newvoh — [SF] Liadain Raines || Ranchers Leader

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LÌADÀIN RAINES | RANCHER LEADER | ALIVE{ XP and Skills Tracker | Relationship Meme }
Infinity Tracker  }

[SF] Lee Chronology }

✖ B A S I C S:. Name: Lìadàin Raines
. Age: 25 [4/1/1992]
. Height: 5'2"
. Build: athletic, soft, trim
. Gender: female

. Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
. Relationship Status: uncertain

. Primary Weapon: Archery Bow [ Traditional Recurve ]
. Secondary Weapon : Steel Trident [ Stolen from the Museum ]
    . Tertiary Weapon: M134-A2 Vulcan Minigun
                                     that's right folks, lee's gettin a fuckin' gatling gun

. Group: Ranchers
. Rank: leader
✖ S T A T S:. HP:  [40] 220 
. ATK: [20] 100
. DEF: [20] 100
. SPD: [40] 100

LVL 1 (20ATK) || LVL 2 (20ATK) || LVL 3 (20ATK) || LVL 4 (20ATK) || LVL 5 (20DEF) || LVL 6 (#STAT )
4K IN (10DEF/SPD) || 5K INF (20HP) || 6K INF (20HP) || 7K INF (20DEF) || 8K INF (00) || 9K INF (00)
10K INF (00) || 11K INF (00) || 12K INF (00) || 13K INF (00) || 14K INF (00) || 15K INF (00)
Riot Gear (30) | Running Shoes (30)

✖ P E R S O N A L I T Y:

{ bold | loyal | determined | stubborn | opinionated | disorganized }
{ abandonment issues | clingy | emotionally broken | traumatized | spiritually wounded }
{ conflicted | healing | determined | mildly cynical | extra protective | willing to listen (now) }

{ broken | dead inside | deeply depressed | idiotic | lost willpower }

October 2017 || Since Ramirus' death lee has gone progressively downhill. Between his loss (and the direct contact she had with him at the end) Mouse's injury and near death experience, and the attack on the Ranch she's not the same any more. Allof the injuries and deaths keep piling up and while deaths remain fewer than injuries the losses are still painful. After one too many hurt on top of one another Lee has given up. She barely continues to function & when she does it's mostly... mechanic. She's lost her will to fight, and unfortunately this means for the ranch to. She's trying to push on,but lord is she tired. And weak. And those dark options keep snealing up on her through blackouts. 

July 2017 || She's made the biggest mistake of her life, listening to the voice and mistaking the monster for a hallucination. She killed a guy. It went horribly. It will haunt her forever- although it's more who with that distresses her than the act of doing so. She's still coming to grips with the fact she has to tell Mouse and Lance- and that Ramirus is upset with her. And Wolf said 'I told you so' and that she missed the twins birth and that James is in poor condition. But, that's life. She is, however, finally making a huge step in progress since 80's death. She's not only got a new horse now, she has two, and she's started to do the training again.

Feb 2017 || So, as it turns out Lee takes being abandoned a lot harder than she originally admitted even to herself. It started with the loss of her Mamaw a few years back and spiraled into a mess from Lena-Ray vanishing, to Lance going -poof!- to Walker dying, and then just as she's getting sorted out over Lance he returns from the dead. Then there's James, who thought running off was a good idea and finally the loss of Warden ( and near loss of Ramirus, twice. ) She doesn't handle these losses and near-losses well. In fact she has a nasty tendency to bottle things up and let just enough show for everyone to think she's recovering at a normal, healthy, correct pace. It seems Ramirus' is the only one who has noticed that Lee, well... doesn't allow herself to heal. She blames herself for each and every loss/ injury and she won't forgive herself- especially with Eighty's death. She's healing, physically, but she's still emotionally broken over this. She's gotten a wee bit more clingy of James and Lance and if she looks like she's about to have a panic attack then she absolutely is. Or she's in the middle of one. On top of this she's traumatized and mentally scarred by what happened. She has nightmares that are causing insomniac behavior patterns and can't seem to shake this terrible fear that he's going to come back and finish the job. She never learned the name ( Parrish ) but that doesn't stop him from haunting her sleep.

  If you really want to get to know Lee then just introduce yourself. She's not a recluse and she's more than happy to talk if you want to talk. Just don't expect her to start the conversation. Despite being a bold and out-going person Lee understands and respects a desire for privacy so she tries her best to not invade personal space. Of course if you've submitted yourself to being her friend you've forfeited all pretense of personal space with her. She will get in your face for the hell of it when you're her friend. Almost always laughing, smiling or coming up with some other way to make boring things less boring Lee has a strong aberration for monotony, routine and all things dull and dry. 

  An active and creative thinker, Lee is always looking for new ways to use the things she's learned. Order, Organization, and Sanity are not Lee's friends. Her room, her clothes, her hair and just about everything she owns will be displayed in a perfect example of disarray and that's just the way she likes it. When it comes to cleaning and organizing her things she develops an acute case of lethargy and never gets around to it. She can find everything in her mess, so why bother cleaning it up? So what if she miss-placed that homework assignment for a moment, she'll find it, again, eventually… Maybe she should learn to organize her things better…

  Incredibly competitive Lee won't back down from any sort of challenge even if she, herself, is not that well equipped to handle the challenge. Beaten or not she'll keep trying. The kind of kid that gets back up regardless of how many times they're knocked down ( especially if someone is counting on them to protect them ) she's stubborn that way. Intimidating simply because she will continue to get up over and over and be happy to keep trying.

  Aggressive about defending her friends she won't stop to find out who's in the right or wrong when a disagreement or fight breaks out. She'll simply jump to the offense to defend her friends and if she can be convinced to apologize later for being in the wrong she will but good luck convincing her of that. Apologies don't come often from Lee and they definitely don't come easily. It requires convincing her to change her belief about something and she's already a stubborn person, couple that with her determination to stand by her beliefs and opinions it makes things increasingly difficult to right her wrongs.

  On top of everything else Lee is incredibly passionate ( and secretive ) about art and music. She'll enjoy them, practice, participate, draw, but won't share her art or play for anyone else. Insanely self-conscious about what she makes and how she sounds she tends to run away from everyone that finds out she plays or draws. Mostly she's self-conscious about singing. She's never heard anything nice about her singing ( though she can sing, she's just no super-star kind of singer ) and because of this she has next to no self-confidence when she sings.

  Fiercely loyal to her twin sister because of the blood relation they share. She's more or less blind to any of her twins faults but can you really blame her? Lena-Ray was the only friend she had growing up thanks to all the traveling they did. Despite being so different from her sister she still considers herself very close to Lena-Ray and will not put up with any bad-mouthing of her twin.

  Lee has a strong dislike for anyone who does not have complete obedience and control of their animals. Really, if you can't be bothered to teach your dog to listen to you then do not talk to her, do not bring your dog near her and do not try and pet Walker. He's a biter, and no she will not teach him otherwise. It's a dangerous world out there and all too often her life depends on Walkers willingness to fight and defend her, her sister and her sisters mare.

    Since the apocalypse Lee has... turned harder. She's not as open about herself, especially when it comes to her Twin or much of her past, and she tends to be a little more cynical than she used to. Sarcasm is her greatest weapon, and also her biggest weakness. She falls back to it for just about everything which can easily land her in a world of hurt and while she will try, sincerely, to be nice to people she genuinely has a difficult time accepting others and not being suspicious of them. It's a little harder to endear yourself to her ( or put up with her ) but underneath the 'hard' exterior she attempts to project is a kind(ish) young woman willing to help others.

. Strengths:
    Bold ( if a tad aggressive )
    a camp-lover

. Weaknesses:
    short tempered
    dislikes orders ( so yes, she'll be rude to authority, but at least she'll obey, mostly.... )
    childish and a tad testy
    act-first-think-later, stealth ( she just... can't... stealth... )
    medical anything ( can do minor or short-term medical aid )
    abandonment issues

. Quirks: 
    clicking her tongue when amused
    constantly changing her hair ( up, down, in a bandana, braided, what? all day )
    tapping beats on her thighs
    crude humor
    poorly timed jokes
    decorating things
    braiding hair

. Hobbies:
    singing ( when she thinks she's alone )
    collecting wildflower petals

. Skills:
    dog training
    riding ( originally classically trained - dressage, then jumping, then cutting & roping )
    climbing trees
    basic self defense/fist fighting ( street fighting )

✖ H I S T O R Y:Pre-Apocalypse:
Lee, along with her twin Ray, actually didn't grow up in a single location. Their parents were constantly traveling, partly out of fear and partly out of necessity. The girls ended up seeing a lot of places in the world though none of them quite sat with Lee the way North Carolina had and she always found herself returning to the mountains, to home. When she was old enough for College she broke away from her parents to stay 'home' and go to school rather than do anything online. It worked out great until she dropped her subjects after completing utterly useless associates degrees. She got three ( psychology, art and music ) before deciding she'd had enough, she wasn't going to get anywhere that way. Not when all she wanted was to just live in the woods, enjoy the quiet of the world, hunt, camp, fish and relax. She'd had enough traveling, enough with the constant go-go-go of the world and was desperate to just kick up her feet and relax. This was probably why she was in the woods when the call came.

"Lee?" Ray never called from work. Why was Ray calling?
"it's Mamaw." she dropped her feet from the rock she was using as a foot rest and sat up, dropping her fishing line.
"What about Mamaw? Ray why are you calling? You should be working. What's going on." Panic, true and through panic started to set in. Her voice rose an octave. It was starting to click that Ray didn't sound normal right now. She sounded freaked, like she'd been crying. "What happened?"
"Mamaw's gone, Lee." the phone fell to the earth. It was almost forgotten, the line was forgotten, when she whistled for Walker and grabbed her things to get back. She had to get to the office because Ray wouldn't be handling this too well. Hell, Lee wasn't handling it too well. She was all over numb, that wasn't good. That was never good.

The Airport was a blur, the people, the plane, the noises, security- well security wasn't a blur. "Ma'am why do you have a knife?" "it's a skinning knife!" "Ma'am I need you to come with me." Yeah, security hadn't been a blur, and convincing them that it wasn't intentional that she carried the damn thing it was out of habit for hunting and fishing and- you never knew when a knife would come in handy!- had exhausted her. She slept on the flight simply because she was drained. She ambled along with her sister dead to the world when they landed, milled around when they did anything, never said a word to her parents. It was at the funeral that she finally broke down. She snapped and couldn't take it. She couldn't watch them put her grandmother in the ground, couldn't listen to her parents say their backhanded polite goodbyes, couldn't listen to the preacher. She walked away, crying and waited for Ray, for everything to just end.

She laughed at the Will Reading. The moment the words left the lawyers lips she started laughing. It was too funny. Too sad. Too much. Too. Damn. Much. "What do you mean she left everything to these two!" she didn't hear everything, she didn't have to. The outrage, the harsh words. She was out of her seat punching her uncle, knocking him over. "Don't you dare say her name, don't you dare say anything about her!" Yeah, lee really didn't handle things well.

Every where she looked on the ranch she saw her grandmother. Everywhere she turned she heard her. It was hard. She volunteered to bring their things down, borrowing a truck to do so, she didn't want to bring much herself, she made the long drive back to NC and then again to TX with Walker. No one agreed with her going. No one wanted her on the road, but she had to do something and she couldn't just sit there remembering the woman she hadn't visited enough in the last two years. Gone, all gone, just gone.

The apocalypse struck while the girls were still getting adjusted to their lives on the ranch. Sorting through everything had fallen onto Lee. Once that had been squared away and they were underway well… bad things come in threes, after all. First, they lost a relative. Then the apocalypse struck. Zombies started showing up out of nowhere, starting with the little buggers appearing in the woods while Lee was making her rounds on some of the less visible fences. The mare she’d been riding was toast. She shattered a leg when she panicked. The zombie wasn’t in much better shape when Lee was done with them. At first Ray didn’t really want to believe the crap coming out of her sisters mouth. Lee was bad about picking up and eating things, sometimes not the most edible things either. 

When Lee finally got Ray to give her a grudging admittance that something had happened, after all even lee hadn’t clung to a theory like that for a week straight, in the woods the hoards started ambling through. It started as small packs and escalated to large groups that far exceeded the twins ability to cope. The lost most of the animals in the first few waves. Some being taken down, some hurting themselves and the rest leaving. 

It was lucky that Widowmaker decided not to leave ( or maybe she just didn’t agree with running around like a chicken with its head cut off and preferred to stay in her stall. ) when it came time for the girls to agree that they had to leave themselves. They took only what they could carry, picking up and abandoning things along the way, as they made their way from the ranch out across Texas in search of other survivors and anyone who would know what the hell was going on.

They reached Copperhead Creek much the worse for the wear. They found the creek itself first, following it up and cleaning up as best the could. When they reached the town is the first time they came across another survivor since they’d started their journey a month and a half prior. Lee didn’t bother taking their name, she just set her arrow and aimed telling them to back the fuck off. It was Ray that decided they might want to talk to them. Lee was just in a bad mood because she got sand in her bra. Or maybe she was just a bitter person for having to travel and pack in an orderly fashion. Nah, definitely the sand in the bra.

She still didn’t have their name when the woman and her bay overo led them back to their camp. The girls were given a few days to settle in before they had to prove themselves. The fact that they encouraged the others to leave them to themselves helped with the ‘few days’ too. Or maybe Walker and Krait just didn’t let others come stalking through to bother them. Walker certainly never left Lees side unless Krait was left with her, then he would follow Ray. 

Other then that, the girls and their animals were inseparable and Lee was very, very vocal about her displeasure having to ‘prove herself’ to a bunch of ‘city folk’ that couldn’t tell which way was ‘out of their asses’ if a snake crawled through and showed them. Telling her to get up at the ass crack of dawn wasn’t the best idea for that news. Ray wasn’t much happier and chose to let Lee grumble. She wasn’t saying anything that Ray didn’t agree with just then.

“You, take your mare and hit the trail. You,” the reins of a beast of a horse were shoved at Lee, “take this and hit the same trail. You’re proving yourselves today. Congrats ladies, you get to pass or fail.” Lee took the reins, not at all thrilled with this turn of events, and eyed the horse. This would be… interesting…

Since Apocalypse

When the apocalypse started Lee followed Ray around, more because Ray had the only horse between them ( Widowmaker ) than because she agreed with the direction her twin insisted on heading. They ended up with a faction that called themselves 'The Equestrians' in that first year and tried to join them. The two never made it past the probationary suspicions before another disaster struck the area. Lee, not paying enough attention at the time, couldn't tell you what exactly happened. All she knows for sure is that she was separated from her sister, again, and this time it wasn't for the better.

After the separation, and subsequent searches, Lee ran into an old before-the-apocalypse friend, Lance McKnight. For a short time they were together ( she's not sure what happened to him ) before running into Mouse, who eventually joined Lee on the Ranch and from there things seemed to be going great. Things, however, are not always as they seem.

The Ranch, as it is, had not been 'steady' for long before it encountered it's first walker herd. Walker, Lee's dog, did not survive the encounter unscathed and ended up succumbing to the infection from his injuries shortly after. Distraught over the loss Lee turned to working on the Ranch and ignoring everyone until a litter of puppies arrived out of the blue. ( Not quite... their mother dragged them to the relative safety of the ranch ) and she adopted Warden. She's been working with Warden on her training ever since, but Warden's a bit more of a barker than Walker and Lee can't decide if she likes this or not. on the one hand, Warden is different in personality and appearance, but on the other hand Lee's so used to Walker's methods that she's having a hard time adjusting to Warden's methods...

DECEMBER 25 2016:: Made up with Lance. Confessed her feelings for him. Oh, look! They're dating now! ( who knew people still dated in the apocalypse? ) If you'd like to read the story click [[SF] Christmas Puppies ]

JANUARY 2nd-3rd 2016:: Ongoing story line; 80 was killed by Parrish Reinhardt. Lee almost died. It's a big mess! If you'd like to follow the story start [[SF] Murder isn't Personal ] and hold on to your seats folks! It's not done and her injury count is still being tallied! 

  • Broken arm ( both bones in fore arm )
  • Three cracked ribs ( i.e. broken )
  • Two bruised ribs
  • physical bruising on neck ( faded by mid-february )

APRIL 1st 2017:: Lee meets with horse trader klyn and brings home two new horses, Raven (formerly Niagara) and Jammer. Both tall for her but she couldn't not have them. She's still unsure why.

MAY 9th-Current 2017:: Lee did the unthinkable and committed murder with Parrish Rienhardt while Copperhead Creek was under attack by bandits. She rationalized things with the bandits, and needing to protect her people - right up until she committed the heinous act. Ultimately she ran away (escaping angry Parrish's clutches) and straight into Wolf and his "I told you so". From there she cleaned up and confessed to Ramirus. She's still recovering and hasn't told anyone else. She deeply dreads confessing to both Mouse & Lance. But the inevitable can only be avoided for so long....


OCTOBER 2017:: ---
✖ C O M P A N I O N S:


. Name: Eighty --- DECEASED 
. Breed: WCR Stock Horse
. Sex: mare
. Personality: Stand-offish, fiesty, and sensitive to aides. 80 requires an experienced rider, and a patient hand. She's fully capable of spooking herself into a frenzy and needs someone steady to hold her in check. When it comes to zombies she'll stand still and put up with their presence only so long as her rider, or the dog, stays steady and gives her an example of how to behave. Otherwise she's gone. Very cattle-oriented, she's happiest when she's on the ranch, doing familiar things.

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Comments: 8

ashwynne [2016-12-23 05:49:50 +0000 UTC]


James: ooooo I wanna play with your new DOGGIE

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

newvoh In reply to ashwynne [2016-12-23 05:53:44 +0000 UTC]


Lee: go for it ;3; maybe he'll run out of slobber on you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ashwynne In reply to newvoh [2016-12-23 05:56:33 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

newvoh In reply to ashwynne [2016-12-23 06:06:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CATAC0RNY [2016-07-24 04:44:49 +0000 UTC]

lookin good 👌

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

newvoh In reply to CATAC0RNY [2016-07-24 04:52:10 +0000 UTC]

thank you <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

QueenHalloween [2016-07-24 03:26:01 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

newvoh In reply to QueenHalloween [2016-07-24 03:26:58 +0000 UTC]

thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0