declared the leader again. “Still we’re going to have to monitor the situation much more closely. And on that note how go our other projects?”
“It looks like our predictions about the second child and Adam were correct,” said Kappa, “If I had to guess I’d say they’ll use the transfer of unit two and it’s pilot to cover the delivery. Nagaii and I are working on the details but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem to hitch a ride.”
“Things in Nevada are going about as planned as well,” said Fenir, “the contracts for unit three and four went through though I’ve heard rumblings their trying to get permission to use the experimental super solinoid engine.”
“Well we already know the chances of that little pipe dream panning out.” Said Blood Eagle “Really thinking they could replicate the S2 engines that easily…”
“Yes.” Came the leader’s voice. “Very well we will continue according to our original time table for now, all of you keep in touch however, we may need to move our operations to the pacific quicker then expected.”
“Yes sir!” chorused the others. Exactly what that was all about is a tale for later so let’s just head on over to Tokyo three now. Well true to her words Misato did decide to sleep on the problem, but since she found she was having trouble getting to sleep due to her most of the day nap it really didn’t work as well as it might have. I’ll let you decide how well it would have worked otherwise but at last she decided that the standard just say it approach would work best. Course by that time Shinji had already left for school so it really didn’t make all that much difference, but it’s the thought that counts. So anyway after calling up Ritsuko and asking her to give Shinji the skinny when he arrived at Nerv she set out. Then of course the rather thorny fact that she really had no idea where she was going hit her. After thinking a moment she just decided to go for the old pick a direction and start walking (or in this case driving) in it routine (always a crowd pleaser.). Course the fact that the there just happened to be a bar in the direction she chose was just a coincidence...oh who am I kidding? So anyhow she ended up in said bar and quickly began nursing a beer, actually taking the time to sip instead of her usual machine gun style of drinking. Of course anyone who knew her would instantly recognize this as a sign of distress but it seemed she must have really been broadcasting that day (or the author thought this part of the story out about as well as she did take your pick) as she was soon approached.
“Problems?” said her sudden companion. She gave him a quick once over. He looked to be about her own age with a boyishly handsome face and black hair done in a pigtail. He wore a black overcoat over a red silk shirt and black pants.
“Maybe.” She said finally. “Nothing your likely to be able to help with.”
“I might as well just say this now I’m not trying to come on to you. I’ve had enough girl troubles for one life time.”
“Didn’t say ya were.” Slight pause here for a hiccup. “Just a really unusual problem.”
“Oh I’ve dealt with a lot of those. I grew up in some pretty interesting places.”
“Yeah. Let’s just say the Chinese consider may you live in interesting times a curse for a good reason. Course they’ve got plenty of worse ones.”
“If you say so. But since I’ve really got nothing better to do I’ll tell you a little about this.”
“I’m all ears.”
“Well it’s a little temper problem. Basically I get mad bad things happen.”
“You sound like half the people I know. How bad?”
“You wouldn’t believe me.”
“I might. If you don’t want to talk about it here we can head to my place.”
“I thought you weren’t trying to pick me up.”
“Ha ha. Seriously though, I run a dojo, I knew a few tricks that are really good for keeping yourself calm.”
“Yeah. Could help.” He shrugged.
“Fine, I’m not getting anywhere on my own. Oh by the way name’s Misato Kasturagi.”
“Ranma Saotome. Pleased to meet ya.”
“Likewise. Shall we?”
“I’d say so.” And so the two headed off. Now all this time although they hadn’t noticed they had been watched. Their observers were a pair of strange white haired people one man and one woman, strange since neither of them looked a day over twenty six. Quickly they both pulled out cell phones.
“Hello,” came a female voice on the other end. “I take it we were correct?”
“Yes.” Said the male of the two. “Your orders?”
“Follow them for now. Don’t bother trying anything till Katsuragi goes back to Nerv, we don’t need any gamma charged grief.”
“Yes Lady Shrivanzella.” With that the two slipped off, following Ranma and Misato to the dojo in question. However before we go to far into that we should turn our attention to Nerv, where Ritsuko and Gendo were discussing current events.
“Excellent work Dr.Akagi.” said Gendo, “Though I’m amazed you agreed to watch the third child.”
“What can I say.” The doctor responded. “I do feel a little guilty about this one. Then again I only lied about not knowing how she could get control of it, and knowing her she’ll find a way eventually.”
“Yes. I would say we’re ready to begin with Rei, have the chamber set up.”
“Yes sir. But if I could speak freely a moment?”
“What is it?”
“One of the techs told me about that theft from the storage facility. It worries me, particularly after that accident at the gamma reactor in America. Knowing what I know, I get the feeling we might not be the only ones doing this.”
“Irrelevant.” Said Gendo simply. “Really Akagi it’s not like you to be so paranoid.”
“We’ve had six barrels of radioactive material from a secure bunker you’d need an n2 mine to break into just disappear, under full guard. And the fact that the guards were all killed…it strikes me as odd.”
“The angels are still our main concern, even if I myself would like to know how that robbery was accomplished whoever was responsible has made no move since then.”
“Yes sir. I just think we should be cautious. Well more so then usual. Anyway I’ll go get things ready, we should be able to go in about five minutes.”
“All right. Let me know when it ready.”
“Of course.” Said the doc before leaving. A few minutes later in one of the never seen till we need it rooms, a nude Rei stood in a cylindrical chamber (with plenty of extra room) that was hooked up to several containers of gamma energy conducting material.
“Alright.” Said Ritsuko, “Everything’s ready.”
“Good.” Said Gendo. “Rei?”
“Alright, begin.” With that a few switches were flipped and Rei became the focus of a gamma ray storm. She cried out briefly clutching her head, as she was suddenly struck with a feeling that for lack of a better description felt like her brain had a red-hot branding iron slammed into it. Now before we go to the rest I should probably explain what just happened there. Well simply put Rei is part angel. Now angel DNA from what we know is very close to human (hey it’s their show I’m just trying to work with it) however as it is said the devil’s in the details, and in this case that small difference meant some big changes (besides the obvious) in Rei as the gamma rays hit her. Or to be more specific many changes were happening in her brain, as several areas that had deliberately been shut down on her “birth” suddenly got jolted into activity. It wouldn’t be obvious immediately  but...well we’ll see that later. Anyhow no sooner did she start to regain her bearings then the physical changes began starting with her hair, which grew longer, wilder and darker. She groaned loudly as her pale skin began to darken and she started to grow, her muscles twitching and spasming as the gamma energy flowed into them causing a slow but sure expansion. Briefly a second fog threatened to settle on her mind but she shook that off looking in awe at the rising masses of muscle on her arms. Soon she removed the door to the chamber with one mighty blow and stepped out, now a dark gray skinned, seven foot titan. She almost roared in satisfaction but restrained herself. She knew they expected her to still be emotionless, and letting on how wonderful she felt at the moment would blow that theory out of the water.
“Odd. I wasn’t expecting her to be gray...” said Ritsuko as she walked over to the gamma charged girl. She began a quick exam. “It seems she’s fine.” The doctor concluded a moment later.
Like you give a damn... thought Rei, then wondered where that had came from. True she was feeling more then she was used to but why did she suddenly have an urge to smash the commander into the floor? Probably because he treats me like a tool... she answered herself. After a moment she realized Ritsuko was speaking to her.
“Yes ma’m?”
“Something wrong?”
“Hmmm...Well your probably a little disorientated....Anyhow as I was saying now we’ll see if you can change at will.”
“Yes.”  With that she focused on willing herself back to normal. A moment later she began to shrink (and feel a slight pang of disappointment.) soon completely back to her old self (well physically at least).
“Alright. We’ll continue test on your new form after today’s sync tests. Anything you want to add commander?”
“No that will be all.”
“Yes sir.” And with that Rei quickly got dressed and headed off to ponder her new situation.  Meanwhile let’s check in with Ranma and Misato at the dojo.
“Nice place.” Said Misato glancing around. The place was for the most part about what you’d expect, although the fact that there was a mallet, a bamboo umbrella and a giant spatula hanging on one of the walls confused her a bit.
“Those belonged to some friends of mine.” He said. “We had kind of complicated relationships but friends weren’t something I had a lot of.”
“Oh.” Said Misato. “I don’t know much about the arts but those are pretty usual weapons...”
“They were unusual people.” He sighed.
“Not your fault. They just all came to pretty bad ends. Anyway that’s not important right now.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Okay I get the feeling I know what the problem is but...”
“I get a real feeling I’m not going to like this...” she said just before she got hit, albeit softly in the face, several times in fact. Of course Ranma was a life long fighter so soft to him...Oh you understand what I’m getting at. Well naturally this perturbed her a little. “What the hell did you do that for?” she asked, her eyes getting that certain glow.
“Yep...That’s what I though...lot of that going around these days...” said Ranma as Misato changed, “Really wish she could have just come out and said it though.” By this time Misato had changed completely. The green giantess instantly attacked her huge fist missing Ranma but giving the dojo a nice floor pit if the need for one would ever arise. Ranma naturally legged it, with Misato in hot pursuit. However it should be noted that several of Ranma’s now no longer with us friends had picked up a taste for beer during their lives, so out of habit he tended to keep a large supply of it handy. Naturally Misato managed to smash the beer fridge and well you can imagine the rest. Needless to say a few hours later Misato woke up in a bed in the main house.
“Still getting used to it huh?” Said Ranma as she groggily sat up.
“You don’t seem surprised...”
“I’m not. Seen that kind of thing before.”
“Still think you can help?”
“Actually yeah. Well it worked for the last one anyhow; it’s an old technique, called the soul of ice. She was eventually able to control it using that.”
“Yeah. I get the feeling you probably don’t have time to stay here long enough to learn it but I’ve got it recorded, along with a few other techniques you might need.”
“Ummm I’m a little confused.”
“Well basically we were followed from the bar. And I’m pretty sure it’s one of the ones that killed my friends. I noticed you had a Nerv id when I got your wallet out of the pile in the dojo, and I figure you and whoever pilot those whatever they’re called are going to need this stuff a lot more then I’m going to.” He rose from his seat by her bed. “The stuff in that closet there should fit you. Come downstairs and I’ll give ya the scrolls.”
“Right.” Said Misato as her host left. Quickly she got dressed. A few moments later she returned to the dojo proper where Ranma was waiting.
“Alright,” he said, handing her a box. “Those have all the information you’ll need, shouldn’t be to hard to figure out.”
“Alright. I still don’t think I understand what’s going on. Then again you were right, I am on a time budget. Course I wasn’t expecting to find anything this fast, so I’ve got a couple extra days.”
“Probably would be better spent reading the scrolls. I’m really not that good of a teacher.” He said rather shamed. “Well not anymore.”
“If you say so.” She said figuring there wasn’t much use to talking. “So shall I just head back?”
“Probably be a good idea.” He shrugged. “Hope this stuff helps you a bit more then it helped me.”
“Thanks, I think.” The confused Major said before departing. Quickly she got in her car and called up Ritsuko. “Hi. Yeah it’s me. Well you might not believe this but I found something. Yeah. Well he said it worked for someone else with my problem....Well I might be crazy but somehow I believe him, I’ve seen enough weird things, so I’ll be coming back earlier then I thought. You guys done the tests for the day? Huh? Okay if you say so.....Right. See you in a bit.” With that she hung up and began her trip. Meanwhile at Nerv itself, Shinji had arrived for the daily testing. Rei for her part was still confused, and the arrival of the third child wasn’t helping.
“Rei?” said Shinji, who was a bit confused himself to see her apparently waiting for him.
“Hello.” She said simply. What is going on? she wondered, I feel as if I should be spending more time with Pilot Ikari.....why am I so concerned about the distance between us suddenly? once again an unexpected answer came because he is my brother... she pondered that a moment and yes it did make sense, she may have been born in a non-traditional way but technically they did come from the same mother, Rei just happened to have a second one. But then that brought up the question of why she suddenly cared about that. For the second time that day she found herself being talked to without realizing it. “What?”
“I asked if you’re alright, you seem a little....distracted.” Shinji said finally deciding on a word. Frankly seeing Rei like this made him a little uneasy. Well more so then he usually was, let’s face it he’d made a lifestyle out of being awkward and uneasy, but I digress. First Misato goes nuts now Rei? Just what’s going on around here anyhow? Anyhow to make a long story short, the two were soon in the plugs, doing the usual tests where Rei’s distraction continued to show what with her managing her worst score thus far, which Ritsuko put down to her still adjusting. Which was actually true but she wasn’t having trouble with what the doc thought she was. Finally Rei decided she had to talk to someone about this whole thing. A quick run down and she decided Misato would be a good choice, she knew the captain was also dealing with the “Hulk effect” as it was often called by the few people who still knew about it, and might be able to offer some insight, although her limited knowledge on the subject and Ritsuko’s reaction to her transformed state both seemed to point to her being a unique specimen. Anyhow after Shinji had left they proceeded to go through a battery of tests for her new form (mostly involving lifting and being hit with large objects) all of which showed the kind of results you’d expect under the circumstances. Meanwhile Misato had returned to the apartment, and after feeding the penguin began having a look at the scrolls she’d acquired. She specifically decided to focus on the soul of ice and meditation techniques at the moment, although a quick glance at some of the other stuff made her make a mental note to give them a good read later, while chi focusing and that kind of thing did seem a little far fetched so did turning into a super strong monster when you got mad. Course Shinji arrived not long after she did.
“Oh your back.”
“Yeah. Didn’t end up taking as long as I thought it would.”
“Okay.” He glanced of the collection of scrolls. “I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing.”
“Just found a reason to be.” She said with a shrug, still not ready to give out all the details just yet. So anyhow the night continued normally enough from there however Misato ended up getting one last surprise for the day, as she sat going over the scrolls again she was suddenly interrupted by her cell phone.
“Major...” came Rei’s voice, “We need to talk.”
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Comments: 5

SolGravionMegazord [2021-07-24 14:48:59 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

marcoasalazarm [2008-01-06 22:19:07 +0000 UTC]

You keep on with the story, man, and I'll keep on reading (and faving).

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nescaro In reply to marcoasalazarm [2008-01-06 22:20:50 +0000 UTC]

I'd wait till you see the rest of it before ya make promises man. Sereiously though I'm glad you like it, there's actually seven chapters to this so far but every one of them after two needs a heavy rewrite.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DraZero-X [2008-01-06 22:13:57 +0000 UTC]

You're awesome for uploading, thanks man, it's good to see this again. (Honestly, I read a lot of fanfic, if I thought this was as bad as you seem to think it is I wouldn't care.)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nescaro In reply to DraZero-X [2008-01-06 22:22:24 +0000 UTC]

What can I say I'm my own second worse critic.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0